Origins of religions


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  1. There is the biblical theology view that once Israel went into exile that inspiration from God ceased, hence no true prophecy came until John the Baptist; that which covered 400 years from 600BC – 3 BC/CE, i.e. to John the Baptist-six months before Jesus was born.

  2. Note: Ezekiel, Daniel and Haggai all prophesied in exile. While Jeremiah who escaped exile continued prophesying in Jerusalem: see Jer. 25, 39, 30 etc.

  3. Note: The Apocrypha (i.e. a 400 years of silence product). The six extra Old Testament books accepted by the catholic Vulgate (see the Goodnews Bible Version) are called Apocrypha by Protestantism, which means books with hidden or vague origins (Greek “Apokrupho) and considered not inspired. They include Tobit, Esdras, Bel and the Dragon, Susannah, Mecabees 1 & 2, Sirach, Samson and the Dragon, Ecclesiasticus etc. They emerged during the 400 years of silence era (McCain, 2005). There are more like Ecclesiasticus, Baruch etc.

  1. Note: Pseudoepigrapha

  2. These are books from before the 400 years of silence and after Christ, totally rejected by Catholics and Protestants. That is, they also rejected books from the New Testament Canon e.g. Gospel of Barnabas, Shepherd of Hermas, wisdom books of Moses, Gospel of Peter etc.

  3. The Greek “Pseudo” means false, while Epigrapha is spiritual writings, hence pseudoepigrapha means “false spiritual writings” (Metzger 2001), pp 79-85.

Ecstatic Prophecy: Ecstatic prophets in ancient Israel (similar to the Egyptian type) were often acting like possessed people often aided by music. People looked at them as mediums or madmen: (See 2 Kings 9:1-11 (v11). See Asian Shamans.
PUNISHMENT AND CONSEQUENCES FOR FALSE PROPHECY (Exodus 22:18) Deut 18:9-end, do not practice divination or consult the dead. Those who I have not sent (Jer 14:14, Jer 23:2-25) but they prophecy in my name,they must be put to death. Deut 18:20


  1. Egypt (see Jer 8:2) Israel got the worship of the sun god from Egypt (i.e. Ra or ela or Helios to Helium, i.e. sun god, not Eli or Elohim) Isaiah 47:13.

  2. Asia which gave us the word “East” (see Isaiah 2:6) Israel abandoned the one true God. They started worshipping divination gods of false prophecies from the East and Philistia (see Jer 7:31-32- Tophet or Tophilaso i.e. false prophecies through divination; Sophiku is paganism, or strange religions (Isaiah 2:6)

  3. Babylon: the Nimrodian synthesis or theory that says that Nimrod of Babylon in Gen. 10, was worshipped as Baal in later years; a divination system which entered Israel from Ekron in Philisti, 2 Kings 1:1-3, 1 Samuel 6:1-6, Isaiah 2:6, called “Phallusiva” in Hindi- i.e. philosophy)

  4. Deut 18:9-14,Canaanite and Phoenician- “Mophil”- Asaphim (Philasaphim) i.e. consulting occultic prophetic oracles of “sesophis”, Asaphim, Palasu or Phalasu, i.e. idolatry, sorcery or consulting the dead (saphsaphim or witchcraft Isaiah 8:19).

  5. Assyrian Nisroch: 2 Kings 19:37; see also 1 Samuel 9:9, the old namefor prophecy in Israel was “Roeh” (i.e. seer) he who can see into the future with an equivalence in the Assyrian “Nisroch”. That word “Roeh” was changed to Nabhi in Elijah’s time since it had probable occultic origin.

  6. Assyria: 2 Kings 16:10, 2 kings 17:29-32 etc the Assyrians imported Assyrian false prophecy into deported Israel (i.e. the North) by 721BC which penetrated down the South into Judah. Northern Israel under Jeroboam before the exile of 721BC, already imported Philistine divination, into Israel, (i.e. Samaria; see 2 Samuel 13, i.e. the man of God from Judah sent by God to warn Samaria against false worship 1 Kings 13 etc. See also 2 Kings 17:24 & 31 “sephar-vaim is from “Sophiphon”, i.e. the serpent, spirit of fire divination. See Gen 49:17 viper is from Phipher or Sophipon (serpent) BDB 2007, p 861).

