Judgment criteria HPR
(1.1) The CFA internalised HIV/AIDS in all its core functions
(1.2.) The CFAs take HIV/AIDS into account in the elaboration of programmes, the assessment of funding proposals and the identification of partners.
(1.3) The CFAs have put HIV/AIDS on the development agenda
(2.1) The issue of HIV/AIDS is incorporated in the dialogue between CFA and counterpart.
(2.2) Improved HIV/AIDS competence of counterparts to deal with staff susceptibility and organisational vulnerability to HIV/AIDS.
(2.3) Improved competence of counterparts to adapt new and existing programmes to the context of HIV/AIDS and contribute positively to the wider response to HIV/AIDS
(3.1) The counterpart offers a comprehensive package of HIV/AIDS services geared to the needs of the defined target groups (focus on the CFA strategy on direct poverty alleviation)
(3.2) An AIDS-competent society has emerged (focus on the CFA strategy on civil society building)
(3.3) Counterparts have put HIV/AIDS on the policy agenda of local, regional or national governments (focus on the CFA strategy on advocacy and lobbying)