Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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Surah 44. Ad-Dukhaan – The Smoke

[Author’s Note] This is the 44th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 59 verses. The Surah derives its name from the air pollution that will become wide spread in the world as nations industrialize. 41:11 also mentions Smoke, the nebulae of gas out of which the Universe was shaped billions of years ago. The brief verses in this Surah take us along with Tasreef and powerful concepts.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

44:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

44:2 By this Divine Writ that is clear in itself and makes things clear.

44:3 Indeed, We have revealed it on a Blessed Night, for, certainly We have always been warning.

[The entire Qur’an was revealed (down-loaded on the Prophet's heart) in a Blessed Night in the month of Ramadhan, 610 CE, and then conveyed to mankind in stages over a period of 23 years. 2:185, 97:1]

44:4 Herein is distinctly presented every Matter of wisdom.

44:5 A Command from Our Presence, behold, We have always been sending.

44:6 A Mercy from your Lord. Behold! He is the Hearer, the Knower.

44:7 Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, if you could ever attain conviction.

44:8 There is no god but He. He it is Who gives life and gives death; your Lord and the Lord of your earliest ancestors.

44:9 Nay, but they are toying with their doubts.

44:10 Wait, then, for the Day when the sky will bring forth a pall of visible smoke.

44:11 Enveloping mankind and heralding an outcry, “Grievous is this suffering!

44:12 O Our Lord! Relieve us of this suffering. Indeed, now we are believers.”

44:13 How can there be another Reminder for them seeing that a Messenger had already come to them, clearly expounding the Truth? [And this Qur’an is the Eternal Reminder]

44:14 Whereupon they had turned away from him, and said, “Taught and tutored he is, a man possessed.”

44:15 Still, behold, We shall postpone this suffering for a while although you will revert to your ways.

44:16 On the Day when We shall seize with mighty grasp, certainly, We shall indeed dispense Our Requital.

44:17 And indeed We put to test before them Pharaoh’s nation, for there came unto them an honorable Messenger.

44:18 (He said), "Release to me the servants of God! Surely, I am a faithful Messenger to you.

44:19 Exalt not yourselves against God, for, certainly, I have come to you with a Clear Authority (Divine Revelation).

44:20 And, behold, it is with my Lord and your Lord that I seek refuge against that you stone me. [‘Rajm’ = Stone to death, revile, expel, insult, oppose, humiliate, curse, deride, mock, ridicule, belittle]

44:21 And if you do not believe in me, then simply leave me alone." [Allow me to take my people with me. Thereupon Pharaoh and his chiefs denied him]

44:22 So he cried to his Lord, "These are indeed a guilty folk.” [Mujrim = One who thrives on the fruit of others’ toil = Guilty = Exploitative]

44:23 (And his Lord commanded), "Take away My servants by night. Indeed, you will be followed.

44:24 And leave the ebbed, becalmed sea behind, for, certainly, they are an army destined to be drowned."

[Idhrib bi'asak = Strike with your staff = Seek for them a dry path (20:77, 26:59-63). Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night (Exodus xiv, 21). Moses crossed the Red Sea at the northwest extremity of today’s Gulf of Suez, the bed wherein was that of reeds]

44:25 How many gardens did they leave behind, and water-springs,

44:26 And fields of grain, and grand palaces,

44:27 And blessings that they enjoyed.

44:28 Thus it was! And We made another people heirs. [26:59-63]

44:29 And neither the sky nor the earth wept over them, nor were they reprieved again.

44:30 And, indeed, We delivered the Children of Israel from the humiliating suffering (of bondage).

44:31 From Pharaoh, for he glorified himself to the extent of wasting his own “Self.”

44:32 And, indeed, We chose them among the contemporary nations because of the knowledge (of Revelation given to them).

[Historically, the Israelites were the only Monotheistic people in the world in that era]

44:33 And We gave them Signs in which there was a manifest trial.

[Signs: Revelation through Moses, freedom and prosperity, the fertile and blessed land of Can’aan (Palestine), a chosen status, the great Kingdoms of David and Solomon, the prophets of the Tribes, the advent of Jesus. Trial = To believe and live upright. When they failed in the trials, they were left to wander in bewilderment and lost their chosen status]

44:34 Indeed, now, these people say,

44:35 "There is nothing but our first death, and we shall not be raised again.

44:36 So then, bring back our forefathers if you are men of Truth.”

44:37 Are they, then, by any means better than the nation of Tubba and those before them?

