- Association for Promoting Social Action (CORDAID)
- New Entity for Social Action (NOVIB)
Remark: in italic, the counterparts visited in phase 1 by ETC Crystal AIDS work directly focuses on HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment or support for those infected and affected. This work is distinct and implemented separately from other existing development work. The 6 counterparts mentioned did modify their programmes in this way, (1) through the established a separate unit that conduct the HIV/AIDS specific programmes (SACBC and Samuha by the creation of Samuha/Samraksha), (2) through the development of a separate HIV/AIDS specific programme (Plan field offices and Lilongwe Diocese) or (3) by changing the core business and becoming an AIDS specific organisations (Arise).
Integrated AIDS work has been defined as AIDS work which is implemented along with, or as part of, development work. The focus is on prevention, care, treatment or support but with the difference that the work is conducted in conjunction with, and linked to other projects or within the wider programmes. In this category the evaluators did distinguish two different types of integrated AIDS work. On the one hand “development organisations” (like SWEAT, The Black Sash, CRD, SCLC and Jekesa Pfungwa) that did include specific HIV/AIDS activities into their current activities and to that end have trained some staff, when needed, and/or became engaged in partnerships with organisations that offer AIDS specific services (private or public), mostly to refer their constituencies to these services or to bring these services into the communities they work with. On the other hand there are three counterparts (Mulanje, ASHA and INSA) who’s core business is health care provision, hence an extension of their work with HIV/AIDS specific services is self-evident.
External mainstreaming means adapting development work in order to take into account susceptibility to HIV transmission and vulnerability to the impacts of AIDS. The focus is on the core programme work in the changing context created by AIDS. The evaluators have seen five interesting examples of external mainstreaming efforts17, based on thorough internal strategic reflections (NISAA, NESA) and/or supported by (external) research (SEF, JOPM, APSA).
All of these 19 generalist organisations are involved in awareness raising activities and prevention programmes, some of them deliver also HIV/AIDS related services.
Table 27: Situation of generalist counterparts on the prevention to care continuum in the four countries visited (n=18 – NESA is not included, see remark under table)