India and Israel Against Islamic Terror

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The Fall from Grace
Mention has been made earlier of the legacy of the three M’s

avidly followed by Nehru and his dynasty, his camp followers

led by Leftists, Congressmen and the Jawaharlal Nehru University

GNU) school of thought, all aimed at vilifying Hindus and their

Hindus can rightly be proud of their oldest culture and

Sanskrit, which is the mother of all languages. Hindu philosophy

has formed the basic foundation for the development of Greek

mythology and Celtic thought as pointed out by a French

Indologist, Guy Deleury, who mentions that the above two

cultures in turn led to the flowering of all the European cultures.

In fact, we all know that the discovery of atomic nature and

zero concept originated from India, but what is not so well

known is that the Egyptians used Hindu arithmetical concept to

build their pyramids and that Hindu mathematicians inspired

Pythagorean theorem. An 18th century French astronomer Jean

Claude Bailly had remarked that Hindu calculation of the position

of the stars and of solar eclipses were so precise that we are still

using them today. In ’The Ferengi’s column’ titled ”Hindus:

majority yet minority” contributed by Francois Gautier in the

Indian Express, he makes certain startling observations, which

should make all right thinking Indians to sit up and think. Some

of excerpts:
Thus the Hindus, inheritors of an immense, noble and ageold

culture, constitute 85 percent of India and represent the

social, religious and cultural majority of this emerging Asian

superpower of the 21st century. And yet, their voice is rarely

heard in India. They are respected neither in home, nor

abroad, and they generally lack self confidence.”
Could it be that Hindus are a psychological minority in

India whereas minorities, such as the Christians, which

constitute only 3 percent of the population, wield an

enormous moral power in this country....”
To quote further:
All European children, Italian or German, are brought up

on Christian values and Greek philosophy. It would be

impossible, in France for instance, for the Muslim minorityimmigrants

from French ex-colonies such as Algeria or

Morocco to impose their views and culture on the

government. In fact, Muslim girls are not allowed to wear a

veil when they go to French schools; ’ you are in France,

you have been given the French nationality, so behave like

a French first, and like a Muslim second’, they are told

And he makes a point further:
Would that be possible in India? Would any Indian, except

the much-maligned RSS (Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh),

have the courage to ask Muslims to be Indians first, and

Muslim second? Or tell Catholics and Protestants that they

have to revert to a more Indianised Christianity, such as the

one that existed in Kerala before the arrival of the Portuguese

Jesuits? And see how stridently Muslims and Christians backed

by most of the media react when the Human Resource

Minister, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, wants to teach Indian

children a little bit of the greatness of their culture.
There are two sets of standards used in India amongst

intellectuals; one for the Christians or the Muslims; and one

for the Hindus. When the Australian missionary Graham

Staines and his two sons were killed the Indian and foreign
press spent weeks - if not months - in eulogizing Graham

and making Nazis of all Hindus held responsible for h’«

murder. But if a few days later 20 labourers, as innocent a«

Stains’ two sons, are savagely assassinated by separatists in

Kashmir, it will only warrant a few lines in Indian newspapers

without any of the outraged comments, which followed

Stains’ murder.”
Thus, he leaves no doubt on his proposition and adds’

When the Ayodhya mosque was brought down, it was as

if eternal shame had descended upon India. ’Death of
regularly top their schools and universities in the US, they

are the best programmers of this planet and are amongst

the richest people in the UK, the US or Canada. Why

cannot the majority of this marvelous diverse, ancient and

extraordinary country stop behaving as if it was a moral

Tell this to the leftists, their fellow travellers, the worthies of

the JNU, the ”secularists,” Congress Brigade, our Friday Club

chatterati of the India International Centre and the Samajvadi

Party zealots and they will squirm in their seats.
Secularism’, ’Hindu fundamentalists have taken over the j Besides being a majority with a total loss of self-esteem
country’, ’ a Black Day in the history of our democracy’, another trait in our national character is the tendency to genuflect
the newspapers screamed. However unfortunate the Ayodhya

episode was, nobody was killed there, but the terrible

Bombay blasts, which followed, orchestrated by Indian

Muslims, with the active help of Pakistan and the silent

approval of Saudi Arabia, which took the life of hundreds

of innocent Hindus, never warranted the kind of moral

indignation, which followed Ayodhya”.
And he goes on:
to everything, western, our English print media be praised. Unlike