(Yet) We annihilated them for their violation of human rights. [50:14]

[The Himairi (Himayar) Tribe had gained control of the Kingdom of Sheba in 115 BC and ruled until 300 CE. (For their times, see Surah 27, An-Naml and Surah 34, Saba). Tubba’ was the most prominent of their kings, and he was a Unitarian Christian as were most Christians before the Roman Conference of Nicea in 325 CE]

44:38 For, We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in idle sport.

44:39 We have not created them without Purpose. But most of them know not. [They fail to realize that the human ‘self’ lives on after death and must be recompensed for its deeds in the Hereafter]

44:40 Surely, the Day of decision is appointed for them all.

44:41 The Day when no friend shall be of avail to his friend, and none shall be helped.

44:42 Except those who made themselves worthy of God's Mercy. For, certainly, He, He alone is the Mighty, the Merciful.

44:43 Surely, the tree of bitter deeds,

44:44 (Will be) the food of one who hampered progress of the ‘self’. [17:60, 37:62-65]

44:45 Like molten brass will it boil in the belly.

44:46 As the boiling, burning despair. [102:1-2]

44:47 Take him and drag him into the midst of Hell. [That is what the endless greed does. 104:1-9]

44:48 Then pour upon his head the boiling anguish.

44:49 Taste! Indeed, you considered yourself so mighty, so noble. [But the Law of Requital is absolutely just 56:52]

44:50 Indeed, this is the very thing you doubted (and hence, trampled Permanent Values).

44:51 Surely, those who journeyed through life cautiously, will find themselves in a secure state. [Taqwa 2:41]

44:52 Amid gardens and water springs.

44:53 Dressed in fine silk and in rich brocade, facing one another.

44:54 Thus shall it be. And We shall pair them with virtuous companions of beautiful vision.

44:55 In that Paradise they shall enjoy all kinds of fruits, in blissful contentment.

44:56 True immortality! They taste not death again after the first death. Thus will He save them from getting stuck at the Insurmountable Barrier. [Jaheem 2:28, 40:11. See NOTES at the end of the book]

44:57 A Bounty from your Lord! That is the Supreme Triumph.

44:58 Certainly, (O Prophet) We have made this Qur’an easy in your tongue, in order that they might take it to their hearts.

44:59 So wait and watch. Indeed, they too have to wait.

Surah 45. Al-Jaathia – Kneeling down

[Authors’ note] This is the 45th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 37 verses. The brief verses in this Surah take us along powerful concepts with Tasreef. All nations, eventually, will kneel down before the Laws of their Lord.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

45:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

45:2 The Revelation of the Book is from God, the Mighty, the Wise.

45:3 Indeed, in the heavens and the earth are signs for all who are willing to attain conviction.

45:4 And in your own creative design, and in all the animals which He has spread widely, there are signs for those who explore and attain certainty.

45:5 And in the alternation of the night and the day, and in the means of sustenance which God sends down from the Height, reviving the earth which had been lifeless, and in the change of winds and seasons - in all this are signs for people who use their reason.

45:6 These are the verses of God We convey to you with Truth. Then, in what HADITH, if not in God and His verses, will they believe?

45:7 Woe unto every fabricating impostor! [26:222. This draws our attention to forged Ahadith]

45:8 (The impostor) who hears God’s verses conveyed to him, yet he is haughtily obstinate, as though he never heard them. Hence, announce unto him grievous punishment.

45:9 For when he learns anything of Our verses, he belittles them. Theirs is a shameful suffering in store.

45:10 Ahead of them is Hell, and what they have earned will not avail them, nor will the ‘awlia’ (saints, sufis, ‘imams’, clegy) whom they had chosen besides God. Theirs will be an awesome suffering. [29:24, 79:36, 82:16]

45:11 This is a Beacon. And for those who reject the revelations of their Lord, is a painful retribution.

45:12 God it is Who has made the sea of service to you that the ships may run thereon by His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be grateful.

45:13 And He has made subservient to you, from Himself, all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Therein, behold, are signs for people and nations who reflect.

45:14 Tell those who have chosen to believe, to forgive the ones who do not hope for the Days of God. It is for Him alone to recompense each nation for what they have earned. [Yaghfir, Ghafarah and derivatives = Forgive = Preserve = Protect from the harmful effects of misdeeds. Days of God = Life Hereafter = The Day of Resurrection, Judgment, Reckoning = When people establish the Divine Rule on earth. 14:5]

45:15 Whoever helps others, helps his own ‘self’. And whoever hurts others, hurts his own ‘self’. And in the end all of you will be brought back unto your Lord.

