Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 23. Al-Mu’minoon – The Believers

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Surah 23. Al-Mu’minoon – The Believers

[Author’s Note] This is the 23rd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 118 verses. Brief verses, diversity of concepts, Tasreef - we will come across flowers of different aromas and colors as we stroll through this garden. Wealth and rule on earth are only the means to a noble end: Striving for the betterment of all humanity]

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

23:1 Successful indeed are the believers,

23:2 Those who humbly and whole-heartedly follow Divine Commands,

23:3 Those who turn away from all that is senseless (and value time),

23:4 Those who support the Just Economic Order of Zakaat where wealth circulates in the society and nourishes every individual),

23:5 Those who guard their chastity, [17:32]

23:6 Holding off their desire except for their spouses whom they each other rightfully possess. They are then, free of all blame. [4:3, 24, 25. 24:32]

[The very common rendition of this verse is extremely misleading. The ancient and modern scholars, to my knowledge, with the solitary exception of Allama Muhammad Asad in his ‘The Message Of The Qur’an, think that slave girls are being mentioned here. But, Ma Malakat Ayemaanahum is common gender. Could the translators have said for a moment that it was alright for a bondman to have sex with his ‘owner’ woman and that too when she was married! The translators and exponents confined it to the females alone since in the second century after the exalted Prophet, Muslims, under the influence of corrupted Kings and Imams, had begun reverting to the old Ways of Jaahilyah. Some verses foretell these conspiracies: 6:112-113, 22:52-55, 25:31, 42:13-14, 45:16-18. The word AW in 23:6 is explanatory. AW = Or - That is - Namely - Call it - In other words. AW appears in this format instead of 'or' in many places in the Qur’an such as 23:5-7, 24:3, 25:62. Please also see 70:30. Ma malakat ayimaanukum = Literally, those whom your right hands possess = Those who are rightfully yours through wedlock]

23:7 Those who cross these limits, are transgressors.

23:8 True believers are faithful to their trusts and to their pledges. [4:58]

23:9 They guard the Divine System. [24:41]

23:10 It is they who shall be the inheritors.

23:11 It is they who will inherit the Paradise wherein they shall abide (in both lives 7:43, 43:72, 70:33-34).

23:12 Indeed, We created the human being from the essence of clay. [22:5]

23:13 Then placed him as the male and female gamete (the product of conception) in a safe lodging.

23:14 Then We fashioned the gametes into zygote, a leech-like clot, then the hanging little lump, the embryo. Then We created bones within the embryonic lump, and then clothed the bones with flesh. (Thus We designed it into a fetus). And then We made it into a new creation (the human infant). So Blessed is God, The Best of creators. [33:7-9, 71:14]

23:15 And then, behold, after all this you are destined to die.

23:16 And then, behold, on the Day of Resurrection you are raised again. [84:19]

23:17 And, indeed We have created above you seven celestial orbits, and We are never unmindful of creation. [35:1]

23:18 And We send down from the sky water in due measure, and We lodge it on earth. But, behold, We are Able to withdraw it.

23:19 And from it, We produce for you gardens of date-palms and grapes, wherein you have abundant fruit and you eat thereof.

23:20 As well as a tree that grows in abundance in (the lands adjoining) Mount Sinai, yielding oil and relish for all to eat.

23:21 And, behold, in the cattle too there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of what is in their bellies. You derive many benefits from them, and also consume their meat. [16:66]

23:22 On them and on the ships you are carried.

23:23 (We took care of your physical and mental needs.) And, indeed, We sent (Our first Prophet), Noah to his people and he said, "O My people! Serve God. You have no god other than Him. Will you not then be mindful of Him and be righteous?"

23:24 But the leaders among his community who refused to acknowledge the Truth, said, "This is only a man like you who wants to become prominent among you. God could have sent angels if He willed (to convey a Message to us). We never heard this from our forefathers.

23:25 He is nothing but a madman, so watch him for a while."

23:26 Said he, "My Lord! Help me, for they accuse me of lying."

23:27 Then We revealed unto him thus, “Build the ark, under Our eyes and according to Our revealed instructions. Then, as Our Command comes to pass and the torrent gushes forth, take on board a couple each of the domesticated animals - As well as your family and followers except the one against whom the Word has already gone forth (for his persistent denial). And do not plead with Me on behalf of the oppressors. Surely, they will be drowned.”

