Bataller, Francisco. Feminismo, Talmud y vida cotidiana entre los judíos medievales. Raíces 87 (2011) 64-66. 2011
Horowitz, Elliott S.. Between cleanliness and godliness : aspects of Jewish bathing in medieval and early modern times. Tov Elem (2011) 29-54. 2011
Davide, Miriam. La presenza femminile nell’economia della terre dell confine orientale d’Italia nel tardo medioevo : donne cristiane ed ebree a confronto. "Interstizi" (2010) 133-153. 2010
Frank, Karen. Jewish women and property in fifteenth-century Umbria. Across the Religious Divide (2010) 95-108. 2010
Gruber, Samuel D.. Medieval synagogues of the Mediterranean region. Jewish Architecture in Europe (2010) 53-65. 2010
Tartakoff, Paola. Jewish women and apostasy in the medieval Crown of Aragon, c. 1300–1391. Jewish History 24,1 (2010) 7-32. 2010
Alvarez Perez, Rosa. Next-door neighbors : aspects of Judeo-Christian cohabitation in medieval France. Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age (2009) 309-329. 2009
Blasco Martínez, Asunción. Mujeres judías aragonesas : entre el amor, el desamor, la rebeldía y la frustración (siglos XIV-XV). El Prezente 3 (2010) 27-44. 2009
Caballero-Navas, Carmen. Maimonides’ contribution to women’s healthcare and his influence on the Hebrew gynaecological corpus. Traditions of Maimonideanism (2009) 33-50. 2009
Fuente Pérez, María Jesús. Christian, Muslim and Jewish women in late medieval Iberia. Medieval Encounters 15,2-4 (2009) 319-333. 2009
Keil, Martha. Sittsam und mächtig : jüdische Frauen im Spätmittelalter. So wirkt Ihr lieb und hilfsbereit..." : Jüdische Frauen in der Geschichte (2009) 35-49. 2009
McGinn, Bernard. Women reading the Song of Songs in the Christian tradition. Scriptural Exegesis (2009) 281-296. 2009
Nahon, Gérard. Avraham Grossman, חסידות ומורדות - נשים יהודיות באירופה בימי הביניים. Revue des Etudes Juives 168,1-2 (2009) 230-241. 2009
Orfali Levi, Moisés. Ordenanzas reguladoras en la ostentación del vestir. El Prezente 3 (2010) 9-25. 2009
Wandrey, Irina. "Du weißt, dass ich niemanden habe außer Gott und Dir" : die Kategorie "gender" in Briefen und Dokumenten aus der Kairoer Geniza. Dialog der Disziplinen (2009) 135-185. 2009
Baskin, Judith Reesa. Mobility and marriage in two medieval Jewish societies. Jewish History 22, 1-2 (2008) 223-243. 2008
Baumgarten, Elisheva. "A separate people"? : Some directions for comparative research on medieval women. Journal of Medieval History 34,2 (2008) 212-228. 2008
Caballero-Navas, Carmen. The care of women’s health and beauty : an experience shared by medieval Jewish and Christian women. Journal of Medieval History 34,2 (2008) 146-163. 2008
Green, Monica Helen. The trial of Floreta d’Ays (1403) : Jews, Christians, and obstetrics in later medieval Marseille. Journal of Medieval History 34,2 (2008) 185-211. 2008
Green, Monica Helen. Conversing with the minority : relations among Christian, Jewish, and Muslim women in the high Middle Ages. Journal of Medieval History 34,2 (2008) 105-118. 2008
Hoyle, Victoria. The bonds that bind : money lending between Anglo-Jewish and Christian women in the plea rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, 1218-1280. Journal of Medieval History 34,2 (2008) 119-129. 2008
Keil, Martha. Mobilität und Sittsamkeit : jüdische Frauen im Wirtschaftsleben des spätmittelalterlichen Aschkenas. Wirtschaftsgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Juden (2008) 153-180. 2008
Keil, Martha. Unsichtbare Frauen oder "...was nicht sein darf" : jüdische Geschäftsfrauen im Spätmitterlalter als Forschungsobjekte. Zwischen den Zeilen (2008) 40-49. 2008
Newman Goldy, Charlotte. A thirteenth-century Anglo-Jewish woman crossing boundaries : visible and invisible. Journal of Medieval History 34,2 (2008) 130-145. 2008
