Program advisement, registration and scheduling

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Art IA and Art IB .5 Credit per semester 9-12

No Prerequisite

Visual Art I is a two semester course. Students are introduced to the Elements of Art/Design including line, shape, value, color, texture and space. Students will explore compositional techniques by incorporating the Principles of rhythm, balance, movement and emphasis. The course is based on Art Talk textbook for vocabulary and visual instruction, weekly sketchbook assignments are required.
Art IIA and Art IIB .5 Credit per semester 10-12

Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or above strongly recommended in Art IB

This course continues to develop the basic skills of drawing and painting techniques. The Elements and Principles are reinforced with more advanced projects including pen and ink, watercolor, acrylics and printmaking. The Visual Experience textbook provides art terminology and visual representations. Students will further their knowledge of art movements and styles by studying famous works of arts throughout art history. To allow students to express their drawing abilities, a weekly sketchbook assignment is required.
Art IIIA and Art IIIB .5 Credit per semester 11-12

Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or above strongly recommended in Art IIB

This course is designed to research and explore different artistic styles and movements. The students will develop compositions and a higher level of skills dealing with a variety of media. Students will communicate their compositional and drawing skills to the teacher by presenting a required weekly sketchbook assignment.
Art IVA and Art IVB .5 Credit per semester 12

Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or above strongly recommended in Art IIIB

This course is designed with the advanced self-motivated student concentrating on a main area of interest. Art projects will be assigned with the expectation that the student will bring prior knowledge and skill to developing his or her own style. Required weekly sketchbook assignments will serve as communication with the instructor and resource for projects.
Music Appreciation .5 Credit per semester 9-12

No Prerequisite

This course is designed to familiarize the student with outstanding composers and works of music from the Middle Ages through contemporary music. It will also include a discussion of the major elements and components that are used in that music.

*Not an approved NCAA core course

Crafts IA and IB .5 Credit per semester 10-12

No Prerequisite

After studying the Elements and Principles of Art/Design, the students will work in a variety of media including fibers – bookbinding, paper mache design, macramé, weaving, and fabric design. In ceramics, pinch, coil and slab construction techniques will be explored as well as metal and glass techniques used in enameling and glass etching.
Herrin High School Band
The Band is a performing group that represents the school at various events. It is also an educational opportunity that includes the honing of previously acquired musical skills as well as music appreciation. Requirements include attending performances as well as testing on individual musical abilities.
Marching Band A .5 Credit 9-12

Prerequisite: Previous Participation in Middle School Band, High School Band or Private Lesson w/Consent of Instructor

In the fall semester, students play for approximately five football games and march in approximately four parades. There is also a Christmas concert and usually other appearances throughout the community that may include the whole band or select ensembles.

Marching Band B .5 Credit 9-12

Prerequisite: Previous Participation in Middle School Band, High School Band or Private Lesson w/Consent of Instructor

In the spring semester, students are encouraged to perform at the IHSA Solo and Ensemble contest. The band performs at the IHSA organization contest and a spring concert as well as the Herrin High School Fine Arts Fair, graduation and all home basketball games. Spring marching season includes participation in various parades, and is capped off by a performance at the Herrinfesta Italiana parade.
Chorus .5 Credit per semester 9-12

No Prerequisite

A class designed to help the student develop his/her musical skills such as note and rhythm reading, vocal diction in various languages, and sight-reading that include interval recognition, both visual and aural. Music history and appreciation are also addressed through contest music, popular music, and religious music. Grades are determined by class participation, written tests and performance in extracurricular activities including Christmas concerts, organization contests, fine arts fairs and spring concerts.
Humanities .5 Credit per semester 10-12

No Prerequisite

A semester class aimed at understanding the arts and human activities concerned with them, such as creation, enjoyment, and evaluation. The purpose of the class is to give students an overview of the five major arts: Sculpture, Literature, Architecture, Music, and Painting. *Approved NCAA core course
Music Theory .5 Credit per semester 11-12

Prerequisite: Prior enrollment in band or chorus, or students who have taken lessons privately. Admission will be by approval of instructor(s).