23:28 When you have settled in the ship along with your companions, say, “All Praise is due to God Who has saved us from the oppressors.”

23:29 And say, “O My Sustainer! Enable me to disembark with Your blessing. You are the Best Director of destinations!"

23:30 Indeed, herein are messages indeed, for We keep testing (nations for viability).

23:31 (And after those people of old) We gave rise to new generations.

23:32 And always We sent to them a Messenger of their own. (Without exception each of these messengers said), "Serve God. You have no god other than Him. Will you not then be mindful of Him and be righteous?"

23:33 (And invariably) it was their leaders who refused to acknowledge the Truth and denied the Meeting in the Hereafter. Simply because We had granted them ease and plenty in their worldly life. Every time such people would say, "This is only a man like you who eats what you eat and drinks as you drink.

23:34 And indeed, if you obey a mortal like yourselves, you will surely be the losers!

23:35 Does he promise you that, after you die and become dust and bones, you shall be brought forth again?

23:36 Impossible, impossible indeed, is what you are promised!

23:37 There is nothing but our life of this world. We die and we live, and we shall not be raised again. (We see people dying and children being born every day.)

23:38. He is just a man who has invented a lie about God. We are not going to believe in him."

23:39 (Whereupon the Messenger) would say, "My Lord! Help me, for they accuse me of lying."

23:40 (And God) would say, "In a little while they will be sorry!"

23:41 And then the Blast of (Our Requital) overtook them, justly and inevitably, and We made them as rubbish of dead leaves. (11:68). And so - away with people who wronged their own ‘selves’!

23:42 Then after them We brought forth other generations.

23:43 No nation can advance its term, nor delay it. (The Laws of the rise and fall of nations are unchangeable 7:34, 13:38,15:5)

23:44 We sent Our messengers in succession. Whenever a Messenger came to a nation, they denied him. Our Law of Requital caused them to follow one another in disaster, and We made them history. And so - away with people who would not believe!

23:45 Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron with Our messages and a clear Authority from Us.

23:46 To Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they showed arrogance. For, they were a nation of megalomaniacs.

23:47 And so they said, "Shall we believe in these two mortals like us whose nation are our slaves?"

23:48 Thus they denied them, and earned their place among the doomed.

23:49 For, indeed, We had given Moses the Scripture, that they might live upright.

23:50 And We made the son of Mary and his mother a symbol (of Our Grace). And, We gave them abode on a hilly ground, affording rest and security and fresh water springs (as they migrated from Can’aan after the attempted crucifixion).

23:51 (This was a brief resume of some of Our messengers. We had said to them), “O messengers! Partake of the decent things of life and work for the betterment of humanity. Surely, I am Aware of what you do.

23:52 And certainly, this community of yours is one community and I am your Sustainer. So, remain conscious of Me.” [Since all messengers were one Brotherhood unanimous in purpose, all mankind must consider one another as brothers and sisters]

23:53 But they (mankind) have torn their affair of unity between them into sects, each sect rejoicing in what it has. [30:32]

23:54 Leave them alone lost in their ignorance until a time. [And the Truth will ultimately prevail. 9:32, 22:17, 22:55-57]

23:55 Do they think that, since We continue to provide them with wealth and children,

23:56 We are being swift to them with good things? Nay, but they perceive not.

23:57 Surely, those who are awe-inspired and conscious of their Lord,

23:58 And have conviction in the messages of their Lord,

23:59 And do not associate anyone with Him,

23:60 And give (of their wealth and person), whatever they can, and are still afraid (that they have not done enough and), because they have to return to their Lord.

23:61 It is they who race with one another to improve the quality of life for humanity, and it is they who are worthy of winning good things.

23:62 We do not burden any human being with more than he or she is able to bear. And with Us is a Record that speaks the Truth (about what you can and cannot do). And so, none shall be wronged. [2:286, 6:153, 7:42. Burden: Challenges come your way to let you expand your potential. One is only accountable for one’s capacity]

23:63 Nay, but their hearts are in ignorance of this Qur’an, and they are too busy doing other things and will keep doing so!

23:64 When We grasp their rich elite with retribution, they will moan and groan.

