CE on Lossless coding of pitch lag.
Takahiro Moriya, NTT, gave a short presentation summarizing the performance of this CE.
The Chair called for a show of hands of experts that could not support adoption of this CE. Five experts from three companies indicated that they could not support the technology.
Roch Lefebvre, VoiceAge, noted that he has studies this CE quite deeply, and does not see the benefit of the CE technology.
Kristofer Kjorling, Dolby, noted that given the CE discussion, fairness dictates that it not be accepted.
Werner Oomen, Philips, noted that the CE falls below the lower bar. There is no loss to the USAC specification if it is not accepted.
The Chair stated that there was no consensus in the Audio Subgroup to accept the CE technology.
Informative Adaptive T/F PP
The Chair asked whether there experts that objected to incorporating the Huawei Adaptive Time/Frequency Post Processor as in informative annex of USAC, “informative” meaning that there is no associated bit in the config or the bitstream and that implementing the post-processor in the decoder is optional.
Bernhard Grill, FhG, requested that the text has been checked to confirm that it represents an informative post-filter (i.e. that it entails no bitstream changes). Max Neuendorf, FhG, stated that he had checked the text and confirmed that it represented an informative post-filter.
It was the consensus of the ASG to incorporate the text for an informative version of the TF/PP technology into the informative Annex of the Study on USAC DIS.
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