Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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Surah 38. Saad – Full of Truth

[Author’s Note] This is the 38th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 88 verses. This Surah recaps several concepts, but as usual, from diverse vantage points. Using Tasreef (looking at the Divine messages in diverse verses), the central theme here is how false pride becomes a barrier between man and Reality.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

38:1 S. Saad. (The Saadiq, Truthful God states that), This Qur’an stands witness (with internal evidence) that it is a profound Reminder worth taking to the hearts and it can give you eminence. [21:24, 23:70, 43:43-44]

38:2 Nay, but those who disbelieve have plunged into arrogance and thus into opposition. [Shiqaaq = Opposition, schism, splitting. If they reflect on the Qur’an in all humility, they will accept the Divine Truth rather than opposing it]

38:3 How many a generation have We (Our Law of Requital) wiped out before them, and they cried out when it was too late to escape.

38:4 These people wonder that a warner has come to them from their own midst! And the disbelievers say, "This is a wizard, a liar.

38:5 Does he blend all the gods into One God? Indeed, this is a thing mind-boggling!”

38:6 Their leaders go about saying, "Walk away and hold on to your gods! This, behold, is the only thing to do. And this (mind-boggling thing) seems to be designed with ulterior motives.

38:7 We have never heard of this in the latest religion. This (concept of One God) is nothing but a made-up tale! (Even the Christians subscribe to a Triune God)

38:8 What! Has the Reminder come down only to him among us?" Nay, in fact, it is My Own Reminder that they distrust (and not you O Prophet). Nay, they have not yet tasted My requital.

38:9 Or with them are the treasures of your Lord’s Grace? - The Almighty, the Grantor of Gifts.

38:10 Or is it that theirs is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them? If so, let them ascend to Supremacy by all means.

38:11 But here it is! Defeated confederates are these, however closely they might band together.

38:12 And before them denied the Truth, the people of Noah, ‘Aad and Pharaoh of the firm stakes. [Zil-awtaad = The lord of the Pyramids. It may also refer to Pharaoh’s frequent crucifixion of his subjects on palm-tree stakes. 7:124, 20:71, 26:49]

38:13 And Thamud, and the people of Lot, and the dwellers of the Wood-dales (of Midyan). And they were clans strongly banded.

38:14 All of them accused the messengers of lying, and thus, My retribution was justified.

38:15 Now these people only wait a single Blast from which they recover not.

38:16 And they mock, "Our Lord! Bring for us our sentence before the Day of Account."

38:17 Bear with patience whatever they may say, and remember Our servant David, the man of strength and resources. He always turned unto Us.

38:18 Indeed, We subdued for him the strong Mountain Tribes that strove along with him night and day.

38:19 And the nomad riders of Taa'er Tribe were all obedient to him. [21:79, 27:16, 34:10]

38:20 We strengthened his Kingdom and gave him wisdom and good judgment. And We endowed him with the ability to make just decisions, and speak eloquently. [17:39, 43:63]

38:21 Have you heard of the story of the two disputing men when they climbed the wall into his private chamber?

38:22 When they breached his privacy, he was startled. They said, "Do not be startled!" We are both disputing with each other as to who has done wrong to the other. Therefore, judge fairly between us. Do not deviate from equity and guide us to the even path."

38:23 One of them said, "Indeed, this my brother has ninety nine farms, whereas I have only one. And yet he says, ‘Give it over to me’, and he dominates me in eloquence." [Na’jah = Ewe = Female sheep or deer = Agricultural farm]

38:24 David said, "He has certainly wronged you in demanding your farm in addition to his farms. Thus, behold, many close associates and business-partners treat each other unfairly, except those who believe in the Permanent Values and care for others. But how few are they!” Afterwards, David wondered that We had tried him. (The economic system in his kingdom needed reform.) He implored his Lord to absolve his imperfections, and he immediately bowed and turned unto Him for Guidance.

38:25 So We absolved his imperfections, and, behold - he remained ever close to Our Laws and his efforts reached a happy destination.

[Although mentioned by many ancient and modern commentators of the Qur’an, the Biblical story of David taking Uriah's beautiful wife, Bath-Sheba, finds no place in the Qur’an]

38:26 (We said to him), "O David! We have made you a ruler on the earth therefore, establish the System of justice and equity for people. Never let your judgment be swayed by personal whims causing you to deviate from the Path of God. For those who wander from the Path of God, is a strict retribution for having forgotten the Day of Account."