23:65 Do not complain now; you deserve no help from Us.

23:66 My messages were conveyed to you, but you used to turn back on your heels.

23:67 In arrogance, talking nonsense about these verses like people telling fables far into the night.

23:68 Have they not pondered the Word? Is the Revelation something that never came to their remote ancestors?

23:69 Or do they not recognize their Messenger, that they deny him? [10:16]

23:70 Or do they say, “There is madness in him?” Nay, he brings them the Truth, and most of them hate the Truth. [They want him to make compromises. 10:15, 11:113, 17:74, 68:9]

23:71 And if the Truth had followed their whims (2:120), certainly the heavens and the earth and all beings therein would have fallen into ruin. Nay, We have given them their Reminder, but they turn away from their Reminder that can give them eminence. [7:176, 21:10-24, 43:43]

23:72 (O Messenger) Do you ask them for any tribute? (They must know that) your Sustainer’s tribute is best, for, He is the Best of providers.

23:73 And, certainly, you call them onto a Straight Path.

23:74 But, behold, those who disbelieve in the life to come are bound to deviate from the right path.

23:75 Even if We had Mercy on them and relieved them of their suffering, they would obstinately persist in their transgression wandering to and fro.

23:76 And, indeed, We tested them through suffering, but they did not humble themselves before their Lord, nor implored Him.

23:77 Until when We open for them the gate of severe retribution, behold, they will be then completely demoralized.

23:78 (O Mankind) He is the One Who has created for you hearing and sight, and mind (the faculties to perceive and conceive). But, how seldom do you show gratitude by really using them!

23:79 And He it is Who has multiplied you on earth (as unity in diversity), and unto Him you will be gathered. [67:24]

23:80 And He it is Who gives life and death and to Him is due the alternation of Night and Day. Will you not, then, use your sense? [His Laws govern the life and death of individuals and nations, just as He alternates night and day]

23:81 Nay, they say what the people of the olden times used to say.

23:82 They say, "What! After we die and become mere dust and bones, shall we then, be raised again?

23:83 Indeed, this we have been promised, we and our forefathers, long ago. These are nothing but tales of the ancient."

23:84 Say, "Unto whom belongs the earth and all that live thereon, if you happen to know?"

23:85 They will reply “Unto God." Say, “Will you not then, think?”

23:86 Say, "Who is the Sustainer of the seven heavens, and the Lord of the Tremendous Throne?" [16:49, 42:29]

23:87 They will answer, "They belong to God." Say, "Will you not then be mindful of Him?"

23:88 Say, "In whose hand is the mighty Dominion over all things, and who protects, while against Him there is no protection; if you happen to know the answer!"

23:89 They will reply, "All that belongs to God." Say, "How can you then deceive yourselves?”

23:90 Nay, We have given them the Truth, yet, behold, they are intent upon lying to themselves. [Acceptance of His Rule in their lives hurts their selfish interests. 21:20, 23:70]

23:91 Never did God take unto Himself a son, nor was there ever any god besides Him. For, had there been any, each god would have taken along its creation and overcome the other. God is High Above all that they allege.

23:92 Knower of the Invisible and the Visible! And Exalted He is above the partners they attribute to Him.

23:93 Say, “My Lord! If you let me witness what the wrongdoers are warned against,

23:94 My Lord! Then let me not be among them.” [8:25]

23:95 For, behold, We are Able to show you against what they are warned.

23:96 (Nevertheless), counter evil with something that is better. We are best Aware of what others say and do.

23:97 And say, “My Lord! I seek refuge with you from the prompting of the satanic forces of dissension (in my heart and among the enemy.)"

23:98 And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, lest they come near me.”

23:99 (Those who keep belying themselves), when death comes to one of them, say, “My Lord! Send me back.” [23:74, 90]

23:100 That I may do good works in that I left behind!” Nay! It is but a meaningless word he says. And behind them is a barrier until the Day they are raised. [39:58]

23:101 And when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no relationships between them that Day, nor will they ask about one another.

23:102 Then those whose scales (of good deeds) are heavy, they are the successful.

23:103 And those whose scales are light, it is they who have wasted their ‘selves’, and abide in Hell.

23:104 Their faces in agony as the fire burns them therein.

23:105 (And it will be said), “Were not My messages conveyed to you, and did you not deny them?”

