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אֵיכוּתִי adj. mh qualitative. [Formed from אֵיכוּת with suff. □ִי.]

אֵיכָכָֽה, אֵיכָֽכָה adv. how. [Compounded of אֵי□ and כָּכָה (= so). See אֵי and כָּכָה.]

אֵיכָן adv. pbh where. [Aram., formed from אֵי (= where) and כָּאן (= here). See אֵי and כָּאן.] Derivative: אכן.

אִיכְּס see אִיקְס.

אִיכְפַּת see אִכְפַּת.

אֵיכְשֶׁהוּ adv. nh somehow. [Compounded of אֵיךְ and שֶׁהוּא (q.v.).]

אִיכְשַׁר pbh was worthy. [Aram., from כְּשַׁר (= was worthy), equivalent of Heb. כָּשַׁר. See כשׁר.]

אִיכְתְּיוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw ichthyology. [Compounded of Gk. ichthys (= fish), and -logia (see □לוֹגְיָה).]

אִיכְתְּיוֹסָאוּר m.n. fw Ichthyosaurus (paleontology). [Compounded of Gk. ichthys (= fish) and sauros (= lizard), which is prob. related to saulos (= twisting, wavering).]

אַֽיִל m.n. (pl. אֵילִים) 1 ram. 2 head, chief, leader. 3 projecting pillar, pilaster. [Prob. meaning lit. ‘the strong animal’ and derived from אולI (= to be strong). Related to Ugar. ’l, Akka. ailu (= ram). Coptic oile, aile (= ram) is a Heb. loan word. cp. אַיָּל, אֵילוֹנִית. For the sense development of אַיִל (= ram; head, chief, leader). cp. עַתּוּד (= he-goat; prince, chief), Akka. lulimu, and Arab. kabsh (= ram; chief, head, leader).]

אַיָּל m.n. hart, stag, deer. [Prob. of the same origin as אַיִל (= ram). Related to Phoen. איל, Ugar. ’yl, Aram. אַיְּלָא, Aram.-Syr. אַיֽלָא, Arab. ’ayyil, ’iyyal, ’uyyal, Ethiop. hayyal (= hart, stag, deer). Akka. ayalu is prob. of s.m.] Derivative: אַיָּלָה.

אִיל m.n. pbh grape worm. [Aram. אִילָא, prob. a loan word from Gk. eyle (= worm, maggot), which prob. is a verbal n. of eilein (= to wind, turn round), from ie base *wel- (= to bend, turn, twist, roll), for whose derivatives in the other ie languages see ‘volute’ in my cedel. Accordingly Gk. eyle properly means ‘that which twists’.]

אֱיָל m.n. power, strength (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 88:5). [Prob. from אולI (= to be strong). cp. אֱיָלוּת.]

אַיָּלָה f.n. hind, doe. [Ugar. ’aylt (= hind, doe). See אַיָּל and first suff. □ָה and cp. Aram. אַיַּלֽתָּא, Syr. אַיְלְתָא.]

אֵילוּ pron. pbh which? [pl. of אֵיזֶה and אֵיזוֹ.]

אִילוּזְיָה f.n. fw illusion. [L. illūsiō (= a mocking, jesting), from illūsus, p. part. of illūdere (= to play with, sport with, mock at; to deceive), from in (= in), and lūdere (= to play). See ‘ludicrous’ in my cedel. For the ending of אִילוּזֽיָה see suff. □יָה.]

[[pg-22]]אִילוּמִינַצְיָה f.n. fw illumination. [Fren., from L. illūminātiō (= a lighting up; enlightening), from illūminātus, p. part. of illūmināre (= to make light, illuminate), from in- (= in), and lūmen (= light), which is related to lux (= light). These words derive from ie base *leuq- (= to emit light, shine bright). cp. אִילוּסְטְרַצְיָה. For the ending of אִילוּמִינַצְיָה see suff. □יָה.]

אֵילוֹנִית f.n. pbh a barren woman. [A derivative of אַיִל (= ram). cp. Aram. דּוּכְרָנִיתָא (= resembling a man, ramlike), from דְּכַר (= male, man, ram).]

אִילוּסְטְרַצְיָה f.n. fw illustration. [L. illūstrātiō (= enlightening), from illūstrātus, p. part. of illūstrāre (= to make light, light up, enlighten, illustrate, render illustrious), from in (= in) and lustrāre (= to purify from guilt, to illuminate). From lūstrum (= purificatory sacrifice made once in five years; a period of five years), which stands for *leuqs-trom, *louqs-trom (properly ‘illumination’), from ie base *leuq- (= to emit light). See ‘light’ (brightness), and verbal suff. ‘-ate’ in my cedel and cp. אִילּוּמִינַצֽיָה.]