['Amal-e-Saaleh = A good deed = Fulfilling others' needs = Increase human potential = Take corrective action = Help the individual or society = Doing collective good = Grow in goodness. 'Amal-e-Su = An evil deed = Disrupting someone’s life = Hurting others = Causing imbalance = Promoting injustice and inequity]

45:16 And, indeed, We gave to the Children of Israel the Scripture, the Rule, and a succession of prophets, and provided them with decent things and bestowed upon them bounties more than other nations of the time. [3:78, 6:90]

45:17 And gave them a clear set of Commandments. Yet, they fell for differences through rivalry among themselves after knowledge had come to them. Indeed, your Lord will judge between them on the Resurrection Day concerning all they differed.

45:18 And finally, We appointed you (O Messenger) to establish clear Commandments about all matters. So you shall follow this (Way), and do not follow the whims of those who do not know (the Truth).

[42:13. Shari’ah = The way to a watering place = A flowing stream of pure water = Clear Commandments. The flowing stream indicates that the Commandments are not stagnant. While the basics remain unchanged, minor details will be flexible with changing times and needs]

45:19 Indeed, they cannot avail you the least against God. And, certainly, the wrongdoers are friends unto one another, while God is the Friend of those who live upright.

45:20 The messages right before you are a means of vision and insight for mankind, and a Guidance and a Grace for people who wish to live by conviction rather than uncertainty.

45:21 What! Do those who disrupt others’ lives think that We will treat them, in life and death, like believers and helpers of humanity? Off balance, indeed, is their judgment!

45:22 For, God has created the heavens and the earth with Purpose, and that every ‘self’ shall be compensated for what it has earned. And none shall be wronged.

45:23 Have you ever noted him who makes his desire his god? Consequently, God lets him go astray despite his knowledge, seals up his hearing and his heart, and places a veil on his sight. Then who will lead him after he has left God? Will you not then remember (this admonition)? [17:36, 32:9, 46:26]

45:24 And yet they say, "There is nothing beyond our life of this world. We die as we come to life (per chance) and nothing destroys us but Time." But of that they have no knowledge. They do nothing but make a wild guess.

45:25 And when Our revelations are conveyed to them in all clarity, their only argument is this, "Bring back our forefathers if you are truthful."

45:26 Say, "It is God Who gives you life, and then causes you to die. And He will gather all of you together on the Resurrection Day, the advent of which is beyond doubt.” But most people do not know [that the human ‘self’ survives physical death and that they be held accountable for all their deeds]

45:27 For, unto God belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth. And on the Day when the Hour stands – on that Day the followers of falsehood will be at loss.

45:28 And you will see every nation kneeling down, each nation called to its record. (And it will be said), “This Day you shall be paid for all that you ever did.”

45:29 “This Our Record tells the Truth about you. Indeed, We arranged for all your doings to be meticulously recorded.

45:30 As for those who accepted the Message and helped the society, their Lord will admit them into His Grace. That! That is the Obvious Triumph.

45:31 And as for those who rejected the Truth (they will be told), "Were not My messages conveyed to you? But you took an arrogant stance since you were an exploitative folk.”

45:32 And when it was said, “Indeed, God’s Promise always comes true and there is no doubt about the Hour - you would reply, "We do not know what the Hour is. We think it could be conjecture, however, we are not certain!"

45:33 And their disruptive actions will become obvious to them and the very thing they used to mock will surround them.

45:34 And it will be said, "This Day We forget you, just as you forgot the meeting of this your Day. And your abode is the Fire, and there is none to help you.

45:35 This is because you ridiculed God’s messages, having allowed the vanities of the life of this world deceive you.” This Day, therefore, they will not be taken out of it, nor can they make amends.

45:36 Then, all Praise is due to God, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth, Lord of all the Worlds! [For, He has designed the Universe such that no action goes without a just recompense]

45:37 And His alone is all Majesty in the Universe, and He alone is Almighty, Most Wise.

Surah 46. Al-Ahqaaf – The Sand-dunes

[Author’s Note] This is the 46th Surah of the Qur’an, and it has 35 verses. The Surah derives its name from the sand dunes that were a part of the landscape inhabited by the second generation of the powerful tribe of ‘Aad in the Southeastern Arabian Peninsula. To the mightier first generation ‘Aad was sent Prophet Hud, perhaps next in line only to Noah who was the first ever Apostle of God. Contrary to popular belief Adam is the allegorical use of Adami or the human being. The Qur’an does not refer to him as a Prophet. Dispelling the Biblical and Muslim traditional influence, 4:163 confirms that Noah was the first ever Prophet of God as do 6:85, 10:74, 57:26-27. Historically, the times of Noah and ‘Aad have only been estimates - perhaps 5000-6000 BC. ‘Aad were however, the descendants of Iram son of Sam son of Noah.