Peter, Thomas. Familienbasierte Geschäftsbeziehungen mährischer Juden während des Spätmittelalters. Beziehungsnetze aschkenasischer Juden während des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (2008) 149-162. 2008
Riegler, Michael. "May the writer be strong" : medieval Hebrew manuscripts copied by and for women. Nashim 16 (2008) 9-28. 2008
Baskin, Judith Reesa. Male piety, female bodies : men, women, and ritual immersion in medieval Ashkenaz. Jewish Law Association Studies 17 (2007) 11-30. 2007
Blasco Orellana, Meritxell. La mujer judía en la Corona de Aragón vista a través de los "Responsa" de Rabí Yishaq bar Šešet Perfet (segunda mitad del siglo XIV). La mujer judía (2007) 11-30. 2007
Borgolotto, Elisabeth. Testamenti femminili toscani del Quattrocento. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 61-75. 2007
Cantera Montenegro, Enrique. La "limpieza" como signo de diferenciación étnico-religiosa : judaizantes castellanas a fines de la Edad Media. La mujer judía (2007) 31-46. 2007
Carrete Parrondo, Carlos. Las judaizantes de Cuenca y la actividad inquisitorial (1489-1515). La mujer judía (2007) 47-78. 2007
Esposito, Anna. Le donne nei processi contro gli ebrei di Trento, 1475-1476. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 125-135. 2007
Gray, Alyssa M.. Married women and "tsedaqah" in medieval Jewish law : gender and the discourse of legal obligation. Jewish Law Association Studies 17 (2007) 168-212. 2007
Gutwirth, Eleazar. "Qilusin" : el mecenazgo femenino medieval. La mujer judía (2007) 107-128. 2007
Keil, Martha. Jüdinnen als Kategorie? : "judinne" in obrigkeitlichen Urkunden des deutschen Spätmittelalters. Räume und Wege (2007) 335-361. 2007
Luzzati, Michele. Ebree e ebrei nella storia di Lucca. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 11-27. 2007
Nirenberg, David. Deviant politics and Jewish love : Alfonso VIII and the Jewess of Toledo. Jewish History 21,1 (2007) 15-41. 2007
Orfali Levi, Moisés. Del lujo y de las leyes suntuarias : ordenanzas sobre la vestimenta femenina en su contexto social y halájico. La mujer judía (2007) 161-179. 2007
Perry, Micha. L’abattage rituel et les femmes : tradition, lois et réalité à la fin du Moyen Âge. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 171-178. 2007
Rosen, Tova. What does a father want? : An unpublished poem and its intertexts. Studies in Arabic and Hebrew Letters (2007) 129-153. 2007
Scandaliato, Angela. "Haec est eius ultima voluntas" : donne e costume ebraico nella Sicilia del Quattrocento. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 85-95. 2007
Veronese, Alessandra. Donne ed eredità nel tardo Medioevo : il caso di Treviso. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 77-84. 2007
Zeldes, Nadia. Aspects of married life of Jewish women converts in Italy. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo: Atti del Convegno IX (2007) 97-107. 2007
Baskin, Judith Reesa. Women and sexual ambivalence in "Sefer Hasidim". Jewish Quarterly Review 96,1 (2006) 1-8. 2006
Colesanti, Gemma Teresa. Frammenti di microstoria ebraica della Sicilia orientale da un libro contabile catalano del XV secolo. Materia Giudaica 11,1-2 (2006) 229-236. 2006
Klein, Elka. Public activities of Catalan Jewish women. Medieval Encounters 12,1 (2006) 48-61. 2006
Winer, Rebecca Lynn. La femme, la richesse et la communauté : femmes chrétiennes, juives et musulmanes à Perpignan au XIIIe siècle. Annales du Midi 255 (2006) 459-463. 2006
Yuter, Alan J.. "Pious and Rebellious; Jewish Women in Medieval Europe" by Avraham Grossman. Edah 5,2 (2006). 2006
Zelenina, Galina. Was the Jewish martyrdom of 1096 heroism, ignorance or fiction? : On female images in Hebrew chronicles of the Crusades. Pinkas 1 (2006) 8-19. 2006
