Origins of religions

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(Hebrew “Phalasaphia; i.e Customs and traditions of magic and gods See Col 2;8, Deut. 18:9-15, Dan 2:2.

Ancient Polytheism was called Phaliscepha (i.e. gods and spirits: Colossians 2:8, Isaiah 46:1-11, Isaiah 41:24) Hebrew “Hereli, Qoli or Qaraeli (i.e, to call on gods) Genesis 4:26; (Hebrew O.T, 2005).


  1. Animism (Nature is spiritual)

  2. Ancestral deities

  3. Magic and witchcraft (Voodooism) Hebrew “Philasophot; Ezk.13:18-30, Isaiah 8:19)

  4. Totemic (Personal or family gods: Hebrew,-Cesoph to sorcery, or socratim i.e.Consulting witchcraft.

  5. Incantations and chanting.

  6. Druidery (Nature worship) Also Taoism.

  7. Polytheism (Phalasu or Aphilasaphir)

  8. Polymonotheism (African and Oriental Traditional Religions)

  9. Monopolytheism (Multiplicity of gods under one God)

  10. Intermediary gods and goddesses; Sociological - deities).

  11. Revealed and unrevealed Religions

  12. Nomenclature Theology (Names of God and gods) in all Religions.

  13. Revelations and false prophecies (Hebrew “Philasaphim; see Num 23; 3-14, Phoenician “Zophim”, Hebrew, “Sophim”, i.e., hill of divination or false prophecy, or magic (Hebrew,”Asaphim”) see Colossians 2:8) See Hebrew O.T; 2005; London; SDHT.

  14. Religious sources of morality. Relationship between Religion and Theology

  15. Moral Theology and Moral Philosophy

  16. Immortality and Reincarnation. Also Destiny and Freewill.

  17. Immortability (life after death)

  18. Immutability (the constancy of the human soul and spirit) Transmutation (Astral transfer of the human soul)

  19. Christian Transubstantiation (the bread and wine become flesh and blood)

  20. Transmigration Reincarnation, Incarnation, Embodiment and re-embodiment (the soul reinhabits its old physical body after death)

  21. Secularism triangle

  22. Body, soul, spirit , mind, mentality, conscience and consciousness

  23. Hierarchy of beings and spirits Hebrew “Hereli, or Qaraeli” (i.e. to call on gods; Genesis 4:26, i.e. idolatry or Phaulosaphne (i.e. calling false gods, before God revealed himself).

  24. Biochemistry Religion

  25. Psychogenetics of Religion(Pre-programmed believe in God & gods)

  26. Monotheism (one God)

  27. Abrahamic Religions (from Abraham’s children) i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam

  28. Oriental Religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jains, Gains, Pakistani Sikhs, Japanese Shinto, Taoism, Confucianism, Zorostrianism (i.e. Persian monotheism of Ahura Mazda and duality of forces).

  29. African Traditional Religions (Amadioha, Ifa, Asantihene, Azande, Lugbara, Sangoma, Egyptian Ra (Pha-raah) Cushite Baal (Phala)the Ekpe, Eyo, Oro, Ulaga, and Agaba deities etc..

  30. New Religious Movements: ECKs -Eckankar, Grail Message, Bahai, Rosicrucian, Ogboni, Amorc, Lodge, Brotherhood, Christian Science, the Brethren, Mormons, Latter day Saints, Indiana Jones, Scientology, etc.


See 2Kg 18;4 and Num 21:4-9” Seraphim or Sophen (Serpent worship: i.e. Nahasuphia; Mtth 10:16

Note the following

(Daniel 4:9 and 18, the “Philasaphim”, i.e. chief magician or spirit of the gods (Daniel 2:2, Daniel 1:20, extraordinary powers from the gods (Saphne or Sephur) See Nahum 3:4 “Baalacsophim”, or Ezekiel 13:18-20, Philosophim) check 1 Samuel 14:42 “Philu” (find out or cast lots) Exodus 28:6-30-Ephili (Ephod) Sapphire, magic stones for consulting God. i.e, the Philosophers’ magic or transmutation-stones.