  7. Philistia:(see Isaiah 2:6) magic, witchcraft, sorcery and divination entered Israel through Philisti 2 Kings 11:1-3.

  8. 1 Samuel 9:9 Hebrew- “Roeh or Rapha (spirit healing), i.e. a seer is the ancient name for prophets, it is also Hebrew “Nabi” or Arabic “Anabi” or Noph of Egypt (Jer 46:19 etc)

  9. Hebrew “sopis, sopet, sophis, sophet or sophim, i.e. the serpent as divination or inquiry spirit (Greek pytha) of inquiry from the dead or the occult. See Greek “Proestomene” (leader, priest or manager; 1 Tim 3:1-12.

  10. See Mtt 10:16- crafty or wise (i.e phronimos) serpent is sophis.

  11. Hebrew Palatsu or Phalasu, i.e. people deep in idol worship, magic, witchcraft and divination. 1 Samuel 6:1-2, the philistines (i.e. devil or Delphi worshippers) summoned their diviners. See 2 Kings 1:1-3 Baal Zebub the false god of Ekron (capital of Philisti).

  12. Ophra (Judges 8) i.e. city or town of divination or idol worship (see Gideon).

  13. Hebrew “Sophoner”, i.e. hidden or mysterious things.(i.e. Zephania or Soponias)

  14. Hebrew “Saphat or Sophet” (Judge) from Hebrew “Sophen or Sophis” i.e. the serpent as Judge (Gen 9:17, Acts 28:3-6).

  15. Egyptian Zaphne, Hebrew Saphne, Greek “Sophonias”, i.e. the gods or pharaoh as god speaks (Gen 41:43-45) See Zephaniah, i.e. hidden or mysterious treasures, BDB, 2007, p861.

16a. Important:Hebrew “Ephod” Ephe or Ephil (to Greek “Enph” to info) i.e. to reveal divine messages, Exodus 28:30, or spiritual garment for consulting God; Priests who wore the garment were the “Sophon”, watchmen or prophets: Ezekiel 3:17, Jeremiah 6:17 etc.

  1. Ephod or Enpho gave us info or information, i.e. spiritual revelations.

  1. See Hosea 3:4 your gods (i.e. Hebrew “Sophi” or idols) then Hebrew “Phala or Phililah”, i.e. worship.

18a. Hosea 3:4 “Terephim or Tere- Ephil (divination)

  1. Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim, i.e. angels who married earthly women, then producing giants.

Note: Isaiah 44:25 Nebali or Nephaulos- Ophet (i.e. false or foolish prophets: diviners) see Rev 9:11, Hebrew “Abad” is Greek “Apollyon or Phaulon).

Why Col 2:8 condemned philosophy

(Ezekiel 13:10-20 Nebhali- Nebhim: to Greek Nephalos- Ophet, i.e. foolish or false prophets: Ezekiel 22:28- Tophila; false prophetsSee Col 2:8 “Philos-Ophet or Philo-Sophet, i.e. false teachers, false wisdom or Ephili or Pheliso: Judges 17:3-4- consulting spirits or carved images, or idols, or Ephod- Ephili or Philsaph) i.e. Philisti (Isaiah 2:6) BDB, 2007, p 821, Phaal, i.e. doing evil).

  1. Phoenician “Zophe”, Hebrew “Sophe” (i.e watchman or prophet) Ezekiel 3:17, Jeremiah 6:17 etc.

  2. Old Testament Hebrew “Movot”- witch, magic- or (Movot, i.e. witch).

  3. Old Testament Hebrew “Mophot or Mophet” (i.e. medium, 1 Sam 28- Witch of Endor or extraordinary powers of spiritism. Exodus 22:18- a witch).

  4. Baalsapha is Phalasapha (i.e. gods speak or judge) See BDB, 2007, p 128, also Rev. 9:11, Baal is Phal vile or Phil etc.

  5. Cesoph (keseph or sorcery) i.e. magic or witchcraft.

  6. Exodus 10:22 “Ephilia, Rephilia, Mephilia; Ephil ‘i.e. supernatural darkness or concealed.

  7. Asaphim, Asephaya, Aseph, Asophim or Sophim (Num 23:14, Phoenician, Zophim) i.e. hill of divination. Then Phelia or Pheliha (to worship a god or God BDB, 2007, p 1108- or Tophilah, to pray. Ezra 7:24, i.e. worship is Phil.

