Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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Surah 47. Muhammad – Muhammad

[Author’s Note] This is the 47th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 38 verses. Herein we find the Command that prisoners of war must be freed as soon as the hostilities are over. This Command eradicated, in one stroke, the biggest source of slavery and freed mankind from bondage. Along with other concepts, the Surah emphasizes that going through life without a Noble Ideology is not becoming of a human being.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

47:1 Those who deny the Truth and bar others from the Way of God, He renders their actions vain. [Even their good deeds will carry no weight against this mountain load of infringements. 47:8]

47:2 Whereas those who believe, do acts of social welfare, and believe in what has been revealed to Muhammad – for it is the Truth from their Lord - He will absolve their imperfections, erase the imprints of their faults, and direct their hearts and minds unto rightful contentment.

[The word Aamanoo (those who believe) has been repeated again, indicating that believers in the previous Scriptures must believe in the Qur’an as well. Baal = State, condition. Salhil baal = Improvement of condition along with inner contentment]

47:3 This is because those who deny the Truth (have no choice but to) follow Falsehood, and those who believe follow the Truth from their Lord. This is how God exemplifies concepts to people from within their own composition. [Amthalahum = Their own examples = Illustrations from within themselves = Typify from their own]

47:4 If you meet the disbelievers in battle, then, strike at their Command centers. Until you have subdued them, then, bind them firmly. And thereafter, must be an act of kindness or ransom when the battle lays down its weapons. And if God willed, He could indeed punish them Himself, but that He may let you test one by means of another (as to which nation remains vigilant.) And, as for those who are slain in the Cause of God, He does not renders their actions vain.

[8:37, 38:40. Free the captives as an act of kindness or ransom, such as in exchange for your men in their captivity. There is no third option. Fadharb ar-riqaab is usually rendered as ‘smite their necks.’ A little contemplation, however, makes it plain that in a battle of swords and arrows no commander would order his soldiers to aim for the necks alone. Therefore, the stated term has been used idiomatically, indicating knocking out the command centers. It is interesting to note that even in today’s encounters with high technology this principle is given a top priority]

47:5 He will instantly guide them (straight to Paradise) and bless them with contentment. [47:6]

47:6 And bring them into the Garden that He has made known to them.

47:7 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! If you help God, He will help you and He will strengthen your foothold. [Helping God indicates that His servants must take the first step]

47:8 All those who journey through life in the darkness of ignorance, trip and fall on their face. The Divine Law brings their deeds to naught. [Ta’s = Trip and fall on the face = Destruction = Missing the mark. 47:1]

47:9 This is so because they detest what God has revealed, and so He renders all their actions fruitless. [13:17, 47:1, 47:8. Habt = Undigested food that fails to provide nourishment]

47:10 Have they not, then, traveled in the land and seen what eventually happened to those who lived before them? God wiped them out, and for the deniers of Truth shall be the like thereof.

47:11 This is so, because God is the Patron of those who accept His Commands, whereas there is no patron for those who deny the Truth.

47:12 Surely, God will admit all those who accept His Message and fulfill the needs of others into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. But those who deny the Truth, may partake of life and eat like the cattle (live and) eat, and the Fire will be their abode. [Living without a Noble Ideology reduces human beings to a subhuman existence]

47:13 And how many a township mightier in power than this your township which has evicted you (O Prophet), have We annihilated! And (then) they had no helper.

47:14 Is, then, he who lives by self-evident Truth from his Lord like the one to whom his disruptive behavior seems pleasing, while such people are only following their own desires?

47:15 In allegorical terms the Paradise that the righteous are promised is this: Therein are rivers of ever fresh water, and rivers of ever fresh milk, and rivers of delicious wine, and rivers of clear-run honey. Therein are all kinds of fruit (of their good deeds), with a life secure from deterioration bestowed upon them from their Lord. Are they like the ones who abide in the Fire and are given drinks of burning despair that tears their insides?

