Pro Tips English Desserts Do you like to eat desserts after eating dinner? No. Never. See previous comment about being, again, an actually obese teenager . I am quite disciplined about this. I don't eat desserts, though I should say at this point, I can't remember the last time I ever had the desire to even eat dessert or eat chocolate. I never have that instinct that I really want right now is some chocolate. It never enters my mind. Are there any special desserts from your country? I'm Irish, Eli. We're not exactly famed for our culinary innovations , so no. Have you ever made a dessert? Anyone who knows me is probably saying this answer already. Yes, I used to, again, when I was younger, I used to take a strawberry cheesecake and a lemon cheesecake and I would put ice cream on top of the strawberry, and then I would put the lemon on top of that and I would create what I deemed a cheesecake cake. That was my ultimate cheesecake.