Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X


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  1. At whom are you looking? - I am looking at that girl.

  2. When is your sister coming? - She is coming tomorrow morning.

  3. How many friends do you have?

  4. How much ink is there in the ink-pot?

  5. Which book of Jack London do you like?

  6. About what are you speaking to your friend?

  7. Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?

  8. How old is your sister? - She is 12 (years old).


  1. Find right English translation.

Чироқни ёққин, илтимос. қоронғи тушаяпти.

  1. Switch on the light, please. It gets dark.

  2. The light switch on, please. It is getting dark.

  3. Switch on the light, please. It is getting dark.

  4. Switch on the light, please. It are getting dark.

  5. Please, the lights switch on. It is getting dark.

  1. Find right English translation.

Палтони кийманг. ҳозир илиқ.

  1. Doesn’t put on the coat. It is warm.

  2. Put on the coat. It is warm.

  3. Don’t put on the coat. It is warming.

  4. Don’t the coat put on. It is warms.

  5. Don’t put on the coat. It is warm.

  1. Find right English translation.

- Сенинг онанг шифокорми? - Йўқ, у иқтисодчи.

  1. - Is your mother a doctor? - No, she is an economist.

  2. - Are your mother a doctor? - No, she is an economist.

  3. - Is your mother an economist? - No, she is a doctor.

  4. - Is your mother a doctor? - No, he is an economist.

  5. - Is your mother a doctor? - No, she are an economist.

  1. Find right English translation.

- Сенинг аканг ўқувчими ёки студентми?

- У студентдир.

  1. - Are your brother a pupil or a student? - He is a student.

  2. - Is your brother a pupil or a student? - She is a student.

  3. - Is you brother a pupil or a student? - He is a student.

  4. - Is your brother a pupil or a student? - He is a student.

  5. - Is your brothers a pupil or a student? - He is a student.

  1. Find right English translation.

- Пол қайси рангда? - У жигарранг.

  1. - What floor is the colour? - It is brown.

  2. - What colour is the floor? - It is brown.

  3. - What’s colour is the floor? - It is brown.

  4. - What colour is the floor? - It is white.

  5. - What colour are the floor? - It is brown.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • ... is your sister?

  • She is a nurse.

A) What

C) Whose

B) Who

D) Who’s

E) Which

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • ... is he?

  • He is my friend, Rustam.

  • ... is Rustam?

  • He is a student.

  • ... of student is he?

  • He is a good student.

  1. Who / What / Which kind

  2. What / Who / What kind

  3. Who / What / What kind

  4. Which / What / What kind

  5. Who’s / What / What kind

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • ... flat is it?

  • Nick’s flat ... .

A) Whose / are

C) What / is

B) Who’s / is

D) Which / are

E) Whose / is

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • ... did you come from?

  • I came from England.

A) What

C) Which

B) Where

D) When

E) Where are

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • ... are you going to be?

  • A pilot.

A) What

C) Whom

B) Which

D) Who’s

E) Whose

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The teacher says: “Don’t take your text-books ... your bags. Put your pens ... the desk. Listen ... me attentively.”

A) out off / on / to

C) from / on / to

B) out of / on / at

D) out of / on / to

E) from / on / on

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Come ... the room! Don’t stand ... the corridor!

A) into / in

C) into / at

B) in / to

D) in / in

E) to / in

E) in / to

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I am ... Tashkent, but Sharif is ... Khiva.

A) from / -

C) off / off

B) from / from

D) of / to

E) for / on

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • What are you telling your friends ... ?

  • I am telling them ... new film.

A) about / -

C) of / about

B) - / about

D) about / about

E) about / of

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Thank you ... your buying.

A) off

C) after

B) for

D) on

E) from

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I shall come ... your place ... my lessons.

A) in / after

C) to / after

B) - / after

D) on / before

E) to / from

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • Where is the drug-store?

  • It is ... that building.

A) from

C) on

B) at

D) into

E) behind

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He is lying ... the tree.

A) from

C) before

B) under

D) for

E) after

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 did it take to get here?

A) How much

C) How old

B) How many

D) How long

E) How little

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 is your mother  ? - Well, she’s much taller than me and she has got dark hair.

