Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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[Another understanding of the meaning: Then We revealed to Moses, “Move to the sea with your people.” Dharb = Move = To strike someone or something. ‘Asaa = State of Unity = Staff, as the fingers unite on the handle = People = Nation = Community = Conviction = Willpower = Strength = Something that supports. 7:160. The splitting of the Sea was caused through Tidewinds, a rare natural phenomena, where the wind blows in the same direction as the tide which will cause dry spots in lakes and seas. God guided them to the right time and place so they could use this phenomena to their benefit. 20:77, 44:24. See explanation of the phenomenon in C.Humprey’s book: The Miracles of Exodus]

26:64 And We caused the pursuers to draw near to that place.

26:65 And We saved Moses and those with him, every one of them.

26:66 (And as the high tide came), We drowned the others.

26:67 Herein is indeed a lesson. Yet, most people are not believers in the Law of Requital.

26:68 And certainly, your Lord! He is indeed Almighty, Merciful.

6:69 And convey to them of the history of Abraham.

26:70 When he said to his father and his people, "What is it that you worship?"

26:71 They said, "We worship idols and we are very devoted to them."

26:72 He said, "Do they hear when you call them?

26:73 Or do they benefit or harm you?"

26:74 They said, "Nay, but we found our forefathers doing this."

26:75 He said, "Have you, then ever considered what it is that you have been worshiping,

26:76 You and your forefathers!

26:77 Certainly, they (all kinds of idols) are enemies to me, for I am devoted only to the Lord of the Worlds.

26:78 The One who created me, and He guides me.

26:79 And He is the One Who provides food and drink to me (and to you).

26:80 And He is the One who restores me to health when I get sick.

26:81 And He is the One Who will cause me to die and then bring me back to life.

26:82 And He is the One Who will, I hope, pardon my faults on the Day of Judgment.

26:83 My Lord! Grant me wisdom and good judgment, and join me with the righteous.

[Saaliheen = Those who have attained self-actualization = Those who set things right = Help augment the human potential = Serve the community = Remove any deficiencies = Correct wrong = Fulfill other’s needs = Do acts of social welfare = The righteous]

26:84 And grant me the ability to convey the Truth even to those who will come after me. [Enable me to set a good example for the future generations]

26:85 And include me among those who will inherit the Garden of Bliss.

26:86 And forgive my father (by letting him become worthy of it). For, certainly he is of those who strayed. [9:114, 14:41, 19:47, 60:4]

26:87 And do not put me to embarrassment the Day when people are raised.

26.88 The Day when wealth and children will avail none.

26:89 But only He will prosper who brings to God a noble heart." [37:85]

26:90 And the Garden will be brought close for the upright.

26:91 Whereas the blazing Fire will appear plainly before those who had lost themselves in error.

26:92 And it will be said, "Where is all that you used to worship and obey,

26:93 Instead of God? Can they help you or help themselves?”

26:94 Then they will be hurled into Hell, the leaders and their straying followers.

26:95 And the party of Iblees, all together.

26:96 And right away, blaming one another, they will exclaim,

26:97 “By God, we were in manifest error!

26:98 When we ranked you with the Lord of the Worlds.

26:99 It is these guilty leaders who misled us.

26:100 Now we have no intercessors.

26:101 Nor a close friend.

26:102 Oh, if only we could have another chance we would be among the believers.” [23:99-100, 39:58]

26:103 In all this, behold, there is lesson, but most of them still are not believers (in the Law of Requital).

26:104 And certainly, your Lord! He is Almighty, Merciful. (He gives you sustenance for body and mind).

26:105 The people of Noah too denied the messengers.

26:106 When their brother Noah said to them, "Will you not be careful?

26:107 Indeed, I am a Messenger to you, worthy of your trust.

26:108 Be mindful of God and pay heed to me.

26:109 And no reward, whatsoever, do I ask for it. My reward rests with none but the Lord of the Worlds.

26:110 So be mindful of God and pay heed to me.”

26:111 They answered, "Shall we put our faith in you even though the low class people are following you?"

