Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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EX 164 Translate into Uzbek and learn by heart.

a piece of bread/chalk

бир бўлак нон/бўр

a piece of paper

бир парча қоғоз

a piece of string

арқон бўлаги

a loaf of bread

бир буханка нон

a pinch of mustard

озгина горчица

a pinch of dried thyme

бир чимдим тошчўп (ўсимлик)

a pinch of pepper

бир чимдим мурч

a pinch of salt

бир чимдим туз

a pinch of snuff

бир отим (чекишли) тамаки

a pinch of sugar

озгина шакар

a puff of air

ҳаво оқими

a puff of dust

чанг оқими

a puff of smoke

бир парча тамаки тутуни

a segment of orange

бир тилим апельсин

a segment of population

бир қисм аҳоли

a rasher of bacon

бир бўлак чўчқа гўшти

a sheet of glass

ойна листи

a sheet of ice (water, snow)

муз (сув, қор) қатлами

a sheet of metal

метал листи

a sheet of paper

қоғоз варағи

a slice of bread

бир бурда нон

a slice of cake

бир бўлак торт

a slice of ham

бир бўлак чўчқа гўшти

a slice of lemon

бир кесик лимон

a slice of meat

бир парча гўшт

a sliver (or splinter) of glass (stone, a bomb)

ойна синиғи / тош бўлаги / бомба қолдиғи

a speck of dirt

лой доғи

a speck of dust

чанг заррачаси

a speck of paint

бир томчи бўёқ

a wad of banknotes

қоғоз пуллар боғлами

a wad of cotton wool

бир тутам пахта

a wad of gum

бир парча резина

wisp of hair

бир тутам соч

wisp of hay

бир боғ хашак

a wisp of smoke

тамаки тутуни оқими




My hobby is reading books, but I can't buy many books at the shop because they are very expensive. There is a good library near our house. There are a lot of differ­ent and interesting books in the library. There you can find any book you want. I go to the library every Saturday. I like adventure, mystery and science fiction books. The librarian helps me find books and gives good advice. If I have free time I like to read. I have read "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift, "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexander Duma and many other books.

Everybody must take care of books. Even more care must be taken with library books, for they are read by many people. If one person is careless with a library book then it can't be read by others. People who like reading must take care of books. They should never turn down the corner of a page to mark the place where they stop reading. They should also never write in books with pen or pencil, and they should be careful not to spill food or drinks on them.
Comprehension Questions
1. Why does the writer go to the library?

2. What kinds of books does the writer like to read?

3. Why should you take care of books? How do you take care of books?
Discussion Questions
1. Name at least three places in your town from which you can get books to read.

2. Do you buy books? Are they expensive?

3. Is there a library in your town? Have you been there? Have you borrowed books?

4. List at least three things you must do and five things you must not do with books.

5. Do you like to read? Why? Are there things you would rather do than read? What are they?



O‘Tgan Davom Zamonning Yasalishi
1. Past Continuous to be fe’lining o‘tgan zamondagi shakllaridan biri (was, were) va asosiy fe’lning hozirgi zamon sifatdoshi shakli (Present Participle = Ving) yordamida yasaladi:

Ega + was (were) + Ving

I was working. We were working.
2. Bo‘lishsiz shakli was (were)dan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:

Ega + was (were) + not + Ving

I was not working. We were not working.
3. So‘roq shaklini yasashda was (were) yordamchi fe’llari eganing oldiga o‘tkaziladi:

Was (were) + ega + Ving?

Was I working? Were you working?
1. Past Continuous o‘tgan zamondagi biror vaqtdan oldin boshlanib, o‘sha vaqtda ham davom etayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Bu vaqt:

a) at fi ve o’clock soat beshda, at noon peshinda, at midnight yarim tunda, at that moment o‘sha vaqtda kabi vaqt ko‘rsatkichlari bilan ifodalanadi:

He was writing his exercises at five o’clock.

U soat beshda mashqlarini yozayotgan edi.

It was raining at noon. Peshinda yomg‘ir yog‘ayotgan edi.