אֱיָלוּת f.n. power, strength (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 22:20 in the form אֱיָלוּתִי and prob. meaning ‘my power, my strength’). [See אֱיָל and □וּת.]

אִילִיאָדָה f.n. fw Iliad. [Gk. Ilias, gen. Iliados (= the Iliad), short for Ilias poiesis (lit.: ‘poem treating of Ilium’), from Ilios, Ilion (= Ilium, Troy), properly ‘city of Ilus’, from Ilos, name of the founder of Ilium.]

אִילֵימָא pbh if he says, should he say. [Aram., prob. the two words אִי לֵימָא, written in one. See אִיV and לֵימָא.]

אֵילָךְ adv. pbh hither, thither, further, afterward. [Formed from demonstrative אֵי with the deictic element □לָךְ. אֵילָךְ is a collateral form of הֵילָךְII.]

אֵילָם m.n. (pl. אֵילַמִּים) 1 porch. 2 hall. [A secondary form of אוּלָם (n.).]

אִילָן m.n. pbh (pl. אִילָנוֹת, also אִילָנִים) tree. [Related to Aram. אִילָן, אִילָנָא, Syr. אִילָנָא (= tree), and to Heb. אֵלוֹן (= oak).] Derivative: אִילָנִית.

אִילָנִית f.n. nh tree frog. [Formed from אִילָן with suff. □ִית.]

אים to threaten, frighten. [Base of אָיֹם and אֵימָה.] — Pi. אִיֵּם pbh he frightened, threatened. — Pu. אֻיַּם mh was frightened, was threatened. — Nith. נִתְאַיֵּם mh 1 became terrible; 2 was frightened, was threatened. Derivatives: אִיּוּם, מְאֻיָּם.

אָיֹם adj. fearful, frightful, terrible. [From אים.]

אֵימָה f.n. (pl. אֵימֹות, also אֵימִים) fright, terror, panic. [Formed from אים with first suff. □ָה.]

אִימִיגְרַצְיָה f.n. fw immigration. [From L. immigrāt-(um), p. part. stem of immigrāre (= to go or remove into), from in- (= in), and migrāre (= to move from one place to another, to wander). For the ending of אִימִיגְרַצֽיָה see suff. □יָה. cp. אֶמִיגְרַצֽיָה.]

אִימִיטַצְיָה f.n. fw imitation. [Fren. imitation, from L. imitātiō (= imitation), from imitātus, p. part. of imitārī (= to represent, copy, imitate, counterfeit), which is related to imāgō (= representation, likeness, picture, image, appearance, idea), and stands in gradational relationship to aemulus (= striving to equal), aemulārī (= to strive to equal. See ‘image’ and verbal suff. ‘-ate’ in my cedel and cp. ‘emulate’ ibid. For the ending of אִימִיטַצְיָה see suff. □יָה.]

אֵימָל see אֶמַיל.

אִימָם m.n. fw ‘Imam’, the leading priest in a Moslem mosque; religious leader of Islam. [Arab. ’imām (= leader; lit.: ‘one who precedes’), from ’amma (= he was in front, led the way, preceded). cp. אִמּוּם.]

אִימָנֶנְטִי adj. fw immanent. [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from L. immanēns, pres. part. of immanēre (= to dwell in, remain in), from in- (= in), and manēre (= to remain, stay). See ‘mansion’ and ‘-ent’ in my cedel.]

אִימְפּוֹזַנְטִי adj. fw imposing. [Formed with suff. □ִי from Fren. imposant, pres. p. of imposer, from L. impōnere (= to place into, lay upon, impose), which was Gallicized after Fren. poser (= to put, place). L. impōnere is formed from in- (= in) and pōnere (= to put, place), which is a contraction of *poznō, from *pos(i)nō (lit.: ‘I lay aside’), from pref. po- and sinō (= I set down, leave). See ‘position’ in my cedel.]

אִימְפּוֹטֶנְטִי adj. fw impotent. [Formed with suff. □ִי from L. impotēns (= powerless, impotent), from in- (= not) and potens (= powerful, mighty, potential), pres. part. of posse, for potis esse (= to be able).]

אִימְפּוּלְס m.n. fw impulse. [L. impulsus (= pressure, stock; incitement, instigation), from impulsus, p. part. of impellere (= to push, strike against; to drive forward, urge on; to incite, instigate), from in- (= in) and pellere (= to drive), which prob. derives from ie base *pel- (= to shake, swing), whence also Gk. tallein (= to wield, brandish, swing; to quiver), pelemizein (= to shake, cause to tremble), polemos (= war). cp. ‘pulse’ in my cedel.] Derivative: אִימְפּוּלְסִיבִי.

