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אנף to be angry. [Prob. denominated from אַף (= nose, anger). cp. Moabite אנף (= to be angry), and Arab. ’anifa (= he disdained, scorned, rejected), which are also denominative verbs.] — Qal אָנַף intr. v. was angry. — Hith. הִתְאַנֵּף (of s.m.). — Hiph. הֶאֱנִיף nh he made angry. Derivatives: אֶנֶף, אֲנָפִית, אנפף, and possibly אֲנָפָה. cp. אַנְפִּין.

אֶֽנֶף m.n. mh anger, wrath. [From אנף.]

אֲנָפָה f.n. heron, egret. [Related to Syr. אַנְפָא, Akka. anpatu. These words prob. derive from אנף and lit. mean ‘the quarrelsome bird’.]

אִנְפּוּף m.n. nh speaking through the nose. [Verbal n. of אִנְפֵּף, Pi. of אנפף.]

אֲנָפוֹרָה f.n. fw anaphora — repetition of the same word in successive clauses (rhetorics). [Gk. anaphora (= a carrying back), from anapherein (= to carry back), from ana (= up to; back, backward), and pherein (= to bear, carry), which together with phor (= thief) derives from ie base *bher- (= to bear, carry). See אַשְׁבֹּרֶן. cp. פוּרוּנְקוּל, פּוּרְיָא, the first element in בֶּרוֹנִיקָה, and the second element in מֶטָפוֹרָה, סֶמָפוֹר, פוֹסְפוֹר, פֶּרִיפֶרְיָה, פרן, קָטַפְרֵס, תֵּיאוֹפוֹרִי. cp. also דִּיפֶרֶנֽצְיָאל and בָּרוֹן.]

אַנְפּוֹרְיָה f.n. pbh trading place, trade, merchandise. [Gk. emporion (= a trading place, market), properly neuter of emporios (= pertaining to trade), used as a n., from emporos (= traveler; trader, merchant), from en (= in) and poros (= passage, way, road), which stands in gradational relationship to peirein (= to go through, pierce, cross, traverse) which is related to peran (= to pass through). These words derive from ie base *per- (= to pass over). cp. ‘fare’ (v.) in my cedel.]

אַנְפִּילָה f.n. pbh (pl. אַנְפִּילָאוֹת) felt shoe, felt slipper. [Gk. empilion (= felt shoe), formed from en (= in) and pilos (= felt), which is prob. cogn. with L. pilleus (= felt cap), pilus (= hair). cp. ‘pile’ (= soft hair) in my cedel.]

אַנְפִּין m.n. pl. pbh face. [Aram. See אנף.]

אֲנָפִית f.n. nh heron, egret. [Formed from אֲנָפָה with dimin. suff. □ִית.]

אֲנַפֶּסְט m.n. fw anapaest — a metrical foot consisting of two short syllables followed by a long one, a reversed dactyl (prosody). [L. anapaestus, from Gk. anapaistos (= struck back, rebounding), verbal adj. of anapaiein (= to strike back), from ana (= up to; back), and paiein (= to strike) which is cogn. with L. pavīre (= to beat, ram, tread down). See ‘pave’ in my cedel.]

אנפף to nasalize. [Coined by H.N. Bialik (1873–1934) from אַף (= nose), from base אנף.] — Pi. אִנְפֵּף tr. v. nh he spoke through the nose, nasalized. Derivatives: אִנְפּוּף, אַנְפְּפָן, מְאֻנְפָף.

אַנְפְּפָן m.n. nh one who speaks through the nose. [Formed from אנפף with agential suff. □ָן.]

אֶנְצִיקְלוֹפֵּדִי adj. fw encyclopedic. [Back formation from אֶנְצִיקְלוֹפֵּדְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֶנְצִיקְלוֹפֵּדְיָה f.n. fw encyclopedia. [Late L. encyclopaedia, from inexact Gk. enkyklopaideia, for enkyklios paideia (= circular education, general education), lit.: ‘training in a circle’. Enkyklios is formed from en (= in) and kyklos (= circle). Paideia derives from the stem paideyein (= to rear or bring up a child, to educate), from pais, gen. paidos (= a child), from ie base *pĕu- (= small, little, few, young). See ‘cycle’ and ‘few’ in my cedel and cp. the first element in פֶּדָגוֹג. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אנק to sigh, groan. [Aram. אֲנַק, Syr. אֶנַק (= he sighed, groaned). Base of אֲנָקָהI. Related to base אנח and to the bases there referred to; related also to נאק (metathesis).] — Qal אָנַק intr. v. he sighed, groaned (in the Bible occurring only Jer 51:52 and Ezek. 26:15). — Niph. נֶאֱנַק of s.m. (in the Bible occurring only Ezek. 9:4 and 24:17). Derivative: הֵאָנֽקוּת.