38:27 (No action goes uncompensated since) We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in vain, without meaning and purpose. Such is the assumption of those who disbelieve. There is destruction from the Fire for those who deny the Truth. [10:4, 11:7, 45:22, 53:31]

38:28 Shall We treat those who believe and improve the society as We treat those who spread corruption in the land? Or shall We treat the guardians of the Law as the Law-breakers?

38:29 This is a Scripture that We have revealed unto you (O Prophet), full of lasting Bliss that they may ponder its messages and that people of understanding may take them to heart.

38:30 And unto David We granted Solomon, how excellent a servant! Indeed, in every situation He would turn to Divine Laws.

38:31 In the evenings he used to examine his cavalry of nicely-bred, swift-footed horses.

38:32 He would say, “Surely, I love my fondness of all that is good because it reminds me of my

Lord”, as the horses raced away until hidden by the veil of distance.

38:33 "Bring them back unto me!" – and he would lovingly stroke their legs and their necks.

[Solomon loved his cavalry since they helped him glorify his Lord’s name. But, many ancient exponents of the Qur’an (and in their following some modern ones too) have, unfortunately, contrived most fantastic stories here. They assert, without any grounds, that one day Solomon got engrossed in his horses and thus his evening prayer was delayed. Hence, he called back the twenty thousand of his horses and single-handedly slaughtered them with his sword!]

38:34 (That was Solomon and) We indeed tried him, and set upon his throne a mere body, and thereupon he turned to Us. [His son, the crown prince Rehoboam was just a hopeless presence. (34:14). Until that point in history, the Kingdom of Israel was inherited among the generations of Prophet Jacob]

38:35 Solomon prayed, "O My Lord! Absolve my imperfections and bestow upon me the gift of a kingdom that may not suit anyone (incompetent) after me. Surely, You are the Giver of Gifts.” [He did not wish to leave his great kingdom in incompetent hands and in all probability was thinking of merit in preference over lineage. 34:14, 38:34]

38:36 So We gave him the science of making the wind serve him and it carried his ships wherever he intended. [34:12]

38:37 And made subservient to him the wild unruly men – every kind of builder and diver. [21:82, 34:13]

38:38 And others linked together in chains of discipline.

38:39 We told him, “All this is Our Gift for you. Give freely or withhold, in matters of the State, according to your best judgment. It is given to you beyond count.”

38:40 He is worthy of being near to Us, and for him is an excellent abode.

38:41 And remember Our servant Job, when he called upon his Lord, “Indeed, the serpent has bitten me and I am in distress and suffering.”

['Satan has touched me', as a metonym = Serpent has bitten me. Serpent has indicated Serpent in the Bible and other ancient writings. Job was left alone from his caravan and family, ran out of the essential supplies, and now this happened. 4:163, 6:84, 21:83-84]

38:42 (We told him), “Strike the ground with your foot (move away a little bit). And here is cool water to wash with and a refreshing drink.”

38:43 And We gave him back his family and followers and, in time, doubled their numbers as a Grace from Us. And herein is a Reminder for people of understanding (on the virtue of patience).

[At this point, we read weird stories that his one dozen children had died and two dozens 'new' children were given to him in exchange. That is too many labor pains for his aging wife! Ah! the poor women. And then every child being a unique presence, is irreplaceable]

38:44 (And finally We told him,) “Now gather your strength and travel the land and do not break your pledge.” Indeed, We found him steadfast. How excellent a servant! In every situation he turned to Our Commands.

[Hold the grass in your hand and strike with it = Collect your senses and go ahead on your Mission. Under Biblical influence, some ‘experts’ have interpreted this verse to mean that Prophet Job is being commanded to strike his wife with one hundred stripes or a broomstick with a hundred twigs, since she had asked her husband to curse God for his afflictions!]

38:45 And also remember Our servants, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, men of strength and vision.

38:46 Surely, We endowed them with sincerity of purpose and with exceptional foresight. Hence, in all their efforts they never lost sight of the desired destination.

38:47 Indeed, according to Our Standards, they were of the elect, excellent, fulfilling the mental, moral and physical needs of humanity.

38:48 Also mention Ishmael, Al-Yasa’ (Elisha), and Zal-Kifl (Ezekiel). For, all of them were men of quality, serving humanity.