26:112 He said, “I do not care what their professions are and what they have been doing before.

26:113 Their accountability is up to my Lord. If only you understood (that the most honored in the Sight of God is the one who is best in conduct 49:13).

26:114 Hence, I shall not drive away the believers.

26:115 I am only a plain warner.”

26:116 They said, "O Noah! If you do not refrain, you will surely be stoned to death."

26:117 Thereupon he prayed, "My Lord! Indeed, my people are accusing me of lying.

26:118 Hence, judge between me and them openly, and save me and my company of believers.”

26:119 And We saved him and those who accompanied him in the laden Ark.

26:120 Then afterward We drowned the others.

26:121 In this, behold, there is a sign, even though most of them are not believers (in the Law of Just Recompense).

26:122 But, certainly, your Lord is Almighty, Merciful. [His Rule is the Rule of Law, and not that of tyrannical whims]

26:123 ‘Aad also rejected the messengers.

26:124 When their brother Hud said to them, “Will you not seek to live upright?

26:125 I am a Messenger to you, worthy of your trust.

26:126 Be mindful of God and pay heed to me.

26:127 And no reward, whatsoever, do I ask for it. My reward rests with none but the Lord of the Worlds.

26:128 You build on every height monuments of vanity.

26:129 And make for yourselves mighty castles; will you thus become immortal?

26:130 And you seize people cruelly, without any restraint. [Subjecting them into bondage to build these gorgeous structures for you]

26:131 Be mindful of God and heed me.

26:132 Be mindful of Him Who helped you with good things you know and the know-how and skills.

26:133 He Who has helped you with livestock and human resources.

26:134 And gardens and water springs.

26:135 Surely, I fear for you the requital of an awesome day.”

26:136 But they answered, "It is the same for us whether you counsel us or not.

26:137 This has been our life-style for generations.

26:138 And we shall never be doomed."

26:139 So, they rejected him and We destroyed them. Therein, behold, is a sign, even though most people are not believers (in the Law of Just Recompense).

26:140 But, certainly, your Lord is Almighty, Merciful. (He keeps balance between Grace and Justice]

26:141 Thamud also denied the messengers.

26:142 When their brother Saaleh said to them, "Will you not seek to live upright?

26:143 Indeed, I am a Messenger to you, worthy of your trust.

26:144 Be mindful of God and heed me.

26:145 I ask you no reward, whatsoever, for it. My reward rests with none but the Lord of the Worlds.

26:146 Do you suppose that you could continue in security as it is (with your unjust system) forever?

26:147 In gardens and water springs.

26:148 And fields, and these palm trees and delicious fruits.

26:149 And that you will always skillfully carve out of the mountains luxurious mansions?

26:150 Be mindful of God and heed me.

26:151 And do not obey the command of those who trespass the bounds of justice and equity.

26:152 Those who spread corruption in the land, and reform not.”

26:153 But they replied, "You are but one of the bewitched.

26:154 You are just a mortal like us. So bring us a miracle if you are a man of Truth."

26:155 He said, "Indeed, this she-camel (representing the weak and the poor, being owner-less) has the right to drink, just as you have the right to water (your flocks) at the time of watering.

26:156 Do not harm her, or the retribution will seize you on an awesome day."

26:157 But they killed her and made way for their own humiliation.

[The usual translation of Fa-asbahoo Naadimeen as ‘they regretted, repented or became penitent’ seems to be inaccurate, since in that case the Most Gracious would have forgiven them. ‘Aqarooha = They hamstrung her. Cutting the hamstrings of a camel leads to a quick demise, hence, ‘they hamstrung her’ = ‘They killed her’]

26:158 So, the retribution seized them. Herein is indeed a sign, yet most people are not believers (in the Law).

26:159 And, certainly, your Lord! He is indeed the Mighty, the Merciful.

26:160 And the people of Lot also denied messengers.

26:161 When their brother Lot said to them, "Will you not seek to live upright?

26:162 Indeed, I am a Messenger to you, worthy of your trust.

