Origins of religions


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(The Human Brain, net, 2013)

  1. The Cerebrum: (a) controls human consciousness (b) Thinking ( c) learning (d) Emotions (e) sensitivity (f) and voluntary actions and movements; etc.

  2. Cerebellum: (a) Co-ordinates balance; i.e mental and movement stability of a person and muscle movement (or coordinated muscle movement, e.g in sports.

  3. Amygdala: (Joined to the limbic zone)

  1. Controls or involved in aggressive behavior. (b)Also emotions.

  1. The Reticular (Formations- part of the Brainstem) (a) probably linked to sexual and other arousals (b) fibers that carry sleep-related stimulations.

  2. Thalamus: (a) Relay center for the cerebral – cortex ( i.e frontal lobe) i.e handling incoming and outgoing millions of messages, in and out of the cerebral cortex.

  3. Hypothalmus: (a) Responsible for a person being hungry, thirsty, body temperature e.t.c

  4. Hippocampus: (part of the Limbic) (a) for learning and memory.

  5. Pituitary Gland: (a) Regulates other Edocrime-Glands

  6. The Pons: (a) linked to arousal, sensitiveness and sleep

  7. Medulla : (a) Linked to Man’s unconscious actions like breathing, urinary, sweating and blood circulations e.t.c.

  8. Spinal Cord: (a) Transmits information between the brain and other parts of the body (b) including body simple reflexes (or brain-stem) See Neuro-modulation, psychoactive, addictive drugs, Neuroanatomy etc.


(1) The Cholinergics: Linked to learning, reward behavor, shorterm memory e.t.c

(2) Amino-Acids: Glutamate: Brain Excitation and stimulation: Excess Glutamate overstimulates the brain, causing seizures (ii) Also involved in memory – storage (see also aspartate, D. serine,.

(3) Y-aminobutyric – GABBA

(a) Involved in sedation (i.e tranquilizing) Glycine works in the spinal cord.

(4) Peptides: e.g Opiod peptides- substance – p (Somastostatin and over 52 – Neuroactive peptides) (i)Substance P transmits pain and relaxes blood vessels e.t.c (ii) Opiod-peptides-, linked to pain, emotion, pleasure (also analgesic and ecstatic).

(5) Monoamines; (a) Dopamine- DA (see endocrines) Transmits pleasure, motor or movement, cognition, motivation and emotional coordination (ii) Body arousal (iii) Linked to balance – i.e unstable body movements like shaking hands, shivering body, Nausea and unstable mentality. (See Biogenic monoamines).

(6) Norepinephrine (see Noradrenalin NE, NA) Linked to the Adrenal Gland and Adrenalin for stamina and aggression.

(ii) It is a monoamine related to dopamine and serotonin.

  1. It is involved in much brain functioning’s like arousal, motivation e.t.c.

  2. Low Norepinephrine destabilizes human mental awareness, balance and can produce brain deceptions or low agitation.

  3. See also Epinephrine (also called Adrenalin – for stamina, strength and Aggression or Endurance) (d) Reward behavior.

(7) Serotonin (related – Histamine SE, 5-HT) produced mostly in the human intestines, then in the CNS-Neurons (a) Regulates memory, sleep, appetite, learning, body temperature, mood, general human behavior, muscle movements and proper functioning of the Heart (cardio vascular and the endocrines) (b) linked to abnormal and normal human behaviors. c) low serotonin linked to Depression withdrawal – behavior and sadness which can produce violence and aggression (d) metabolites linked to production of serotoning are found in the cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissues.

Single iions- eg (i) Synaptic zinc; under study.

(8) Neuro Muscular Acetycholine(ACH: including Adenosine, Anandamide, Nitric Oxide, hydro – sulfide and carbon-Monoxide (co) called gaseous molecules. Acetycholine connect motor nerves to muscles to aide movement; including other brain functions.


Please note: If hard drugs destabilize the human brain, then, automatically, religious behavior is destroyed since mentally disturbed people do not practice religion.