[Maghfirah here denotes protection from deterioration. Note that the Paradise is described in allegorical terms since we can only understand some of it by way of similitude and metaphor at our current level of intellect and understanding. The wine therein is refreshing with no trace of beclouding of the mind or hangover 52:23, 56:19]

47:16 (O Messenger) Among them are some who pretend to listen to you, and then, as soon as they leave your presence, they ask others who have received knowledge, “What was it that he just said?” Such are the ones whose hearts God has sealed, for their minds are always contemplating ways to fulfill their vain desires. [4:155, 10:74, 16:106, 17:45, 47:24, 83:14]

47:17 While as for those who wish to walk in the Light, He shows them the way all along, and secures for them their journey through life. [Huda = Brightness, light, guidance, beacon, showing the way, leading right]

47:18 Are they, then, waiting for the Hour that may come upon them suddenly? And the signs of confrontation have already appeared. And when it comes to them, how shall their understanding (of the Truth) will help them?

47:19 So (O Prophet) remain constantly aware that there is no ‘power’ but God, and guard yourself, and the believing men, and the believing women against any slander. Devise means to counter whatever may cause your community to lag behind in their Mission. For, God knows how you move about in your daily lives and what your destination is. [Wastaghfir = And protect. Zanb = Tail = Rumor and slander in backbiting = Lagging behind like the tail lags behind an animal’s body]

47:20 Those who have believed, say, “Why is not an injunction revealed (permitting us to fight in self-defense?”) But now when a decisive injunction has been revealed about fighting, you find the hypocrites looking at you as if they were fainting to death. And yet, the foremost good for them would be -

47:21 Obedience and a righteous word. For, once a matter has been determined, it would be best for them if they were true to God.

47:22 Would you then, rather turn back (to the old ways of Ignorance) and work corruption in the land, and break the common bond of humanity and your ties of mutual relationships?

47:23 Such are the ones whom God deprives of His Grace, makes them deaf, and blinds their sight.

47:24 Will they not then reflect on the Qur’an, or is it that they have locks on their hearts (which bar them from reason? [4:82]

47:25 Indeed, those who slide back after the Guidance has been made clear to them, Satan has charmed them into utopia and given them long rein. [Sawwal = Entice = Instigate. Aml = Long rope = False hopes = Respite = Rein]

47:26 This, because they say to those who resent the Qur’an, “We will be with you in part of your plans.” And God fully knows their secret consultations.

47:27 Then how will it be when the angels gather them in death, smiting their faces and backs? [They leave the world in agony and regret for not having readied themselves for the life to come]

47:28 This, because they followed what brings God’s disapproval, and detested the actions that win His Approval. And so, He renders all their actions fruitless.

47:29 Or do the hypocrites think that God will not reveal their malice?

47:30 Had We so willed, We could have pointed them out to you and you would have identified them by their faces. But you will surely recognize them by the tone of their speech. And God knows all that you do.

47:31 And certainly We shall try you all in order to distinguish the valiant among you and the steadfast. And We shall put your reputation to test.

47:32 Indeed, those who deny the Truth and hinder (people) from the Way of God, and oppose the Messenger after the Guidance has been made clear to them, cannot harm God in the least. And He will make all their works come to naught.

47:33 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Obey God, and obey the Messenger, and render not your actions vain.

47:34 Indeed, those who deny the Truth and hinder (people) from the Path of God, and then die as disbelievers, God will not pardon them.

47:35 So, do not falter crying for peace, for you are bound to prevail. God is with you and He will never waste your efforts. [3:139]

47:36 The life of this world is but a sport and amusement. But if you believe and live upright, He will give you your rewards, and will not ask you to give up your wealth.

47:37 If He were to demand and compel you for it, you would cling to in stinginess, and He would (thus) reveal your shortcomings.

47:38 Indeed, you are those who are called upon to spend in the Cause of God. Yet, among you there are such who turn stingy. Anyone who is miser is miser against his own ‘self’. And God is the Rich, and you are the poor. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another nation, and they will not be like you.