  1. See Genesis 41:43-45: Egyptian “Zaphnath-Panea” to Hebrew “Phali-saphim” (i.e. the gods (saphne) speak (pha) through him (Yoseph) BDB, 2007, pp 861, 821-822.

  2. Jeremiah 7:31, Tophili or Terephili; Hos3;4, “High places (Numbers 23:14-Sophim; Divination Hills) of Tophet (Tophilsao; false prophets of fire (sophet) divination (Phili; consulting the supernatural: Ezekiel 13:18-20 (KJV) “Pillows or Philos” (i.e. magic: NIV) Nah 3;4- Phalasophim from Baalcosophim, i.e. witchcraft or sorcery.

Isaiah 2:6- Phalasu, Palasu, Philisti, Phili etc. is idolatry, magic, sorcery or divination; 1 Samuel 6:1-3.

Jeremiah 19:5-6, “They have built the high places of Baal (Baal is Tophil or Tophet or Rephan, Acts 7;43, or Jer32;35; see Jer19;6, also see Revelations 9:11 “Abad is Apol or Aphilon, Devil worship (Tophiilaso: Philisti-sophiku; Isaiah 2:6, 1 Samuel 17:26 and 36-Heathens) or Diabolos or Delphi, i.e. evil or Tabaal, to Taboo or Tophet, i.e. evil. Also Balm is Pharm or Rapha, i.e. healing: Rabbi is Phila (i.e. master, i.e. Baal is Alpha, or Lord) see Genesis 35:19 “Bethlehem is Ephrath; Ephraim is Hebrew.

Devil (Delphi) worship (Tophila) Philosapha, Isaiah 14:42 (Lucifer) Baalzebub (2 Kings 1:1-3, Matthew 12:24-26- i.e. Devil worship (Phosphorus from Phlosphorim) Colossians 2:4- plausible (Beautiful, but false) 2 Peter 1:16 “sophis” cleverly invented. The Devil is Baalzephon: Exodus 14:1, i.e. mountain and witchcraft cults of Baal (2 Kings 1:1-3)

NOTE. Greek Delphi was a mountain serpent (sophis) cult visited by Socrates.

Nahum 3:4, “Phoenician “Baalcosophim”, is Hebrew “Phalasophim” i.e. witchcraft.

Isaiah 8:19 “Saphilsaphim” (consulting the dead and witchcraft).

Note: Deuteronomy 17:8-9 “Philasaphat’ (difficult to judge; or spiritually judged: 1 Chronicles 23:1- Elisaphath, divine judgment (see Colossians 2;8-Philosophia, i.e. false spiritual teachings.

  1. Greek Pallas Athene is Hebrew “Phalasaphya” i.e. Greek goddess (saphne or Athene) of magic (Philas) called wisdom (see Ezekiel 13:18-20 KJV “Pillows, Phalasu or Philos i.e. magic; sophaot is witchcraft.

  2. Hebrew “Asaphim”, Cesoph (Cesem) to Greek “sesophis” or “suzetes”, gave us “sorcery, Socrates and ancestry i.e. consulting spirits of magic and the dead (BDB, 2007, p88).

  3. 1 Samuel 17:26 and 36, Isaiah 2:6 “Philisti sophiku (or Herel), i.e. heathens, false gods of the uncircumcised or the Herephi (Colossians 2:8) Philosophia (false gods).

  4. Exodus 28:18 “Nephil” (Nephec) sapphire (philisaphire) i.e. 1 Samuel 14:42 stones for casting lots and or philosophers magic stones (Nephil sapphire) for finding out, deciding or resolving mysteries; or for transmutations (i.e. ancient chemistry or alchemy). Bromiley 1985.

  5. Job 34:32 “Pha-lo-sipha” (to commit evil, or idolatry: consult gods).

  6. Micah 1:10-11 “Philasti (Phalasaphir) 1 Samuel 4:16, 1 Samuel 6:1-5, Isaiah 41:24 “Phalasaphar”, Colossians 2:8 (Goodnews) i.e. worthless gods (Philistine diviners and image of gods- see Isaiah 46:6. See Colossians 2:4, Phoenician Baal, saphia (i.e. beautiful but false) Hosea 7:1 “Phalasaqad” (or Saphak) or falsehood (Isaiah 2:6 Philisti-Sophiku; i.e. paganism or mocking God.