Those who have mental problems do not practice Religion since the brain produce and control religious behavior, hence once the brain gets distorted or disorganized by hard drugs, disease, insanity, depression or serious head accident, the human brain looses its control of the human body including production and control of religious and related behavior (b) Hence, that individual looses awareness, though he is alive and conscious, but he looses control of himself, in that he moves about aimlessly not knowing what he is doing; e.g, he is walking about, but he does not know where he is going to. Also, he is talking and eating, but he knows not what he says and what he eats.


Table 1: Basic Statistics Biochemistry Religion





96% Jews believe that the Old Testament is the only true Holy Book

Christians Believe only in the Holy Bible

Prophet Muhammed was sent to correct errors in Christianity

Buddhism strongly believes in mysticism rather than in revelation

Biochemistry religion

Different Holy Books were subject to the mental states of their different receivers or prophets.

Data Theology; 2013

Table 2:




And Ekankar

Amorc - Rosicrusian

(Secret societies)

95% believe in Aninist – polytheism i.e worship of many spirits and gods in nature

Revealed to properly explain Christianity. Also remember that Islam was revealed to correct Christianity.

They claim to have secret knowledge which no other one has.

Biochemistry Religion

Religions were produced according to the mental states of their founders

(Data Theology, 2013)

  1. Biochemistry - Religion is a replacement for philosophy of Religion in the investigation of Religion and the existence of God, since philosophy of religion is outdated, including its pure human reasoning which cannot investigate God and Religion; while Biochemistry – Religion rests on experience and scientific experiments which does not rely on human reasoning alone.

  2. (a) Biochemistry – Religion challenges the fundamental basis (of receiving divine revelations) upon which most world Religions were founded (b) Receiving divine revelations involves the human mentality, consciousness and intellect: Once there is a question-mark on the ability of man’s consciousness and mental ability to recognize and receive divine messages, then the entire foundation of such a Holy Book becomes questionable and unreliable.

  3. This study discovered that philosophy of religion is faulty for making subjective biased arguments merely from human reasoning without producing empirically strong or analyzed data to support its arguments

  4. In relation to the above No. 3, Biochemistry Religion obeys Christian – Statistics which encourages, data analyses in obedience to 2 Cor. 13; 1-3, “establish (stathesetai-or statheste now statistics) all arguments by the evidence of two or three witnesses”.

2 Cor. 13:3 “Since you seek proofs (Dokimen now Document) that Christ is speaking through me”.

The above Greek word “Statheste or stathesetal is the often denied Greek-language New Testament origin of modern statistics.

Please note: The word “statheste – now statistics never existed in ancient Greek, latin, Italian, French or German”, it was Coined in the Greek language New – Testament from another New Testament word “Epistatheos”, ll 9:33, ll 17: 13, which means “Master or Lord”, stand or line-up (sta) before God’ (theotes) which gave us statheotes, now statistics which anti-God and anti-Christian scholars are vehemently denying since they hate the religious or New Testament origin of modern statistics.

  1. Hence, to produce evidence for the arguments that brain chemicals produce and control religious behavior, in relation to 2 Cor. 13: 1-3, Biochemistry – Religion has identified a number of Brain chemicals called Neurotransmitters which are linked to religious behavior in the human – brain – (i.e over 30 of them: see Watch Tower, Evolution and Creation: 1985, p. 170) etc.

  2. Thus, Biochemistry Religion does not believe in making empty philosophical arguments without supporting empirical - data or proofs.


See Diagram of the central Nervous system (i.e the Human Brain) and the positions of Brain chemicals and their Neurotransmitter actions which influence human-moods and behaviour. Example:

(a) Low Serotonin influences or induces aggression and depression.

(b) Dopamine, Largely influences pleasure and ecstasy, being the reason why the word “dopamine” is strongly linked to the words”, “dope or doping” (see Oxford English 2005).

