Materia medica

Eupatorium purpureum (Eup-pur)

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Eupatorium purpureum (Eup-pur)

Complementar: Bry (= An). Cact. Hyos. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Sanic. Sep. VAB. 
Urmat bine de: Am-c. Cean. Nux-v. Sep. Sulph. Tub. 
Antidoteaza: Cact. Chin. Cina. Eucal. Malar
Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Camph. Op. 
Efect: 1 - 7 zile             


   *   Complaints accompanied with bone-pains.

MIND: - -   Very restless, can't keep still.

GENERALITIES: - -   Chilly. < Uncovering, draft.


   -   < Motion, but pain is so severe that he can't keep still.

   -   Febrile diseases, like influenza, malaria. -    Recurrent fevers, malaria-like (Chin, Nat-m).

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -   Desire: COLD DRINKS, ice cream.

HEAD: - -   Periodical 'arthritic' headache with soreness internally. Every 3th or 7th day.

   -   Occipital headache, with sense of weight, after lying down. Must lift head up with hands.

   -   Headache > conversation, < fever, perspiration.

EYE: - -   Soreness in eyeballs (Bry), of lids.

STOMACH: - -   Nausea < motion, from smell or thought of food (Colch).

   -   THIRST for FOR LARGE quantities of cold water before and during chill and before vomiting bile. - -   Vomiting immediately after drinking.

COUGH: - -   Hoarseness and cough, with soreness in chest. Supports chest on coughing (Arn. Bry. Dros).

   -   Cough < 2 - 4 h.. (Kali-c);  - > on hands and knees; kneeling faced towards pillow (Med).

CHEST: - -   Soreness, < coughing, motion.

BACK: - -   Pain as from a bruise and weakness in back. < Before and during chill, motion.

   -   Chill felt first in back (Gels).


   -   Gout, arthritis associated or alternating with headache.

CHILL: - -   CHILL between 7 - 9 h..preceded by GREAT THIRST with GREAT


Euphrasia officinalis (Euphr) 

Complementar: Agn. All-c. Merc. Sulph.
Urmeaza bine: Acon. Arn. Calc. Con. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil.  
Urmat bine de: Acon. Alum. Ars. Calc. Chin. Con. Cupr. Lyc. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. 
Antidoteaza: Alcool/Otravire cu tutun
Antidotat de: All-c. Art-v. Bell. Camph. Caus. Dulc. Merc. Puls. Ruta. 
Efect: 25 zile     sanguinic/psoric/sicotic



   *   Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes, especially of eyes and nose.

MIND: - -   Hypochondriasis, no interest in surroundings. - -   Confusion > washing face.

GENERALITIES: - -   Hay fever, allergies.  - -   Chilly. - -   Ailments from injuries to eyes.

HEAD: - -   Catarrhal headache with profuse discharge from eyes and nose.

EYE: - -   Constant ACRID LACHRYMATION. < Wind (Puls).

   -   ConjunctiVITIS. Burning/swelling/agglutination of lids.Margins itching and burning.

   -   SENSATION OF SAND or dust in Te eyes. As if a hair before them.

   -   Frequent inclination to blink. - -   STICKY MUCUS on cornea, must wink to remove it.

   -   Little blisters on cornea. - -   Rheumatic iritis. Opacities. Cataract. - -   Photophobia.

NOSE: - -   PROFUSE, BLAND CORYZA, with ACRID LacrimatION (opposite to All-c).

FACE: - -   Stiff upper lip, as if made of wood.

AFTER: - -   Condylomata, painful on touch.

MALE GENITALIA  - -   Condylomata, burning when touched.

FEMALE GENITALIA  - -   Amenorrhea with conjunctivitis.

RESPIRATION: - -   Asthmatic.

COUGH: - -   (Whooping-) COUGH only during DAY-TIME, with profuse lachrymation.

       > LYING DOWN (Mang).

SKIN: - -   Measles with marked eye-symptoms.

   -   Condylomata, burning or stitching when touched.


Ferrum metallicum (Ferr)

  “Luptator”/„drumul meu sau autostrada“
Complementar: Alum (= C), Ars..Chin, Chinin-ar, Cic, Graph, Ham, 
 Urmeaza bine: Acon. Bell, Con. Euph, Glon, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Verat, 
Urmat bine de: Acon. Arn, Bell, Con. Euph, Lyc, Merc, Ph-ac, Phos, Puls, Sulph, Verat,
Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Chin. Dig. Thal.           Tb.             Bere. Cafea. Tee. 
Antidoteaza: Arn. Ars. Bry. Carb-v. Chin. Chinin. Chinin-s. Cupr. Hydr-ac. Iod. Ip. Kreos. Merc. Ter. ceai. Bauturi alcoolice.  Abuz de Chin cu febra schimbatoare 
Antidotat de: Arn. Ars..Bell. Bry. Calc-p. Carb-v. Chin. Chinin-ar. Chinin s. Cupr. Hep. Ip. Kreos. Merc. Nat-m. Puls. Sulph. Verat.    Preparaten cu fier prin: Ars. Calc-p. Chin. Chin-a. Cupr. Cupr-act. Hep.Histid. Nat-m. Nux-v. Puls. Sulph. Verat.  Bere. Ceai. 
Efect: 50 zile     diagonal stanga jos pana dreapta sus   / Plethorisch/oxygenoid/tuberculin/tifoid/psoric/malarial/sicotic/sifilitic


MIND: - -   Sensibil to noise, especially to rustling of paper.