  7. Ecclesiastes 12:11 Phoenician “Baalsophot”, Hebrew Philasophia (cult or spiritual leader or spiritual teachings of cult leaders translated shepherds, masters, giants, leaders (Nephilim Genesis 6:4) Assemblies (Sopha-Temple or cults) See Asaph, asab or Yasab (i.e. gathering, assembly or congregation; 1 Chronicles 16:37-Asaph or Philasapha, i.e. leader of Assembly or Temple leader.

Very Important:

  • Hence Goodnews translation called “Ecclesiastes” philosopher (i.e. Temple leader, speaker, preacher or theologian. KJV is preacher; NIV is “sopher” (i.e. religious teacher) or scribe: Nehemiah 8:1-8 Ezra-the Sopher, i.e. learned priest; see Nehemiah 7:57 sophereth (Temple secretaries and teachers trained by Solomon etc).

  • Philosophy, thus, equates to worthless or false teachings received from the gods and spirits; or human customs, traditions and principles; see Col 2;8-23 etc.(Paul Maer on Josephus,1988).

  • See Romans 9:11, James 3:15 (13-17) Hebrew “Phaula” to Greek “Phaulos”, i.e. false or worthless or earthly wisdom (Sophia)

  1. Numbers 23; 1-14 “Balaamsophim” (Phalasophim: Numbers 23:14 “Hill of false prophecy) Balak-Zippor (Phalasiphar) witchcraft.

  2. Job 32;34 “Philasaphati” (Naphtali, Genesis 49;19-21, Naphtali-sapha, beautiful but cunning, flattering and false speech or teachings: Colossians 2:8

  3. Job 34:26, Genesis 3:15, Colossians 2:8, Isaiah 2:6 Hebrew “Sophiku” (Aramaic “Sephek”) i.e. to strike, attack, capture, entice, mock or deceive or destroy (2 Peter 1:16 “Sophis”: cleverly invented, see Daniel 7:24, Saphel; i.e. captured or destroyed.

  4. Job 34:32 Hebrew “Phalosipha” (or soph) I will do evil (Phaali) no more, or destroy (Soph) evil (Phaali; Romans 9:11, Phaulos; evil)

  5. 1 Samuel 6:1-5 “Philisticesoph” (Philistine diviners) Isaiah 45:20 “Tophilal” (praying to God or gods).



(1Sam 28;3- ‘veya-Sephardul Moshe’- and Moses was = “Mot” (dead),’Sephard’- mourning to invoking the dead; see Col 2;8,- KJV-spoil, NIV is capture or destroy.)

  1. Philosophy came from philosopher i.e. from the Hebrew “Philasapha”, i.e. those who claim to have received from the gods (Sephir or Saphne), BDB,, 2007: 86) explanations to mysteries or hidden things (sophoner).

  2. Inexplicable things in Hebrew is Niphila-Sapher (Job 5:9 and Job 37:16) i.e. “Miphilosaph” (i.e. things that cannot be explained or counted).

  3. Daniel 2 and 3 Hebrew ancients called magic and astrology or (astron) i.e., sapha, (see Persian “magos”, Greek “Puthonia” used for magic (cesoph, i.e. sorcery or Pharm, Numbers 24:1; and divination Numbers 23:14 “Sophim”, hill for consulting the gods) to receive information (1 Samuel 28:7, Isaiah 8:19-saphilsaphim) and resolve mysterious; in Greek it is “puthon”, (Acts 16:16-fortune telling) or Pharma or Pharmakon, or Hebrew Rapha or Rephili, i.e. using the spiritual (Phili or magic) to cure or kill illness (Saphel or to spoil, i.e. sophoil, Colossians 2:8.

  4. Ancient philosophy was also “Astrology” i.e. cocabi, or phil-sophi, Persian “magi”, Matthew 2:1-16, or reading the stars (cocaphi) to count or explain, with magic stones ( “Nepha-Saphon”; Exodus 28:18-Sapphire) or Ephili, i.e to find out things through magic-Ezk 13:18-20 Jonah 1:7, 1Sam 14:38-42, Hebre “Philu” ( Cast lots).