A class designed for experienced music students, geared especially toward students considering a major or minor in music, but not excluding those students with a desire to learn more about the inner workings of music. It will include the study of all major and minor scales and chord progressions, introductory ear-training, part-writing and simple composition techniques. *Not an approved NCAA core course

Health .5 Credit 9

No Prerequisite

This is a one semester required course for freshmen. Areas of instruction include basic health information; tobacco, alcohol, medicines and drugs; nutrition; abstinence; reproductive systems; pregnancy, birth, STDs; and first aid/CPR. A certified instructor from the American Red Cross will certify students in first aid and CPR. Certification is completed in a two-week period of time. Parents may make written request to have their child excused from the abstinence, reproductive, pregnancy, birth and STD portions of the class.
DRIVER EDUCATION Required, 0 Credit 10-12

Prerequisite: Completion of 4 high school credits; pass 6/7 classes the previous semester

A course designed to teach basic skills and safe driving habits. Classroom phase of thirty hours is required. Driver education is offered 1st semester and in summer school. Students are eligible to enroll based on chronological age and completion of the freshman year, as space allows. There is a fee of $75.00 for behind-the-wheel. Students must receive 4 credits during the previous two semesters and pass 6/7 courses in the previous semester to be eligible for Driver Education class.
State guidelines require a minimum of thirty (30) classroom hours of instruction. If a student misses more than two days of classroom instruction (either excused or unexcused) the student will be removed from class.

See attendance policy.

Traditional Physical Education .5 Credit per semester 9-12

No Prerequisite

A traditional physical education class designed to cover several types of games and activities. Students will learn the rules, fundamentals and techniques of the following types of games/activities: flag football, floor hockey, speedball, basketball, volleyball, physical fitness tests and a variety of low organizational games such as kickball and scramble. Once a week students will jog laps. Each week the number of laps will increase until students are jogging a mile. Grades are based on participation, written tests and skills tests.
Beginning Strength and Conditioning Physical Education .5 Credit per semester 9

No Prerequisite

This course is offered to freshmen and sophomores with minimal lifting experience and with an emphasis on the following: fundamentals of lifting weights, sport specific weight lifts, weight room safety, concept of conditioning. This class moves at a slower pace than the advanced strength class.
Adv Strength and Conditioning Physical Education .5 Credit per semester 10-12

Prerequisite: Beginning Strength & Conditioning

A highly intensive program designed to develop personal strength, speed and conditioning. The program utilizes weight training and plyometrics/speed training to enhance athletic ability and conditioning. Students participating in athletics are strongly encouraged to enroll in this course. Non-athletes are also eligible to enroll in this course.
Aerobics .5 Credit per semester 9-12

No Prerequisite

A non-competitive physical education class that utilizes a wide variety of activities to help a student develop a fitness program that is not sport related. Activities include, but are not limited to walking, jogging (we work up to a mile), running stairs, exercise bikes, physical fitness tests and fitness videos. Video tapes include aerobics, yoga, tae bo, dance and Pilates. Grades are based solely on participation.
Sports Officiating .5 Credit per semester 11-12
This year long course will be offered to juniors and seniors who are seventeen years old or older and who are interested in becoming a registered Illinois High School Association athletic official. The sports that the course will cover are football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, track & field, and wrestling.
The following CTE program areas are set up in specialized sequences which lead from orientation level courses to preparation/training level courses. Students interested in obtaining in-depth training in an area of specialization should plan to follow the sequence for the students’ elected area to include at least one orientation level course and two preparation/training level courses.

Note: To students and parents – The first title represents the local school district title and the second title is the Williamson County CTE System title. In a few cases where the titles are exactly the same only one title is listed.

