Begins in mid-teens, many report problems through life
Comorbid with social anxiety and OCD
Psychoanalytic view
Psychoanalytic view
Sx or aggression impulses are in conflict with the ego; ego can’t allow expression because of fear of punishment. Because anxiety source is unconscious, person is in distress and doesn’t know why
Usually begins in early adulthood, often following some stressful event
Gradual onset and chronic—poor prognosis
80% may experience depression
Early onset—more common in men—checking compulsions
Later onset—more common in women—cleaning compulsions
Obsessions—intrusive and recurring thoughts, impulses, and images, appear irrational and uncontrollable to pat
Obsessions—intrusive and recurring thoughts, impulses, and images, appear irrational and uncontrollable to pat
Doubts—75 % of pts.—persistent thought that a completed task hadn’t been adequately completed
Thinking—34 %--endless chain of thoughts focusing on future events
Impulses-17 %-urges to perform certain acts (whims to assaults)
Fears-26 %-afraid of losing control or doing something embarrassing
Images-7 %--seen or imagined
Compulsions—Five primary types—cleaning, checking, repeating, ordering/arranging, counting. Performance of act reduces tension, increases satisfaction, gives sense of self control
Fear that something will happen to them or others because of them