The Divine Law of Requital is inevitable, unchangeable and completely impartial for all individuals and nations. Requital in fact stands for Just Recompense (Jaza), and not for chastisement. Simply put, the Law of Requital is, "As you sow, so shall you reap." Our actions carry along with them their built-in logical consequences. Hence, as the Qur’an frequently reminds, we begin to make our Hell or Paradise with our own hands right in this world. "Pie in the Sky" is a dogma foreign and alien to the Qur’an.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

46:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

46:2 The Revelation of this Book is from God, the Almighty, the Wise.

46:3 We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them but for a specific Purpose, and for a term appointed. And yet, those who are determined to deny the Truth turn away from what they are warned against. [Bil-Haqq = In Truth = For a specific Purpose = With a definite Plan]

46:4 Say, "Have you ever given thought to what it is that you call upon instead of God? Show me what they have created of the earth. Or do they have a share in the heavens? Bring me (Authority) from even a previous Scripture, or even some remains of knowledge if you are truthful.”

46:5 And who could be further astray than one who invokes, instead of God, such as respond not to him even until the Day of Resurrection, and, in fact, are totally unaware of their call.

46:6 And when mankind are gathered together, the false deities will become enemies to those who worshiped them, and will utterly reject their worship.

46:7 But when Our Clear messages are conveyed to them, the rejecters say of the Truth as soon as it reaches them, “This is obviously a magical lie.” [Sihr = Magic = Lie = Delusion = Spellbinding eloquence = Amazing = Incredible]

46:8 Or do they say, “He has invented all this?” Say, "If I have invented it, still you have no power to support me against God. He is fully Aware of your reckless flight of imagination. He suffices as a Witness between me and you. And He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." [You shall come to know what you now do not. And the Forgiving, the Merciful God has ordained the Law of Respite for you 37:175, 39:39]

46:9 Say, "I am not the first of the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I do but follow what is revealed unto me, and I am but a plain warner."

46:10 Say, "What if it is from God and you rejected it! A witness from the Children of Israel has already borne witness to the advent of one like himself. And he has believed while you are showing arrogance. Surely, God does not guide people who relegate the Truth."

[A witness from the Children of Israel = Moses, in Deuteronomy xviii, 15-18, “A Prophet like unto me.” Some commentators erroneously mention a hadith referring to Hazrat Abdullah bin Salam, a convert from Judaism, as being the witness. But that proposition is obviously too weak to find a place in the Qur’an]

46:11 And the deniers speak thus of the believers, "If this Message were any good, these people would not have accepted it before us." But since they choose not to be guided by it, they say, "This has been a fabrication since ancient times."

46:12 And yet, before this was the Scripture of Moses, an example and a Grace. And this (Qur’an) is a Book confirming the Truth (in Torah), in the Arabic Tongue, to warn the wrongdoers, and a herald of glad tiding for the doers of good.

46:13 Indeed, those who say, "Our Lord is God," and thereafter stand firm and live upright, no fear will come upon them nor shall they grieve.

46:14 Such are the rightful dwellers of the Garden, immortal therein, as a reward for all they have done.

46:15 We have enjoined upon man goodness toward his parents. In pain his mother did bear him, and in pain she did give him birth. The carrying of the child and his total dependence on her took thirty months. And so, when he attains maturity and reaches forty years, he says, "My Lord! Enable me to be grateful for the blessings You have given me and to my parents, and that I may do works that meet Your Approval, and make my generations righteous as well. Surely, unto You I turn, and truly I submit to You." [2:233, 7:189, 31:14]

46:16 Such are those from whom We accept the best of their deeds and We shall absolve their imperfections. They are among the dwellers of Paradise. This is the True Promise that is made to them. ['Best of their deeds' indicates God's reward surpassing the best of the best]

46:17 And whoever says to his parents, “Shameful it is for both of you! Do you threaten me that I shall be brought forth again although so many generations have passed away before me?” And they both pray for God’s help and say, “Alas for you! Believe! Indeed, God’s promise always comes true. But he replies, “All this is nothing but fables of the ancient.”