Specialized CTE Courses

9th Grade Orientation Level

10th Grade

Orientation Level

11th Grade

Training Level

12th Grade

Training Level

Automotive Technology/Vehicle & Mobile Equipment Mechanics Cluster


Exploring Technology IA & IB/Exp TECH


2 Semesters

Car Care & Maintenance/Auto Mechanics


Small Engines I

1 Semester

Automotive Tech IA & IB/Trans - Auto Tech I


2 Semesters (Double Periods)

Automotive Tech IIA & IIB/ Trans-Auto Tech II

2 Semesters (I202)

(Double Periods)

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB

Coop Career Related Class(C202)

Child Day Care(Tiger Paws)/Child Day Care and Educational Services Cluster


Orientation to Family & Consumer Sciences IA & IB


2 Semesters

Child Development


1 Semester

Child & Day Care Services IA & IB Tiger Paws/Child & Day Care Services I


2 Semesters (Double Periods)

Child & Day Care Services IIA & IIB Tiger Paws/Child & Day Care Services II (H206)

2 Semesters

(Double Periods)

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB

Coop Career Related Class (C202)

Drafting/Drafting General Cluster


Exploring Technology IA & IB/Exp TECH (I101)
2 Semesters

Drafting IA & IB/ Drafting I (I106)

2 Semesters

Drafting/Computer-Aided Drafting IA & IB (I211)
2 Semesters (Double Periods)

Drafting/Computer-Aided Drafting IIA & IIB


2 Semesters

(Double Periods)

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB

Coop Career & Tech Ed Related Class (C202)


Precision Metal Workers Cluster


Exploring Technology IA & IB /Exp TECH (I101)
2 Semesters

Machine Technology I /Machine Tech


1 Semester
Electricity (I103)

1 Semester

Manufacturing Technology IA & IB/ Voc Machine Tech


2 Semesters (Double Periods)

Manufacturing Technology IIA & IIB/ Voc Machine Tech


2 Semesters (Double Periods)

Cooperative Career &Tech Ed IA & IB

Cooperative Career& Tech Ed Related Class



Bookkeeping Cluster


Business Concepts (B100)

Keyboarding –Formatting (B102)

Computer Concepts/Computer Concepts & Software Applications (B104)
1 Semester per class

Accounting IA & IB

Prerequisite: None

Students select from the three courses in the first column. (B204)

Accounting IA & Accounting IB


2 Semesters

Accounting IIA & Accounting IIB


2 Semesters
Cooperative Career and Technical Ed IA & IB


Cooperative Career & Tech Ed Related Class


Banking & Financial Services cluster


Note: The same Orientation level courses for 9th &

10th as listed in the

Accounting & Bookkeeping Cluster(See second column for any prerequisites per cluster
1 Semester per class

Accounting IA & IB


Prerequisite: None Students may also select from the three courses in the first column.

Banking Finance IA & IB/Investment Financial Marketing

2 Semesters (B239)

Banking Finance IIA & IIB/ Banking & Financial Marketing (B240)
2 Semesters
Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed Related Class


Computer Operations & Programming Cluster


Note: The same Orientation level course options for 9th & 10th grades as listed in the Accounting & Bookkeeping cluster
1 Semester per class

Programming I Prerequisite: Computer Concepts with a grade of “C” or higher




Operations & Programming I


1 Semester

Advanced Programming/Computer

Operations & Programming II


1 Semester

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed Related Class

Web Page Development & Design Cluster


Note: The same orientation level course options for 9th & 10th grades as listed in the Accounting Bookkeeping cluster
1 Semester per class

Web Page IA & IB


Web Page IIA & IIB


Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB


Cooperative Career & Tech Related Class


Technical Preparation – Engineering Related Technology


Exploring Technology IA & IB 9th or 10th Grades



First Semester


Drafting Second Semester


Principles of Technology IA & IB


Principles of Technology IIA & IIB


Administrative Support & Information


Note: The same orientation level course options for 9th & 10th grades as listed in the Accounting Bookkeeping Cluster

Advanced Computer Concepts (Grades 10, 11, or 12)


Accounting IA & IB

Grades 10, 11, 12


This column the same information as the column to the immediate left.