אֲנָקָהI f.n. groaning, groan, cry. [Formed from אנק with first suff. □ָה.]

אֲנָקָהII f.n. gecko (a hapax legomenon occurring Lev. 11:30). [Of uncertain origin.]

אַנְקוֹל m.n. nh hook. [A collateral form of אוּנֽקָל.] Derivative: מְאֻנְקָל.

אַנְקוֹלִי adj. nh unciform, uncinate. [A collateral form of אוּנְקָלִי.]

אַנְקוֹר m.n. pbh bunting (bird). [Perhaps formed from נקר.]

אֶנֶרְגִּי adj. fw energetic. [Back formation from אֶנֶרֽגְּיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֶנֶרְגְּיָה f.n. fw energy. [Late L. energīa, from Gk. energeia (= energy, efficiency), which was formed by Aristotle from energes, late form of [[pg-42]]energos (= at work, active), from en (= in) and ergon (= work). See אֶרְג and suff. □יָה.]

אֲנַרְכִי adj. fw anarchic. [Back formation from אֲנַרְכְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֲנַרְכְיָה f.n. fw anarchy. [Fren. anarchic, from Gk. anarchia (= lack of a leader, state of being without any leader), from anarchos (= without chief), from privative pref. an and archos (= leader, chief, ruler). See אַרְכִי.]

אֲנַרְכִיזְם m.n. fw anarchism. [See אֲנַרְכִי and suff. □ִיזְם.]

אֲנַרְכִיסְט m.n. fw anarchist. [See אֲנַרְכְיָה and suff. □ִיסְט.]

אנשׁI to be weak, to be sick. [Akka. enēshu (= to be weak). cp. Syr. נַשׁ (= became weak). Arab. ’anutha (= became womanly), is prob. denominated from ’unthā (= feminine, female). cp. אֱנוֹשׁ.] — Qal (see אָנוּשׁ). — Niph. נֶאֱנַשׁ he grew sick (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Sam II 12:15 in the form וַיֵּאָנֵשׁ, ‘and he became very sick’).

אנשׁII to humanize. [Denominated from אֱנוֹשׁ (= man, mankind).] — Pi. אִנֵּשׁ tr. v. nh he humanized. — Pu. אֻנַּשׁ nh was humanized. — Hiph. הֶאֱנִישׁ nh 1 he humanized. 2 he anthropomorphized. 3 he personified. — Hoph. הָאֳנַשׁ nh 1 was humanized. 2 he was anthropomorphized. 3 he was personified. Denominated from אֱנוֹשׁ. cp. הַאֲנָשָׁה. Derivatives: אִנּוּשׁ, הַאֲנָשָׁה.

אֲנַ״שׁ abbr. nh our friends, members of our group. [Formed from the initials of the words אַנְשֵׁי שְׁלוֹמֵנוּ (of s.m.).]

אֱנָשֵׁי, אִינְשֵׁי people. [Aram., pl. of אֱנָשׁ (= man). See אֱנוֹשׁ and cp. the second element in בַּרְנָשׁ.]

אֲנָשִׁים m.n. pl. men. serving as the pl. of אִישׁ (= man). [Related to אֱנוֹשׁ.]

אַנְתְּ m. & f. pron. pbh thou, you. [Aram. See אַתָּה, אַתִּ.]

אַנְתּוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw anthology. [Gk. anthologia (= a flower gathering), from anthologos (= gathering flowers), which is formed from anthos (= flower), and legein (= to gather). See אַנְטִילוֹפָּה, לִגְיוֹן and suff. □יָה.]

אַנְתְּרוֹפּוֹלוֹג m.n. fw anthropologist. [Back formation from אַנְתְּרוֹפּוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

אַנְתְּרוֹפּוֹלוֹגִי adj. fw anthropological. [Back formation from אַנְתְּרוֹפּוֹלוֹגְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אַנְתִּרוֹפּוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw anthropology. [The word lit. means ‘the science of man’. It is compounded of Gk. anthropos (= man), and logia (see □לוֹגְיָה). Gk. anthropos is perhaps a dialectal variant of andropos, a compound of aner, gen. andros (= man), and ops (= eye, face), and lit. means ‘he who has the face of a man’. For the etymology of aner see אַנְדַּרֽטָא. Ops derives from ie base *oqw- (= eye). cp. the second element in מִיזַנְתְּרוֹפּ and in פִילַנְתְּרוֹפּ.]

