Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

Katrin made me ... this grammar rule by heart.

A) to learn

C) having learnt

B) learning

D) learn

E) have learnt

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

Their intention is ... to the Chimgan for the winter.

A) going

C) having gone

B) to go

D) go

E) gone

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

They decided ... the letter two days ago.

A) to send

C) have sent

B) sending

D) to be sending

E) having send

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

I would rather ... them about this accident.

A) not tell

C) not telling

B) not to tell

D) don’t tell

E) telling not

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

Nick is always the first ... to University.

A) coming

C) to come

B) not come

D) come

E) having come

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

It is difficult ... this question at once.

A) answering

C) answer

B) not answer

D) having answered

E) to answer

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

She must ... his address.

A) know

C) knowing

B) to know

D) have know

E) known

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

She said she would sooner ... exam in advance.

A) passing

C) to pass

B) pass

D) passed

E) having passed

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

I want ... to the party.

A) to have invited

C) to be invited

B) have being inviting

D) to be inviting

E) have been invited

  1. Choose the appropriate of the verb.

She had better ... there immediately.

A) go

C) gone

B) going

D) to go

E) not to go

  1. Find the right English translation.

У нимани назарда тутганлигини айтиш қийин эди.

Трудно сказать, что он имел в виду.

  1. It is difficult to saying what he meant.

  2. It is difficult say what he meant.

  3. It is difficult to have said what he meant.

  4. It is difficult to say what he meaned.

  5. It is difficult to say what he meant.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Сиз қилишингиз керак бўлган ягона нарса – унга қўнғироқ қилишдир.

  1. The only thing you ought to do is to ring him up.

  2. The only thing you should to do is to ring him up.

  3. The only thing is to do you ought to ring him up.

  4. The only thing you ought do is to ring him up.

  5. The only thing you should do is to rang him up.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Мен сизга бор ҳақиқатни айтдим. Сиздан яширадиган ҳеч нарсам йўқ.

  1. I have told you the whole truth. I have to conceal nothing from you.

  2. I have told you the whole truth. I have anything not to conceal from you.

  3. I have told you the whole truth. I have nothing to conceal from you.

  4. I have told you the whole truth. I don’t have nothing to conceal from you.

  5. I have told you the whole truth. I have nothing from you for concealing.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Улар охирги бўлиб жўнаб кетишди.

  1. They were the last leaving.

  2. They were the last leave.

  3. They were the last for leaving.

  4. They were to leave the last.

  5. They were the last to leave.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Бу ҳақда тортишиш учун кеч бўлди. Энди ҳеч нарсани ўзгартириб бўлмайди.

  1. It’s late to argue about it. It is nothing for changing about it.

  2. It’s late to argue about it. There is nothing to change about it.

  3. It’s late to argue about it. There is nothing for changing about it.

  4. It’s late to argue about it. It is nothing to change about it.

  5. It’s late to argue about it. There is nothing about it to change.

  1. Find the right English translation.

У ўзини бундай тутади деб ҳеч ким ўйламаганди.

  1. He was the last person to behave like that.

  2. He wasn’t the first person to behave like that.

  3. He was the first person to behave like that.

  4. He was the last person like that to behave.

  5. He was the last person for behaving like that.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Умид қиламанки, мен сизни кўп кутишга мажбур қилмадим.

  1. I hope I didn’t make you to wait long.

  2. I hope I didn’t make you waiting long.

  3. I hope I didn’t make you wait long.

  4. I hope I made you not to wait long.

  5. I hope you weren’t made wait long by me.

  1. Find the right English translation.

ҳаммаси равшан бўлса (аниқланса) менга хабар бергин.

  1. Let me know when everything clear up

  2. Let me to know when everything clears up

  3. Let me know when everything will clear up

  4. Let me know when everything clears up

  5. Let me to know when everything clear up

  1. Find the right English translation.

Уни уйда учратганимиз учун омадимиз чопди.

  1. We were lucky to get hold of him at home.

  2. We were lucky to have got hold of him at home.

  3. We were lucky to have get held of him at home.

  4. We were lucky to got held of him at home.

  5. We were lucky to have get hold of him at home.

  1. Find the right English translation.

Бўлиб ўтган воқеа ҳақида ўйламаслик учун мен кўп ишлашга ҳаракат қилдим.

  1. I tried to work a lot not to think of what had happened.

  2. I tried to work a lot not think of what had happened.

  3. I tried not to work a lot to think of what had happened.

  4. I tried to work a lot of not to think of what had happened.

  5. I tried not to work a lot of not to think of what had happened.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I noticed him  a sweet wrapper on the floor, so I asked him to pick it up.