Cooperative Career & Tech Ed IA & IB

Cooperative Career & Tech Related Class


Business Concepts (Orientation) .5 Credit 9-12

No Prerequisite

This course builds the foundation and discusses the strategies that allow companies to compete in today’s interactive marketplace. Leadership development, human resources, marketing, entertainment marketing, management principles, international business, finance, and economics are a few topics discussed in this course. Students will also develop employability skills and gain career readiness knowledge through activities and in class projects. Students will be more prepared to turn ideas into action for their own career success. (B100)
Computer Concepts (Orientation) .5 Credit 9-12

Prerequisite: 1 Semester of Keyboarding

Computer Concepts is an orientation-level computer literacy course, which provides a general background in the use of computers and data processing. Instruction in this course focuses specifically on the use of software packages, including word processing, database, spreadsheets, and graphics, and computer related career opportunities. This course introduces students to the concepts and skills necessary to complete the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) certification. (B104)
Keyboarding (Orientation) .5 Credit 9-12

No Prerequisite

This is an orientation-level course designed to develop basic skills in keyboarding techniques. Major emphasis is placed on Keyboarding touch control and proofreading. During this course emphasis is also placed on formatting. Also stressed is the production of business copies that meet business standards. (B102)

Advanced Computer Concepts .5 Credit 10-12

Prerequisite: Computer concepts with a grade of “C” or higher

This course will build upon skills acquired in the beginning Computer Concepts class. Operating Microsoft Office XP and other computer software programs will be the focus of the class. A unit on web page design will be presented. Students will complete activities for these applications on IBM compatible computers. (B203)
Media Communications A & B .5 Credit per semester 10-12

Prerequisite: Passing grade in a previous English or Speech course, Consent of the Media Instructor

This elective course is a multi-disciplinary class bringing together the career and academic content of video photography and production, broadcast journalism, English, speech communication, computerized graphic design, and sound recording. The primary objective of this course will be to report Herrin High School’s news by writing, producing, and broadcasting the daily announcements over the school’s Channel One television network. In addition, the course requires that students individually and in teams, write and produce additional video programs about school and community events during after-school hours. Through the semester, students will read about video production in order to gain a theoretical understanding to supplement their practical application. Collectively, these activities will teach students about the fundamentals of video production, video performances, and writing for broadcast. (MC203)
Programming (Training) .5 Credit 10-12

Prerequisite: Computer Concepts with a grade of “C” or higher

This course presents the fundamentals of programming using the BASIC programming language. Emphasis is placed on developing programs using Visual Basic. The beginning programming student will learn the fundamentals of Visual Basic and the Windows operating environment. The student will learn to write code for events along with a full range of beginning-level applications. (B241)
Yearbook A & B .5 Credit per semester 10-12

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

The class will learn all aspects of producing a yearbook. The class members will learn layout design, copy writing, photography, caption writing and business management. All students will be required to participate in advertising sales and patron ads. The students will work independently and in teams. The students will set and be required to meet deadlines and work within budget constraints to produce a quality yearbook for the rest of the student body. This class is considered a writing intensive class.
Accounting IA & IB (Training) .5 Credit per Semester 11-12

Prerequisite: 1 of 3 Business Orientation Level Courses listed above

Accounting IA & IB is designed for study in accounting theory which will be useful to all students who plan to pursue a career in business, marketing, management, production, or ownership. Instruction will include information on keeping financial records, summarizing them for convenient interpretation, and analyzing them to provide assistance to management for decision making. By the use of business simulations, the student has the opportunity to have hands-on experience with cash receipts and cash payments, purchasing or goods, marking up and selling goods, paying employees, and government regulations and forms. (B204)
Web Page Design & Interactive Media IA & IB (Training) .5 Credit per semester 11-12

