Reel: 946
Gisborne, Thomas, 1758-1846.
An enquiry into the duties of the female sex.
London, Printed for T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies. 1797
Item identification number 248.
Reel: 38
Gizycki, Paul von, 1856-1908, ed.
Vom Baume der Erkenntnis; Fragmente zur Ethik und Psychologie aus der Weltlitteratur.
Berlin, F. Dümmler. 1897
Item identification number 4237.
Reel: 550
Gizycki, Paul von, 1856-1908, ed.
Das Weib.
Berlin, F. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1897
Item identification number 4238; Fragmente zur Ethik und Psychologie aus der Weltlitteratur gesammelt und herausgegeben von Dr. Paul von Gizycki.
Reel: 550
Gladstone, William Ewart, 1809-1898.
Female suffrage; a letter to Samuel Smith [dated April 11, 1892, on the bill extending the parliamentary suffrage to women].
London, J. Murray. 1892
Item identification number 9416.
Reel: 953
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680.
Sadducimus triumphatus; or, A full and plain evidence, concerning witches and apparitions. In two parts, the first treating of their possibility, the second of their real existence.
London, A. Bettesworth and J. Batley [etc.]. 1726
Item identification number 249; 4th ed., with additions.
Reel: 39
Glasgow, Maude.
... On the regulation of prostitution.
[n.p.] A. R. Elliott pub. co. 1910
Item identification number 9899; with special reference to paragraph 79 of the Page Bill.
Reel: 961
Glasson, Ernest Désiré, 1839-1907.
Le marriage civil et le divorce dans l'antiquité et dans les principales législations modernes de l'Europe.
Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel. 1880
Item identification number 3309; 2 éd., revue et considérablement augmentée.
Reel: 447
Gleason (Rev. Father).
Extracts from the speech of the Rev. Father Gleason at Central Theatre, San Francisco, May 23, 1911.
San Francisco, California Equal Suffrage Association. [1911?]
Item identification number 9034.
Reel: 949
Glyn, Elinor (Sutherland).
Three things.
London, Duckworth & co. [1915]
Item identification number 6560.
Reel: 816
Gnauck-Kühne, Elisabeth, 1852-1917.
Die Deutsche Frau um die Jahrhundertwende.
Berlin, O. Liebmann, Buchhandlung für Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften. 1904
Item identification number 5221; Statistische Studie zur Frauenfrage. Mit. sechs farbigen Diagrammen.
Reel: 656
Gnauck-Kühne, Elisabeth, 1852-1917.
Dienstpflicht und Dienstjahr des weiblichen Geschlechts.
Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Sieback). 1915
Item identification number 6561; Mit 4 Diagrammen.
Reel: 816
Goddard, Lucy.
Photograph of Lucy Goddard.
Photograph number: P280.
Reel: 963
Goddard, Martha (LeBaron) 1829-1888.
Worcester, Mass., Davis & Banister. 1901
Item identification number 5222; selected by Sarah Theo Brown, with recollections by Nathan Haskell Dole.
Reel: 656
Goddard, William, fl. 1615.
A satirycall dialogve; or, A sharplye-invectiue conference betweene Allexander the Great and that truely woman-hater Diogynes.
London, Priv. print. for subscribers only. 1897
Item identification number 4239; Imprinted in the Lowcountryes ?Dort? 1615 for all such gentlewomen as are not altogeather idle nor yet well ocvpyed. From a unique copy in the British museum, edited by John S. Farmer.
Reel: 550
Godefroi, Michaël Jacobus, 1819-1895.
Getuigen en redden.
's. Hertogenbosch, Van Heusdan. 1880
Item identification number 3309.1; Open brief aan H. Pierson.
Reel: 447
Godet, Philippe Ernest, 1850-1922.
Madame de Charrière et ses amis, d'après de nombreux documents inédits (1740-1805) avec portraits, vues, autographes, etc.
Genève, A. Jullien. 1906
Item identification number 5831.
Reel: 729
Godts, Francis Xavier.
Erreurs et crimes en fait d'éducation.
Roulers, Bruxelles, J. de Meester; [etc., etc.]. 1903
Item identification number 5223; I. Le féminisme condamné par des principes de théologie.
