Jewish Women’s Bibliography organized by Topic/Subject Historical Studies United States

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  1. Kauffman, Tsippi. Two tsadikim, two women in labor, and one salvation : reading gender in a Hasidic story. Jewish Quarterly Review 101,3 (2011) 420-438. 2011

  2. Vaisman, Asya. "She who seeks shall find" : the role of song in a Hasidic woman’s life cycle. Journal of Synagogue Music 35 (2010) 155-183. 2010

  3. Wodziński, Marcin. O bocianach z żabiej perspektywy, czyli kobiety i Chasydyzm. Nieme dusze (2010) 77-104. 2010

  4. Bar-Itzhak, Haya. The legend of the Jewish Holy Virgin of Ludmir : a folkloristic perspective. Journal of Folklore Research 46,3 (2009) 269-292. 2009

  5. Rapoport-Albert, Ada. The emergence of a female constituency in twentieth-century Habad Hasidism. "Let the Old Make Way for the New" I (2009) 7-68. 2009

  6. Zalcberg, Sima. Channels of information about menstruation and sexuality among Hasidic adolescent girls. Nashim 17 (2009) 60-88. 2009

  7. Fader, Ayala. Reading Jewish signs : the socialization of multilingual literacies among Hasidic women and girls in Brooklyn, New York. Text & Talk 28,5 (2008) 621–641. 2008

  8. Vaisman, Asya. English in the Yiddish speech of Hasidic women. Yiddish 15,3 (2008) 17-28. 2008

  9. Lewis, Justin Jaron. "Eydele, the Rebbe" : shifting perspectives on a Jewish gender transgressor. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 6,1 (2007) 21-40. 2007

  10. Polen, Nehemia. Rebbetzins, wonder-children, and the emergence of the dynastic principle in Hasidism. The Shtetl; New Evaluations (2007) 53-84. 2007

  11. Zalcberg, Sima. "Grace is deceitful and beauty is vain" : how hassidic women cope with the requirement of shaving one’s head and wearing a black kerchief. Gender Issues 24,3 (2007) 13-34. 2007

  12. Chajes, Jeffrey Howard. [On] Nathaniel Deutsch, "The Maiden of Ludmir : a Jewish Holy Woman and Her World" (2003). Jewish Quarterly Review 95,2 (2005) 360-365. 2005

  13. Loewenthal, Naftali. Spiritual experience for hasidic youths and girls in pre-Holocaust Europe : a confluence of tradition and modernity. Jewish Spirituality and Divine Law (2005) 407-454. 2005

  14. Ochs, Vanessa L.. Waiting for the Messiah, a tambourine in her hand. Nashim 9 (2005) 144-169. 2005

  15. Deutsch, Nathaniel. New archival sources on the Maiden of Ludmir. Jewish Social Studies 9,1 (2002) 164-172. 2002

  16. Deutsch, Nathaniel. Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav : the Zaddik as androgyne. God’s Voice from the Void (2002) 193-215. 2002

  17. Loewenthal, Naftali. ‘Daughter/wife of hasid’ or ’hasidic woman’? Jewish Studies 40 (2000) 21-28. 2000

  18. Loewenthal, Naftali. System medytacyjny dla dziewczat w Rydze, przed Holokaustem. Duchowosc zydowska w Polsce (2000) 173-187. 2000

  19. Loewenthal, Naftali. Women and the dialectic of spirituality in Hasidism. Within Hasidic Circles (1999) 7-65. 1999

  20. Newman, Zelda Kahan. Women’s badkhones : the Satmar poem sung to a bride. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 138 (1999) 81-99. 1999

  21. Loewenthal, Naftali. Communicating Jewish spirituality to women and girls in Riga, 1937-1941 : a model for today? Jews in a Changing World (1997) 188-196. 1997

  22. Rüthers, Monica. Elend und Ekstase : zu den sozialgeschichtlichen Hintergründen des Chassidismus. Der Chassidismus (1996) 52-69. 1996

  23. Kaufman, Debra Renee. Engendering Orthodoxy : newly Orthodox women and Hasidism. New World Hasidim (1995) 135-160. 1995

  24. Morris, Bonnie J.. Agents or victims of religious ideology? Approaches to locating Hasidic women in feminist studies. New World Hasidim (1995) 161-180. 1995