  8. Hebrew “Tophel, Tophet, Tophilaso”, i.e. divination, or consulting gods and spirits Jer. 7: 31-35.

  9. Ephilia- Sophoner, i.e. concealed, darkened, hidden or mysterious: Hidden treasures.

  10. See Isaiah 34:12 Ephal or Ephilso i.e. it shall not exist, or nothingness or Isaiah 41:24 Phalasa i.e. worthless (BDB, 2007 p 67)

  11. Hebrew “Philal” or Tophila (i.e. prayer or consulting gods and God (BDB, 2007, p 812)

  12. Phoenician, “Vilasaphim” to Hebrew “Philasaphim” to Arabic falsafa, to Greek Philosophoi i.e. magicians and false prophets. Dan 2:21, Dan 1:20 etc.

  13. Hebrew “Ophel” (Nehemiah 3:26) spiritual hill.

  14. Hebrew “Phe”, Phl, or Phili, Greek Phobos, i.e. gods or the extra-ordinary; or Philon i.e. from above or the Holy One (a Priest).

  15. Judges 17:5, Judges 18:4, Phesel (Pheloseph) consulting God. See also Hosea 3:4 “Ephod, Ephili, Terephil, i.e. consulting God Exodus 28:6-31.

Note: Very Important: Judges 17:5 ‘Sephu’ (gods) Ephad, Ephili or Teraphil (i.e. consulting the gods- sephu)

  1. See Judges 17:3-4 “Phasel or Pheliso” (i.e. carved images or idols or philiset, philisoph (Philisti or idolatry).

  2. Hebrew “Pili, Pilos, Piliset, Philisti, Philaso (see Ezekiel 13:18-20, i.e. magic, magic tied to the body (or Mathew 23:5, the law tied like magic (phylactery) to the forehead) Deut 6:1-13 etc.

  3. Important: 2 Kings 23:10, Jeremiah 7:30-32, Tophilaso (Tophet) valley of divination or false prophecy owned by Ben Hinnom, i.e. practice imported from Canaanite and Phoenician “Zophim or Sophim” (i.e. Hill of divination or consulting the gods or witchcraft: Num 23:14, Num 24:1).


  1. Acts 13:6 etc: Bar Jesu (i.e. Elyma Bar Jesu) was a Ceseph, Sesophon (Cesep or sorcerer or magician) or Philosophon (Col 2:8) i.e. a sorcerer, a magician, false-prophet for Greek “makos” or Elymas (magician) or Hebrew “Asaphim” cesoph or sophion, i.e. he consults spirits or rudimentary elemental spirits of this world called “Philosophis” (Col 2:8 or Isa 2:6, i.e. the Philistines invented magic and divination called “sophis”, hence “philosophis”, thus, Jesus said in Mtt 10:16 “Be ye as wise (Phronimos) or crafty; (ceseph) as serpents (i.e. Hebrew “Sophis, Greek “Ophis”, Ophet or “Pytho” etc.

  2. 2 Peter 1:16 “cleverly invented” (Greek “Sesophis) or philosophoi from Hebrew “Phalasapha” i.e. false teachers or teachers of magic (keseph).


  1. BDB, p 611, (see 1 Samuel 9:9) ancient prophets (in Samuel’s time c1,000/960BC) were the Hebrew “Roeh” or Hereh, the seer) from Ephramite texts, but the name changed around Elijah’s time (c790BC) and applied to Abraham in Genesis 20:2 and to Moses in Deuteronomy 34:10 and to Hosea (Hosea 6:6 and Hosea 12). See Numbers 12:6-8.

  1. Ancient prophecy (c1600/1400BC-see Miriam) came with songs and band music as in ecstasy (p612) to Deborah, Judges 4:4, Huldah of 2 kings 22:14 consulted to receive word from Yahweh which was the prophetic tradition of spoken words or utterances.


  • Hebrew “Neb” is to utter, announce or speak in low voice of lifted sound, which entered Greek as Nepho or Phone, i.e. sound or to speak (BDB, P 611).

  • From Neb to Nabi or Nebi, i.e. to proclaim or utterance.


More Extracts

  • Hos 3:4- Terephil (Divination or false prophecy) Tophilaso, see the Hindu “phallusiva from Hebrew “Phalasu” (phalasapha, i.e. opposition, idolatry and adultery.