(c) Low GABBA, (Y- Aminobutryric Acid) leads to loss of awareness (Schizoids or madness) or a dead conscience of killing life and not feeling it etc. [gama-aminobutyricacid (GABA)]

(d) Acetyline, - Norepinephrine and related Adrenaline and other Monoamines and Amino – Acids, affect human low or high moods and behavior generally.

Ackerman, Sandra (1992), Discovering the Human Brain (New York; Academy of Science).

Aland, Kurt and Newman Barclay (1983), Greek New Testament and Lexicon (Stuttgart; WBS).

Atkinson, Richard (1993), Introduction to Psychology (Fort Worth: Jovanovich) Abnomal Psychology.

BBC Science in Action and Discovery (2012) Oxytocin in discovery –

Boer, Harry (1969). A short History of Islam (Ibadan: Dayster) p. 28.

Brown Robert, and Comfort Philip (1990) Greek – English Interlinear New – Testament (Illinois, Baker).

Darwin, Charles (1859)’ Origin of Species (Darwin: Australia)

Eliade, Mircea (1989) Oxford Encyclopaedic Dictionary of English (New York: Oxford press).

Francis Brown, S. Driver, .C, Briggs; (2007) Brown – Driver – Briggs: Hebrews and English Lexicon (Hendrickson massachus etls ).

Gorovitz, Samuel (1996), Moral Problems in Medicine (Cited by Ogundu – Co. 2000, Ibadan).

Hobbes, Thomas (1669), Leviathan: edited by Robert Hutchins in Great Books of the Western world; (London & New York; Britannia; 1960).

Lasebikan, Goddwin (1984) Schizophrenia and Prophecy (Ibadan PhD Thesis).

Mann, J and Stanley.M (1984), Psychobiology (New York: Scientific)

Metzger Bruce (2001) Greek New – Testament Lexicon (Illinios, Baker) He cited over 80 texts (Books) on the Greek New Testament, including Nesttle Greek New Testament and Pring J. on the Greek New Testament etc.

Newman Barclay (1978) Greek New Testament lexicon (Illinois; Baker).

Nnaji C.O and Opara C.C (2013), Data–Theology (Abuja & Enugu, Theometry).

Noguchi, Thomas (1997) “Forensic Medicine” Cited by Ogundu. C.O (2000) Ibadan. PhD Thesis–Suicide.

Ogundu. C.O. (2000). A Philosophical and Religious Analyzes of Suicide (Ibadan PhD Thesis).

Parker, Sybil (1994); Mcgraw Hill Encyclopoediaof Science and Technology (New York, Mcgraw Hill).

Schilder, Paul (1964) Developmental Neuro-Psychiatry: cited by Ogundu – C.O, 2000, in Philosophical and Religious Analyses of Sucide; Ibadan, PhD Thesis.

Watch Tower (1985), Evolution and Creation “The human Miracle called the Human Brain” (Pensylvania; Watch Tower).


  1. Philosophy primarily labels Religion as a figment of human imaginations. Yet, philosophy rose from teachings, (Hebrew “Sopherim”) or inquiry from the gods on origins of existence; (Philips, 1953,) p94.

  2. Aland and Newman, 1983 (p196) defined philosophy as “Teachings’, while philosopher is “Teacher” from the Hebrew “Phalasopher” (i.e. false teacher or theologian who teaches false doctrines). Hebrew Sopher is translated “Scribe” (Nehemiah 8:1-8, i.e. Ezra the learned scribe or teacher, i.e. Hebrew “Sopher”). See Matthew 23:1-end woe unto you scribes (and Pharisees false teachers (Philosopherim); see Colossians 2:8 i.e. people who claim their teachings are from God; See James 3:15 (13-17). Phaulosophia, i.e. wisdom (Sophia) that is not from above or from God (Phaulos or Baali, i.e. evil) or 2 Peter 1:16 “Sophis” i.e. cleverly invented or Matthew 10:16 crafty-serpent (Hebrew “Sophis” Daniel 4:9, “Aphila-Saphir”, i.e. chief magician: Isaiah 8:19 Saphilsaphim (consulting the dead) Isaiah 45:20 (Philisaphir) Jeremiah 7:3 “Tophilasophet”, Isaiah 41:24, 1 Samuel 6:1-10, Isaiah 46:1-10 (v6) Isaiah 44:12-17, Phililia-saphir, (worshipping man made gods or receiving information from elemental spirits (Colossians 2:8, Acts 17:29). See also Exodus 28:18and Ezekiel 28:13, Exodus 24:10, i.e. Hebrew “Nephil” (Nephec) Saphaire (i.e. Philosaphan) i.e. philosophers’ stone (i.e. magic stones, Greek-Psephon, for balloting or casting lots or for Astrology (Sopharph) i.e. finding out mysteries or for Alchemy (i.e. Earliest mixtures in chemical studies or experimentations; Chambers, 1996, Bromiley, 1983, pp 1269-1272, 1341 etc)