  25. Polen, Nehemia. Miriam’s dance : radical egalitarianism in hasidic thought. Modern Judaism 12,1 (1992) 1-21. 1992

  26. Rapoport-Albert, Ada. On women in Hasidism : S.A. Horodecky and the Maid of Ludmir tradition. Jewish History; Essays in Honour of Chimen Abramsky (1988) 495-525. 1988


  1. Heinsohn, Kirsten. Geschlechtergeschichte und Jüdische Geschichte. So wirkt Ihr lieb und hilfsbereit..." : Jüdische Frauen in der Geschichte (2009) 19-33. 2009

  2. Heschel, Susannah. The impact of feminist theory on Jewish studies. Modern Judaism and Historical Consciousness (2007) 529-548. 2007


  1. Baskin, Judith Reesa. Jewish private life : gender, marriage, and the lives of women. The Cambridge Guide to Jewish History, Religion, and Culture (2010) 357-380. 2010

  2. Geller, Ewa. Dobra "Gitl", słodka "Zisl", nadobna "Szejndl" : o pochodzeniu imion Żydowek polskich. Nieme dusze (2010) 131-152. 2010

  3. Jerkiewicz, Lidia. Rola zogerek w tradycyjnej społeczności żydowskiej : rekonesans badawczy. Nieme dusze (2010) 59-76. 2010

  4. Berger, Noémi. Die Stellung der Frau um Judentum. "Welche Welt ist meine Welt?" Jüdische Frauen im deutschen Südwesten (2009) 165-175. 2009

  5. D’Angelo, Mary Rose. Why aren’t Jewish women circumcised? Jewish Quarterly Review 99,4 (2009) 558-562. 2009

  6. Hyman, Paula E.. Does gender matter? : Locating women in European Jewish history. Rethinking European Jewish History (2009) 54-71. 2009

  7. Azria, Régine. Les femmes juives dans la société : engagement et reconnaissance, un combat toujours recommencé. Femmes et judaïsme aujourd’hui (2008) 269-273. 2008

  8. Prell, Riv-Ellen. Against the cultural grain : Jewish peoplehood for the 21st century. Jewish Peoplehood (2008) 117-128. 2008

  9. Sion, Ariel. Femmes de tradition, femmes de transmission : Sore Bas Tovim, Glueckel d’Hameln et Sarah Schenirer - triptyque ashkénaze. Femmes et judaïsme aujourd’hui (2008) 231-243. 2008

  10. Tucker, Naomi. Looking inward : domestic violence within the Jewish community. Righteous Indignation (2008) 126-132. 2008

  11. Varela Moreno, María Encarnación. La mujer judía entre la Halajá y el autorreconocimiento. Raíces 74 (2008) 27-32. 2008

  12. Foster, Geraldine S.. "Click, click, click" : the sound of Mah Jongg. Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes 15,1 (2007) 103-117. 2007

  13. Schwartz, Shuly Rubin. From rebbetzin to rabbi : the journey of Paula Ackerman. American Jewish Archives Journal 59,1-2 (2007) 99-106. 2007

  14. Chomsky, Débora. La mujer judía ayer y hoy : una perspectiva personal. Raíces 68 (2006) 31-37. 2006

  15. Lahav, Pnina. A chandelier for women : a tale about the Diaspora Museum and Maurycy Gottlieb’s "Day of Atonement" - Jews praying on Yom Kippur. Israel Studies 11,1 (2006) 108-142. 2006

  16. Malleier, Elisabeth. Vergessene Differenzen : jüdische Frauen in der Habsburgermonarchie. Zions Töchter (2006) 355-369. 2006

  17. להב, פנינה. קישטה, בתמונות ובטקסט. תרבות דמוקרטית 10 (תשסו) 329-355. 2006

  18. Sheridan, Sybil. Gender from a Jewish perspective. Abraham’s Children (2005) 216-223. 2005

  19. Elior, Rachel. "Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, who hast not made me a woman". Men and Women (2004) 81-96. 2004

  20. Graetz, Naomi. The battered woman in the Jewish tradition : see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Domestic Abuse and the Jewish Community (2004) 31-48. 2004