26:163 Be mindful of God and heed me.

26:164 And no reward whatsoever do I ask you for it. My reward rests with none but with the Lord of the Worlds.

26:165 Of all the creatures in the Worlds, you approach males.

26:166 And leave those whom your Lord has created for you to be your mates. You are people who cross all bounds of decency.”

26:167 They said, "O Lot! If you do not desist, you will be driven out of the town.”

26:168 He said, "Indeed, I am of those who deplore your actions.”

26:169 "O My Lord! Save me, my family and my followers from the consequences of what they do."

26:170 So, We saved him and his followers, all of them.

26:171 All but the old woman (the wife of Lot) who chose to stay behind.

26:172 And then We utterly destroyed the others.

26:173 And We poured a rain, the dreadful rain (from the volcano) on all those who had been warned.

26:174 Herein indeed is a sign, but most of them were not believers in the Law of Requital.

26:175 Your Lord is Almighty, Merciful.

26:176 And the dwellers in the wood dales (of Midyan) denied the messengers. [The Nation of Midyan lived between Madinah and Damascus since around 2000 BC. They were the descendants of Prophet Abraham's son Midyan from his third wife Qatoora. Prophet Shoaib was raised among them around 1300 BC. 7:85]

26:177 When their brother Shoaib said to them, "Will you not seek to live upright?

26:178 Indeed, I am a Messenger to you, worthy of your trust.

26:179 Be mindful of God and heed me.

26:180 I ask you no reward whatsoever for it. My reward is with none but with the Lord of the Worlds.

26:181 Always give full measure, and do not cause loss to people.

26:182 And in all your dealings, weigh with a just balance.

26:183 And do not deprive people of what is rightfully theirs. And desist from creating corruption and disorder in the land.

26:184 Be mindful of Him Who created you and the generations before.”

26:185 They said, "You are but of the bewitched.

26:186 For, you are nothing but a mortal like us. And, behold, We think that you are one of the liars.

26:187 If you are truthful, let fragments of the sky fall upon us."

26:188 He replied, "My Lord is best Aware of your actions.”

26:189 But they persisted in denial. Then the Day of overshadowing gloom seized them. It was the suffering of an awesome day. (Historically, a dark extensive cloud rained upon them heavily and incessantly. It is sometimes referred to as the Day of the Canopy).

26:190 Herein, behold, is a sign, and most of them were not believers (in the Law of Requital).

26:191 Indeed, your Lord! He is Almighty, Merciful.

26:192 For sure, this Qur’an is the Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

26:193 The trustworthy Divine Energy (angel Gabriel) has brought it down. [2:97, 16:102]

26:194 Upon your heart (O Prophet), so that you may be of the warners.

26:195 In the plain Arabic tongue. [In a language that is clear and easy to understand]

[Universality of the Message 7:158, 25:1. prophets Ishmael, Hud, Saaleh, Shoaib, all of them preached in the Arabian Peninsula. And since Aramaic and Hebrew are ancient Arabic dialects, all the Hebrew prophets, in this sense, conveyed the Divine Message in the Arabic tongue]

26:196 And certainly, it (the Qur’an) has been announced in the previous Scriptures.

26:197 Is it not an evidence enough for them that learned men among the Children of Israel have recognized it?

26:198 But if We had revealed this to any of the non-Arabs,

26:199 And had he read it to them, they would have had reason to disbelieve it.

26:200 But to the guilty people, it just passes through their hearts (as a foreign tongue even though they might be Arabs). [41:44]

26:201 They will not believe in it until they suffer the dire consequences.

26:202 The Requital will come upon them suddenly, when they least expect it.

26:203 Then they will say, "Could we have a respite?"

26:204 Do they wish that Our Requital come to them quickly?

26:205 As you see, Our Law of Respite allows them to enjoy Our bounties for years.

26:206 And then comes what they were promised.

26:207 Then, of what avail will be their past enjoyments?

26:208 We never annihilated a community unless it had been warned,

26:209 And reminded. For, We are never unjust.