  3. New and Philip, 1953 (pp 94-96) clearly stated that Greek Religion had no “Ethea” (i.e. Ethos or moral laws) rather Greek Religion was highly sacrificial (Hebrew Zebah, Zevah, Sophar or Soph, i.e. killing sacrificial animals (Colossians 2:8 KJV-spoil, sophol)

  4. While sacrificial Greek Religion played down on morality, it encouraged high level inquiry, i.e. the Greeks were encouraged to be inquisitive rather than being moral; however, they largely inquired from the gods (The Olympian deities led by Zeus) particularly from Mount Parnassus, the site of the oracle of Delphi where Apollo (Hebrew Phaulo or Abaddon Revelation 9:11) was the destructive (soph) god of prophesy (Sophis, i.e. the serpent spirit of inquiry or fortune telling: Acts 16:16- familiar spirit Hebrew “Phaalim-Sophrot”; Greek “Puthonia or Python” 1 Samuel 28:1-11 “Phoenician Baalizob” (Hebrew Phalasoph) i.e. Phalasu- or Philistia, those who consult the dead and magic Isaiah 2:6, Deut 18;1-17 etc.

  5. Apollo the Greek god of prophecy gave destructive answers which required you to use your brain in decoding the revelation, that which was a mixture of Religion and human reasoning (Example: As a king, if you go to war, a kingdom will fall). Hence, is it your own kingdom or the kingdom of the enemy that will fall? That is, Apollo has not solved your problem: He is either deceiving you, hiding something or toying with your brain, i.e. answer your own question of “Will I win the war?”

  • Ancient Religion was Hebrew Phaliscepha (Isaiah 41:24) Phalisapha (Daniel 4:9) or Phalasophot (Ecclesiastes 12:11) i.e. worship of man-made gods or the occult called secret Assemblies (Hebrew “Sophoner”, for false worship (Philil) of the serpent (Sophis) McCain, 2005, BDB, 2007, Bromiley, 1985,New and Philips,1953, Aland and Newman, 1983, etc)

  • Arabic “falsafa” (falsehood) or Hindu “Phallusiva” (the gods).


  1. Ancient Religion rose from Phoenician and Babylonian Baalsophim (Babylonian Baalzephon or Phalasephon: mountain ophet cults) Nehemiah 3:26-27, Nehemiah 11:21, Micah 4:1-8 (ophelosoph mount of the gods; check Colossians 2:8) Hebrew “Phalasophim; Nahum 3:4, witchcraft; or Numbers 23:14 (Phalasophim or Hill of divination) see Numbers 24:1 “Copham, sopham or ceseph consulting witchcraft) i.e. magic and fortune telling (See Ezekiel 13:18-20) KJV “Pillows” or “Philos” NIV magic, Numbers 23:3-15, Numbers 24:1- sorcery; (Hebrew ceseph or Asaphim; through fallen angels called Nephilim –masters or giants; Genesis 6:4 or Phalasu or Philisti, i.e. inventors of magic and witchcraft; Isaiah 2:6; 1 Samuel 6:1-3, i.e. consult Philistine diviners; i.e. Phaaliceseph or Micah 1:8-10 “Philasti-saphir” (i.e. worthless beauty) see Colossians 2:8 or Colossians 2:4 “Philaosiphle, Phlosphorus or plausible (i.e. fine but false.

