12 Read the tips
for planning and writing an
• Think about who your readers are and their
• Answer the questions “ who”, “ what”, “ when”,
; “where”, “ why”.
• Write a concise headline to summarize the article.
• Use active words like saw/ran instead o f was/were.
13 Choose three topics that you would like to
I write a newspaper article about and write
[ them below.
1 r____________________________________
example o f a person whose interests grew into a
more serious rank. He became so deeply involved
into a cinematography that cannot imagine his
[ life without it. Simple
affection and respect to
great actors and actresses o f Uzbekistan from
past urged him to choose this profession as well,
j Now he has become one o f the best actors in the
L country.
5. So, interests should not be just common
£ keenness, it must be something more, as i f you
f really like the job you are doing, you can never
i get exhausted. Interests
should not get stuck to
* one destination; it must always try to reach new
I ways, roads to excellence As a great philosopher
in history said once, interest is a foundation
f stone to every best deeds or creations
of a human being.
14 Read the text and answer the questions.
A nniversary of A m ir Temur
Amir Temur’s birthday is annually celebrated in
Uzbekistan. A traditional
ceremony is held in the
park o f Amir Temur in the center o f Tashkent every
year. On April 9, 2014 Uzbekistan celebrated 678,h
anniversary o f great statesman and commander Amir
Temur. On this day a traditional ceremony was held
in honour o f Amir Temur in the center o f the capital
city. As UzA reported, it was attended by members
o f the Parliament, representatives o f ministries,
departments and public organizations, writers, poets,
scholars, and students. President o f the International
Fund o f Amir Temur, director o f the State Museum o f
History o f Timurids Nozim Habibullaev, Ambassador
o f the
Republic o f Korea Lee Hyun, national poet
o f Uzbekistan Sirozhiddin Sayyid, scientist Sattori
Hakim and others participated in the ceremony. It was
mentioned that interest in the study o f the rich heritage
o f Amir Temur and his dynasty in nationhood, science,
culture, creativity and other areas is increasing
Many artistic, journalistic works have
been created on the contribution o f the Temurids in
the development o f world civilization.
W h y _________ _____
15 Choose one of the topics of your interest in
Ex. 13 and write a newspaper article.