Reel: 656
Godwin, William, 1756-1836.
Memoirs of the author of A vindication of the rights of woman.
London, J. Johnson. 1798
Item identification number 250; 2d ed., cor.
Reel: 39
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.
Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Marianne von Willemer.
Stuttgart, Cotta. 1878
Item identification number 2694; Hrsg. mit Lebensnachrichten und Erläuterungen von Th Greizenach.
Reel: 383
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.
Goethes Briefe an Frau von Stein, hrsg. von Adolf Schöll.
Frankfurt a. M., Rütten & Loening. 1883-85
Item identification number 3310; 2. vervollständigte Aufl. bearb von Wilhelm Fielitz.
Reel: 447
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.
Goëthe's correspondence with a child.
[Bettina Brentano] London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans. 1837
Item identification number 1059.
Reel: 164
Goethe, Katharine Elisabeth (Textor), 1731-1808.
Goethe's mother.
New York, Dodd, Mead & company. [1880]
Item identification number 3311; Correspondence of Catherine Elizabeth Goethe with Goethe, Lavater, Wieland, Duchess Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar, Friedrich von Stein, and others. Tr. from the German, with the addition of biographical sketches from notes, by Alfred S. Gibbs. with an introductory note by Clarence Cook.
Reel: 447
Goethe, Louise.
Les esclaves, étude de moeurs contemporaines.
Paris, Gaittet. 1862
Item identification number 2257; Ouvrage précedé d'une lettre de M. Victor Hugo.
Reel: 330
Gohier, Urbain [Degoulet], called, 1862.
Pour nos victimes. La femme, l'enfant.
Paris, A. Messein. 1910
Item identification number 5833.
Reel: 729
Golborne, John.
A friendly apology, in the behalf of the womans excellency: together with some examples of women-worthies.
London, H. Mortlock. 1674
Item identification number 251; As also the character of a virtuous and accomplished woman: wherein ladies of pleasure are taxed and admonished.
Reel: 39
Golder, Christian, 1849-1922.
History of the deaconess movement in the Christian Church.
Cincinnati, Jennings and Pye. [1903]
Item identification number 5224.
Reel: 656
Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940.
Anarchism and other essays.
New York, Mother Earth publishing association; London, A. C. Fifield. 1917
Item identification number 7395; with biographic sketch by Hippolyte Havel ... 3rd rev. ed.
Reel: 893
Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940.
Marriage and love.
New York, Mother Earth Pub. Association. 1916
Item identification number 9959; 2d ed.
Reel: 962
Goldmark, Josephine Clara.
Photograph of Josephine Clara Goldmark.
Photograph numbers: P281 - P282.
Reel: 963
Goldsheid, Rudolf.
Frauenfrage und Menschenökonomie.
Wien und Leipzig, Brüder Suschitzky. [1913]
Item identification number 6562.
Reel: 816
Goldstein, Vida.
Woman suffrage in Australia.
[London] The Woman's Press. [1910?]
Item identification number 9488.
Reel: 954
Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967, ed.
The making of women, Oxford essays in feminism.
London, G. Allen & Unwin ltd.; New York, The Macmillan co. [1917]
Item identification number 7396; by A. Maude Royden, Ralph Rooper, Eleanor F. Rathbone, Elinor Burns, "The Round table".
Reel: 893
Golovina, Varvara Nikolaevna (Golitsyna) grafinia, 1766-1821.
Memoirs of Countess Golovine, a lady at the court of Catherine II.
London, D. Nutt. 1910
Item identification number 5836; Translated from the French by G. M. Fox-Davies.
Reel: 730
Goltz, Eduard Alexander, freiherr von der, 1870.
Der Dienst der Frau in der christlichen Kirche.
Potsdam, Stiftungsverlag. 1914
Item identification number 6563; Geschichtlicher Ueberblick mit einer Sammlung von Urkunden ... 2 verm. Auflage mit einem Anhang von Pastor Schoene" Der Dienst der Frau in der Mission".
Reel: 817
Gomez, de Avellaneda, y Arteaga, Gertrudis, 1814-1873.
Obras literarias.
Madrid, Imprenta y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1869-1871
Item identification number 2257.1.
Reel: 330
Gomez, Madeleine Angelique Poisson de, 1684-1770.