  2. See Phoenix (magic bird) or Philox (Felix; i.e. fortune teller, not fortunate) Acts 16:16, Greek “Puthonia”, Hebrew “Phalasaph).


  1. Ancient religion (Hereli-idolatry or Qaraeli or Phalasu (sepharv) was Tophilosophet”, i.e. paganism calling the gods through burnt offerings or fire divination; Jeremiah 19:5-10, 2 Kings 17:29-31., Numbers 23:1-4, 14-15 etc Ancient Hebrew prophets were called “Sophe” (Phoenician “Zophe”, Aramaic “Sopha”, i.e. watchmen) Ezekiel 3:17, Jeremiah 6:17, which gave us “seon or seer”, 1 Samuel 9:9. Isaiah 56:10-Ephelia Sophim (i.e. blind guides; 1 Corinthians 4:4-Greek Tuphlosen (Blind leaders).

  2. Colossians 2:8 (KJV) “spoil” (Hebrew Sophol, Sophet or Serphol; i.e. to burn, oppose, attack or destroy) see no 1 above.

  3. Hebrew “Ahitophel” (evil brother or bad advicer) Ahi (brother) Tophel Jeremiah 19:5-9, Jeremiah 7:29-31 “Tophil” (Tophet) i.e. divination, idolatry or to speak (Phel) against (Sophiku) Isaiah 2:6-10 Philisti-Sophiku (Philistines mock God- i.e. paganism).

  4. Isaiah 56:10, Ephelia sophe (Phalasophe) i.e. false prophets; to Greek Tuphlosen (2 Corinthians 4:4) i.e. blind-guides, consulting false gods; Galatians 4:7-9 (see Jeremiah 7:30, Jeremiah 19:5-9) “Tophilaso” false prophecy. Ezekiel 22:28.


(Philisti-sophiku: Isaiah 2:6; i.e. magic, sorcery or idolatry)

Micah 4:8, Nehemiah 11:21 “Ophelsophi”(Numbers 23:3-14) people shall come to the Hills and mountains of Zion (Sion or Sophi) to consult God; Numbers 23:3-14, Balaam (Phala) Saphim (mountain of divination). 1 Samuel 6:1-7 “Phalicesoph” (i.e. man-made gods and images for Terephil: Hosea 3:4 – i.e. divination i.e. going to witchcraft or sacred mountains (Opheli; Nehemiah 3:26-27, Genesis 10:30, Numbers 23:14 (Sophim) to consult the gods (Tophil-soph; i.e. gods of the mountains; Hosea 3:4. 1 Samuel 14:12-15 etc.

  1. People (Phelos) going to sacred (Phili) mountains (Baali or Phaali) Exodus 14:1 “Baalzephon” (Hebrew-“Phalasephon”, i.e. mountain cults of Baal, Phaal or evil gods, Colossians 2:8) or 2 Kings 1:1-3 “Baalzebub” or “Phalasephir”, i.e. mountain (Opheli) cult (Asophot) of Baal (Phali or Phaulos; the evil one). James 3:13-17.

    • See Numbers 25:1-5 Baal-Peor (or Phalasopheo) i.e. mountain or hill (Ophel; Nehemiah 3:26-27, Nehemiah 11:21- Ophelosopha (i.e. Temple or mountain spiritual leaders or rulers; Colossians 2:8-23 or Ecclesiastes 12:11 “Baalsophot or Phalasophia (i.e. masters or rulers of spiritual assemblies or shepherds (Sopherim) i.e. leaders or Aphila; i.e. mysterious leaders of the occult (Sophot) who claim “gnosis” or “Sopherim”, i.e. mysterious knowledge from the gods (saphne; Egyptian “Zaphnath” Genesis 41:43-45; i.e. he who speaks (sapha or Phe) for the gods (Saphnim).