46:18 Such are the ones against whom the Word came to pass among the previous generations of the rural and the urban. Surely, they will be lost!

46:19 And for all there will be ranks according to what they did that He may recompense their actions. And none shall be wronged.

46:20 And on the Day when the deniers are exposed to the Fire, it will be said, “You squandered your good things in your life of the world and only sought immediate comfort therein. This Day you are rewarded with a humiliating doom because of your unjust pride, and because you drifted away from humanity. [Fisq = To drift away as the date stone breaks out of its fruit]

46:21 And remember the brother of ‘Aad when he warned his people in their Land of Sand-dunes. And, certainly, warners came and went before and after him, saying, “Serve none but God. Indeed, I fear for you the retribution of a Tremendous Day.”

46:22 They answered, “Have you come to turn us away from our gods?” Bring, then, upon us that with which you threaten us if you are a man of truth.”

46:23 He said, “That knowledge is with God alone. I announce to you the Mission on which I have been sent. But I see that you are a people who prefer to live in the darkness of ignorance.”

46:24 And so, when they saw a dense cloud approaching their valleys, they said, “Here is a dense cloud bringing us the needed rain.” Nay, this is the very thing you challenged to hasten – a wind wherein is painful torment,

46:25 Bound to destroy everything by its Lord’s Command. And the morning found them so that nothing could be seen but their empty dwellings. Thus We reward the guilty.

46:26 And certainly, We had established them in the land better than We ever established you, and We had given them keen faculties of hearing, sight and intellect. But their hearing and sight and intellect did not avail them when they went on knowingly rejecting God’s messages. And so, the very thing they used to mock, surrounded them.

[Fuaad, plural Af’idah = The faculty of intellect, reasoning and insight. 17:36, 32:9, 45:23. Historically, the Kingdom of Sheba flourished from 1100 BC to 115 BC. At their zenith they were the richest nation in the world. Their economy was based on excellent agriculture and international trade. They had the most advanced irrigation systems of the times, with great water dams. Their Kingdom included today’s whole of Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia, and boasting a strong army they frequently carried out expansionist invasions further south and up north. As the inevitable result of worshiping multiple false deities, including the sun, their society was not without inequities of caste and creed. Solomon, the King and the Prophet, planned to subdue the Sheba Empire to thwart their aggressive behavior and to protect the region from oppression. And he succeeded magnificently. Queen Bilqees of Sheba and her nation embraced Solomon’s Message and reverted to the worship and obedience of the One True God]

46:27 Thus indeed have We annihilated many townships all around you, after We had explained Our messages from different vantage points that they might return (to the Truth). [Townships and communities mentioned: ‘Aad, Thamud, Sheba, Tubba’, Midyan, Sodom, Gomorrah, Ninevah]

46:28 Why did then no help come to them from those whom they idolized besides God, as a means of nearness (to Him)? Nay, their idols abandoned them, for that was their falsehood and fabrication.

46:29 (O Messenger) Indeed, We turned toward you a company of the nomads so that they might listen to the Qur’an. And as soon as they were in its presence, they said, “Listen in silence!” And when it was over, they hurried to their people as warners! [72:1]

46:30 They said, “O Our people! Indeed, We have heard a Scripture that has been revealed after Moses, confirming the (Truth in) what came before it. It guides to the Truth and to a Straight Road."

[For my interpolation of ‘Truth in’, see 2:101. These nomads were obviously followers of the Jewish faith since they make no mention of Jesus]

46:31 "O Our people! Respond to the one who invites to God and believe in Him. He will absolve your fault of trailing behind and guard you against an awful suffering.”

46:32 "And whoever fails to respond to God’s caller, cannot evade Him on earth, nor can he find patrons other than Him. Such people are obviously lost in error."

46:33 Do they not realize that God Who created the heavens and the earth, and wearied not with their creation, is Able to revive the dead? Yes, indeed, He has power over all things. [50:15]

46:34 And on the Day when the rejecters will be exposed to the Fire (they will be asked), “Is it not for real?” They will answer, “Yes indeed, by our Lord!” He will say, “Taste, then, this punishment as a consequence of your denial of the Truth.”

46:35 And so, patiently persevere, as did all messengers of firm resolve. And be in no haste about them. On the Day when they see what they are promised, it will seem to them as if they had not lived in the world more than an hour of a day. A Clear Message! Shall anyone perish except those who drift away from the right path? [‘What they are promised’: Blissful end if they choose to live upright. Grievous suffering if they persist in their denial of Truth]

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