Surah 48. Al-Fath – Victory

[Author’s Note] This is the 48th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 29 verses. The Surah derives its name from the fulfillment of God's Promise to His Messenger of a signal Victory. And the Promise that the Final Word of God will assuredly prevail over all other systems of life on the Globe.

The pledge of allegiance to the Prophet during his lifetime meant allegiance to God, and after him the same will hold true about the Central Authority of the Divine System whenever established.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

48:1 Surely, (O Prophet) We have opened for you the gates of a Victory that everyone shall behold.

48:2 For, God has guarded you against whatever could have caused you to lag behind in the past and in the future, and against all slander. And so, He perfects His Bliss upon you and takes you along a Straight Path. [24:55, 40:55, 47:19. Ghafarah = Helmet = Protection. Zanb = An animal’s tail = Lagging behind = A slander stuck behind a person]

48:3 And thus God supports you with a Mighty Support.

48:4 He it is Who sends down peace of reassurance into the hearts of the believers to increase their faith unto the state of conviction. Unto God belong all the Forces of the heavens and the earth. And God is Knower, Wise. [9:26, 45:22, 53:31]

48:5 Thus He will admit the believing men and the believing women into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide. And He will absolve their faults and imperfections. And that is, with God, the Supreme Triumph. [11:115]

48:6 And He will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the idolater men and idolater women who hold evil assumptions and plans against God. Around them is a circle of their disruptive deeds, and God’s Disapproval is upon them and He deprives them of His Grace. For them He has readied Hell, and how miserable is that as a destination!

48:7 Unto God belong all Forces in the Highs and the Lows, and God is Almighty, Wise. [45:22]

48:8 Verily, (O Prophet) We have sent you as a witness (to the Truth and to people) and as a bringer of good news, and as a warner. [2:143]

48:9 So that you mankind may believe in God and His Messenger. Therefore, support the Messenger and honor him and do your best to establish the Glory of God from morning to evening. [33:41-42]

48:10 Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you (O Prophet), in fact pledge allegiance to God. God’s hand is over their hands. Hence, whoever shatters his pledge, shatters his own ‘self’. And whoever keeps his pledge with God, to him He will grant a supreme reward. [9:111]

48:11 The Bedouins, who were left behind, will tell you, "Our properties and families kept us occupied, so ask forgiveness for us!" They will utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, “Who has the power to intervene on your behalf with God, whether He wills to give you some loss or He wills to give you some profit?” Nay, but God is Aware of all that you do.

48:12 Nay, you thought that the Messenger and the believers would never come back to their folk and families. And it was made pleasing in your hearts that you did think evil, for, you are a people devoid of virtue.”

48:13 As for him who denies God and His Messenger - behold, We have prepared a Flame for rejecters of the Truth.

48:14 To God belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives and punishes according to His Law of Requital. And God is Absolver of imperfections, Compassionate.

48:15 If you go forth to a battle that holds promise of spoils of war, those who had stayed behind before, will say, “Allow us to follow you.” They seek to change the verdict of God. Say, “You shall by no means go with us. This is what God has decreed already.” Then they will say, “You are envious of us.” Nay, but very little it is that they understand (of selfless service). [Battle is no longer a means of winning booty as it was in the Age of Ignorance. It is permitted only against persecution and in self-defense. 2:167, 2:193, 3:140, 8:1, 60:8-9]

48:16 Say to these desert Arabs who had stayed behind, "Soon you will be called against a people mighty in warfare, to fight them until they surrender. And if you obey, God will give you a beautiful reward. But if you turn away, as you did turn away before, He will requite you with grievous suffering."