26:210 (The Qur’an is the Ultimate Reminder.) No Satans have brought it down.

[Satans = Diviners, soothsayers, clairvoyants, the supposed ‘evil spirits’. Gabriel has revealed it upon the Prophet’s heart. 2:185, 26:193, 44:3]

26:211 It is beyond their stature, nor is it in their power.

26:212 They are, indeed, banished from hearing and understanding it. [15:17-18, 37:8, 67:5]

26:213 So, do not invoke any other god with God, or you will be among those who are made to suffer.

26:214 And warn first those who are close to you.

26:215 (O Prophet) Lower your wing in kindness to those who believe and follow you. [15:88]

26:216 Say to them who deny you, “I am free of responsibility from what you do.”

26:217 Put your trust in the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:218 Who sees you whenever you take a stand.

26:219 And when you (O Prophet) move among those who humbly submit themselves before the Divine System. [Sajdah = Prostration = Submission in humility = Obeying the Divine Commands]

26:220 Surely, He, only He is the Hearer, the Knower.

26:221 Shall I inform you on whom the devils descend?

26:222 They descend on every lying, self-deceiver. [45:7]

26:223 They listen for lies and rumors, and most of them make up lies.

26:224 As for poets, the misguided follow them.

26:225 Have you not seen how they stray in every valley of thought, like a camel with false thirst?

26:226 And that they say what they do not practice? [36:39]

26:227 But there are those who along with believing (in Revelation), set things right in the society, remain mindful of God’s Commands, and stand up for their rights. The violators of human rights will soon come to know how viciously their affairs get overturned.
[A’maal Saaleh = Actions that create balance in the society = Acts that remove deficiencies = Helping others = Increasing individual and societal potential. Wantasaroo = They support their just cause = Defend themselves = Stand up for their rights = They help create a just social order with no room for oppression]
Surah 27. An-Naml – The Valley of An-Naml

[Author’s Note] This is the 27th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 93 verses. This Surah is often misinterpreted for relying heavily on conjecture-based traditions and for trying to give literal meanings to allegories.

While Naml does mean ant in Arabic, this Surah refers to the valley and the community known as An-Naml in ancient Arabia. Historically, Namlat = The Lady of Naml, Queen of the tribe of Banu Shisan.
This Surah is an excellent example of how the Qur’an makes beautiful use of metaphors, similes and allegories. Verse 3:7 clearly states that many of the Qur’anic verses are allegorical, especially those concerning the Unseen: History, future and the abstract.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

27:1 T.S. Taa-Seen (Toor-e-Sina, Mount Sinai. Recall the initiation of Revelation to Moses, and now), These are messages of the Qur’an, the Book clear in itself and clearly showing the Truth.

27:2 A Guidance and a glad tiding for the believers.

27:3 Who establish and consolidate the Divine System and set up the Just Economic Order of Zakaat. They have conviction in the life to come (that the human ‘self’ lives on after death, and that all actions meet a just requital.)

27:4 Those who do not believe in the eternity of the ‘self’, will obviously deny the continuation of life after death. Our Law makes their deeds of instant gratification pleasing in their eyes and so they keep stumbling blindly to and fro.

27:5 It is they for whom the worst suffering awaits, and they will be the greatest losers in the Hereafter.

27:6 Surely, you are receiving the Qur’an from the Presence of One Wise, Aware.

27:7 (Moses was also given a clear book. When he and his family were in a cold and dark valley), Moses said, "Indeed, I see a fire. I may bring you news from there (about our location) Or bring you a burning torch so that you might warm yourselves." (28:29)

27:8 But when he came close to it, he was called, "Blessed are all who are in and near the Light! And Exalted is God, Lord of the Worlds." (See 9:32 for the allegory of Fire + Light = Divine Guidance. 7:137, 28:30)

27:9 "O Moses! It is I, God, the Almighty, the Wise."