What was he doing at that moment. U o‘sha payt nima qilayotgan edi?

b) Simple Past bilan ifodalangan o‘tgan zamondagi ikkinchi bir ishharakati bilan:

He was writing his exercises when I entered the room.

Men xonaga kirganimda u mashqlarini yozayotgan edi.

It was raining when I left the house. Men uydan chiqqanimda yomg‘ir yog‘ayotgan edi.

What was he doing when you called on him? Siz unikiga borganingizda u nima qilayotgan edi?

He hurt his leg while he was playing football. U futbol o‘ynayotganida oyog‘ini lat yedirib qo‘ydi.

As I was coming here I met your brother. Men bu yoqqa kelayotganimda akangizni uchratdim.

Past Continuousli gapda ish-harakat sodir bo‘layotgan vaqt ko‘rsatilmasligi va u boshqa gaplarda bo‘lishi mumkin. Bunday hol ko‘pincha biror joyni tasvirlashda sodir bo‘ladi:

It was evening. My mother was reading a book, and I was watching TV. Suddenly the door opened, and my brother came in.

Oqshom edi. Onam kitob o‘qi yotgan edi va men televizor ko‘rayotgan edim. To‘satdan eshik ochilib, akam kirib keldi.

It was ten o’clock in the morning when I entered the office. Some visitors were waiting for the manager.

The secretary was speaking to somebody on the phone, and the bookkeeper was dictating a letter to

the stenographer.

Men ofisga kirganimda ertalabki soat o‘n edi. Bir necha kishilar boshliqni kutayotgandi. Kotiba telefonda allakim bilan gaplashayotgan edi, hisobchi stenografistga aytib xat yozdirayotgan edi.
2. Past Continuous o‘tgan zamonda uzilib-uzilib uzoq vaqt davom etgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi:

He was writing a play during the summer. U yozda pyesa yozayotgan edi.

In June that firm was carrying on negotiations for the purchase of wheat.

Iyunda u firma bug‘doy sotib olish haqida muzokaralar olib borayotgandi.

3. all day long kun bo‘yi, all day yesterday kecha kun bo‘yi, all the time butun vaqt, the whole evening butun oqshom, from fi ve till eight soat besh dan sakkizgacha kabi vaqt ko‘rsatkichlari bilan Simple Past ham, Past Continuous ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Past Continuous ishlatilganda ishharakatning bajarilish jarayoni tushuniladi, Simple Past ishlatilganda esa ish-harakatning bajarilish dalili (bajarilganmi yo‘qmi) tushuniladi:

I was reading all day yesterday.

I read all day yesterday.

Men kecha kun bo‘yi o‘qidim.

It was raining the whole evening.

It rained the whole evening.

Butun oqshom yomg‘ir yog‘di.

I was working in the library from three till five.

I worked in the library from three till five.

Men soat uchdan beshgacha kutubxonada ishladim.

Yuqoridagi vaqt ko‘rsatkichlari bilan kelgan oldinma-ketin sodir bo‘lgan ikki yoki undan ziyod ish-harakatlari sodir bo‘lish tartibida bayon etilsa, faqat Simple Past ishlatiladi:

I came home early, rested from five till six, and then worked the whole evening.

Men uyga erta keldim, soat beshdan oltigacha dam oldim, so‘ngra butun oqshom ishladim.
4. Ikkita davom etgan ish-harakat bir paytda sodir bo‘lgan bo‘lsa, jarayonni ifodalshni istasak har ikkalasida Past Continuous ishlatamiz, agar ish-harakatning sodir bo‘lish dalilini (faktini) ifodalashni istasak (sodir bo‘lganmi yo‘qmi) har ikkalasida ham Simple Past ishlatamiz:

While he was having his breakfast, I was reading the newspaper. U nonushta qilayotganida men gazeta o‘qiyotgan edim.

While he had his breakfast, I read the newspaper. U nonushta qilganida, men gazeta o‘qidim.

While I was doing my homework, he was resting.

Men uy ishimni bajarayotganimda, u dam olayotgan edi.

While I did my homework, he rested.

Men uy ishimni bajarganimda, u dam oldi.

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