Baumgarten, Elisheva. Marking the flesh : circumcision, blood, and inscribing identity on the body in medieval Jewish culture. Micrologus 13 (2005) 313-330. 2005
Blasco Ovejero, M. del Mar. La mujer judía en el ámbito laboral de la Edad Media. Actes del II Congrés per a l’Estudi dels Jueus en Territoris de Llengua Catalana (2005) 395-405. 2005
Davide, Miriam. Il ruolo delle donne nella comunità ebraiche dell’Italia nord-orientale : (Padova, Treviso, Trieste e Friuli). Ebrei nella Terraferma veneta del Quattrocento (2005) 31-43. 2005
Keil, Martha. "Und sie gibt Nahrung ihrem Haus" : jüdische Geschäftsfrauen im spätmittelalterlichen Aschkenas. Europas Juden im Mittelalter (2005) 83-89. 2005
Koren, Sharon Faye. A Christian means to a "conversa" end. Nashim 9 (2005) 27-61. 2005
Planas i Marcé, Sílvia. Femmes "converses" de la Girona médiévale. L’expulsion des Juifs de Provence et de l’Europe méditerranéenne (XVe-XVIe siècles) (2005) 191-205. 2005
Rich Abad, Anna. Família, patrimoni i individualitat : les dones jueves a Barcelona entre 1349 i 1391. Actes del II Congrés per a l’Estudi dels Jueus en Territoris de Llengua Catalana (2005) 375-393. 2005
Baskin, Judith Reesa. Geschlechterverhältnisse und rituelles Tauchbad im mittelalterlichen Aschkenas. Der Differenz auf der Spur (2004) 51-67. 2004
Keil, Martha. Public roles of Jewish women in fourteenth and fifteenth-century Ashkenaz : business, community, and ritual. The Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages (Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries) (2004) 317-330. 2004
Keil, Martha. "She supplied provisions for her household" : Jewish business women in late medieval Ashkenaz. The Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages (2004) 83-89. 2004
Keil, Martha. Forschungsprojekte zu jüdischen Frauen im spätmittelalterlichen Aschkenas. PaRDeS; Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für Jüdische Studien 8 (2004) 3-13. 2004
Klein, Birgit E.. "Der Mann - ein Fehlkauf" : Entwicklungen im Ehegüterrecht und die Folgen für das Geschlechterverhältnis im spätmittelalterlichen Aschkenas. Der Differenz auf der Spur (2004) 69-99. 2004
Bartlet, Suzanne. Women in the medieval Anglo-Jewish community. The Jews in Medieval Britain (2003) 113-127. 2003
Baumgarten, Elisheva. Circumcision and baptism : the development of a Jewish ritual in Christian Europe. The Covenant of Circumcision (2003) 114-127. 2003
Caballero-Navas, Carmen. Un capítulo sobre mujeres : transmisión y recepción de nociones sobre salud femenina en la producción textual hebrea durante la Edad Media. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 52, Sección de Hebreo (2003) 135-162. 2003
Faierstein, Morris M. (Moshe). Women as prophets and visionaries in medieval and early modern Judaism. Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 247-262. 2003
Jacobs, Jill. "The defense has become the prosecution" : "Ezrat ha-Nashim", a thirteenth-century response to misogyny. Women in Judaism 3,2 (2003). 2003
Levi, Joseph Abraham. A mulher sefardita das diásporas ibéricas : ponte entre culturas. Faces de Eva 9 (2003) 35-58. 2003
Зеленина, Галина. Община склочных соседок : типология соседского конфликта и гендерные стереотипы по инквизиционным документам. Judaica Rossica 3 (2003) 29-50. 2003
Edwards, John H.. Andalusia, Rome and the Levant : the life and times of Delicado’s Lozana. The Mediterranean and the Jews (2002) 115-130. 2002
Keil, Martha. Business success and tax debts : Jewish women in late medieval Austrian towns. Jewish Studies at the Central European University 2 [1999-2001] (2002) 103-123. 2002