27:10 God said, "Now rehearse the Truth." When Moses did that, he felt that he had the vibrant Force of Truth in hand. Yet he was awe-struck by the uphill task before him, like grabbing a huge dragon. God said, "O Moses! Do not fear! The messengers do not fear in My Presence."

[Please note kaannaha jann = as if it was a dragon, concerning ’Asa or staff in 27:10. Additional Tasreef: 7:108, 20:17-24, 26:10-15, 26:32-33, 28:31-32]

27:11 "Nor anyone who has replaced the wrong with good should have any fear. For, certainly I am Forgiving, Merciful." [28:15-17]

27:12 "When you present the Light in your heart with forceful logic, it will shine with unblemished Truth. Take the Nine (of My) messages to Pharaoh and his people - for, certainly they are a nation drifting away from the Right Path.” [28:32. Nine, and not ten Commandments 2:83, 17:101]

27:13 But when they received Our illuminating messages, they said, "This is obvious magic (a spellbinding deception)."

27:14 And they rejected the messages wrongfully and out of pride, although they were convinced within themselves. And behold what happened in the end to the corrupters.

27:15 And indeed, We bestowed upon David and Solomon knowledge and they used to say, "Praise be to God Who has blessed us more than a great many of His believing servants."

27:16 Solomon was David’s heir (as the Prophet and king) He said, "O People! We have been given a great cavalry of ready horses with the best knowledge of training them, and given every blessing. This is indeed a manifest bounty.”
[21:79, 34:10. Solomon ruled as King from 965 to 926 BC. The common misconception that Solomon could speak to birds is denied here, as he clearly says that all his people understood Taair. Mantiq = Knowledge = Logic = Speech and concept. Taair = Omen = Destiny = Registration of Deeds = Fleet-footed horse = Cavalry = Bird. 5:110, 7:131, 27:47, 27:47, 17:13, 27:16, 2:260, 6:38, 24:4. At-Taairaan = Those marching to war]

27:17 Solomon’s army included warrior tribes of the woods and the mountains, dwellers of townships, and great riders of the tribe of Taer. They were well disciplined, and dedicated to any appointed mission.

27:18 Once (when Solomon was on an expedition), they came upon the valley ruled of An-Naml. The Queen, (realizing the power of Solomon), ordered her armies, “Go back in your barracks, lest Solomon and his armies crush you without knowing that we are a peaceful tribe.”

27:19 Solomon smiled joyously at her words and said, "My Lord! Enable me to be grateful for your blessings upon me and my parents. Enable me to work for the betterment of humanity and thus achieve your Approval. Include me, by Your Grace, among your righteous servants."

27:20 (Leaving the peaceful tribe of An-Naml alone, Solomon marched forward.) As he examined the cavalry, he said, “How is it that I do not see the Commander Al-Hoodhood the Hoopoe? Is he one of the absentees?”

27:21 (Absconding from the marching army was a breach of discipline.) Solomon said, "Unless the commander presented a good reason I would punish him or demote him to a low rank."

27:22 But before long Al-Hoodhood showed up. (He was coming back from a reconnaissance mission to the Kingdom of Queen Bilqees, Sheba.) He said, "I have come with the latest news, some important and reliable information from the land of Sheba that you are not aware of.” [Their armies were planning an expedition to North]

27:23 “Indeed, the country is ruled by a Queen who has been given everything and she has a tremendous throne.”

27:24 "I found her and her people worshiping the sun instead of God. Their ego makes them think that they are doing right. Satan (the priesthood of the Sun-Temple) hinders them from the Right Path. So they cannot find the Right Way."

27:25 "They do not understand that they must adore God Who brings forth from His Unseen treasures in the heavens and the earth, and Who knows all that you hide and declare."

27:26 "(They need to know that) there is no god but God, the Lord of the Supreme Control.”

27:27 Solomon listened to the report and decided to carry out further investigation to ascertain the Truth. Said he, "We shall see whether you have told the Truth or you are one of the liars."

27:28 (He gave a letter to the Commander of the cavalry to take to the court of Sheba, and to watch their response), "Go with this letter of mine and make sure you convey it to them, and then come back with the answer they give."