  • Phoenician- “Phalasu, palasu (fallacy or deceit) or phileso to Philisti-sophim (Isaiah 2:6 inventors of magic and divination i.e. false prophecy i.e. Philasapha.


Acts 13:5-13 Paphos is Phaulosophos, i.e. phalasapha to philosophos, i.e. false prophets (Divination town).

See Acts 13:5 “Paphos” (sorcery) is from the Hebrew “Palasapha” or Phalasapha Phalasa i.e. magic or wizardry or witchcraft, crafty





  1. Movot to Hebrew “Mophet” i.e. a spiritualist or medium who speaks for the gods, or that the gods speak through the mediums.

  2. Zophe (Ezekiel 3:17, Jeremiah 6;17, Isaiah 56:10 watchman or prophet or seon (seer) 1 Samuel 9( (i.e. Hebrew “Sophe”)

Phanea to speak or the gods (i.e. saphne) speak (phanea) to Greek phone- i.e. phonetics or study of language sounds.

Genesis 41:39, Zaphne or Saphne, Panea i.e. Joseph speaks through the Egyptian king or god. See 2 Kings 18; Nahasuphia ( i.e. serpent or sophis, worship for wisdom).

Mophet or Ophet or Tophet: 1 Samuel 9:19 Ophet, Jer 7:31-32- high places of divination or Tophila- sophoner (i.e. occultic or hidden; i.e. a medium or he who speaks for the gods or for the serpent spirit (Ophis) or Sophet. See Jer 7:32. Tophet from Tophilaso, i.e. valley of divination; see Numbers 23: 14. Zophim or Sophim- (divination).

  1. Prophetes or Propheteuo.

  2. From Pro-Ophis i.e. to know before it happens or receiving messages, wisdom or knowledge (Philos-Ophis) from spirit beings especially the Ophis or Sophis, i.e. the serpent spirit of divination called Sophim (Numbers 23:14) and proclaiming it to the people.

  1. Baal Sapha to Hebrew “Phalasapha” or Philucifer, i.e. idolatry (philosopher) the gods speak or oppose God.

  2. Baali to Hebrew “Phala) phe” spirit BDB, 2007, P 942 to Ophel or sacred mountain Nehemiah 3:26 or Greek “phobos” (gods or Sophu) to “sophi” (Sinai) i.e. spiritual mountain or sophen (serpent-spirit) or Egyptian “saphne” (zaphne) or gods.

  1. See Phoenician “Baal” (Hosea 9:10) Hebrew “Phaal”, to Greek “Phaulos” (Latin “Vile”).

  2. Greek Nephelos i.e. clouds, or that the gods or spirits from the Hebrew (Phe or Phobos) live in the cloudy, or in the soul (Hebrew “Nephes”- soul).

  3. Philal or Tophilah, Hebrew “Phe or Phili” i.e. spirit, or the unseen, (extraordinary) or what cannot be seen or explained.

  4. Hebrew, “Phili” (spiritual) or movot to “mophet” i.e. signs, wonders, miracles and spiritists.

  5. Genesis 6:4 “Nephilim” i.e. spirits or angels who married women and produced giants (use NIV).

  6. See Hosea 3:4 Terephil, i.e. divination (consulting the gods or idols).

  1. Alpha (Phine or Phili) i.e. God first.

  2. Raphael God heals.

  3. Phinehas (probably a black priest) (i.e. Ebone to Phine- Dark) Numbers 25:6. BDB, 2007, p 811-814.


(i.e. manteomai or manticisms of the false prophet Delphi Oracle) which Socrates was a member (Asaju, 1999, p 36) Bromiley, (1985)

Isaiah 56:10, “Your watchmen (sophe, i.e. prophets) are blind guides: Hebrew “Phata” (open eyes to Ephelia, blind or darkness.

    1. Jeremiah 14:14 (also Jeremiah 23:21-25) God said, “I have not sent these prophets. You are prophesying delusions or darkness of your minds (Sophon or Soph). Later those false (phaulos) prophets (pro-ophis) broke away from the true prophetic class; they continued to claim divine wisdom and revelations from God. However, Jeremiah called them “Tophilaso” (Jeremiah 7:32). Topheth, i.e. divination of receiving false wisdom (Colossians 2:8- see Goodnews) and from the serpent called Ophis or Sophot spirit of falsehood.