48:17 There is no blame for the blind, nor there is blame for the disabled, nor there is blame for the sick (if they do not go forth in self-defense). Whoever obeys God and His Messenger, He will admit him in the Gardens underneath which rivers flow. And whoever turns away, He will requite him with grievous suffering. [9:91]

48:18 Indeed, God was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you (O Messenger) under that shady tree. For, He knew what was in their hearts, and so He sent down upon them inner peace, and rewarded them by opening the gates to a swift Victory. [48:10]

48:19 And many gains will they achieve in addition, for, God is Almighty, Most Wise.

48:20 God promises you a great many gains that you shall acquire, and has given you these ones just to begin with. And He has restrained the aggressive hands of people from you that it may be a sign for the believers (of all times) and so that He may light up for you a Straight Path. [Huda and derivatives = To lead, guide, show the way, enlighten, light up the way, walk ahead, be a beacon]

48:21 And there are yet other gains which are beyond your power at this time, but God has already encompassed them for you. For, God has Power over all things.

48:22 If the unbelievers fight you, they will certainly turn their backs in flight, and then they will find no protecting friend nor helper.

48:23 This is God’s Law that has been in force since older times. And you will never find any change in God’s Laws. [Sunnatillah = God’s Laws in practice. Kalimatillah = God’s Word = God’s Laws in theory 3:139, 17:77, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23]

48:24 And He it is Who has withheld their hands against you, and your hands against them in the Valley of Makkah after He has given you victory over them. And God was indeed Watcher over all your actions.

48:25 These are the very people who denied the Message, and debarred you from the Sacred Masjid, and prevented your offerings from reaching their destination. Therein were believing men and believing women whom you did not know, and you could have harmed them. And on their account you could have carried guilt without knowing it. Thus God admits into His Grace whoever seeks it. If the rejecters persist in aggression, We shall indeed clearly separate them (from the believers) and punish them with an awesome doom.

48:26 Just when the unbelievers had their hearts filled with zeal, the zeal of the Age of Ignorance, right then God sent down His blessing of inner contentment upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and empowered them to ward off this kind of zealotry. For, they truly deserved this virtue and it was befitting for them to own it. And God is Knower of all things. [Hamiyyah = Zeal. Hamiyyat-il-Jaahiliyah = Zeal of the Age of Ignorance = Zeal for revenge]

48:27 Indeed, God has vindicated His Messenger’s vision of solidarity. You shall enter the Masjid-al-Haraam (the Sacred Masjid), God willing, perfectly secure, having unburdened your heads of all fear. And He knows what you do not know, and He has granted you a swift Victory. [Halqirras = Relief of burden = Idiom for relief. - ‘Imams’ Jurjani, Hasan Basari, Shehristani. 2:196]

48:28 He it is Who has sent His Messenger with Enlightenment and the Religion of Truth that He may cause it to prevail over all other systems of life. And God is Sufficient as Witness (to this Pronouncement). [9:31-33, 13:31,14:48, 18:48, 41:53, 48:28, 51:20-21, 61:9]

48:29 Muhammad is God’s Messenger. And those who are with him are stern towards the rejecters of Truth, and full of compassion towards one another. You can see them bowing (to Commands), adoring (Him), as they seek God’s Bounty and Acceptance. Their signs (of belief) are on their faces, the effects of adoration. Such is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel. They are like a seed that brings forth its shoot, and then He strengthens it, so that it grows stout, and then stands firm on its stem, delighting those who have sown it. (Thus the believers grow in strength,) so that through them He might confound with rage the rejecters. But unto those who may yet attain belief and benefit others, God promises preservation of their ‘selves’ and an immense reward.