  5. Exodus 28:6-18-“Ephili” (Ephod) v 28, Sapphire, or using the sacred stone- Ephili-Sapphire to decide or explain things.

  6. See Deuteronomy 17:8- Philasaphaot i.e. cases too difficult (Phili) to judge (Saphat)- Please check it.

  7. See Genesis 10; 30, “Sephar”, or mountain of gods; See Genesis 49:21Naph-tali-sapha (Philisapha) cunning and crafty speech.

    1. Naph-tal, i.e. to struggle to do something, even when you cannot (Asophos) i.e. Phalasophia, something that cannot be done or explained. Job 5:9 (Phalisopher) Job 37:16 Miphilosoph.

    2. Or to fight, destroy, subdue or spoil (Sophoil; Colossians 2:8 KJV).

    3. Or to pull down (Nephilim, i.e. fallen or worthless angels or gods, called giants or Lords “Phili” or gods or Phoebus or Egyptian sephur, i.e. deceivers; Revelations 12:9-Ophil-Sophis, i.e. the deceitful serpent (Sephet).

  8. Deuteronomy 23:14 Hebrew “Sophim” (Phoenician “Zophim”) i.e. hill for consulting the gods (Saphne) to curse (Seb or Seph) or kill soph-zebah-sacrifice or resolve difficult problems (Phili-sapha) Deuteronomy 17:8-9. (Balaam or Phala is the evil son) or son with magic or extraordinary powers (Phal or Phile or Tophila; Numbers 24:1, Ezekiel 13:18-20).


  1. Ancient Kanabaali (cannibal) or Baalsophot or Phaalisophot (flesh eating cults; phelos or flesh; sophot is cult). Woodrow, 1969, pp1-49.

  2. Baali or Phaaliceseph or Phalasepha i.e., man-made gods, Is 46;1-10. Isa 41:24

  3. Phaliscepha (Colossians 2:8) man-made gods, Acts 17:29

  4. Ereli; or Qaraeli (calling false gods). Gen 4;26- Hebrew O.T;2005.

  5. Animism (spirituality of nature)

  6. Polytheism (Many gods)

  7. Monotheism (One God)

  8. Secularism; e.g. morality is possible without Religion and God.


  1. Hebrew “Hekon” (Econ; Temple-manager) i.e. Konomi (priests)

  2. Hebrew “Hekou”, Greek “Oikou or Eccle, -i.e. Ecclesia” (cult, shrine, church, Temple) Note; Shrine and Cult originally meant religious gatherings, i.e. Hebrew-‘Asophot’

  3. Arabic “Masjid or Masud” ( i.e. mosque)



  1. Ancient “Religion was Phaliscepha” (i.e. magic) Daniel 4:9 and 18 (Cognate “Aphialasaphir”); i.e., chief magician or extraordinary powers (Hebrew “Phili” Phalasu, Phisla or Philisti-Sophiku; Isaiah 2:6, i.e. magic and paganism-(Palasu or Phalasu) 2 Chronicles 15:16-19, repulsive idolatry or the uncircumcised (Herephil; see Col 2;8).

  2. They were called “Herel, Hereph, Erelim, Pheleg or Phililia (i.e. the uncircumcised, pagans, idol worshippers, i.e. Phaliscepha; Acts 19:14 sceva or scepha, i.e. magic-Philisti- Isaiah 2:6, Isaiah 52; 1-:2, 1 Samuel 17:26 and 36, the uncircumcised from Hebrew “Herel”, Phalaq or Phalasaphaq, Isaiah 2;6.

  3. Job 34:32 “Pha-lo-sipha”, the evil I do (Evili- or Evili-Phaali) I will stop or end (Soph or Sipha)

  4. Hebrew “Hereli” (i.e. Idolatry, to Latin “Religere” (to bind or be addicted to something you cannot do without) Eliade 1989.

