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  • Morphological identification of five families

  • Anatomical characteristics and dissection of root and stem of two medicinal plants

  • Floral formula and floral diagram of five medicinal plants

Reference Books:

 S.H., Afaq, Standardization of herbal drugs, Publication division, AMU, Aligarh.1994.

 R. Mitra, Bibliography of Pharmacognocy of Medicinal Plants, EBIS, Lucknow.

 W.H.Hobart, Instrumental method of analysis, CBS, New Delhi.

 T.E. Wallis, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, 5th Ed. J. &A. Churchill Ltd., London, 1967.

 Tyler, V.E., Brady, L.R.&Robber J.E., Pharmacognocy Lae Faibiger, Philadelphia, 1976.

 Peach & Tracey, K.V., Modern method of Plant analysis, Spriger Verlag Berlin, Gottengen Heidelberg, 1955.

 Johnson, D.A., Plant Micro technique, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York, 1940.

Paper – 2

Research Methodology and Biostatistics
Research Methodology

  1. Literary research

  2. Clinical research

  1. Phases of Clinical Trials

  1. Experimental research

  2. Observation and field studies

  • Trends and possibilities of research in Unani System

  • Research problems

  1. Definition

  2. Selection and sources of research problems

  • Hypothesis

  1. Types: Null and alternate hypothesis

  • Research designs

  1. Types of Research designs

  • Controls in research designs

  1. Selection criteria

  2. Placebo and plain control

  3. Randomization

  4. Balancing and matching

  • Factors effecting research results.

  • Tools and techniques in research

  1. Interview, questionnaire, inventories, scales

  2. Rating scales

  3. Analytical tools for experimental research – introduction.

  1. Minitab

  2. SPSS

  • Protocols for research and report writing

  1. Protocols for experimental, clinical and community based research.

  2. Writing research report.

  3. References in research report.

  1. Books

  2. Journals

  3. Compendia

  4. Bulletins

  5. WHO Reports

  6. Internet Sites

  • Guidelines for Research

  1. WHO

  2. ICMR



  • Scope and utility of Biostatistics

  • Descriptive Statistics

    1. Analysis of Data

  1. Data collection, tabulation and presentation of data.

  2. Measure of central tendency – Mean, Median and Mode.

  3. Measures of dispersion: Range, quatratile deviation, standard deviation.

    1. Probability

  1. Definition and laws of probability

  2. Types of probability distribution

  3. NPC and its application size

  4. Randomized samples

    1. Sampling

  1. Types and sample size

  2. Randomized sampling

  • Inferential Statistics

  1. Correlation and linear regression

  1. Karl Pearson correlation coefficient

  2. Linear regression equations.

  1. Test of significance

  1. ‘t’ test

  2. ‘z’ test.

  1. Test of variance

  1. ANOVA one way

  2. ANOVA two way.

  1. Non-parametric tests

  1. Median test, Mann Whitney U test.

  2. Kruskall Wallis test, Fried test.

  • Vital Statistics

    1. Rate and Ratios

    2. Standardization of population

    3. Risk factors

Recommended Reading


Title of the book



Name of the



Year of Publication


Analytical chemistry



Mc Graw Hill Publication



Basic and clinical Biostatistics


Dawson & Trep




CPCSEA Guidelines






Ethical guidelines for biomedical research in human subjects



ICMR, New Delhi



Fundamentals of experimental pharmacology



Scientific book Agency



Medical ethics and introduction to Biostatistics

II Edition


Jay pee Brothers New Delhi .



Methods of bio statistics



Paras Publishing company



Practical approach to P.G.Dissertation

I Edition

R Ravindran and B.A Geetanjali

Jay pee Brothers New Delhi .



Research Design


Mc Guigain

Mc Graw Hill Publication



Research methodology


A.K. Kothari

New Age Publishers , Delhi



Research methodology and Bio-statistics in pharmacology


M.Aslam & S .Singh

Academic publication, Nai sarak, New Delhi



Screening Methods of Pharmacology





Paper - 3

General Pharmacology and Experimental Pharmacology
General Pharmacology

  • Drug Pharmacology

    1. Pharmacognosy

    2. Pharmacy

    3. Pharmacokinetics

    4. Pharmacodynamics

    5. Therapeutics

    6. Toxicology

    7. Clinical pharmacology

    8. Pharmaceutics

    9. Clinical pharmacology

    10. Pharmacogenetics

  • Routes of Administration

  • Pharmacokinetics

    1. Absorption of drugs

    2. Distribution of drugs

    3. Metabolism of drugs

    4. Excretion of drugs

    5. Bioavailability and half life of drugs

    6. Dose response curve, LD50, ED50

  • Pharmacodynamics

    1. Receptor mediated drug action

    2. Receptor-ligand interaction

    3. Receptor families

  • Drug interactions

  • Adverse Drugs Rections

Experimental Pharmacology

  • Common laboratory animals, characteristics and experimental uses.

  • Factors affecting drug response.

  • Drug administration (Oral and IV) and withdraw of blood samples

  • Dose conversion factors.

  • Vehicles for animal administration.

  • Isolated tissue preparation.

  • Methods of rendering the animal unconscious.

  • Anaesthetics used in lab animals.

  • Basic equipment.

  • Physiological salt solutions.

  • Standard drugs and chemicals

  • Bioassay

    1. Scope

    2. Principles

    3. Designing

    4. Types

  • Drugs Screening

a)High throughput screening

(b)Blind screening

c) Screening Tests:

Central depressant, Anxiolytic, Anti-convulsant, Analgesic,

Anti inflammatory, cardiovascular agents on cat BP,

Hepato protective agents, etc

Toxicity Studies

    1. Acute

    2. Sub acute

    3. Chronic studies

In-vivo Experiments

  • To study the general pharmacology and gross behaviour in mice and rats.