A) How  like

C) Whom  like

B) What  like

D) How  old

E) What  looking

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 car is yours? The Ford or the Volvo?

A) What

C) Which

B) Whom

D) Whose

E) How

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 car would you like choose, if you could have any one you wanted?

A) Which

C) Whom

B) Whose

D) How

E) What

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

That is a nice coat – I wonder  it is?

A) who

C) whose

B) what

D) whom

E) which

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  •  did you meet there?

  • Nobody.

A) Whom

C) Whose

B) Which

D) What

E) When

  1. Choose the right translation.

  • Палтоингизни кийинг, илтимос.

  1. Put your coat on, please.

  2. Put coat your on, please.

  3. Put your on coat, please.

  4. Put on coat yours, please.

  5. Put on yours coat, please.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The twins look so alike that I can’t tell  .

A) which is which

C) who is which

B) who is who

D) what is what

E) which is who

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 of the books do you like best?

A) What

C) Whose

B) Which

D) Whom

E) That

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Is there any reason  (= a reason for which) you can’t come?

A) what

C) whom

B) whose

D) which

E) why

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A new computer,  low cost will make it very attractive to students.

A) which

C) what

B) whom

D) whose

E) why


  1. - Who is she? - She is my aunt.

  • What is her name? - Susan Howard.

  • What is she? - She is a teacher.

- What is a teacher? - A teacher is a person whose job is to teach, especially in a school or college (or a person who teaches)

  1. - Who is he? - He is my uncle.

  • What is his name? - Tim Brown.

  • What is he? - He is a surgeon.

- What is a surgeon? - A surgeon is a person whose job is to perform medical operations

  1. - Who is he? - He is my father.

  • What is his name? - Nick Tompson.

  • What is he? - He is an astronaut.

- What is an astronaut? - An astronaut is a person who travels in a spaceship (spacecraft)

  1. - Who is she? - She is my mother.

  • What is her name? - Sarah Tompson.

  • What is she? - She is a doctor.

- What is a doctor? - A doctor is a person whose profession is to treat sick people (or who treats people who are ill)

  1. - Who is he? - He is my grandfather.

  • What is his name? - Bernard Tompson.

  • What is he? - He is a pensioner.

- What is a pensioner? - A pensioner is a person who has retired because of age

  1. - Who is she? - She is my grandmother.

  • What is her name? - Julia Tompson.

  • What is she? - She is a housewife.

- What is a housewife? - A housewife is a woman who doesn’t have a full-time job outside the home and who spends her time doing housework, cooking, looking after her family.

  1. - Who is he? - He is my husband.

  • What is his name? - Richard Nickson.

  • What is he? - He is an engineer.

- What is an engineer? - An engineer is a person whose job is to design, build or repair engines, machines, roads, bridges, railways, mines, electrical equipment

  1. - Who is she? - She is Kate Wilson.

  • Who is Kate Wilson? - She is my wife.

  • What is she? - She is a hairdresser.

- What is a hairdresser? - A hairdresser is a person whose job is to cut and style people’s hair

  1. - Who is she? - She is Ann.

  • Who is Ann? - She is my niece.

  • What is she? - She is a nurse.

- What is a nurse? - A nurse is a person whose job is to look after sick or injured

  1. - Who is he? - He is Bob.

  • Who is Bob? - He is my nephew.

  • What is he? - He is a pilot.

- What is a pilot? - A pilot is a person who flies an aircraft (or a person who controls an aircraft, esp. one who has been specially trained)

  1. - Whose photo is it? It is Nicole Kidman’s photo.

- What is Nicole Kidman? - She is a famous Holywood actress. - What is an actress? An actress is a person who acts in a play or film or on television.

  1. - Whose photo is in this newspaper? - It is George Bush’s photo. - What is George Bush? - He is the president of the USA. - What is a president? - A president is the leader of the country and head of the government in many countries that do not have a king or queen. A president is usually chosen in an election.

  2. - Whose book is it? - It is mine. - What book is it? It is Evgeniy Onegin. - Who is the author of this book? - Alexander Pushkin. - Who is Alexander Pushkin? - He is the greatest Russian poet. - What is a poet? - A poet is a person who writes poems.