אַסְדָּה f.n. pbh raft. [Of uncertain origin. The derivation of this word from L. esseda (= two-wheeled war chariot) must be rejected for semantic reasons. There is more probability in the assumption that אַסְדָּה comes from Gk. schedia (= raft). Gk. schedia is of uncertain origin. It means perhaps lit. ‘that which is held together’, and derives from schein (= to hold). See אַסְכּוֹלָה.] Derivative: אַסְדִּית.

אַסְדִּית f.n. nh a small barge. [Formed from אַסְדָּה with dimin. suff. □ִית.]

אָסוּךְ m.n. oil can (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Kin. II 4:2). [Prob. formed from סוך (= to anoint), with prosthetic א□.]

אָסוּם adj. mh rich in corn; abundant. [From אסם; formally, pass. part. of the otherwise not used Qal.]

אִסּוּם m.n. nh storage. [Verbal n. of אִסֵּם, Pi. of אסם.]

אָסוֹן m.n. disaster, calamity, catastrophe, accident. [Prob. from base אסה, whence also Arab. ’asiya (= was sad, was grieved, was distressed). Gesenius connects these words with Arab. ’asā, Aram.-Syr. אַסִּי (= he cured, healed) as verbs having privative meaning, however, these verbs are prob. denominated from אָסְיָא. See אָסְיָא.]

אָסוּף adj. mh gathered, collected. [Pass. part. of אָסַף. See אסף and cp. אֲסוּפִי.]

אִסּוּף m.n. nh collection, assemblage, compilation. [Verbal n. of אִסֵּף, Pi. of אסף.]

אֲסוּפִי m.n. pbh foundling. [Lit.: ‘taken in’, from אָסוּף. pass. part. of אָסַף. See אסף.]

אַסּוֹצִיאַצְיָה f.n. association. [Med. L. associātiō, from L. associātus, p. part. of associāre (= to join to, unite with), from ad (= to, toward) and sociāre (= to join together, associate), from socius (= companion). For the ending of אַסּוֹצִיאַצְיָה see suff. □ַצְיָה.]

אָסוּר adj. 1 bound. 2 imprisoned. 3 pbh forbidden. [Pass. part. of אָסַר. See אסר.]

אִסּוּר m.n. pbh prohibition. [From אסר. cp. אִסָּרI.]

אֵסוּר m.n. band, bond. [From אסר. cp. Aram. אֱסוּר, Syr. אֲסוּרָא.]

אָסוּתָא f.n. pbh 1 medicine. 2 God bless you! [Aram. אָסוּ, emphatic st. אָסוּתָא (= cure, medicine, remedy), from אַסִּי (= he cured), which is a back formation from אָסְיָא (= physician).]

אִסְטוֹמְכָה f.n. pbh stomach. [Gk. stomachos (= throat, gullet, esophagus, stomach) from stoma (= mouth). cp. ‘stoma’ and ‘stomach’ in my cedel. The אִ□ in אִסְטוֹמְכָה is prosthetic.)

אַסְטִיגְמָטִיּוּת m.n. fw astigmatism. [Formed with suff. □וּת from Eng. astigmatic, which is a back formation from astigmatism, a word coined by the English mathematician and philosopher William Whewell in 1819 from Gk. privative pref. a-, and stigma (= puncture, mark, spot), which derives from the stem of stizein (= to prick, point, mark), from ie base *steig- (= to prick, stick, pierce). See ‘stick’ (v.) in my cedel and cp. אִינְסְטִינְקְט.]

אַסְטֶלָה, אַסְטְלֵי f.n. fw (pl. אַסְטֶלוֹת, resp. אַסְטְלִיּוֹת) 1 nh gravestone. 2 pbh stele. [Formed with prosthetic אַ□ from Gk. stele (= an upright stone, monument, gravestone), which is related to stellein (= to set in order, arrange, equip), stole (= adjustment, equipment, clothing). See אִצְטְלָה.]

אַסְטְמָה see אַסְתְּמָה.

אִסְטְנִיס adj. pbh sensitive, fastidious, squeamish. [Gk. asthenes (= weak), lit.: ‘without strength’, from privative pref. a-, and sthenos (= strength), which is of uncertain origin.] Derivative: אִסְטְנִיסוּת

אִסְטְנִיסוּת f.n. mh sensitiveness, fastidiousness. [A hybrid coined from אִסְטְנִיס with Heb. suff. □וּת.]

אַסְטֵרוֹאִיד m.n. fw asteroid. [From Gk. asteroides (= starlike), which is compounded of aster (= star) and -oeides (= -like), from eidos (= form, shape). Gk. aster prob. goes back to an ie primary form *astero, which is of uncertain Sem. origin. It possibly derives from the name of the evening star called after the Sem. goddess Astarte, i.e. Ishtar, Heb. עַשְׁתֹּרֶת. See אַפֽרוֹדִיטָה, and cp. אַסְטְרוֹלוֹג, אַסְטְרוֹנָאוּט, אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם. For the etymology of ‘œides’ see אִידֵיאָה.]