La belle assemblée: being a curious collection of some very remarkable incidents which happened to persons of the first quality in France.
London, A. Woodfall [etc.]. 1765
Item identification number 252; 8th ed.
Reel: 39
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
L'amour au dix-huitième siècle.
Paris, E. Dentu. 1875
Item identification number 2696.
Reel: 383
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
La duchesse de Chateauroux et ses soeurs.
Paris, G. Charpentier. 1879
Item identification number 2697.
Reel: 383
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
La femme au XVIIIe siècle, par Edmond et Jules de Goncourt.
Paris, Librarie de Firmin-Didot et cie. 1887
Item identification number 3312.
Reel: 448
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
Madame du Barry.
London, J. Long. 1914
Item identification number 6564; with photogravure and 15 other portraits.
Reel: 817
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
La Saint-Huberty, d'après sa correspondance et ses papiers de famille.
Paris, E. Dentu. 1882
Item identification number 3313.
Reel: 448
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
Sophie Arnould d'après sa correspondance et ses mémoires inédits.
Paris, G. Charpentier et cie. 1885
Item identification number 3314.
Reel: 448
Gonnard, René, 1874.
... La femme dans l'industrie.
Paris, A. Colin. 1906
Item identification number 5225.
Reel: 656
Gontaut-Biron, Marie Joséphine Louise (de Montaut de Navailles), duchess de, 1773-1862.
Mémoires de Madame la duchesse de Gontaut, gouvernante des enfants de France pendant la restauration, 1773-1836.
Paris, E. Plon, Nourritt et cie. 1891
Item identification number 4240.
Reel: 550
González Castro, José.
El trabajo de la mujer en la industria; condiciones en que se efectúa y sus consecuencias en el porvenir de la raza, medidas de protección necesaria.
Madrid, Imp. de la suc. de M. Minuesa de los Ríos. 1914
Item identification number 6565.
Reel: 817
Gonzalez de Fanning, Teresa, 1835.
Educación femenina; coleoción de artículos pedagógicos, morales y sociologicos.
Lima, "El Lucerno". 1905
Item identification number 5226.
Reel: 656
González del Valle y Ramírez, Francisco, 1881.
Los derechos de los hijos ilegitimos, por el Dr. Francisco G. del Valle.
Habana, "El Siglo XX,". 1920
Item identification number 7398.
Reel: 894
Gonzalvo, Luis.
La mujer musulmana en España.
Madrid, Tip. Española. 1904
Item identification number 5227; Conferencia pronunciada el lunes 4 de Abril de 1904.
Reel: 656
Good, James Isaac, 1850-1924.
Women of the Reformed Church.
[1st edition Philadelphia] Sunday School Board of the Reformed Church in the United States. 1901
Item identification number 5228.
Reel: 656
Goodale, Frances Abigail (Rockwell) ed.
The literature of philanthropy.
New York, Harper & brothers. 1893
Item identification number 4241.
Reel: 550
Goodell, Abner Cheney, 1831-1914.
Reasons for concluding that the Act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the persons convicted of wtichcraft in Massachusetts in the year 1692, became a law.
Cambridge, J. Wilson & son. 1884
Item identification number 7932; Being a reply to supplementary notes, etc., by George H. Moore.
Reel: 935
Goodhart, Charles Joseph.
The lawfulness of marriage with a deceased wife's sister, examined by scripture.
London. 1849
Item identification number 9720; 2d ed.
Reel: 957
Goodloe, Abbe Carter, 1867.
College girls.
N.Y., Scribner. 1895
Item identification number 4241.1; illus. by Charles Dana Gibson.
Reel: 551
Goodnow, Charles N.
A new law dealing with wife and child abandonment.
Chicago. [1913]
Item identification number 8470.
Reel: 942
Goodrich, Frank Boott, 1826-1894.
Women of beauty and heroism from Semiramis to Eugenie.
New York, Derby & Jackson. 1859
Item identification number 1760.
Reel: 262
Goodrich, Henrietta I.
A possible alleviation of present difficulties in domestic service.
[n.p.]. [1900?]
Item identification number 8574; The laboratory kitchen and food supply co. founded with the co-operation of the Women's educational and industrial union.