  21. Heschel, Susannah. Gender and agency in the feminist historiography of Jewish identity. Journal of Religion 84,4 (2004) 580-591. 2004

  22. Marienberg, Evyatar. Menstruation in sacred spaces : medieval and early-modern Jewish women in the synagogue. Nordisk Judaistik 25,1 (2004) 7-16. 2004

  23. Guberman, Jayne Kravetz. "Weaving Women’s Words" : gendered oral histories for the study of American Jewish women. Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 67-77. 2003

  24. Jüngling, Hans-Winfried. Vatermetaphorik und Müttermemoria. Auf den Spuren der schriftgelehrten Weisen (2003) 77-95. 2003

  25. Reimer, Gail Twersky. Women on the wall. Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 203-224. 2003

  26. Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva. Frauen im Judentum. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Europa II (2001) 79-89. 2001

  27. Morgenstern Leissner, Omi. Jewish women’s naming rites and the rights of Jewish women. Nashim 4 (2001) 140-177. 2001

  28. Reisenberger, Azila Talit. Balancing tradition and transition : South African Jewish women’s search for affiliation. Journal for the Study of Religion 14,2 (2001) 103-120. 2001

  29. Bunzl, Matti. Jews, queers, and other symptoms : recent work in Jewish cultural studies. GLQ; a Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 6,2 (2000) 321-341. 2000

  30. Crespo Álvarez, Macarena. La mujer cristiana y la mujer judía en el matrimonio : estudio comparative. El Olivo 51-52 (2000) 27-40. 2000

  31. Morgenstern Leissner, Omi. Jewish women’s family names : a feminist legal analysis. Israel Law Review 34,4 (2000) 560-599. 2000

  32. Stillman, Yedida Kalfon. "Cover her face" : Jewish women and veiling in Islamic civilization. Israel and Ishmael (2000) 13-31. 2000

  33. Foa, Anna. Le donne nella storia degli ebrei in Italia. Le donne delle minoranze (1999) 11-29. 1999

  34. Gaimani, Aharon. The names of Jewish women in Yemen. These Are the Names 2 (1999) 41-62. 1999

  35. Ida, Batsheva Goldman. The Sephardic woman’s head-dress in Spain and in the Ottoman Empire. From Iberia to Diaspora (1999) 525-530 + 7 pls. 1999

  36. Kern, Janine. " Armuth und Unglück mit Rath und That hilfreich beizustehen" : der Israelitische Frauenverein Basel. Geschichten aus der Empore (1999) 45-43. 1999

  37. Meyer, Catherine. Wenn du wüsstest, Rufina : Frauen und Judentum - Stationen einer 5759-jährigen Geschichte. Geschichten aus der Empore (1999) 25-34. 1999

  38. Siegele-Wenschkewitz, Leonore. Frauen und Ethik : die Diskussion um Rassismus, Antisemitismus und Sexismus im jüdisch-christlichen Gespräch von Frauen. Der Dialog zwischen Juden und Christen (1999) 305-321. 1999

  39. Weisbard, Phyllis Holman. Using women’s studies/feminist periodicals as a resource for researching Jewish women. Judaica Librarianship 10,1-2 (1999-2000) 71-74. 1999

  40. Bélinki, Karmela. Juutalainen nainen. Juutalainen kulttuuri (1998) 305-317. 1998

  41. Broder, Henryk M.. Die jiddische Mamme : Angriff auf einen Mythos. Kursbuch 132 (1998) 128-135. 1998

  42. Chiswick, Barry R.. Working and family life : the experiences of Jewish women in America. Papers in Jewish Demography 1993 (1997) 277-287. 1997

  43. Dorff, Elliot N.. Custom drives Jewish law on women. Conservative Judaism 49,3 (1997) 3-21. 1997

  44. Perelmuter, Hayim Goren. Rabbinical tradition on the role of women. Harvest of a Dialogue (1997) 197-212. 1997

  45. Somekh, Alberto Moshe. La "ketubbah" : un profilo storico, giuridico e linguistico. Il matrimonio ebraico (1997) 17-30. 1997

  46. Katz, Jacob, 1904-1998. Law, spirituality and society. Jewish Social Studies 2,2 (1996) 87-98, 105-108. 1996

  47. Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn. Perspectives from Jewish exegesis. Text & Experience (1995) 82-103. 1995