  3. - Who is he? - He is my neighbour. - What is his name? - Tom Smith. - What is he? - He is a shop assistant. - What is a shop assistant? A shop(sales) assistant is a person who sells things to people in a shop.

  4. - Who is playing the piano? - My cousin is. - What is his name? - Ted Hewit. He is a professional musician. - What is a musician? - A musician is a person whose job is to play a musical instrument.

  5. - My sister-in-law is a computer programmer. - What is a computer programmer? - A computer programmer is a person whose job is to write programs for a computer

  6. - What is your mother-in-law? - She is a dressmaker. - What is a dressmaker? - A dressmaker is a person, usually a woman, who makes clothes.

  7. - My brother-in-law is a dentist. - What is a dentist? - A dentist is a person whose job is to look after people’s teeth (who treats the teeth)

  8. - What is Beethoven? - He is a great composer. - What is a composer? - A composer is a person who writes music professionally.

  9. - When I grow I will become a writer. - What is a writer? - A writer is a person who writes, esp. one whose job is to write books, stories, etc.

  10. - My grandfather was a cobbler, when he was young. - What is a cobbler? - A cobbler (or shoemaker) is a person who repairs shoes.

  11. - What is your brother? - He is an interpreter. - What is an interpreter? - An interpreter (or a translator) is a person whose job is to translate what smb. is saying immediately into another language.

  12. - What is your son? - He is an architect. - What is an architect? - An architect is a person whose job is to design buildings.

  13. - What is your daughter? - She is a journalist. -What is a journalist? - A journalist is a person whose job is to collect, write or publish news, in newspapers and magazines or on television and radio.

  14. - What is her daughter-in-law? - She is a travel agent. - What is a travel agent? - A travel agent is a person whose job is to arrange people’s holiday for them.

  15. - What is his son-in-law? - He is a driver. - What is a driver? - A driver (or chauffeur) is a person who drives a vehicle.

  16. - What is your father-in-law? - He is a builder. - What is a builder? - A builder is a person whose job is to build houses and other buildings.

  17. - What is your friend? - He is an artist. - What is an artist? - An artist (or a painter) is a person who produces art, esp. paintings or drawings.

  18. - What do you do? - I’m a businessman. - What is a businessman? A businessman 1) is a person who works in business esp. in a top position 2) a person who is skillful at dealing with money.

  19. - What is your profession? - I’m a guide. - What is a guide? - A guide is a person whose job is to show cities, towns, museums, etc to tourists.

  20. - What is your job? - I’m an electrician. - What is an electrician? - An electrician is a person whose job is to install and repair electrical systems and equipment.

  21. - What is your occupation? - I’m a policeman. - What is a policeman? - A policeman is a man who is a member of the police.

  22. - What is your trade? - I’m a tailor. - What is a tailor? - A tailor is a person whose job is to make clothes, esp. for men.

  23. - What is a carpenter? A carpenter is a person whose job is to make and repair wooden objects.

  24. - What is a plumber? A plumber is a person whose job is to put in and repair water-pipes, baths, sinks, etc.

  25. - What is a waiter? A waiter is a person whose job is to take orders from customers and bring food and drink to them in a restaurant, hotel, cafe.

  26. - What is a singer? A singer is a person who sings, especially in public.

  27. - What is a dancer? A dancer is a person who dances, often as a job.

  28. - What is a barber? A barber is a person who only cuts men’s hair.

  29. - What is a butcher? A butcher is a person who sells meat.

  30. - What is a chef? A chef is a person who works as the chief cook in a hotel, restaurant etc.

  31. - What is a cook? A cook is a person who cooks in a hotel, restaurant, cafe etc.

  32. - What is a judge? A judge is a person whose job is to apply the law and decide what punishment should be given to somebody found guilty in a court of law.

  33. - What is a prosecutor? A prosecutor is a person who prosecutes someone in a court of law.

  34. - What is a lawyer? A lawyer is a person who has studied law and whose job is to give advice on legal matters.

Note: A solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice, prepares legal documents, arranges the buying or selling of land, etc.

A barrister (amer. attorney) lawyer who speaks for you in a court of law.

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