27:29 The Queen said, "O Chiefs! Indeed, a very noble letter has been delivered to me."

27:30 "It is from Solomon and it says, ‘With the Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness.’"

27:31 ‘Exalt not yourselves against me, but come to me as those who surrender.’” [The Kingdom of Queen Bilqees Sheba of Yemen-Abyssinia had hostile plans towards the North]

27:32 She said, "O Chiefs! Advise me in this matter. (You know that) I take no decisions without you."

27:33 They said, "We have the power, we are tough in warfare, and the Command is yours. Think about (other aspects of the situation) and command as you will."

27:34 She said, "Indeed, when kings invade a town, they ruin it and humiliate its dignitaries. Thus do they behave.

27:35 Hence, I am going to send a gift to them and see the response that our envoys bring."

[The intelligent Queen made a prudent decision disregarding the advice of her loyal chiefs. She was cognizant of King Solomon's might, and she was impressed by the benevolent Message in the letter]

27:36 The envoys reached Solomon with the gift and a letter from the Queen. Solomon said, "What! Do you want to please me with a gift of vanity? God has given me better than what He has given you (material wealth and Guidance). Nay, it is you who may exult in your gift.”

[Historically, the gift was studded with precious jewels and diamonds. Solomon, being a Prophet and a powerful emperor expected the Queen to denounce her hostile intentions in the region and to reflect about the One True God]

27:37 Solomon said to the envoys, “Go back to them, (and tell them that) we certainly will come to them with forces they cannot withstand. We shall drive the leaders out of power and humiliate them to shame.”

[Historically the Kingdom of Sheba flourished from 1100 to 115 BC. At their zenith they were the richest nation in the world. Their economy was based on excellent agriculture and international trade. They had the most advanced irrigation systems of the times, with great water dams. Their Kingdom included today’s whole of Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia, and boasting a strong army, they frequently had expansive designs further south and up north. As the inevitable result of worshiping multiple false deities, including the sun, their society was not without inequities of caste and creed. Solomon, the King and the Prophet, planned to subdue the Sheba Empire to thwart their aggressive designs and to protect the region from oppression. And he succeeded magnificently. Queen Bilqees of Sheba and her nation embraced Solomon’s Message and reverted to the worship and obedience of the One True God]

27:38 (When Solomon found out that the Queen was coming), he said, “O Chiefs! Which one of you can present the best plan to get her throne before they come to me surrendering?” [1500 miles between Ma'aarib, the capital of Sheba to Jerusalem]

27:39 One of the strong Commanders of the mountain division said, "My troops can accomplish this mission with lightening speed, before you rise up to think of and assign anyone else. Indeed, I am competent and trustworthy for this job."

27:40 Another powerful Commander, who had knowledge of the correspondence, said, "I can accomplish the mission even sooner, before your gaze returns to you (before you having to rethink)." (Solomon dispatched the forces, and the mission was smoothly accomplished. The Queen’s throne was brought to Jerusalem before she arrived and) he saw it set in his presence. He said, "This success is a blessing from my Lord, that He may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. Whoever is grateful is grateful for one’s own good, and whoever is ungrateful, should know that my Lord is Self-Sufficient, Supremely Honorable.”

27:41 Solomon then said, “Alter her throne for her that we may see whether she gets the point and comes to guidance or whether she remains unguided.” [Solomon’s workmen had erased the images of the sun god, inscribed sensible inscriptions and made the throne look even more gorgeous]

27:42 So, when she came, she was asked, “Is your throne like this?” She said, “It seems that this is it! We already knew that the Truth is on your side and my chiefs and I have surrendered to it.” [The previous knowledge about Solomon’s character and Kingdom, the distinguished letters he wrote to her and reports by her envoys, and now his superb court had convinced the intelligent and open-minded Queen]

27:43 Solomon redirected her from worshiping any other than God. She had been one of the disbelieving folk, before.