אַסְטְרוֹלוֹג m.n. fw astrologer. [Gk. astrologos (= ‘astronomer’, later ‘astrologer’), compounded of astron (= star), and logos. See אַסְטְרוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

אַסְטְרוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw astrology. [Ultimately from Gk. astrologia (= ‘astronomy’, later ‘astrology’), from astrologos. See אַסְטְרוֹלוֹג. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אַסְטְרוֹנָאוּט m.n. fw astronaut. [Compounded [[pg-43]]of Gk. astron (= star) and nautes (= sailor, seaman). See אַסֽטֵרוֹאִיד and נַוָּט.]

אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם m.n. fw astronomer. [Gk. astronomos (= astronomer; lit: ‘star-arranger’), from astron (= star), and nomos (= stranger), which is related to nemein (= to deal out, distribute). See אַסְטֵרוֹאִיד and נוֹמָד and cp. the second element in אַסֽטְרוֹנוֹמֽיָה.]

אַסְטְרוֹנוֹמִי adj. fw astronomic(al). [Back formation from אַסְטְרוֹנוֹמְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אַסְטְרוֹנוֹמְיָה f.n. fw astronomy. [Ultimately from Gk. astronomia (= astronomy), from astronomos. See אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם and suff. □יָה.]

אַסְטְרָטֶג m.n. pbh strategist. [Formed with prosthetic א□ from Gk. strategos (= leader of an army), which is compounded of stratos (= army), and agein (= to lead, guide, drive). See סַרְדְּיוֹט and cp. ‘strategy’ in my cedel. For the etymology of Gk. agein see אַקְטוּאָלִי.]

אִסְטְרַטְיָא m.n. pbh army; royal suite; retinue. [Formed with prosthetic א□ from Gk. stratia (= army; company, band), from stratos (= army). See סַרְרְּיוֹט and cp. the first element in אַסְטְרָטֶג.]

אָסְיָא m.n. pbh physician (occurring in phrases quoted from Talmud and Midrash). [Aram.-Syr., a loan word from Akka. asū, itself borrowed from Sumeric a-zū (= physician), which lit. means ‘he that knows water’, from ā (= water), (= to know). cp. אָסוּתָא. cp. also אָסוֹן.]

אַסְיָה f.n. fw Asia. [Gk. Asia, from Akka. aṣū (= to go out; to rise — said of the sun), which is related to Heb. יָצָא (= he went out; it rose — said of the sun). Accordingly Asia orig. denoted ‘the Region of the Rising Sun’ in contradistinction to Europe which orig. meant ‘the Region of the Setting Sun’ (see אֵירוֹפָּה). cp. the second element in אֵירַסְיָה. cp. also Asia and ‘wudu’ in my cedel.] Derivative: אַסְיָתִי.

אֲסִימוֹן m.n. 1 pbh uncoined metal; worn coin. 2 nh metal token (to be used in subways, telephone booths, etc.). [Gk. asemon (= uncoined metal, bullion), properly subst. use of the neuter of the adj. asemos (= without token), which is formed from privative pref. a-, and sema (= sign, token). See סִימָן.]

אֲסִימֶטְרִי adj. fw asymmetric(al). [Back formation from אֲסִימֶטֽרִיָּה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֲסִימֶטְרִיָּה f.n. fw asymmetry. [Gk. asymmetria (= incommensurability), from asymmetros (= incommensurate; disproportionate), from privative pref. a-, and symmetros (= commensurable). See סִימֶטְרִיָּה.]

אַסִּימִילָטוֹר m.n. fw 1 assimilationist. 2 assimilator. [From L. assimilātus, p. part. of assimilāre (= to make like, liken), from ad (= to, toward), and similāre (= to make similar to), from similis (= like, resembling, similar). See ‘similar’ and agential suff. ‘or’ in my cedel.]

אַסִּימִילַצְיָה f.n. fw assimilation. [L. assimilātiō, from assimillātus, p. part. of assimilāre. See אַסִּימִילָטוֹר and cp. דִּיסִימִילַצְיָה. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אַסִּיסְטֶנְט m.n. fw assistant. [Fren. assistant (adj. & n.), properly pres. part. of assister (= to stand by, help, assist), from L. assistere (= to stand by), from ad (= to, toward), and sistere (= to cause to stand, put, place; to stand still, stand), from the reduplicated base of stāre (= to stand). cp. Old I. tíṣṭhati, Avestic hishtaiti (= stands), and Gk. istemi (= I cause to stand, place; I stand). See ‘state’ in my cedel.]

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