23:106 They will say, “Our Lord! Our wickedness overwhelmed us, and we became a people astray.

23:107 Our Lord! Bring us out of here, and if we return to our old behavior, then indeed we shall be wrongdoers.”

23:108 He will say, “Be downgraded in this humiliation and do not speak to Me.”

23:109 “Behold! A group of My servants used to say, ‘Our Lord! We have chosen to believe, so forgive us and bestow Grace upon us, for, You are the Most Merciful.’”

23:110 But you ridiculed them, to the extent that it made you ignore My Message while you were laughing at them.

23:111 This Day I have rewarded them for their patience. They certainly are the triumphant.”

23:112 He will ask, “What number of years did you spend on earth?”

23:113 They will say, “We stayed a day or part of a day. But ask those who keep count.”

23:114 He will say, “You stayed only a little, if you had only realized then!”

23:115 Do you think that We have created you without purpose, and that you will not be brought back to Us?”

23:116 Know that God is Exalted, the King, the Truth. There is no god but He, the Lord of the Honored Throne.

23:117 Hence, anyone who calls upon gods besides God, has no evidence of it. And his account rests with his Lord? Surely, such deniers of the Truth will not attain the ultimate prosperity. [23:1]

23:118 And say, “My Lord! Grant me the protection of forgiveness absolving my imperfections and bestow Grace, for You are the Best of the merciful.”

Surah 24. An-Noor – The Light

[Author’s Note] This is the 24th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 64 verses. The Qur’an is the Beacon of Light that shines on the path of individuals and nations when they turn it on. This Surah gives us the Rules of Conduct in our society, explaining social behavior between men and women. As always it embraces several golden concepts. The Surah derives its name from the glorious title of the Qur’an. God calls the Book "An-Noor, the Light". The preamble of this Surah is unique since it immediately addresses some very important social problems.

Note: The ‘hadithized’ translations and explanations succumb to a fabrication that names a highly honorable lady, making up a long, malicious and wicked story, while the Qur’an does not mention any particular person as the subject of slander at all. Any events safe-guarded by this Divine Revelation are meant to guide us in knowledge and wisdom and are, therefore, timeless in their import.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

24:1 This is a Surah that We have sent down with a Decree of Law. Clear Commandments have been given in it for you to bear in mind.

24:2 The adulteress and the adulterer, flog each one of them with a hundred stripes. And let not compassion sway you in their case from carrying out God’s Law, if you believe in God and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness the penalty. [Jaldah (from skin) implies that the lashes must be light to impact the body no more than the skin. And the presence of a group of believers clearly indicates the punishment as a means of deterrence and not torture. Nowhere does the Qur’an ordain the barbaric punishment of stoning to death anyone for any crime. Lewdness: 4:15, 25. Punishment as a deterrent: 5:38. Capital punishment for rape: 33:60:61]

24:3 The adulterer couples with none but an adulteress who worships her desire. And with the adulteress none couples but the adulterer who worships his desire. And it is forbidden to the believers. [24:26, 45:23]

[Fornication and adultery are a form of idol worship for, such people submit to their desires. The word AW here is explanatory. AW = Or + That is + Namely + Call it + In other words. AW appears in this format instead of 'or' in many places in the Qur’an such as 23:6, 24:3, 25:62. Nikah, in the lexicon, applies to genuine wedlock as well as to sexual relations between a man and a woman outside wedlock, depending on the context. The very common rendering of this verse to the effect that an adulterer is allowed to marry only an adulteress or idolatress, and vice versa, is absolutely erroneous and contrary to the Big Picture of the Qur’an which lays great emphasis on reform and forgiveness. And it defies all sense. Whereas many translators have maintained that such men and women will end up marrying their like. This is obviously the result of not bearing in mind the meaning of AW and Nikah, and going against common sense. Finally, the Book of God does not downgrade people once they have repented or received penalty. Oh, yet another point! After painting an X-rated scenario of Madinah as if adultery/fornication was going on right and left and coming to public knowledge, in the very life-time of the exalted Prophet, the Imams of the old come up with a horrible joke. They insult Hazrat Ali that he decreed for an adulterer to receive a hundred stripes to fulfill the Command in the Qur’an, and then stoned him to death to fulfill the Command of Hadith! The so-called Imams also contend that while an unmarried person will receive lashes, a married person must be condemned to death by stoning! Did they not prefer their own whims to the word of God?]