[Solomon advised her that obeying God could bring not only the best provision in the world but insure eternal success. Queen Sheba embraced the Message and stopped worshiping the sun, and other creations of God]

27:44 She was escorted to the palace. It was said, “Enter the hall.” When she saw the smooth polished glass floor, she thought that it was a pool of water and she was spellbound.

Solomon said, “This is a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass.” She said, "I have been doing wrong to myself, and now I submit with Solomon to God, the Lord of the Worlds." [She realized that following the Divine Laws ensures the best bounties in this life as well. There are some historical accounts that Solomon and Bilqees got married. But the Rabbinical Talmudic traditions propose that they committed adultery then and there, out of which Nimrod Nebuchadnezzar, the tyrant emperor of Babylon was born! That is of course inconceivable of God’s Prophet. Kashafat ‘an saaqaiha idiomatically means that she was spellbound, and not that she bared her calves; a common error of many translators. For example, tying one’s hand to the neck means miserliness]

27:45 And, indeed, We sent to Thamud their brother Saaleh saying, “Serve God alone.” They had divided into two contending classes (the rich and the poor).

27:46 Saaleh said, "O My people! Why do you hasten to commit evil instead of doing good? Why do you not (mend your ways and) ask God to forgive you, so that you may become worthy of His Mercy?”

27:47 They answered, "We consider you, and your companions a bad omen for us." He said, "Your omen is determined by God’s Laws. Nay, you are but a folk who are being tested."

27:48 There was a gang of nine leaders in the city who spread disorder in the land, and blocked all reform.

27:49 They called a meeting and after swearing to one another in the name of God, said, “Indeed, we shall ambush him and his family by night, and afterward we shall boldly say to his tribe, We know nothing about their death. And we are men of Truth.”

27:50 And so they devised an evil scheme. But Our ever-vigilant Law of Requital invariably has counter designs. And they perceived it not.

27:51 Indeed, then, how their scheme ended. Our Law annihilated them (the corrupt leaders) and their nation, all of them. [The excuse of the masses that their leaders had led them astray will be of no avail. 14: 21-22, 34:31-33, 37:25-33]

27:52 And now their dwellings are empty, ruined, as a result of their violation of human rights. Herein, behold, is a sign for those who make use of what they learn.

27:53 And We saved those who chose to believe and lived righteously.

27:54 (We also sent) Lot who said to his people, "Will you commit this abomination while you see and understand?"

27:55 You approach men with lust instead of women. Nay, you are a people who act senselessly.” [27:54]

27:56 But the answer of his people was nothing but, "Expel Lot’s followers from your town! For, they are people who show off to be pure."

27:57 Thereupon We saved Lot, his household and his followers but his wife – whom We knew was destined to remain behind for her disbelief. [7:85, 11:81, 66:10. Genesis states that she accidentally looked back and was, therefore, doomed!]

27:58 And We showered a rain upon them. Dreadful was the rain for those who had been warned.

27:59 Say, "All Praise to God and salutation on His servants whom He has raised in ranks!” Is God Best or the ‘partners’ people ascribe to Him?

27:60 Who is it that has created the heavens and the earth, and sends down for you water from the sky? And with it We cause beautiful orchards to spring forth. It was never of your doing to make the trees in them grow - any god beside God? Nay, they are folks deviating from the Truth.

27:61 Nay, who is it that has made the earth habitable, and caused rivers to run through it, has set upon it firm mountains, and has set a barrier between two great bodies of water - any god beside God? Nay, most of them do not use what they know. [25:53]

27:62 Nay, who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and removes the distress, and gave you supremacy on earth - any god beside God? How seldom do you keep this in mind! [24:54-55]

27:63 Nay, who is it that shows you the way in the darkness of land and sea, and sends forth the winds as heralds of His Grace – any god beside God? Sublime, Exalted is God from all that they associate with Him.