  48. Evers-Emden, Bloeme. Religieus beleven van orthodoxe Joodse vrouwen in Nederland, speciaal in Amsterdam. Ter Herkenning 23,3 (1995) 159-172. 1995

  49. "The American dimension of American Jewish history". American Jewish History 81,3-4 (1994). 1994

  50. Pałubicki, Władysław. Status kobiety w rodzinie zydowskiej na tle tradycji judaizmu [The status of women in the Jewish family based on Judaic tradition]. Przeglad Religioznawczy 172 (1994) 39-49. 1994

  51. Schlesinger, Yaffa. Hadassah, the national women’s Zionist organization of America. Contemporary Jewry 15 (1994) 121-139. 1994

  52. Sered, Susan Starr. "She perceives her work to be rewarding" : Jewish women in a cross-cultural perspective. Feminist Perspectives on Jewish Studies (1994) 169-190. 1994

  53. Shekel, Michal. Frauen und Rabbinat in Amerika. Judaica 50,4 (1994) 238-250. 1994

  54. Sliw, Regina. With an outstretched arm : a historical analysis of violence against women within the Jewish world. Le’ela 37 (1994) 17-21. 1994

  55. Oliveri, Fabio. Jewish women in ancient and medieval Sicily. World Congress of Jewish Studies 11,B, vol.1 (1993) 130-134. 1993

  56. Prell, Riv-Ellen. The begetting of America’s Jews : seeds of American Jewish identity in the representations of American Jewish women. Journal of Jewish Communal Service 69,2-3 (1993) 4-23. 1993

  57. Alpert, Rebecca Trachtenberg. Challenging male-female complementarity : Jewish lesbians and the Jewish tradition. People of the Body (1992) 361-377. 1992

  58. Steines, Patricia. Lea, Sara, Rebecca : Lebensbilder jüdischer Frauen aus den letzten 400 Jahren. Die Frauen Wiens (1992) 313-338. 1992

  59. Umansky, Ellen M.. Critical studies of women in Jewish life : some recent works. CCAR Journal 39,1 (1992) 1-15. 1992

  60. Adelman, Howard Ernest (Tzvi). Italian Jewish women. Jewish Women in Historical Perspective (1991) 135-158. 1991

  61. "The Jewish heritage in British history : Englishness and Jewishness". Immigrants & Minorities 10,1-2 (1991). 1991

  62. Klein, Michele. "Eine Gottesgabe sind Söhne" : Schwangerschaft und Geburt im Leben einer jüdischen Frau. Jüdische Lebenswelten (1991) 239-256. 1991

  63. Umansky, Ellen M.. Spiritual expressions : Jewish women’s religious lives in the twentieth-century United States. Jewish Women in Historical Perspective (1991) 265-288. 1991

  64. Magnus, Shulamit S.. "Out of the ghetto" : integrating the study of Jewish women into the study of "the Jews". Judaism 39,1 (1990) 28-36. 1990

  65. Mayer, Nechamah. Unter dem Segen Saras. Der eigene Freiraum (1989) 65-86. 1989

  66. ברקוביץ, אליעזר. מעמד האשה ביהדות : היבט הלכתי-חברתי. הפנינה (תשמט) 43-49. 1989

  67. Aronson, David. From rib to rabbi : the evolving status of the woman in Jewish lore, life and law. Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly of America 49 (1988) 179-191. 1988

  68. Jews in the Sixth Continent. Jews in the Sixth Continent (1987). 1987

  69. Gordis, Robert. The role of women in Jewish religious life. Midstream 33,7 (1987) 41-44. 1987

  70. The Seminary at 100. The Seminary at 100 (1987). 1987

  71. Bélinki, Karmela. The Jewish woman in America : History and literature. Dimensions in American Studies (1986) 109-117. 1986

  72. Marcus, Ivan G.. Mothers, martyrs, and moneymakers : some Jewish women in medieval Europe. Conservative Judaism 38,3 (1986) 34-45. 1986