24:4 (Protecting the honor of a woman is extremely important.) Those who accuse chaste women and then fail to produce four witnesses (the court of law shall order) eighty lashes to such accusers (24:23). And, never in the future accept their testimony. They indeed have drifted away from morality. [Faasiq = One who drifts away–from what? Will depend on the context]

24:5 Except those who afterward repent and reform. For, certainly God is Forgiving, Merciful.

24:6 As for those who accuse their wives, but have no witnesses except themselves, then let the accuser call God four times to Witness that he is indeed telling the Truth.

24:7 And the fifth time, that God may reject him if he is telling a lie.

24:8 But punishment shall be averted from her if she calls God four times as Witness that he is indeed telling a lie.

24:9 And the fifth time, that God may reject her if he is telling the Truth. [The court shall then punish neither the husband nor the wife and it infers that the same procedure applies if the wife accuses her husband]

24:10 Were it not for God’s favor upon you and His grace (your social fabric would have been undone). God is Clement, Wise.

24:11 Surely, there are numerous among you who would slander others. Deem not that this (Law of eighty lashes and calling God to Witness) is harsh for you. Nay, it is good for you since every slanderer will have to account for what he earns through this dragging violation of human dignity. In the Divine System an awesome punishment awaits anyone who magnifies the slander (trying to make it believable).

24:12 Why do not the believing men and believing women, whenever such a rumor is heard, think the best of one another and say, “This is an obvious falsehood?"

24:13 Why do they not (demand of the accusers that they) produce four witnesses? For, if they do not produce such witnesses, it is the accusers who are, in the Sight of God, liars indeed.

24:14 And were it not for the Favor and Grace of God upon you, in this world and in the Hereafter, an awful suffering would have afflicted you for the slanders you fall for.

24:15 When you welcome slander on your tongues and utter with your mouths something of which you have no knowledge, thinking it is a light matter, know that in the Sight of God it is an awful thing.

24:16 (And once again), why do you not say, whenever you hear such a rumor, "It is not befitting for us to talk about it. Glory to You (Our Lord), this is a monstrous calumny."

24:17 God admonishes you that you do not repeat the like thereof ever, if you are indeed believers.

24:18 And God clearly explains His verses for you. God is the Knower, the Wise.

24:19 Surely, those who love to see immorality spread among the believers, shall be punished (by a court of law) in this world and in the life to come. For, God knows and you do not know.

24:20 Were it not for God’s favor upon you and His grace (your social fabric would have been undone). God is Compassionate, Merciful.

24:21 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Follow not the steps of satanic people in the community. Anyone who follows Satan’s footsteps should know that he advocates evil and vice. Had it not been for the Favor of God, and His Grace unto you, none of you could have grown in goodness. Thus it is - but anyone can develop the ‘self’ (attain Self-actualization) by following God’s Laws (given in the Qur’an). God is Hearer, Knower (Most Perceptive of your psychosocial needs).

24:22 Hence, (even if they have been slandered) let not those of you who have been graced with bounties and resources, ever miss out in helping their relatives, the needy, and who have forsaken the domain of evil for the sake of God. But let them pardon and overlook the imperfections of others. Do you not desire that God should forgive you your faults and absolve your imperfections? Certainly, God is Forgiving, Merciful.

[Development of the ‘self’ takes place by respecting the Moral Values, and helping people with wealth and person. 2:232, 4:49, 9:103, 24:21, 24:30, 53:32, 91:9-10, 92:18]

24:23 Certainly, those who accuse chaste, unaware believing women believing women, shall be rejected (from God’s grace) in this world and in the Hereafter. An awesome suffering awaits them.

[Ghaafilaat = Women who are unknowingly indiscreet about evil = Simple, innocent women = Women who are unaware = Women who are not attentive in a given circumstance. For eighty lashes for the accusers, see 24:4]

24:24 The Day when their tongues, their hands and their feet will testify against them about all that they did. [And a time will come when methods of investigation will become far advanced]

24:25 On that Day God will pay them their just due, and they will come to know that God! He is the Manifest Truth.