Reel: 943
[Goodrich, Samuel Griswold], 1793-1860.
Lives of celebrated women.
Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. [1846]
Item identification number 1370; by the author of Peter Parley's tales.
Reel: 206
Goodwin, Charles Wycliffe, 1817-1878, ed.
The Anglo-Saxon legends of St. Andrew & St. Veronica.
Cambridge, Deighton, Macmillan and co.; London, J. W. Parker; Oxford, J. H. Parker. 1851
Item identification number 1761.
Reel: 262
Goodwin, Grace Duffield.
Anti-suffrage; ten good reasons.
New York, Duffield and co. 1913
Item identification number 6566.
Reel: 817
Goodwin, Henry Martyn, 1820-1893.
The seven pillars of womanhood.
Chicago, Jameson & Morse, printers. 1883
Item identification number 7928; A dedication address.
Reel: 935
Goodwin, Maud (Wilder) 1856.
... Dolly Madison.
New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1896
Item identification number 4243.
Reel: 551
Gool, Jan van, d. 1763.
De nieuwe schouburg der Nederlantsche kunstschilders en schilderessen: waer in de levens- en kunstbedryven der tans levende en reets overleedene schilders, die van Houbraken, noch eenig ander schryver, zyn aengeteekend, verhaelt worden.
's Gravenhage, Gedrukt voor den autheur. 1750-51
Item identification number 253; Door Johan van Gool.
Reel: 40
Gordon, Anna Adams, 1853-1931.
The beautiful life of Frances E. Willard, a memorial volume.
Chicago, Woman's temperance publishing association. [c1898]
Item identification number 4244; Introduction by Lady Henry Somerset, with character sketches and memorial tributes by the general officers of the World's and the National W.C.T.U., English leaders ... and other distinguished persons.
Reel: 551
Gordon, Elizabeth Putnam, 1851-1933.
Alice Gordon Gulick, her life and work in Spain.
New York, Revell. [1917]
Item identification number 7399.
Reel: 894
Gordon, Helen Cameron, 1867.
A woman in the Sahara.
London, W. Heinemann. [1915]
Item identification number 6567.
Reel: 817
Gordon, Henry Laing.
The modern mother, a guide to girlhood, motherhood, and infancy.
New York, R. F. Fenno & co. [1909]
Item identification number 5839; Fully illustrated by René Walker.
Reel: 730
Gordon, Lydia L.
From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland.
Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1889
Item identification number 3316.
Reel: 448
Gordon, Nancy McKay.
Woman revealed; a message to the one who understands.
Chicago, The author. [c1901]
Item identification number 5229; Second edition.
Reel: 657
Gordon, Samuel Dickey, 1859-1936.
Quiet talks on home ideals.
New York, Chicago [etc., etc.] F. H. Revell co. [1909]
Item identification number 5840; by Mary Kilgore Gordon.
Reel: 730
Gordon, Winifred.
A woman in the Balkans.
London, New York [etc.] T. Nelson & sons, ltd. [1918]
Item identification number 7400.
Reel: 894
Gordon-Cumming, Constance Frederica, 1837-1924.
A lady's cruise in a French man-or-war.
Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and sons. 1882
Item identification number 3315.
Reel: 448
[Gore, Catherine Grace Frances (Moody)], 1799-1861.
The diary of a désennuyée.
Philadelphia, E. L. Carey and A. Hart. 1836
Item identification number 1060.
Reel: 165
[Gore, Catherine Grace Frances (Moody)], 1799-1861.
Women as they are; or, The manners of the day.
London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley. 1830
Item identification number 1062; Second edition.
Reel: 165
Gore, Charles, 1853-1932.
The question of divorce.
London, J. Murray. 1911
Item identification number 6568.
Reel: 817
Gorman, Sister Mary Rosario, 1880.
The nurse in Greek life.
Boston [Foreign Languages Print]. 1917
Item identification number 7401.
Reel: 894
Gosson, Stephen, 1554-1624.
Pleasant quippes for upstart newfangled gentlewomen.
London, Reprinted by C. Richards. 1841
Item identification number 1371; A treatise on the pride and abuse of women. by Charles Bansley. The first from a copy with the author's autograph; the last from an unique impression by Thomas Raynalde.