  73. Plaskow, Judith. Standing again at Sinai : Jewish memory from a feminist perspective. Tikkun 1,2 (1986) 28-34. 1986

  74. Roiphe, Anne. The Jewish family: a feminist perspective. Tikkun 1,2 (1986) 70-75. 1986

  75. Taitz, Emily. "Kol ishah" - the voice of woman : where was it heard in medieval Europe? Conservative Judaism 38,3 (1986) 46-61. 1986

  76. "Die Frau im Judentum". Judaica 41,3 (1985). 1985

  77. Storper Perez, Danielle. Femmes juives et étude des textes de la tradition. Traces 9-10 (1984) 155-167. 1984

  78. "Jewish women in a changing society, a symposium". Viewpoints 12,8 (1984) 5 p. 1984

  79. Levinson, Pnina Navè. Die Frau im Judentum. Begegnungen mit dem Judentum (1981) 189-197. 1981

  80. Maltzer, Lillian. The role of women in positions of Jewish leadership. Yearbook of the Central Conference of American Rabbis 89 (1979) 140-145. 1979

  81. "The Jewish woman". Response 18 (1973). 1973

History: Ancient Period

  1. Nakhai, Beth Alpert. Varieties of religious expression in the domestic setting. Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond (2011) 347-360. 2011

  2. Ahearne-Kroll, Patricia. The portrayal of Aseneth in "Joseph and Aseneth" : women’s religious experience in Antiquity and the limitations of ancient narratives. Women and Gender in Ancient Religions (2010) 39-58. 2010

  3. Cangh, Jean-Marie van. Être juive à l’époque de Jésus. Le Monde de la Bible 193 (2010) 18-21. 2010

  4. Galor, Katharina. Gender and Qumran. Holistic Qumran (2010) 29-38. 2010

  5. Henten, Jan Willem van. Blaming the women: women at Herod’s court in Josephus’s "Jewish Antiquities" 15.23-231. Women and Gender in Ancient Religions (2010) 153-175. 2010

  6. Ilan, Tal. Gender issues and daily life. The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine (2010) 48-68. 2010

  7. Minov, Sergey. Noah and the Flood in Gnosticism. Noah and His Book(s) (2010) 215-236. 2010

  8. Olyan, Saul M.. What do we really know about women’s rites in the Israelite family context? Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 10,1 (2010) 55-67. 2010

  9. Orr, Sheena. Women and livelihoods in 1st century Palestine : exploring possibilities. Expository Times 121,11 (2010) 539-547. 2010

  10. Cillières, Hélène. Être "chrétienne" au Ier siecle? : De la représentation à la réalité. Entre lignes de partage et territoires de passage - les identités religieuses dans les mondes grec et romain (2009) 229-251. 2009

  11. Standhartinger, Angela. "Mit einer verheirateten Frau schmause nicht beim Wein" (Sir 9,9)? : Egalitäre Tischgemeinschaften im Kontext antiker, jüdischer und frühchristlicher Symposiumskultur. Essen und Trinken in der Bibel (2009) 286-300. 2009

  12. Yee, Gale A.. "Take this child and suckle it for me" : wet nurses and resistance in ancient Israel. Biblical Theology Bulletin 39,4 (2009) 180-189. 2009

  13. Kraemer, Ross S.. Jewish women’s resistance to Christianity in the early fifth century: the account of Severus, Bishop of Minorca. Journal of Early Christian Studies 17,4 (2009) 635-665. 2008

  14. Marks, Susan. Women in early Judaism : twenty-five years of research and reenvisioning. Currents in Biblical Research 6,2 (2008) 290-320. 2008

  15. Zilm, Jennifer. Blood, bread, and light : female converts in early Judaism. Women in Judaism 5,2 (2008). 2008

  16. Batsch, Christophe. Reines et nazaréennes : deux femmes de pouvoir à l’époque du deuxième Temple : Hélène d’Adiabène et Bérénice de Chalcis. Tsafon 54 (2007-2008) 67-78. 2007

  17. Ilan, Tal. Once again on Yael and the Aphrodisias inscription. Zutot 4 [2004] (2007) 44-49. 2007

  18. Meinhold, Arndt. Scheidungsrecht bei Frauen im Kontext der jüdischen Militärkolonie von Elephantine im. 5 Jh. v. Chr. "Sieben Augen auf einem Stein" (2007) 247-259. 2007