A) to throw

C) to be throwing

B) being throwing

D) to be thrown

E) throw

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I watched him  through the window, and then I called the police.

A) to have climbed

C) climb

B) not to climb

D) being climbed

E) to climb

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I made Peter  outside.

A) not to wait

C) to wait

B) to be wait

D) have to wait

E) wait

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Let me  home – I’m so tired.

A) go

C) to go

B) have to go

D) to be going

E) going

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

ҳал қилиниши лозим бўлган муаммолар кўп.

  1. There are many problems be solving.

  2. There are many problems be solved.

  3. There are many problems to be solved.

  4. There are many problems being solved.

  5. There are many problems to solve.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

У (қиз) охирги бўлиб гурухга қўшилди.

  1. She was the last join to the group.

  2. She was the last to join to the group.

  3. She was the last joining to the group.

  4. She was the last joining the group.

  5. She was the last to join the group.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Уни ўқишга мажбур қилишди.

  1. He was made to read.

  2. He was made reading.

  3. He was made be read.

  4. He was made to be read.

  5. He was made read.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

You had better  now before you cause any more trouble.

A) have leave

C) leave

B) to be left

D) leaving

E) to leave

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

You had better  your telephone number in case someone wants to contact you.

A) to give

C) be given

B) giving

D) give

E) to be giving

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I would rather  tennis than swim.

A) playing

C) to play

B) play

D) to be playing

E) not to play

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I would sooner  than marry you!

A) to die

C) die

B) to be died

D) dye

E) to dye

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He chose Spain, but personally I would prefer  to Greece.

A) going

C) go

B) being gone

D) not go

E) to go

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I  to the conference, but I lost my invitation.

A) must have gone

C) ought have gone

B) need have gone

D) could have gone

E) should to have gone

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

They made him  his lunch in silence.

A) eat

C) eating

B) to be eat

D) to eat

E) to have eaten

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Here  at last!

A) come the taxi

C) the taxi comes

B) the taxi come

D) the taxi to come

E) comes the taxi

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Here  !

A) he coming

C) comes he

B) he comes

D) he come

E) come he

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Ought we  now?” - she asked me. “It’s getting late.”

A) to go

C) going

B) to be go

D) go

E) to have gone

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Унинг уйдан чиққанини кўришди.

  1. He was seen leave the house.

  2. He was seen leaved the house.

  3. He was seen to leave the house.

  4. He was seen to be left the house.

  5. He was seen have left the house.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

It was difficult  his request.

A) refusing

C) to be refuse

B) refuse

D) to have refused

E) to refuse

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Our aim is  the Institute.

A) to enter

C) entering

B) to be entering

D) to have entered

E) enter

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

She gave me  .

A) to drink some water

C) some water for drink

B) some water to drink

D) drink some water

E) some water drink

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

У, чамаси, испан тилини яхши билади.

  1. It seems that he know Spanish well.

  2. He seems know Spanish well.

  3. He seems to know Spanish well.

  4. It seem that he knows Spanish well.

  5. There seems to know Spanish well.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

У шубҳасиз тезда қайтиб келади.

  1. He is sure to returning soon.

  2. He is sure to return soon.

  3. He is sure return soon.

  4. He is sure to have returned soon.

  5. He is sure to be return soon.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The water was too cold  .

  1. to bathe for the children.

  2. for the children for bath.

  3. bathing for the children.

  4. for the children to bathe.

  5. for bathing for the children.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I don’t know him well enough  him for help.

A) to ask

C) to be asked

B) have asked

D) ask

E) asking

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He worked hard so as (in order)  behind the other students.

A) to lag

C) not to be lag

B) don’t lag

D) to lag no

E) not to lag

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Бу воқеанинг муҳимлигини тушунмоқ учун сиз ҳамма фактларни билишингиз шарт.

  1. You should know all the facts knowing the importance of this event.

  2. To understand the importance of this event you should know all the facts.

  3. In order to understanding of this event you should know all the facts.

  4. To understand the importance of this event you should to know all the fact.

  5. You ought know all the facts to understand the importance of this event.

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

You had better  home now before the rain starts.

A) going

C) have gone

B) to be going

D) go

E) to go

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The vet put something down the dog’s throat to make it  .

A) to vomit

C) vomit

B) to have vomit

D) to be vomiting

E) vomiting

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The prisoners are made  holes and  them in again.

A) to dig / to fill

C) dig / to fill

B) dig / fill

D) digging / filling

E) to dig / fill

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