27:64 Nay, who is it that initiates creation, and then reproduces it? And who is it that provides for you from the heaven and the earth – any god beside God? Say, “If you think so bring your evidence if you are men of Truth.” [23:117]

27:65 Say, "None in the heavens and the earth knows the Unseen, none whatsoever but God. Nor do they perceive when they will be raised.” [16:22]

27:66 Nay, their knowledge of the Hereafter stops short of conviction. Nay, they are in doubt concerning it. Nay, they block their mind in blindness from realizing (the unwavering Law of Requital).

27:67 And so, they who are bent upon denial say, “What! After we have become dust, and our fathers - shall we indeed be brought forth again?

27:68 Yes, we were promised this, and our fathers before us. But these are nothing but tales of the ancients.”

27:69 Say, “Travel in the land and see what has been the end of the guilty.”

27:70 And grieve not for them, nor distress yourself because of their plots.”

27:71 And they say, “When is this promise to be fulfilled, if you are men of Truth?”

27:72 Say, “You are already going through some of the suffering you challenge.”

27:73 Your Lord is indeed limitless in His Bounty to mankind. Yet most of them are ungrateful.

27:74 But your Lord knows what their hearts conceal, and all that they proclaim.

27:75 And there is nothing hidden in the heaven and the earth but it is in a clear Record.

27:76 Indeed, this Qur’an explains to the Children of Israel most of wherein they differ (such as the nature of Jesus).

27:77 And, certainly, it is a Guidance and Grace for all who believe in it.

27:78 Surely, your Lord will judge between them in His wisdom, for, He is the Mighty, the Knower.

27:79 Hence, put your trust in God alone, for, behold, you are taking stand on Truth self-evident.

27:80 But certainly, you cannot make the dead (or the “living-dead”) hear, nor can you make the deaf of heart to hear the call when they turn back to retreat.

27:81 Nor can you lead the blind of reason out of their error. You can only make those hear who believe in Our signs, so they submit.

27:82 When the Word comes to pass against them, We will raise a creature unto them out of the earth that will tell them that mankind had no real faith in Our messages.

[6:65. Dabbatam-min-Al-ardh may apply to the humbled ones just as ‘mountains’ in several places in the Qur’an indicate the elite. The common understanding of this term as 'a creature coming out of the earth’, in my humble opinion, is incorrect. For, supra-natural phenomena stand contrary to the Changeless Divine Laws. The error is the result of trying to give literal meaning to an allegory in blind following of fabricated Ahadith. The creature out of earth may also refer to man’s earthly and materialistic outlook on life]

27:83 And times shall come when defiance of Our Laws will cause forces from every nation to assemble in alliances and meet one another in combat.

27:84 When they arrive, He will say, “Did you deny My revelations, before acquiring knowledge about them? Or what else was it that you were doing?” [10:39]

27:85 And the word of truth will stand revealed against them for all the wrongs they had committed. Then they will not utter a single word.

27:86 Do they not see that We have made the Night for them to rest and the Day to give them light? Surely, in this are signs for any people who will believe. [The Divine Laws are as operational in the human society as they are in the Universe]

27:87 And on the Day when the Trumpet is sounded, everyone of the elite and of the humbled will be horrified, except such as God wills to exempt. And, all will present themselves to Him in humility. [6:74, 18:99, 20:102, 27:89, 39:68]

27:88 And the powerful elite that you deem firm as mountains, will float around like weightless clouds. Such is the Design of God Who disposes off all things in perfect order. Surely, He is fully Aware of what you do.

27:89 In those times nations that do good to humanity and make way for peace and security, will be best rewarded. [21:103, 27:87]

27:90 But those who cause inequity in the world, will fall prone into the fire of humiliation. “Are you rewarded for anything but what you did?”

27:91 Say (O Prophet), “I am commanded to serve the Lord of this town (Makkah) – Him Who has made it sacred, and to Whom all things belong. And I am commanded to be of those who surrender to Him.

27:92 And to convey this Qur’an (to mankind). Whoever, then, goes right, goes right only for the good of his own ‘self’. As for him who goes astray, say, “I am only a warner!”

27:93 And say, “All Praise is due to God! In time He will show you His Signs, so that you will recognize them.” And your Lord is not unmindful of all that you do.

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