2.2. Process of responding to the four evaluation questions, based on the data collection in the field
To answers the evaluation question a process of three steps has been followed.
First step: assessment of the achievements of the judgement criteria for each CFA-counterpart (EQ 1-2) and at country level (EQ 3 and 4)
Considering EQ 1 and EQ 2- JC1): per CFA, the achievement of the JC has been assessed based upon the information gathered for the indicators and the assessment of some specific lobby cases.
A report per CFA has been written (available on request).
Considering EQ 2, 3 and 4: per country, the achievement of the JC has been assessed as follows:
Analysis of the response of the government and the civil society to the fight against HIV/AIDS (less relevant for EQ 2)
Assessment of the JC: based upon the assessment of concrete interventions of counterparts, using the DAC evaluation criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy and sustainability) and on the information gathered on the indicators
A report has been written per country visited (available on request).
Second step: assessment of the evaluation questions (for the CFAs and countries as a whole)
Based upon the assessment of the judgement criteria an answer has been formulated for each question, consisting of:
A global overview of the level of achievement of the different judgement criteria: putting together the assessment of the JC for the different CFAs and different countries visited. Trends and differences will be identified.
An assessment of strategic choices (and relevancy of interventions), effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability
An overall conclusion on the particular evaluation question
Third step: final conclusions
Based upon the assessment of the four evaluation questions an answer has been formulated for the overall question “to assess and analyse the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness of CFAs funding strategies, policies and practices for the fight against HIV/AIDS in the region of Southern Africa and South Asia”, conclusions and recommendations were developed.
The organisation reports and country report are not stand alone reports but working documents that have been used to answer the evaluation questions and have to be read in that perspective. It was not the intention of the evaluators to formulate for each country and for each CFA conclusions and recommendations.
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