  5. Ancients went to the “Yaphili” (mountain or Saphon, i.e. the Sophi or Sion, Mount of the gods or God) to consult God and offer sacrifices of Blood- (Raphili, i.e. healing) to appease the gods. The unrepentant were called Hereh or Ereli. BDB, 2007,pp 790, 791, 793-Ophet- Saphon going to the mountain to consult God or gods-Deuteronomy 23:3-14 Hebrew “Sophim” (Phoenician “Zophim”)

  6. See BDB, p 117, Aramaic “Sopharph”, i.e. dawn or moonlight (i.e. astrology- or the Persian magos, Matthew 2:1-16, Hebrew “Asaphim” or Sophar, i.e. magic stones for divination; Exodus 28: 18, Ezekiel 28:13- Nephel-Sapphire (i.e. Philosophers magic divination stones) Hebrew Old Testament, 2005.


(Religion is Psychology i.e. a Behavior, Psychonomy, or Religious Behavior)

Theories on the origins of Religion simply means scholarly debates (i.e. theories or unconfirmed but verifiable-suggestions) by experts in Religion and related fields on how Religion or the worship of supernatural beings emerged as a human activity or behavior.

This study will concentrate on some theories including the Biochemistry of Religion, (i.e. brain chemicals and religious behavior’ in such relevant theories).

  1. Anthropological Theory: Greek Anthropos (“Android”; i.e. man) gave us the word Anthropology which means the investigation of the possible biological evolution or origins of man through tissue “mutagenesis” or mutation of genes from lower or uni-cellular cells (i.e. the Amoebas and Parameciums) to complex multi-cellular reptiles from the aquatic (or hydro) amphibians, then to mammalians and the Hebrew “Hauah”(Huim or Human) to Greek “Omoios”, i.e. Latin “Humans” (or the Homo Sapiens) whose reasoning abilities fell short of expectations. Hence, man in his early developmental stages needed to conceive of a possible supernatural intelligence capable of solving his numerous elemental problems. This which constitute the anthropological theory on the origins of Religion. (Dulbecco, 2000; New and Philips, 1953, Ogundu, 2000).

  2. Psychological Theory: Psychology from the Hebrew “Nepsot” or Nepsu (soul) to Greek “Psuche,” to English Psyche (i.e. soul which is the Hebrew seat or center that produces and coordinates human behavior. Freud and Jung (1880s) worked on the human subconscious within the diaphramic-mental cognition which stores the “agnois” that militates against the “gnosis” or man’s ability to conceive of extra-terrestrial saphons (i.e. the metathesion or things beyond human comprehension). Thus, when an atheist claims he does not believe in God, however stored up in his subconscious (revealed in Freudian Pyscho-analysis Therapies) is the subconscious (unconscious) genetically-pre-disposed or pre-programmed human subconscious believe in the supernormal or transcendence ever present in the genomic human biology, which focuses on issues of how human biology influences the human spirit or soul (vice- versa) or if it can be proven that there is soul, spirit and mind (or that the mind is actually the spirit and the soul).

  3. Para-psychic Theory: Para-psychic (Greek Psuchikos) means elemental spirits, i.e. receiving power from spirits that are not from God (Colossians 2:8, James 3:13-17). Newall cited by Ogundu (2000) worked on wandering elemental spirits (Colossians 2:8) which either inhabit biological beings or are mysteriously trapped or neutralized by human ingenuity; these extraterrestrial powers called Jins in Arabic, constitute magic and witchcraft called “Saphilsaphim” in Hebrew (See Isaiah 8:19) i.e. the ability to consult the dead (Greek “Nekros”, i.e. Necromancy) fortune telling, sorcery, soothsaying, (Persian “Magos”, Greek “Magea” English “magic”, Hebrew “Asaphim”, Daniel 4:9 and 18) Hebrew Old Testament, 2005, BDB, 2007. These extraordinary powers either ran into man or man ran into or acquired them through unspoken means before they became occultic ventures.


(Psycho-social and Anthropological Theories on Religion (including the Archeological or Historical angles) point to the origins and functions of Religion in human societies).

EMILE DURKHEIM (1858-1917):

That the sacred is the major characteristic of religion, not necessarily having faith in Divinity; Durkheim believed that totemism-(i.e. the guardian Australian aboriginal family or clan gods) was the original and simplest form of religion leading to complex religions. Durkheim’s functional views are also that cohering social unity of religious like-minds (and morality) often makes personal religious interests clash with group interests.