[Athar-is-sujood is frequently mistranslated as the physical mark on the forehead resulting from regular prostration. But Wajh = Countenance = Whole being = Face, and not forehead. In addition, the verses of the Bible that the Qur’an is referring to, make no mention of any physical marks on the foreheads or faces. Sujood = Adoration = Prostrations = Complete submission. ‘Signs on their faces’ = Reflection of Faith in the believer’s mannerism. Torah and Gospel: Numbers 16:22. Mark 4: 27-28 - Mathew 13:3-9]

Surah 49. Al-Hujurat – The Private Apartments

[Author’s Note] This is the 49th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 18 verses. The Surah primarily deals with social manners, respect of privacy and our behavior in general that leads to success in both lives. It includes a most revolutionary Injunction that it is only the character and nothing else that can make a human being superior to another.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

49:1 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Do not be forward in the presence of God and His Messenger, and be mindful of God. For, God is Hearer, Knower. [Refrain from holding your opinions above what God has revealed to His Messenger]

49:2 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and you must not speak loudly to him, as you would speak loudly to one another, lest your works be rendered vain while you perceive not. [In my opinion, this verse applies today as well. We must be respectful whenever we speak of him. 33:56]

49:3 Indeed, those who lower their voices in the presence of the Messenger of God, it is they whose hearts God has primed for righteousness. For them will be the preservation through forgiveness and a supreme reward.

49:4 Those who call out to you from behind the private apartments, most of them lack understanding.

49:5 For, if they only had patience until you came forth unto them, it would certainly be better for them. And God is Forgiving, Merciful.

49:6 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! If an indiscreet person comes to you with any news, verify it lest you hurt some folk in ignorance and then regret in embarrassment what you have done.

49:7 And be constantly aware that in your midst is God’s Messenger. If he were to obey you in much of the governance, you would certainly be in chaos. But as it is, God has made belief dear to you and has beautified it in your hearts. And He has made disbelief, immoral conduct and disobedience detestable unto you. Such indeed are those who are rightly guided.

49:8 A Bounty and Bliss from God, and God is Knower, Wise.

49:9 And if two groups of believers engage in fighting, make peace between them. But then, if one of the two transgresses against the other, fight the one that transgresses until it complies with God’s Command (the decision that was made by the Central Authority). Once they comply, make peace between them with justice, and act equitably. Surely, God loves the equitable.

49:10 The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Hence, make peace between your brothers and sisters. And be mindful of God so that you may attain Mercy. [They are members of one family, brothers and sisters unto one another]

49:11 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! No folk shall make mockery of other folk, for they may be better than they are. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they are. And neither shall you defame nor be sarcastic to one another. And do not call each other by (offensive) nicknames. After attaining Faith, evil indeed is (calling by) names that drift away from decency. Those who do not return to the right way are the wrongdoers. [Taubah = Returning to the right path = Repentance]

49:12 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Avoid much suspicion and guesswork. For, Behold! Some of such suspicion and guesswork drag down your own ‘selves’. And spy not upon one another, nor shall you back-bite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would detest it! Be mindful of God. Surely, God is Relenting, Merciful.

49:13 O Mankind! Indeed, We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes so that you might (affectionately) come to know one another. Surely, the most honored among you, in the Sight of God, is the one who is best in conduct. Indeed, God is Knower, Aware.

[Min zakarinwwa untha = Of a kind that is male, and of a kind that is female = Male and female = Some of you are men and some of you are women. On this note I find myself in agreement with M. Pickthall 39:6]

49:14 The Bedouins say, “We have attained belief.” Say (O Prophet), “You have not yet attained belief, but rather say, ‘We have submitted (to the System)’, for the Faith has not yet entered your hearts. Yet, if you obey God and His Messenger, He will not diminish (the reward of) any of your works. Surely, God is Forgiving, Merciful.”

49:15 The believers are only those who have attained conviction in God and His Messenger, have left all doubt behind, and who strive hard in God’s Cause with their possessions and their persons. It is they who are true to their word. [2:8, 4:136]

49:16 Say, “Do you inform God of your religiousness when God knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth?” And God is Knower of all things.

49:17 Some people act as if they are doing you a favor by embracing Islam. Say, “Deem not that your Islam is a favor upon me. Nay, it is God Who bestows a favor upon you that He has guided you to Faith, if you indeed remain sincere.”

49:18 Surely, God knows the Unseen of the heavens and the earth, and God is Seer of all that you do.

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