Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

to be at school, to go to school = to be a schoolboy (schoolgirl)

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to be at school, to go to school = to be a schoolboy (schoolgirl)

to be at college — to be a student of a college

to leave school = to fi nish or drop one’s studies

School begins at fi ve. Maktab (dars) beshda boshlanadi.

She went to College in the North. U shimoldagi kollejda o‘qidi.

It was at seventeen he decided to leave school.

U o‘n yetti yoshida maktabni tashlashga qaror qildi.

When I leave school, I want to go to university.

Men maktabni tugatganimdan keyin universitetda o‘qimoqchiman.

to go to the school = not as a pupil (maktab binosi tushuniladi)

to leave the school = to leave the building (binodan chiqish tushuniladi)

Mother went to the school yesterday to attend a parents’ meeting.

Ota-onalar majlisiga qatnashish uchun onam kecha maktabga bordi.
4. town so‘zi bilan quyidagi hollarda artikl ishlatilmaydi:

a) agar biz qishloqda yashaydigan bo‘lsak o‘zimizga yaqin shahar haqida yoki o‘zimiz yashaydigan shahar haqida gapirganimizda:

You cannot go to town tomorrow. Siz ertaga shaharga borolmaysiz.

What can you have to do in town? Shaharda nima ishingiz bor?

b) town so‘zi country so‘ziga qarama-qarshi qo‘yilganda:

He was not used to country life, having spent twenty years in town.

U shaharda yigirma yilni o‘tkazgandan keyin qishloq hayotiga ko‘nikmay qolgan edi.

Qolgan hollarda town so‘zi oldida artikl umumiy qoidalar asosida ishlatiladi:

I want to go to the town where I was born.

Men o‘zim tug‘ilgan shaharga borishni istayman.

5. Ijtimoiy guruhlar, siyosiy partiyalar, millat nomlari aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:

the proletariat, the peasantry, the aristocracy, the aristocrats, the Russians, the Ger mans, the Americans, the peasants, the workers, the capitalists, The To ries, The Liberals, The Catholics, the late Professor Smith, the celebrated playwright Osborne, The Baron Munchausen, The Emperior Napoleon III, The Tsar Peter the Great, the boy Dick,the student Smith, the Painter Turner, the composer Britten, the widow Douglas, the witness Manning, the geologist Foster, the dog Balthasar, the planet Mars, the preposition «on», the verb ‘to be’, the fi gure «2».

6. Kun qismlari nomlari ko‘pincha aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:

day, night, morning, evening, noon, afternoon, midnight, dawn, dusk, sunrise, sunset, daytime, nightfall.

The evening is a wonderful time to write letters.

Xat yozish uchun oqshom ajoyib vaqt.

The day was warm. Kun iliq bo‘ldi.

Lekin: It had been a wet day. Nam (Yomg‘irli) kun edi.
7. Fasllar nomi ko‘pincha aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:

The summer was exceptionally trying in the town.

Shaharchada yoz o‘z hukmini o‘tkazayotgan edi.

The winter was very fi ne that year and we were very happy.

O‘sha yili qish juda yaxshi keldi va biz juda baxtiyor edik.

The summer wore on. He was still working hard.

Yoz imillab o‘tardi. U hali ham qattiq ishlardi.

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