  • To study the effects of pentobarbital Induced hypnosis in mice.

  • To study the effects of chlorpromazine on the locomotor activity using photoactometer in rats.

  • To study the analgesic activity of morphine using tail flick method by analgesiometer in mice.

  • To study the analgesic activity of morphine using hot plate method in mice.

  • To study the analgesic activity of asprin using acetic acid induced writhing test in rats.

  • To study the anti-inflammatory activity of asprin / indomethacin against carrageenin induced paw edema in mice.

  • To study the anticonvulsant activity of phenytoin using convulsiometer in rats.

  • To study the antisecretory and ulcer protective effect of H2 -Blockers in rats.

In-vitro Experiments (on isolated preparations)

  • To record a concentration response curve (CRC) of acetylcholine using ileum preparation..

  • To record the effect of spasmogenic and spasmolytic drugs on the CRC of acetylcholine using ileum preparation.

  • Tostudy effect of cardiac drugs on frog heart.

Recommended Reading

    1. Baskar R.T., (2004): Methods of Bio Statistics, Paras Publishing Co.

    2. Christian, (2004): Analytical Chemistry, Mc Graw Hill Publication.

    3. CPCSEA Guidelines 2001

    4. Dawson & Trep, (1994): Basic and Clinical Bio Statistics, A Lange Medical Book.

    5. Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical research in Human subjects 2000 ICMR New Delhi.

    6. Francis, C.M., Medical Ethics II Edition 2004, Jay Pee Brothers, New Delhi.

    7. Glover & Mitchell, (2002): An Introduction to Bio Statistics, Mc Graw Hill Publication.

    8. Good Clinical Practices: GOI Guidelines for clinical trials on pharmaceutical products in India.

    9. Gosh M.N., (1994): Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology, Scientific Book Agency.

    10. ICMR –Guidelines on animal use 2001 ICMR New Delhi

    11. Kothari A.K., (2003): Research Methodology, New Age Publishers, Delhi.

    12. Mc Guigain, (1980): Research Design, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication.

    13. Prof. W.H. Vogel: Drug Discovery & Evaluation Pharmacological Assays, Springer Verlag Publications.

    14. R. Turner, (1965): Screening Methods of Pharmacology.

    15. Raveendran, R. and Gitanjali, B.A. – Practical approach to PG Dissertation I Edition 1997, Jay Pee Brothers Medical Publishers pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

    16. Research Methodology & Bio Statistics in Pharmacology, Surender Singh, M.Aslam, Academic Publication, Nai Sarak, Delhi.

    17. Vogel, (1999): An Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, Mc Graw Hill Publication.

Paper – 4

Standardisation of Unani Drugs

  1. Aims and Objectives of Standardisation

  2. Standardisation of Herbal, Mineral, and Animal origin drugs

  3. Physical Standardisation

    1. Moisture content.

    2. Viscosity.

    3. Melting point

    4. Solubility

    5. Optical rotation

    6. Refractive index

    7. Ash values

    8. Extractive values

    9. pH

    10. Successive extractives

    11. Bulk density

  1. Chemical standardisation

    1. Quantitative Chemical Tests.

  1. Acid value

  2. Ester value

  3. Peroxide value

  4. Iodine value

  5. Hydroxyl value

  6. Saponification value

    1. Qualitative Chemical Tests for:

  1. Alkaloides

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Glycosides Saponins Phenols Resins

  4. Esters

  5. Alcohol

  6. Acids

  7. Volatile oil

  8. Fats

  9. Fixed oils

  10. Flavinoids,proteins

  11. Steroids

  12. Tannins

  13. Adultration in oils

  1. Analytical methods in drug analysis

    1. Sublimation

    2. Distillation

    3. Methods of separation and isolation of marker compounds

    4. Chromatography

  1. Types, aims and objectives.

  2. Thin layer chromatography and HPTLC

  3. Paper Chromatography

  4. Column Chromatography.

  5. Liquid Chromatography.

  6. Gas Chromatography.

Introduction and applications of HPLC,, Mass Spectroscopy,

    1. General description of electrophoresis

    2. Spectroscopy: UV and flame photometry

    3. Fluorescence study of crude drugs

  1. Quality control of drugs of Unani System of Medicine

  1. Adulteration of drugs

  2. Aflatoxin contamination

  3. Factors affecting quality of drugs

  1. Standardisation of compound formulations

(Arq, Majoon, Safoof, Qurs and other dosage forms)

  1. Process standardisation.

  2. Product standardisation.

  3. Stability studies.

  4. Separate parameters for each class of unani drugs

Introduction to organic chemistry

(a)IUPAC Names

  1. Functional groups

Alcohols, esters, aldehydes, carboxylic acids


  1. Practical demonstration of

  1. Total ash values

  2. , acid insoluble ash.

  3. Water soluble,

  4. Sulphated ash values.

  1. Determination of moisture content.

  2. Determination of extractive values.

  3. Determination of Acid values, iodine value, peroxide value,

saponin value, ester value hydroxyl value.

  1. Determination of refractive index.

  2. Determination of Rf value by TLC.

Successive extractives

Total alkaloids

Total phenols

Total resins

total tannins

  1. Preprative TLC

  2. TLC for seperation of Sugers, Aminoacids, alkaloids.

® Standard solutions and volumetric analysis

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