    2. See 2 Kings 18:4 the Jews were worshipping the Bronze serpent (Nahasuphia or Nehustan- or Nahas) as source of wisdom.

    3. Also, ancient Greek “Ophites” (from Ophis, i.e. serpent) worshipped the serpent (Hebrew”Sophis”, 2 Kings 18:4) as source of wisdom.


  1. God ruled Israel through the prophets who received messages, instructions, direction and moral guidance from God to the people. It was called Theocracy.

  2. Hence, the prophets were intermediaries between God and the people, applicable to other peoples and cultures and religions with prophetic revelation claims.

  3. The prophet in Israel was a “Sophe” (spiritual and moral watchman over Israel Ezekiel 3;17, Hosea 9:8, Isaiah 56:10 etc)

ANCIENT ORIGINS OF PROPHECY IN ISRAEL (which also produced “false prophecy”, currently called philosophy)

1a. Israelites by 1,400BC consulted the occult in Canaan to find out or resolve mysteries. The occult was called “Phalasu” see witch of Endor (Ophet, Ovot or Cesaph, 1 Samuel 28 to Phileso (i.e. Philisti or Philosophis; Isaiah 2:6 or Sophiku (pagan) etc condemned by God in Deuteronomy 18:9-13 as Asaphim (consulting the dead) or Sophim (Zophim or sorcerers, i.e. Greek “sesophis” 2 Peter 1:16 cleverly crafted or ceseph, i.e. witchcraft, Numbers 24:1 or Ezekiel 13:18-20 “Veils” (Phili or hidden) of witchcraft (saphlaphim) i.e. philisaphim, i.e. witchcraft or false (phaulos) prophecy i.e. ophetim (or phaulosophets)

  1. See also Mathew 10:16 “Be ye as wise or crafty as serpents; crafty is from Hebrew “ Cesoph”, i.e. magic; while wise is Greek “Phronimos” or Phren and Hebrew “Hakam”, then serpent is Hebrew “sophen”, or Greek “Ophis or Opet, or Pytho”. See (Bromiley, 1985, BDB, 2007, Brown and Comfort, 1991, Metzger, 2001, Mansoor, 2004, Nnaji 2012 and 2014 and Hebrew Old Testament (1940; London) etc.

2a) 1 Samuel 10:11- by Samuel’s time (c990BC) shows that early prophecy in Israel was characterized by ecstatic or possessed bands or groups of apprentice or servant prophets, e.g. Elisha servant to Elijah, and the sons of the prophets summoned by Ahab on the request of Jehoshaphat 1 Kings 22:1-18 etc.

  1. Also, Daniel 1:20 and Daniel 2:2-10 were called “Philasaphim”, i.e. magicians, enchanters or wizards interpreting dreams and doing fortune telling as prophets.

  1. By 1 Kings 17, Elijah’s time (c800BC) prophets were more organized in guilds or organizations (also called sons of the prophets).

  2. See 2 Kings 18:4, the Jews were still worshipping the “Sophion” or “Sophis” (i.e. serpent or Nahasuphia or Nehustan) produced by Moses (Numbers 21:1-9, Bronze Serpent) as source of wisdom and healing, i.e. Greek “Pharmakon” or healing through magic from Hebrew “Rapha” or “Raphaim” etc.

  3. In the Exodus days of Miriam (Numbers 12, i.e, Moses’ sister c1390BC. Prophecy was inspired by music, like in 1 Samuel 10:11, i.e. Saul among the prophets.

  4. Around 1,380BC God said to Aaron and Miriam in Numbers 12:6-8, if there be a prophet among you, I will speak to him in visions and dreams (perhaps ecstasy) but with Moses I will speak face to face with him.

  5. Deuteronomy 34:1-10, Joshua had the spirit of wisdom from God; Deborah and Samson also had spirits of prophecy or leadership (see Judges 13, 14 etc)

Can prophecy be acquired by learning or anointing?

How do you become a prophet, or is prophecy acquired as a natural gift?

See Ephesians 4:11, Numbers 12:6-8 Deuteronomy 18:1-end etc. Classification/ Categories of Prophets


  1. Science says prophecy is not scientific (i.e. prophecy cannot be scientifically verified).

  2. Hence, the scientific definition of prophecy is that prophecy is an unverifiable metaphysical experience.


Prophecy and Schizophrenia

(Difference between prophets and madmen)

  1. Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan (1651) stated that madmen will not allow us know who is a madman and who is a prophet, (since madmen or mentally distorted people and prophets exhibit the same qualities of seeing things and hearing voices (or hearing things).

