Text of ISO/IEC 15938-6:2003/FDAM4 Reference Software for Video Signature Tools
Text of ISO/IEC 15938-7:2003/FDAM6 Conformance for Video Signature Tools
3Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC)
The main activities in RVC were as follows:
a) Regarding MPEG-B part 4, new inputs were reviewed on native functions, procedures and actors in CAL. Working Draft 3 of ISO/IEC 23001-4/Amd.1 (N11983) was issued, which now includes support of native functions, completed standard function libraries, and a syntax of constructors that is backward compatible to v1 and simpler than the previous version. An AHG will further investigate whether the computation model is now specified with sufficient precision, and whether it is compatible with existing (non-normative) tools. Issuing of the PDAM ballot is now planned for July.
b) Regarding MPEG-C part 4, the work on integration of missing functional units (FUs) for frame buffer management and addressing was finalized. Therefore, the DAM 2 (tools for AVC High Profile) ballot was issued. Further investigation is planned about the full reusability of the implemented FUs in the context of ISO/IEC 23002-4/Amd.3 (defining FUs for SVC Profiles), which stays at WD3 status.