Reel: 206
Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1746-1797.
Zum Andenken der Frau von Buchwald.
Gotha, Ettinger. 1790
Item identification number 254.1; Nebst zwey ungedruckten Briefen des Herrn von Voltaire.
Reel: 40
Goudge, Henry Leighton, 1866-1939.
The place of women in the church.
London, R. Scott; Milwaukee, Wis., The Young Churchman co. 1917
Item identification number 7402; by H. L. Goudge [and others].
Reel: 894
Goudoever, G. Willem Van.
Specimen juridicum inaugurale de divortio secundum codicem civilem Neerlandicum.
Trajecti ad Rhenum, L. E. Bosch. 1839
Item identification number 1063.
Reel: 165
Gougar, Helen M.
Photograph of Helen M. Gougar.
Photograph number: P283.
Reel: 963
Gougar, Helen Mar Jackson, 1843-1907.
The constitutional rights of the women of Indiana.
[n.p.]. [n.d.]
Item identification number 9594.
Reel: 955
Gougar, Helen Mar Jackson, 1843-1907.
"I have all the rights I want.".
[n.p.]. [n.d.]
Item identification number 9205; A true story.
Reel: 950
Gougar, Helen Mar Jackson, 1843-1907.
Some of the idiots.
[Layfayette, Indiana, Herald co.]. [n.d.]
Item identification number 9206.
Reel: 950
Gould, Elizabeth Porter, 1848-1906.
Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman.
Philadelphia, David McKay. [1900]
Item identification number 4245.
Reel: 551
Gould, Frederick James, 1855-1938.
On the threshold of sex.
London, C. W. Daniel. 1909
Item identification number 5841; A book for readers aged 14 to 21 ... with introduction by Dr. D. W. Saleeby.
Reel: 730
[Goulin, Jean], 1728-1799.
Der arzt des frauenzimmers, oder die kunst, dieselben gesund zu erhalten.
Leipzig, J. G. Müller. 1773
Item identification number 254.2; Aus dem Französischen [von J. G. F.
Reel: 40
Gourd, Alphonse, 1850.
Étude sur la condition de la mère en droit romain et en droit français.
Paris, A. Derenne, editeur. 1875
Item identification number 2703.
Reel: 383
Gourd, Emilie.
... A travail égal, salaire égal.
Genève, P. Richter. 1919
Item identification number 8217; D'après une enquête faite par l'Association suisse pour le suffrage féminin (1917-1918).
Reel: 939
Gourmont, Jean de, 1877-1928.
Muses d'aujourd'hui; essai de physiologie poétique.
Paris, Mercure de France. 1910
Item identification number 5842.
Reel: 730
Gouttes, Jacques de.
Étude historique, critique et comparative des rapports du divorce et de la séparation de corps.
Toulouse, V. Rivière. 1899
Item identification number 4246.
Reel: 551
Gouverneur, Marian (Campbell).
As I remember; recollections of American society during the nineteenth century.
New York and London, D. Appleton & co. 1911
Item identification number 6569.
Reel: 817
Govion, Broglio Solari, Catherine (Hyde) marquise de, 1755 or 6-1844.
Letters of the Marchioness Broglio Solari.
London, W. Pickering. 1845
Item identification number 1372; containing a sketch of her life.
Reel: 207
Gow, Alex Murdoch.
Good morals and gentle manners.
Cincinnati, New York, Wilson, Hinkle & co. [c1873]
Item identification number 2704; For schools and families.
Reel: 384
Gowanlock, Theresa.
Two months in the camp of Big Bear.
Parkdale, Times office. 1885
Item identification number 3317; The life and adventures of Theresa Gowanlock and Theresa Delaney.
Reel: 448
Gowing, Clara.
The Alcotts as I knew them.
Boston, C. M. Clark pub. co. 1909
Item identification number 5843.
Reel: 730
Goyau, Lucie Félix (Faure) 1866-1913.
Christianisme et culture féminine.
Paris, Perrin et cie. 1914
Item identification number 6570.
Reel: 817
Goyau, Lucie Félix (Faure) 1866-1913.
L'évolution féminine.
Paris, Perrin et cie. 1917
Item identification number 7403; La femme au foyer & dans la cité.
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