Prerequisites: Keyboarding and Computer Concepts

Web Page and Interactive Media is a course offering designed to prepare students to plan, design, create and maintain web pages and sites. Students will learn the fundamentals of web page design using HTML, HTML editors, and graphic editors as well as programming tools such as JavaScript. Students will work in a project-based environment to create a working website. Students will learn to create pages, add hyperlinks, make tables and frames, create forms, integrate images, and set styles. Instruction will include creating graphical headers, interactive menus and buttons, and visually appealing backgrounds. Students will use hardware and software to capture, edit, create, and compress audio and video clips. (B232)

Advanced Programming (Training) .5 Credit 11-12

Prerequisites: Computer Concepts and Programming

This course will continue with more advanced topics of programming using Visual Basic. The advanced programming student will learn about such topics as code reusability, arrays, ActiveX, methods, and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Emphasis will be placed on improving the user interface through the use of new methods and controls. (B242)
Banking Finance IA and IB .5 Credit per semester 11-12

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

This course is designed to teach students how banks operate and their role in the economy. It also provides skills needed to operate a student financial center. The students will perform the duties of bank employees, such as loan officers, bank tellers, bookkeepers, auditors, and computer operators. Students will train for approximately six to eight weeks with bank personnel from the Bank of Herrin and the Herrin Security Bank. The First Tiger Trust will provide loans, savings accounts, and check cashing services to the faculty, staff, and student body at the high school. This course will provide a valuable experience for students interested in a career in the banking field. Students will be selected by application. A year of Accounting I will be beneficial to students interested in enrolling in this course. (B204)
Accounting IIA & IIB (Training) .5 Credit per Semester 12

Prerequisite: Select one of the orientation level business classes, Accounting IA & IB

This advanced skill-level course builds upon the foundation established in Accounting I. This course focuses on business-record analysis to enable students to develop more knowledge of the principles of accounting for decision making. Greater emphasis is placed on financial statements and accounting records. It is an expanded study of accounting principles as they apply to more complicated types of business organizations: partnerships, corporations, etc. Some specialized accounting computer applications are made available. Simulated business conditions may be provided through the use of practice sets and computer software. This course provides a technical background for college-bound students who plan to study a business curriculum, as well as those who plan vocational preparation. (B206)
Banking Finance IIA and IIB .5 Credit per semester 12

Prerequisite: Banking Finance IB

This class is a continuation of the Banking Finance I course. The curriculum will provide management experience for those students who enroll in the second year of the program. Students will gain banking experience by operating the "First Tiger Trust" bank. (B206)
Web Page Design & Interactive Media IIA & IIB (Training) . 5 Credit per semester 12

Prerequisites: Keyboarding, Computer Concepts, Web Page Design & Interactive Media IA & IB

This course is a continuation of Web Page Design & Interactive Media IA & IB (B235)
Cooperative Career and Technical Education (CVE) IA & IB 1 Credit per semester 12

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

Cooperative Career and Technical Education is a yearlong capstone course designed for the student to complete a vocational program sequence at a related job site. It is intended to assist students in the development of effective employability skills and attitudes. In addition to the CVE related class, a student is released for at least one period of the school day for work experience supervised by the designates training sponsor and coordinated by the teacher-coordinator. A training plan that identifies training to be provided is developed by the teacher-coordinator with the assistance of the training sponsor and the student-trainee. Students are expected to register for the full year and must have concurrent enrollment in the CVE related class. Students must complete the application process to be considered for enrollment. (202)

Cooperative Career & Technical Education Related Class IA & IB .5 Credit per semester 12

Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor

Related instruction includes the following broad areas of emphasis: further career educational opportunities, planning for the future, job-seeking skills, personal development, human relationships, legal protection and responsibilities, economics and the job, organizations, and job termination. Students enrolled in CVE must enroll in this related class. (C202)

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