That Religion is a figment or myth (i.e. illusory); please read Freudian and Jungian “psycho-analyses” and the investigation of the human sub-conscious, often referred to as “innate fears of the Unknown”. Note: William James (on Principles of Psychology= origins of human behaviors).


(Foreword by Dajal Robert) corresponding to the Freudian, “Religion as an unconscious-Neurotic response to Repression”, thus, whether Religion is verifiable or not; or lacks evidence for its claims defies human comprehensive: which Nnaji an “Theistics: (2016: origins of human Religions) challenged or demanded that evidences for non-existence of God or the Spiritual, should be presented.


In his anthropological approach said that religious beliefs originated as explanations of natural Phenomena noting issues on spirits from attempts to explain life and death. In ancient times, human dreams meant that spirit appearances were indications that the human mind could exist independent of a body. Hence, cultures and religions tend to grow more sophisticated as the human Psyche develops producing monotheist religions, and science, though ancient practices like magic and witchcraft still persists to date. (Nnaji: 2014: Ancient Religion: Vol.1).


He distinguished between magic and religion. Magic influences the natural world and was used for solving problems by ancients; though magic remains unverified despite its claims to natural laws.


Which he described as special numinous which means “the Idea of The Holy” (or a Wholesome order), He called it “Mysterium Tremendum”, i.e. (Petrifying Mysteries) and Myterium fascinum (awesomeness) or the Fascinating him, religion emerged from these experiences which are non-rational actions of the human mind, not related to other aspects of man; hence, religion is hardly culture or socium (i.e. social).

MIRCEA ELIADE (1907-1986):

An editor of the Encyclopedia of Religion: (22 Volumes New York); and was a Phenomenologist, but that Religion defies the human Psyche or rationale and can ride on socio-economic brigandry: which also defies Freud’s Psychoanalysis of the human subconscious Eliades “Myth” of the Eternal Return” indicates that the primitive man performed religious rituals in order to have hope for a paradise after death, and after earthly struggles.

KARL MARX (1818-1883):

His socialist view hinged on the greater importance of materialism, financial or economic power, whereby such social class and political struggles (Macheos) relegates Religion to a consoling, supporting or even protest venture: particularly Religion used as a moral-sedative. Thus, the human mind and consciousness, in their material forms, struggles with existential social alienations of the unprivileged. Marx even called Religion the “Opium” which sedates or quiets agitating people; however, Nnaji (2015: Socionomy and Psychonomy: Unizik) says Religion currently creates, rather than solve human problems.



Believe in the supernatural and ritual religious practices started about 20,000 years ago, before man developed language and writing around 4241 BC. This is the historical length that documentation and speculation can currently go. (T.U.Nwala; Introduction to Philosophy and Logic; Nsukka; l997)

Religion popularly means the relationship between God and man. Religion does not just mean man’s believe in God or the supernatural, since believe in God does not necessarily mean worship of God; Hence Religion is much more than believe in God, it involves a binding relationship between God (the supernatural) and man (the natural). Someone once said on a radio programme that man is bigger than nature, but there is something bigger than man. Man’s continued search and Worship of that thing that is bigger than him is called Religion. 500 years before the Pharaohs, Egypt and Mesopotamia were already venerating carved images, while semi-Stone Age men 100,000 years ago were inaudibly worshipping rocks and other objects in Nature.

Definition of Religion: The word Religion comes from the Latin “Religere” which means to tie or bind oneself to something one cannot do without (Simpson and Weiner: 1989). Religion therefore technically involves someone wanting to worship and even die for what ever he calls his own God or gods; be it rational or irrational.

Origin of Religion: As already noted, before the Neanderthals and the Homo sapiens over 40,000 years ago, the idea of a higher - creator intelligence (called God), started registering.In the minds of early men of the Paleolithic era, (Lloyd Thompson: Culture and Civilization: Ibadan; Africa links; 1990) the order and awesomeness of nature started introducing the Idea of God or gods into the subconscious of the early man. By the time the Homo sapiens appeared, men started offering sacrifices to the Unknown gods.

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