  19. Noy, David. Claudia Aster and Curtia Euodia : two Jewish women in Roman Italy. Women in Judaism 5,1 (2007). 2007

  20. Untu, Alexandra. Feminine private roles in ancient Near East : a comparative study with a stress on the Israelite woman’s condition. Studia Hebraica 7 (2007) 187-199. 2007

  21. Atkinson, Kenneth R.. [On] Joan E. Taylor, "Jewish Women Philosophers of First-Century Alexandria; Philo’s ’Therapeutae’ Reconsidered" (2003). Qumran Chronicle 14,1-2 (2006) 91-98. 2006

  22. Ilan, Tal. In the queen’s name. Silencing the Queen (2006) 259-275. 2006

  23. Ilan, Tal. "You shall not suffer a witch to live" : witches in ancient Jewish history. Silencing the Queen (2006) 214-258. 2006

  24. Ilan, Tal. Introduction. Silencing the Queen (2006) 3-42. 2006

  25. Hanson, Ellis. The widow Babatha and the poor orphan boy. Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert (2005) 85-103. 2005

  26. Ilan, Tal. It’s magic : Jewish women in the Jesus movement. The Beginnings of Christianity (2005) 161-172. 2005

  27. Katzoff, Ranon. On P.Yadin 37 = P.Hever 65. Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert (2005) 133-144. 2005

  28. Ilan, Tal. Cooks/poisoners; healers/killers; religion/withcraft : Jewish women’s life at home. Haushalt, Hauskult, Hauskirche (2004) 107-123. 2004

  29. Kugler, Robert A.. On women and honor in the "Testament of Job". Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 14,1 (2004) 43-62. 2004

  30. Bechmann, Ulrike. Prophetische Frauen am Zweiten Tempel? Ein Vorschlag, die Töchter Zelofhads (Num 27) als Kulprophetinnen zu verstehen. Biblische Notizen 119-120 (2003) 52-62. 2003

  31. Bengtsson, Håkan. Kvinnor i Qumran - en fråga om text eller kontext? Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 68 (2003) 135-153. 2003

  32. Levine, Amy-Jill. Gender, Judaism, and literature : unwelcome guests in household configurations. Biblical Interpretation 11,2 (2003) 239-246. 2003

  33. Cotton, Hannah M.. Women and law in the documents from the Judaean Desert. Studia Hellenistica 37 (2002) 123-147. 2002

  34. Szubin, Henri Zvi. The status of a repudiated spouse : a new interpretation of Kraeling 7 (TAD B3.8). Israel Law Review 35,1 (2001) 46-78. 2001

  35. Brooten, Bernadette J.. Female leadership in the ancient synagogue. From Dura to Sepphoris (2000) 215-223. 2000

  36. Ilan, Tal. Jüdische Frauen in der Spätantike : ein Überblick. Kirche und Israel 15,1 (2000) 7-15. 2000

  37. Leicht, Reimund. Gnostic myth in Jewish garb : Niriyah (Norea), Noah’s bride. Journal of Jewish Studies 51,1 (2000) 133-140. 2000

  38. Standhartinger, Angela. Frauen im Urchristentum. Kirche und Israel 15,1 (2000) 16-25. 2000

  39. Gerber, Christine. Vom kleinen zu den grossen Unterschieden : neue Literatur über das Leben jüdischer Frauen in der Antike. Evangelische Theologie 59,2 (1999) 150-160. 1999

  40. Grottanelli, Cristiano. The king’s grace and the helpless woman : Ruth, Charila, Sita. Kings & Prophets (1999) 11-30. 1999

  41. Horbury, William. Women in the synagogue. The Cambridge History of Judaism III (1999) 358-401. 1999

  42. Schlüter, Margarete. Vom Objekt zum Subjekt der Geschichte? (Wie) verändert "Frauenforschung" den Blick auf die jüdische Geschichte? Jüdische Geschichte in hellenistisch-römischer Zeit (1999) 149-163. 1999

  43. Szesnat, Holger. Philo and female homoeroticism : Philo’s use of "gunandros" and recent work on "tribades". Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 30,2 (1999) 140-147. 1999