   -   Dictatorial. Contradiction aggravates. - -   Irritability, < noise, menses.

   -   Restlessness. Busy. - -   Changeable moods. - -   Anxiety. Fear of apoplexy (Aster).

GENERALITIES: -    -   FALSE PLETHORA: look healthy, red cheeks, but are very weak.

   -   FLUSHES OF HEAT with strong perspiration. - -   OBESITY. - -   WEAKNESS.

   -   Anaemia, with local congestions. - -   >> walking SLOWLY (Puls), but < exertion.

   -   < Rest. - -   < Cold. - -   << noaptea. < After midnight. - -   Chilly.

   -   Ailments from loss of vital fluids (Chin).

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -   Desire: Sweets, TOMATOES, bread and butter, liquid food, soup, sour.  - -   Aversiune: EGGS, sour. - <<  eggs.

VERTIGO: - -   On rising; with obscuration of vision.

   -   On crossing running water. - -   On descending.

HEAD: - -   HeadACHE, lasting DAYS. Congestive, pulsating (Bell, Glon, Meli, Lach, Puls).

       > Pressure, walking slowly. Periodicity, every two weeks. Aversiune to cold drinks during headache. - -   Heat of head and face with cold extremities.

EYE: - -   Letters run together. EAR: - -   Noises in ear < menses.

NOSE: - -   SANGERARI DIN NAS, < stooping; in children (Ferr-p). Alternating with hemoptysis.


       < Excitement, chill, exertion, pain, wine. - -   Varicose veins. Distented veins.

STOMACH: - -   SUDDEN vomitingwhbile eating OR IMMEDIATELY after eating even without nausea. - -   Vomiting < eggs, after midnight. Postoperative vomiting (Nux-v, Phos).

   -   Increased appetite, alternating with loss of appetite.

AFTER: - -   Diaree: painless, while eating (Trom), or immediately after.

BLADDER: - -   Involuntary urination at night, while walking.

   -   Urine dribbles all day in little girls.

FEMALE GENITALIA: - -   Menses too soon, too profuse. Remit two or three days, Ten return.  - -   Metrorrhagia, with flushing, < menopause. - -   Amenorrhea.

   -   Prolapsus. Fibroids. Abortion.

RESPIRATION: - -   Difficult, > slow motion.

EXPECTORATION: - -   Hemoptysis, < during lactation.

CHEST: - -   Palpitations, > slow walking, < motion, exertion.

BACK: - -   Pain, > walking slowly.

EXTREMITIES: - -   rheumatic PAINS of upper limbs, ESPECIALLY shoulders

       << rest/24 h., < cold.  >> slow motion, > warmth.

   -   Varicosities < during pregnancy (Puls). - -   Cold feet, < seara in bed.

Dr Ileana Rindasu

Sursa: fierul;

Proving: Hahnemann descrie efectul fierului asupra persoanelor care folosesc in mod curent apele feruginoase pentru baut: “ se remarca slabiciune mergand pana la paralizii; dureri violente in membre; dureri abdominale, varsaturi, avorturi, impotenta, infertilitate, icter, casexie,etc.”

Actiune: Fierul actioneaza pe nervii vasomotori si afecteaza circulatia sangelui.


Ameliorare: de miscarea lenta, vara, cu capul sprijinit de ceva, in singuratate, dupa trezire, dupa defecatie, de apasare.

Agravare: noaptea, la emotii, efort intens, dupa pierderi de lichide vitale, de oua, de caldura excesiva, in repaos.

Cuvant cheie: schimbator si inegal.

Atitudine: pe langa starea de spirit schimbatoare, se caracterizeaza prin dorinta de solitudine; sunt foarte sensibili la zgomote (de ex. la fosnetul hartiei). Iritabilitate. Nu tolereaza contrazicerea.

Simptome generale:

- frilozitate;

- tendinta la obezitate;

- alternanta paloare-congestie;

- lateralitate stanga.

- preferinte alimentare: rosii.

- mare aversiune si agravare la oua.

Simptome locale

Cap: cefalee periodica agr. de aplecare, amel in decubit;

Congestie la nivelul fetei mai ales la efort, emotii;

Gastrointestinal: varsaturi mai ales noaptea la ora 12 p.m., neprecedate de greata; pot surveni brusc, in timp ce mananca; diaree imediat dupa ce mananca sau in timpul mesei.

Ap.urinar: incontinenta urinara ziua, la miscare, mers.

Spate: dureri lombare amel. cand se plimba cu pas lent.

Simptome de repertoar:

Mind: irritability,noise from(2);

Face: discoloration pale,flushes easily(3/1);

Stomach: nausea,eating while(2).

Rectum: diarrhoea, eating,while(3).

Indicatii clinice: ameteli, anemie, aritmii, diaree, epistaxis, gastrita, migrena, obezitate, sd. de oboseala cronica, varice.

Rem. complementare: China.

Diagn.diferential: Puls., Sulphur, Nux-v., Graph., Calc.

Antidoturi: Ars., Hepar.

Bibliografie: Boericke,Vermeulen, Morrison. 7

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