אִימְפּוּלְסִיבִי adj. fw impulsive. [Formed from אִימְפּוּלְס with suff. □ִי.] Derivative: אִימְפּוּלֽסִיבִיּוּת.

אִימְפּוּלְסִיבִיּוּת f.n. fw impulsiveness. [Formed from אִימְפּוּלִסִיבִי with suff. □וּת.]

אִימְפּוֹנְדֶּרַבִּילִי adj. imponderable. [Formed from L. in- (= not) and Late L. ponderābilis (= that can be weighed), from ponderāre (= to weigh), from pondus (= weight).]

אִימְפּוֹנְדֶּרַבִּילִיּוּת f.n. fw imponderability. [Formed from אִימְפּוֹנֽדֶּרַבִּילִי with suff. □וּת which stands in gradational relationship to pendēre (= to hang, hang down). See ‘pound’ (unit of weight) in my cedel.]

אִימְפּוֹרְט m.n. fw import. [From L. importāre (= to bring into; to bring about, cause), from in- (= in), and portāre (= to carry). Related to porta (= gate, door), portus (= harbor; orig. entrance, passage), and cogn. with Old I. píparti (= brings over), pāráyati (= carries over), Gk. peirein (= to penetrate), from ie base *per- (= to lead across, drive across, traverse, pierce). See ‘fare’ (v.) in my cedel and cp. ‘port’ (to carry) ibid. cp. also אֶקְסְפּוֹרְט.]

אִימְפְּרוֹבִיזַצְיָה f.n. fw improvisation. [From Fren. improviser, from It. improvvisare, from improvviso (= unforeseen), from L. imprōvīsus (= unforeseen, unexpected), from in- (= not) and prōvidēre (= to see beforehand), which is formed from prō- (= before, fore-) and vidēre (= to see).] See pref. פּֽרוֹ□I, וִיזָה and suff. □יָה.]

אִימְפֶּרָטוֹר m.n. fw imperator. [L. imperātor (= commander-in-chief, general, commander; emperor), from imperātus, p. part. of imperāre (= to command), from in- (= in), and parāre (= to prepare), from ie base *per- (= to bring forward, bring forth). cp. ‘pare’ and ‘emperor’ in my cedel. cp. also אִימְפֶּרְיָה.]

אִימְפֶּרְיָאלִיזְם m.n. fw imperialism. [From L. imperium. See אִימְפֶּרָטוֹר and suff. □ִיזְם.]

אִימְפֶּרְיָאלִיסְט m.n. fw imperialist. [See אִימְפֶּרֽיָאלִיזֽם and suff. □ִיסְט.]

אִימְפֶּרְיָאלִיסְטִי adj. fw imperialistic. [Formed from אִימֽפֶּרְיָאלִיסְט with suff. □ִי.]

אִימְפֶּרְיָה f.n. fw imperium. [L. imperium (= command, order; dominion, empire), from the stem of imperāre (= to command). See אִימֽפֶּרָטוֹר.]

אִימְפְּרֶסְיוֹנִיזְם m.n. fw impressionism. [Fren. impressionisme, formed from impression and suff. -isme (see □ִיזְם.]

אִימְפְּרֶסְיוֹנִיסְט m.n. fw impressionist. [[pg-23]][Fren. impressioniste, from the phrase école impressioniste, coined by the French critic Louis Leroy in 1874 to ridicule a painting by Claude Monet, called Impression — Sunrise.] [Fren. impression (= impression), derived from L. impressīo (= impression; lit.: ‘a pressing into’), from impressus, p. part. of imprimere (= to press into, impress), from in- (= in, into) and premere (= to press). For the ending see suff. □ִיסְט.]

אִימְפְּרֶסְיוֹנִיסְטִי adj. fw impressionistic. [Formed from אִימֽפְּרֶסֽיוֹנִיסְט with suff. □ִי.]

אִימְפְּרֶסַרְיוֹ m.n. fw impresario. [It. impresario, from impresa (= undertaking, device), properly f. p. part. of imprendere, from VL imprendere (= to undertake), from L. in (= in) and prehendere, prendere (= to take), which is formed from pre- (for prae, before), and hendere, from ie base *ghe(n)d- (= to clasp, seize, reach, attain, hold). Cp. ‘get’ in my cedel and words there referred to.]

אֵימַת, אֵימָתַי adv. pbh when? [Compounded of אֵי (= where), and מָתַי (= when).]

אֵימָֽתָה f.n. fear, terror, panic (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ex. 15:16, and identical in meaning with אֵימָה. [Formed from אֵימָה with suff. □ָתָה. This suff., which was used only in poetry, and only with f. nouns ending in □ָה, was orig. the accusative suff. denoting direction or intention. cp. the endings of יֽשׁוּעָֽתָה, עֶזְרָֽתָה, עַוְלָֽתָה, עֵיפָֽתָה, צָרָֽתָה.]