Indian leaders, who lay a red carpet for the Western visitors and

even the non-descript Under Secretaries from the U.S. State

Department, the other Asian countries behave differently and

we should learn how they treat them. The facts would be

revealing. The Chinese accept unlimited foreign aid and

technology from Europe and the United State of America. But

they do it on their own terms, and having extracted the maximum
//LJ. . • • u u j r u • > \\ A benefit of foreign investment and trade, show them the way
Hindus are, ironically, chased from their own ancestral lands. . r . , . , . , ,
-.-, .!.. , . . .. , . . 1nrvn i , out. Even senior bureaucrats and businessmen have to cool
There were one million of them in Kashmir in 1900 but . .
i rujjju u • u ^o tn trieir heels before they can meet someone m the Chinese
only a few hundred today, the rest having been made to /
.. ’ ” ° . . n irpni irrarv np ( hmpcp in a mnrp cnhnp u;av chn\A/ fhpm
flee through terror. In the North East, Hindus are being

outnu mbered by Bangladeshi illegal immigrants and terrorized

by pro-Christian separatist groups, such as the Bodos or the
And then on the Hindu psyche he says:
In Karnataka, a bill will bring more than 43,000 Hindu
o i -rUIr
umy rf lew nuiiureu Louay, me iebi iidviiit; uecn maui, ^ , . U4.ii ^\-
(, .. u , L M u r .. i_r A hoino bureaucracy. The Chinese in a more subtle way show them
flee through terror. In the North East, Hindus are being ’ . r
. u j u n i j u--ii i- • „ A^rrnr\7(>d tneir place, treating them with cultural disdain. Much to the
outnu mbered by Bangladeshi illegal immigrants and terrorized r ’ ( .r ... ., . ,. ,
, _, . . b . b , ° ., D ic nr ..up embarrassment of the white men they are not even given fixed
by pro-Christian separatist groups, such as the Bodos or tne / &
r „ K 6 M - tenures m the Japanese Universities. Malaysia, while accepting
foreign direct investment (FDD shows no eagerness to borrow
And then on the Hindu psyche he says: Western cultural values of a dying species against their own Asian

In Karnataka, a bill will bring more than 43,000 Hindu I va|ues |n Spjte of a deceptive facade and mannerism their core
shrines and malthas under the Commissioner’s control. This remains basically Asian with impenetrable cultural walls. Tokyo
act does not apply to Christians and Muslims. The Indian aric| ^eou| nave aDSOrbed modern industrial development but
Government still sponsors the Haj pilgrimage”. j
And finally his advice: ’^ologues are baffled at this phenomenon and find them-selves
,,,,. . , , , , ..... , c ,.uoml;p|vps- there at sea when they observe this clash of civilizations and cultures.
Hindus should become a little prouder of themselves, i -j. 7 .....
, , t ii- • i j- , j ujnrln rhi dren nere is a fundamental chasm between the American civihzation

is ample talents and brains m India today. Hindu CUM
*^ ’tn its high emphasis on material progress, consumerism and
social disarray against Asia’s social institutions and value system

As opposed to this the Indians take Europeans and Americans

a bit too seriously and ape in undignified imitation all that ]s

western. The gullible amongst us have tried to graft western

images on their eastern roots and native thought. Sooner or

later the asymmetry is bound to prove a disaster, resulting in a

clash of civilizations as foretold by Professor Huntington. Our

colonial experience has coloured our perception and left a

permanent Anglophylic psyche amongst our intelligentsia.
No nation can ape its way to greatness. Our motto should

be, ”Do not preach to your enemies; first copy their nasty

habits, if they look effective. They will then treat you with

circumspection.” This is more than true of the militant activities

and terrorism in Kashmir and the rest of the country spawned

by the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan, the terrorism

let loose by Lashkare-Toiba and its ilk. Unfortunately, Indians in

general and our leaders in particular wish to be loved and are

susceptible to international flattery. These are serious handicaps

both in human and international relations. With all our pleadings

and wish to placate the US administration, they will scarce take

notice of us at the cost of their strategic perceptions and national

interests. The US in particular respects a bully as is evident from

their different approaches to India and China. Toughness pays

as it has done in the case of Israel. In the same vein, though in

a different context, our great national poet, Ramdhari Singh

Dinkar’ wrote :
Kshama Shobhati Us Bhujang ko jiske Pas Garal ho.