  2. Godwin Lasebikan (1983) in Prophecy and Schizophrenia stated that prophets experience supernatural contacts, while mentally disturbed people hallucinate (i.e. they hear voices or things.They are also deluded (see Jeremiah 14:14, false prophets and delusions) that is being, deceived by brain chemicals that they are seeing things or visions. Those brain chemicals are called Neurotransmitters (e.g. Serotonin, Dopamine, GABBA, and Adrenergics, Acetyline etc (Bethlehem and March, 1983, cited by Nnaji 2011, in the Biochemistry of Religions.

  3. Ogundu (2000) cited Jackson Smith’s Developmental Neuropsychiatry and Atkinson et al (1992) in Abnormal Psychology, on causes of people who claimed they heard voices of their gods. A particular girl said she heard the voice of her god commanding her to jump into fire for purification, which fatally burnt her.


(i.e. rules and standards used by the early church in selecting books of the Bible from spurious ones)(i.e. why some spiritual or prophetic books (even New Testament era books) were rejected as pseudoepigrapha (i.e. satanic books) and Apocrypha (uninspired prophecies or books with hidden meaning and vague sources).

  1. The rejected books were written within that period labeled as 400 years of silence, which means between 600 (or 586BC) when Judah (i.e. Southern Israel) was carried into Babylonian exile, to when Christ was born (c 3BCE) i.e. God did not give messages to prophets within that period. Some of those books written then, include Apocrypha, ones like Ecclesiasticus, Tobit, Judith, Suzannah, Maccabees 1 and 2, Esdras, Sirach, Bel and the Dragon etc.


  1. Northern Israel (i.e. Samaria) was deported to exile in 721BC; i.e. c130 years before the South (Judah) 2 Kings 17:1-end, etc.

  2. That same period of 400 years of silence (600BC to 3BCE) witnessed serious wars fulfilling Daniel’s prophecies; e.g.

    1. Persia conquered Babylon,

    2. Greek conquered Persia

    3. Romans conquered the Greeks (Ptolemies) and the Seleucids (Syrians) etc, Cassius, Cato, Brutus,Mark Anthonio and Octavius, Caesar etc existed then. (See William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar

  3. Also note: Philosophy (i.e. false prophecy) or Tophilaso, rose when true prophecy ceased.

    1. Greek philosophy started within that period of 400 years of silence (i.e. 600BC- the first century CE)

  1. Hence, rejected spiritual books were written by spurious or anonymous people who appended names of known prophets and Apostles to the books.

  2. Hence, books not written by the known prophets and Apostles themselves or by the disciples of prophets and Apostles, themselves were rejected by canonization.

  3. The prophets and Apostles must conform to the Jewish prophetic tradition; i.e. they must be Jews, their prophecies must conform to preceding prophecies.


Brown F, Drive S.R and Briggs C (2007) The Brown-Driver- Briggs Old Testament Hebrew-English Lexicon: (Massachustts: Hendrickson)

Eliade.M (1989) The Encyclopedia of Religion 22 Volumes (New York: M.E)

Levin R (1984) Statistics for Management (New Jersey prentice Hall)

Brown. P. and Smith. B, (2008) The Hebrew Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan)

Noss, J (1970) Man’s Religious (Cited in Ogundu.C.O (2000) Ibadan PhD Thesis

Ogundu C.O (2000) A Philosophical and Religious Analyses of Suicide (Ibadan PhD Theisi 200)

Pfeifer C. and Rea.V (1987) The Wycliffe Dictionary of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Wycliffe)

Watch Tower (2006) Makinds Search for God (Pennsy Ivania; Watch Tower)

Nnaji C.O (2015) False Prophecy Produced Philosophy (Enugun and Abuja: Theomerty)

Nnaji C.O (2000) General Introduction to Religion and Philosophy (Enugu OCPC)

Roth C. (1970) Encyclopedia Judaica (Jerusalem’s Kester)

Oyekanmi O.A (2002) Cannon of the Old Testament: Edited by Ogundu .C.O (Ojoo: OCPC)

Kuper A. Kuper .J (1996) The Social Science Encyclopedia: On Religion: Second Edition (London: Routhege)

| Theories on the Origins of Religions

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