אֵימָתַי see אֵימַת.

אֵימְתָן m.n. pbh 1 a fear-inspiring person. 2 nh terrorist. [From Aram. (cp. BAram. אֵימְתָנִי), a derivative of אֵימְתָא (= Heb. אֵימָה, ‘fright terror’).] Derivatives: אֵימְתָנוּת, אֵימְתָנִי.

אֵימְתָנוּת f.n. nh terrorism. [Formed from אֵימְתָן with suff. □וּת.]

אֵימְתָנִי adj. nh terroristic. [Formed from אֵימְתָן with suff. □ִי.]

אַֽיִןI 1 m.n. nothing, naught, non-existence. 2 adv. expressing negation (as specified in the following examples). — אֵין preceding a gen. means ‘without’ or ‘less’, as in אֵין אוֹנִים (= powerless, helpless), אֵין קֵץ (= endless). — אֵין with prepositions: בְּאֵין (= in lack of, without), לְאֵין (= so that not, without), מֵאֵין (= from lack of, for want of). — אַיִן and אֵין□ in most cases negate the whole sentence and are to be translated ‘there is not’, ‘there are not’, ‘there were not’, etc. — אֵין לִי, אֵין לְךּ, etc. mean ‘I have not’, ‘thou hast not’. —אֵין לְ□ with following inf. usually means ‘it is not possible to’, or ‘it is not allowed to’. [Related to Moabite אן, Akka. iānu (= is not, is not existing), īnu (= nothing), Ethiop. en, and according to Gesenius to Arab. ayn (= weariness).] Derivatives: אין, אֵינוּת. cp. מֵאֵין and the first element in אֵינְסוֹף.

אַֽיִןII adv. where? whence? [Formed from אֵי (= where). cp. Akka. aina, ainu (= where?), Arab. áyna (= where). cp. also the second element in מִנַּיִן (= from where? whence?).]

אין to negate, deny, nullify. [Denominated from אַיִןI.] — Pi. אִיֵּן tr. v. nh he negated, denied. — Pu. אֻיַּן nh was negated, was denied. — Hith. הִתְאַיֵּן was annihilated. Derivatives: אִיּוּן, מְאֻיָּן, הִתְאַיְּנוּת.

אִינְגֵּ׳ינֶר m.n. fw engineer. [Eng. engineer, formed with suff. -eer from engine, from Old Fren. engin (= skill; invention; machine, engine), from L. ingenium (= nature, natural disposition, talent, ability), from in- (= in) and the stem of gignere (= to beget), which derives from ie base *ĝen-, *ĝenē-, *ĝenō-, *ĝn- (= to beget, bear, bring forth, produce), whence also L. genus (= birth, descent, origin, race, sort, kind, class; sex, gender). See ‘genus’ in my cedel and cp. אִינְטֶרֽנַצְיוֹנָלִי.]

אִינְדּוּלְגֶּנְצְיָה f.n. fw indulgence. [L. indulgentia (= indulgence, gentleness, complaisance), from indulgēus, pres. part. of indulgēre (= to be kind, yield, indulge in), orig. ‘to be long-suffering, be bearing, be patient’, which is cogn. with Old I. dīrgháh, Gk. dolichos (= long). See ‘dolicho-’ in my cedel.]

אִינְדּוּקְטוֹר m.n. fw inductor. [L. inductor (= one who stirs up or rouses), from inductus, p. part. of indūcere (= to lead in, bring in; to introduce; to persuade), from in- (= in), and dūcere (= to lead, conduct, guide, draw), from Old L. doucere, from ie base *douk-, *deuk- (= to pull, draw). cp. ‘duke’ in my cedel and words there referred to. cp. also אִינְדּוּקֽצֽיָה.]

אִינְדוּקְצְיָה f.n. fw induction. [L. inductiō (= a leading in, introduction), from inductus, p. part. of indūcere. See אִינְדּוּקְטוֹר and suff. □ִיָה.]

אִינְדִּיבִידוּאוּם m.n. fw individuum. [From L. indīviduus (= undivided, indivisible), from in- (= not), and dīviduus (= divisible), from dīvidere (= to force apart, separate, divide), which is formed from di- (= apart, asunder), and ie base *widh- (= to separate). See ‘window’ in my cedel and cp. words there referred to. cp. אִינְדִּיבִידוּאָלִי.]

אִינְדִּיבִידוּאָלִי adj. fw individual. [Med. L. indīviduālis, from L. indīviduus. See אִינֽדִּיבִידוּאוּם and suff. □ִי.] Derivatives: אִינֽדִיבִידוּאָלִיּוּת, אִינְדִּיבִידוּאַלִיזְם.

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