Usko Kya jo Dantheen V/shheen V/’neet Sara/ ho.
Literally meaning that ’forgiveness befits the snake with

poison in its fangs; it is meaningless for one, which is toothless,

poison-less, humble and simple.’ The Hindu race suffers from

this congenital weakness.
The Jews though small in numbers were never a walk- over

for the invaders. They behaved like a porcupine deterring any

beast of prey. Unfortunately, India though much larger and

better endowed, through its pacifist outlook developed into a
soft state, which over the ages became easy prey for prowling

invaders and armed adventurers. The country is still suffering

from the same syndrome. Even today with hostile neighbours all

around, with persistent offers of peace against a congenially

hostile and inimical country like Pakistan, which spares no effort

to dismember and disintegrate our country, our leadership keeps

on hoping against hope that Pakistan will reciprocate in a similar

manner. Such a posture encourages further intrusion and crossborder

terrorism into our territories eating at the very vitals of

our national integrity with loss of precious lives and a feeling of

insecurity. Thus, India has forgotten the basic lesson that its

national interest can never be served by an impression of a

weak and soft state. While Pakistan has a free run in our country,

we have no such plan for today or tomorrow. No wonder our

armed forces today operating in such regions are totally

demoralized with constant extensions of cease-fire and overtures

of peace. This is not what Lord Krishna had taught us and the

basic tenets of our Vedas are, which propound:

Which means, ’keep the four Vedas in front but keep your bow

and arrow behind’. In simpler terms, while we can reason and

negotiate, we should also have our weapons ready, should the

other party refuse to play ball. The world does not respect a

weak nation, least of all a bully like Pakistan. Unfortunately, we

have, in spirit and substance, developed into a weak state. This

isjthe one area where we should learn from the Jews and their

Why did_the Jews fight, when the odds were heavily stacked

against them, and there was an easier way out, to submit and

survive rather than fight huge armies of Greece and Rome with

tiny forces at their command? Six million Jews died fighting

Romans only resulting in destruction and devastation all around.

They chose to adhere to their faith rather than succumb to

expediency and adopt discretion as the better part of valour.

They could have submitted politely and forsaken their faith.

That was the wisdom of the worldly. However, the Jews were
made of sterner stuiff and they protected their faith and law w>h

stubbornness unheard of in human history. Not atavistic h

nature like the followers of Islam, the Jews like Hindus, couH

adept to changes, while keeping their core of spirituality

untouched. This flexibility of Jewish mind is reflected in the facit

that the largest nuimber of political figures, visionaries’, poets

and scientists in thie world came from the Jewish stock.
Recent secularissts and leftist historians in India have criticized

Maharana Pratap ffor carrying his fight against Mughals to a

disastrous extreme, causing destruction and devastation all round

and the loss of hiis kingdom of Mewar. But Pratap thought

differently. To himjniis faith was more important than his kingdom,.

He believed that compromise is the weapon of the weak, and

great nations are mot made that way. Likewise, Jews did nott

submit, they fought:. Dying by the millions they kept their faith

with their Lord.
This tenacity to stick to one’s faith is not confined to the

Jews. It is inspiring to find that the oldest religion in the world

Sanatan Dharma stilll dominates the largest section of humanity/

in our country. At tthe site of Maha Kumbh, which showcases

the tradition, culture and civilization of this land the sight off

Dharam Sansad, nafked Sadhus, devotees and a sea of ordinary

poor and illiterate hiumanity taking a holy dip in the Sangam at

Prayag in the freezing temperature of 2.5 degree Celsius at the

break of dawn should be enough to convince even the worst:

cynic and our so-callled rationalists about the deep roots of our

culture and the staying power of our faith. On 25th January,

2001, on the occasion of Maun; Amavasya, in the chilly cold ini

the morning darkness, a total of thirty million people took their

dip in the sacred Saingam. This number is higher than the total

population of the sAth of the countries of the world. There is.

something in our culture that defies explanation. Ancient

civilizations like India and Israel live on their faith defying all logic

of history. Great nattions like India and Israel not only endure

but prevail.
But let us add a footnote, how the sublime can be reduced

to the ridiculous. Instead of understanding the abiding faith of
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