Kraemer, Joel L.. Women speak for themselves. The Cambridge Genizah Collections (2002) 178-216. 2002
Malkiel, David Joshua. The underclass in the First Crusade : a historiographical trend. Journal of Medieval History 28,2 (2002) 169-197. 2002
Westreich, Elimelech. The rise and decline of the law of the rebellious wife in medieval Jewish law. Jewish Law Association Studies 12 (2002) 207-218. 2002
Winer, Rebecca Lynn. Family, community, and motherhood : caring for fatherless children in the Jewish community of thirteenth-century Perpignan. Jewish History 16,1 (2002) 15-48. 2002
Poorthuis, Marcel J.H.M.. Fresh water for a tired soul : pregnancy and messianic desire in a mediaeval Jewish document from Sicily [found in the Geniza of Cairo]. Women and Miracle Stories (2001) 123-144. 2001
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Bartlet, Suzanne. Three Jewish businesswomen in thirteenth-century Winchester. Jewish Culture and History 3,2 (2000) 31-54. 2000
Baskin, Judith Reesa. Reassessing Jewish women in medieval Ashkenaz. Transversal 1,1 (2000) 18-20. 2000
Cohen-Harris, Elisheva. Where did medieval Jewish women stand? Visual sources, halakhic writings and architecture. Conservative Judaism 52,4 (2000) 3-13. 2000
Dobson, Richard Barrie. The medieval York Jewry reconsidered. Jewish Culture and History 3,2 (2000) 7-20. 2000
Einbinder, Susan L.. Jewish women martyrs : changing models of representation. Exemplaria 12,1 (2000) 105-127. 2000
Gil, Juan. Doña Gracia Nasí. Los conversos y la Inquisición (2000) 97-112. 2000
Gourevitch, Danielle. Préparation intellectuelle et déontologie de la sage-femme : du traité "Des maladies des femmes" de Soranos d’Éphèse aux "Infortunes de Dinah". From Athens to Jerusalem (2000) 69-82. 2000
Rosen, Tova. Sexual politics in a medieval Hebrew marriage debate. Exemplaria 12,1 (2000) 157-184. 2000
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Gallego García, María Ángeles. Approaches to the study of Muslim and Jewish women in medieval Iberian peninsula : the poetess Qasmuna bat Isma’il. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 48, Sección de Hebreo (1999) 63-75. 1999
Keil, Martha. "Maistrin" und Geschäftsfrau : jüdische Oberschichtfrauen im spätmittelalterlichen Österreich. Die jüdische Familie in Geschichte und Gegenwart (1999) 27-50. 1999
Libson, Gideon. Legal status of the Jewish woman in the Gaonic period : Muslim influence - overt and covert. Developments in Austrian and Israeli Private Law (1999) 213-243. 1999
Melammed, Renée Levine. María López, a convicted Judaizer from Castile. Women in the Inquisition (1999) 53-72, 310-315. 1999
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Diemling, Maria. The image of women in the writings of Victor of Carben. World Congress of Jewish Studies 12,B (1997) 91-100. 1997
Melammed, Renée Levine. He said, she said : a woman teacher in twelfth-century Cairo. AJS Review 22,1 (1997) 19-35. 1997
Melammed, Renée Levine. Les femmes crypto-juives face à l’Inquisition espagnole : leur rôle dans la transmission du marranisme. Transmission et passages en monde juif (1997) 229-245. 1997
Nicholson, Helen. Women on the Third Crusade. Journal of Medieval History 23,4 (1997) 335-347. 1997
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History: Modern Period
Schellekens, Jona. Tracing the origin of first names: Elkele. Sharsheret Hadorot 25,1 (2011) iii-ix. 2011
Weissberg, Liliane. Literary culture and Jewish space around 1800: the Berlin salons revisited. Modern Jewish Literatures (2011) 24-43. 2011
Hadar, Gila. Bienvenida "blessed be her who comes" and Azebuna "does good deeds”: name-giving patterns for girls and women in the Judeo-Spanish diaspora (Salonika 1492-1943). Pleasant Are Their Names (2010) 209-232. 2010