  2. Read carefully Deuteronomy 18:9-16, Isaiah 8:19, Ezekiel 13:18-20, Isaiah 26 “Phili-sophim” (ancient Religions of consulting magic or witchcraft powers)

  3. Note: Job 34:32 and Hosea 7:1 used the word “Phalosipha” (i.e. idolatry or falsehood or doing evil) for ancient consulting of the Baal’s or Phaali (i.e. spirits and gods; see Colossians 2:8 KJV “spoil” (Hebrew “Sophel” i.e. abaddon, apollyon, Philon, Pillows KJV Ezekiel 13:18-20, “magic” or destructive occultic practices Deuteronomy 18:9-16.

  4. Very Important:

    • Deuteronomy 17:9, Colossians 2:8-23 Hebrew Philosophet (human reasoning or human leaders, i.e. physical or political; not spiritual).

    • Deuteronomy 17;8- Hebrew “Phalisaphat” (i.e. mountainous, big or mighty: Genesis 6:4 Nephilim or giants) i.e. mountainous (phili or extraordinary) problems, difficult to destroy or solve or kill- Colossians 2:8- spoil or sophen from (soph) or settle or judge (sophet or saphat) i.e. Deuteronomy 11:8-9, Phalisaphat (take it to the “Lewiyim” or “Lauyan”; i.e. priests and Levites for judgments). Go to ophel (the Temple Hill) of God on the sophi (i.e. zion or sioph, i.e. sion or Sinai) Hebrew Old Testament, 2005.

    • Hence, Balaam (or Phalam: sexually immoral son) etc . See Isaiah 62:4 –Beula or Philia (immoral) needed to consult God, he went to the Sophim (or Zophim) that is the hill of divination for consulting gods (Micah 4:5).

  5. Note: (Micah 1:11 “Philasti-saphir”, i.e. shameless, enticing or capturing (Philasoph) beauty (sapphire) Exodus 28:18 (Sapphire: i.e. beautiful stone).

    • In Colossians 2:8-23,Micah 1:0-11, Exodus 24:10, Ezekiel 28:13 (Nephal-Saphire- i.e. pleasure or fine but false teachings (Sopherim) or worthless worship (Philal) see Goodnews, that which spoils (KJV) or captures and destroys Hebrew “Sophiku” i.e. mocking , opposing or attacks God (NIV) Genesis 3:15 to bruise or attack or Isaiah 2:6 “Philisophiku”, i.e. worthless, Philisti (Phala) Philistines mock (sophiku) or attack God (i.e. under paganism)

    • Note Very Important: Colossians 2:8-23 corresponds perfectly to Micah 1:10-16 (v 10-11)- i.e. Philastisaphir (i.e. those who live in pleasure , worshipping false gods , you will be exiled (v 16).

  6. Deuteronomy 33:2, Micah 4:1-8 (The Lord came from Sinai, Sion the Sophi or Zion: i.e. Holy Mountain, see Numbers 23:3 (High place from Hebrew “Sophi) v 14 “Sophim” (Zophim i.e. Hill of Divination), Mount Ebal (Ephil), Mount Horeb or Sinai (for Moses) on Mount Hira (Muhammad) or Mount Olivet (Ophili: Jesus) or Mount Parnassus of Delphi (Apollo), to Mount Olympia (Olumphia: for Zeus and the Olympian gods: see 1 Kings 18:16- Elijah on Mount Carmel etc. See Ezekiel 28:14, Isaiah 14:12-14, Isaiah 8:18 Mount Zion to Mount Ophel-Sophi (i.e. Micah 4:8) Jerusalem, Sion or Zion: God’s mountain or Holy home see Hosea 9:10, Numbers 25:1 Mount Peor or Baal Peor (Baal’s mountain or Baalsephon, Exodus 14:1, or Phalasophel: Nehemiah 3:26-27, Nehemiah 11:21 etc.
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