  44. Mentzou-Meimaris, Konstantina. Women donors and sponsors in the eastern part of the Empire in late antiquity : the epigraphical evidence. Hellenic and Jewish Arts (1998) 171-184. 1998

  45. Richter Reimer, Ivoni. Die Apostelgeschichte : Aufbruch und Erinnerung. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 542-556. 1998

  46. Neusner, Jacob. Harrington, Stern, and Ilan : evaluating the criticism of a new generation. Approaches to Ancient Judaism 10 (1997) 69-79. 1997

  47. Safrai, Shmuel. Were women segregated in the ancient synagogue? Jerusalem Perspective 52 (1997) 24-36. 1997

  48. Satlow, Michael L.. Jewish marriage in antiquity : the evidence of the inscriptions. World Congress of Jewish Studies 12,B (1997) 17-24. 1997

  49. Mattila, Sharon Lea. Where women sat in ancient synagogues : the archaeological evidence in context. Voluntary Associations in the Graeco-Roman World (1996) 266-286. 1996

  50. Richardson, Peter. Jewish voluntary associations in Egypt and the roles of women. Voluntary Associations in the Graeco-Roman World (1996) 226-251. 1996

  51. Strugnell, John. More on wives and marriage in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q416 2 ii 21 [Cf. 1 Thess 4:4] and 4QMMT, B). Revue de Qumran 17,1-4 (1996) 537-547. 1996

  52. Waele, Daniel H. de. De positie van de joodse vrouw in de oudheid : een overzicht van de recente literatuur. Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 50,3 (1996) 215-236. 1996

  53. Boyarin, Daniel. Homotopia : the "fem"inized Jewish man and the lives of women in late antiquity. Differences 7 (1995) 41-81. 1995

  54. Ilan, Tal. The attraction of aristocratic women to Pharisaism during the Second Temple period. Harvard Theological Review 88,1 (1995) 1-33. 1995

  55. Nathanson, Barbara H. Geller. Toward a multicultural ecumenical history of women in the first century/ies C.E. Searching the Scriptures I (1995) 272-289. 1995

  56. Elder, Linda Bennett. The woman question and female ascetics among Essenes. Biblical Archaeologist 57,4 (1994) 220-234. 1994

  57. Levine, Amy-Jill. Second Temple Judaism, Jesus, and women : yeast of Eden. Biblical Interpretation 2,1 (1994) 8-33. 1994

  58. Lieu, Judith M.. Circumcision, women and salvation. New Testament Studies 40,3 (1994) 358-370. 1994

  59. Bar-Ilan, Meir. Witches in the Bible and in the Talmud. Approaches to Ancient Judaism V (1993) 7-32. 1993

  60. Cansdale, Lena. Women members of the "Yahad" according to the Qumran scrolls. World Congress of Jewish Studies 11,A (1993) 215-222. 1993

  61. Kraemer, Ross S.. Jewish mothers and daughters in the Greco-Roman world. The Jewish Family in Antiquity (1993) 89-112. 1993

  62. Grossman, Susan. Women and the Jerusalem Temple. Daughters of the King (1992) 15-37. 1992

  63. Overby Langford, Sally. On being a religious woman : women proselytes in the Greco-Roman world. Recovering the Role of Women (1992) 61-83. 1992

  64. Safrai, Chana. Women and the ancient synagogue. Daughters of the King (1992) 39-49. 1992

  65. Kraemer, Ross S.. Jewish women in the diaspora world of late antiquity. Jewish Women in Historical Perspective (1991) 43-67. 1991

  66. Zappella, Marco. Le donne nel giudaismo e la figura di Maria nei Vangeli : osservazioni ermeneutiche in margine a una recente opera. Rivista Biblica 39,3 (1991) 325-341. 1991

  67. Corley, Kathleen E.. Were the women around Jesus really prostitutes? Women in the context of Greco-Roman meals. Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers 28 (1989) 487-521. 1989

  68. Elm, Susanna. Perceptions of Jerusalem pilgrimage as reflected in two early sources on female pilgrimage (3rd and 4th centuries A.D.). Studia Patristica 20 (1989) 219-223. 1989

  69. Nathanson, Barbara H. Geller. Reflections on the silent woman of ancient Judaism and her pagan Roman counterpart. The Listening Heart (1987) 259-279. 1987

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