24:26 Evil women keep company with evil men, and evil men keep company with evil women. Likewise, men and women of good character are companions to one another (9:71, 112). The latter are innocent of whatever people might say about them. For them is protection and honorable provision. [Maghfirah = Forgiveness = Protection = Preservation]

24:27 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Do not enter the houses other than your own until you have obtained permission and greeted their folk with peace. That is best for you if you would bear it in mind.

24:28 And if you find no one in the home, do not enter it until permission has been given to you. And if you are asked to go back, then, go back. This will be most befitting for your ‘selves’. God is Knower of your actions (that strengthen or enfeeble the ‘self’).

24:29 There is no blame on you if you enter vacant houses in which some of your property is placed. God knows what you do in public and in private.

24:30 Tell the believing men to lower their gaze, and guard their modesty. This helps them grow in character. Surely, God is Aware of what they do.

24:31 And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and to be mindful of their modesty. They should not let their charms be apparent beyond what may be decently and spontaneously apparent. Hence, let them cover their chests with a light covering. And let them not their charms be apparent to any but their husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or their womenfolk, or their close dependents, or such male attendants as are beyond all sexual desire. Or, children that know nothing of women’s personal concealments. And they should not strike their feet or swing their legs in walking so as to draw attention to their hidden charms. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Turn all of you together to God so that you may be successful (in establishing a benevolent society). [33:59]

24:32 And marry the singles among you, (whether they are widowed, divorced or bachelors). They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants. If they are poor, God will enrich them with His Bounty. For, God is of Infinite means, and He knows all things.

24:33 And those who cannot find a match must keep chaste until God grants them sufficiency out of His Bounty. And if any of the male and female servants desires a deed of freedom, write it out for them while ensuring good for them by way of rehabilitation. Give them from God's wealth that He has given you. Never hold your servant maidens for worldly gains from preserving their chastity by marrying if they so desire, lest they resort to lewdness. If anyone forces them, then, after this compulsion, God will indeed be Forgiving, Merciful (to them and He will hold accountable the one who forces them). [4:5-6, 53:38]

24:34 And indeed, We have revealed to you messages clearly showing the Truth, and many a lesson from the generations before you. Herein is Enlightenment for those who wish to journey through life in blissful honor and security.

24:35 God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His Light (the Qur’an) is that of a lamp that is placed inside a niche enclosed in glass that shines like a radiant star. This lamp is kindled from a blessed tree - olive - neither of the East nor of the West. Its Light issues forth in all directions. The oil glows by itself even though no fire has touched it. Light upon Light. God guides to His Light anyone who seeks Guidance. And God sets forth allegories for mankind. And God is Knower of all things. [God being Light = Life-giving, sustaining and guiding Power of the Universe. And Qur’an is the Light of God. 5:15, 20:51, 41:42, 42:52]

24:36 This Light-giving Lamp glows in houses that God has caused to be exalted, that His Name be celebrated in them. In them, He is Glory is extolled in the mornings and in the evenings. [The dwellers therein strive to raise His Name day and night]

24:37 (These are not the communities of monks but) they are such that neither trade nor sale can divert from the remembrance of God. They keep striving to consolidate the Divine System and set up the Just Economic Order of Zakaat in the society. They have awesome consciousness of the Day when hearts and eyes will be horrified. [50:20]

24:38 (They pray) That God may reward them for the best of what they did and increase for them His Bounty. God has designed Laws to provide sustenance beyond all reckoning. [2:261]

24:39 But as for those who reject the Message, their deeds are like a mirage in the desert. The thirsty one supposes it to be water till he comes unto it and finds nothing. However, he does meet God’s Law of Requital to compensate for his deeds. And God is Swift at taking account.

24:40 Or total darkness in the midst of a deep ocean, with waves upon waves and a thick cloud above - darkness upon darkness. When he holds out his hand, he can barely see it. For, whomever God deprives of light, will have no light. [Captain Dr. Bernard Jarman, a renowned oceanographer, upon reading this verse, embraced Islam in 1923]

24:41 Do you not realize that God, He it is Whom all beings in the heavens and the earth glorify, and the birds, with their wings outspread, as they fly in columns. All of them know their Salaat and Tasbeeh (mission and strife). God is Aware of what they do to fulfill His Plan.

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