38:49 This is a Reminder, and certainly, there is a most beautiful destination for the righteous.

38:50 Gardens of Eden, the perpetual Bliss, with gates wide-open for them.

38:51 Relaxing therein, they will be hosted with all kinds of food and drink.

38:52 And with them are well-matched companions of modest gaze.

38:53 This is what you are promised for the Day of Account.

38:54 This, certainly, is Our Giving with no end to it.

38:55 Yes, this is so. But, for those who kept trespassing the Moral Values, is a destination with no good in it.

38:56 Hell that is! Wherein they burn, a miserable bed to lie on!

38:57 So let them taste, a drink of burning distress and brave a freezing cold wind. [Distress they caused others and insensitivity they showed toward oppression and injustice. 78:25]

38:58 And other penalties in pairs. [Heat-cold, glare-darkness, noise-isolation, anxiety-depression, desire-hopelessness, etc]

38:59 It will be said to the ringleaders, “Here is your group going with you headlong. There is no welcome for them, for only the Fire is here to embrace them.”

38:60 The followers will say to the leaders, “Nay, but you - There is no welcome for you either! It is you who sent forth this torment for us! What a station of plight!” [14:21, 33:67, 34:32, 37:29, 40:47]

38:61 Then the followers will say, “Our Lord! Whoever has sent this forth for us, oh, double for him the suffering in Fire.”

38:62 Then they will exclaim to one another, “What is amiss with us? We do not see people whom we counted among evil!

38:63 Whom we used to ridicule. (Are they not here) or is it that our eyes are missing them?”

38:64 Such, behold, will in Truth be the argumentation of people of the Fire!

38:65 Say, “I am only a warner, and there is no god but God, the One, the Irresistible

38:66 Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, Exalted in Might, Ever-Forgiving.”

38:67 Say, “That is a Tremendous News

38:68 From which you turn away!”

38:69 Say! “I have no knowledge of the exalted chiefs of the past when they disputed. [15:17-18, 37:8. Mala-ul-A’la = Exalted chiefs. This term applies to worldly leaders as well as to the assembly of angels. The latter would not dispute, so this verse is alluding to the worldly leaders of the past]

38:70 It is revealed unto me only that I am a plain warner.”

38:71 (The disputations began ever since mankind divided among themselves for selfish tribal gains.) When your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am about to create a human being out of clay. [Angels = God’s Forces in Nature. 15:26-41]

38:72 And when I have designed him, and breathed into him of My Energy (given him free will) then be submissive to him.”

38:73 Thereupon the angels agreed to be subservient to him, all of them together. [Sajdah = Literally prostration, is due to God alone. Hence, the allegorical meaning here]

38:74 Except Iblees - he acted arrogantly and denied the Command. [Iblees = Satan = Selfish desire. 2:34. See the author’s note before Surah 1]

38:75 Said He, “O Iblees! What has kept you from being submissive to what I have created with My Hands? Are you too proud or are you of the rebellious?”

38:76 Iblees replied, “I am better than he. You created me of fire while you created him of clay.” [Emotions are fiery in relation to the ‘cool’ higher controls]

38:77 Said He, “Go forth from here, for, behold, you are condemned.

38:78 And My rejection is on you until the Day of Judgment.”

38:79 Iblees said, “Then, My Lord! Give me respite till the Day when they are raised.”

38:80 Answered He, “Verily so, you shall be among those who are given respite. [15:36-38]

38:81 Until the Day of Appointed Time.”

38:82 Iblees said, “I swear by Your Honor, I will certainly lead them all astray.

38:83 Except such of them as are Your sincere servants.”

38:84 He said, “This is the Truth, and I state this Truth:

38:85 That certainly I will fill Hell with you and with such of them as follow you, together.”

38:86 (O Messenger) say to them, “I ask of you no reward for this Message, nor am I a pretender.

38:87 This (Qur’an), behold, is no less than a Reminder to the Worlds.

38:88 And in time you will know the Truth of it.”

Surah 39. Az-Zumar – The Communities

[Author’s Note] This is the 39th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 75 verses. Besides other concepts, this Surah underscores collective life of people as tribes, nations and communities. It indicates that people will enter their worldly or Afterlife Paradise or Hellfire in groups. This confirms the sociological observation that societies are made for individuals but individuals are not made for societies. It also confirms that a benevolent social order facilitates the development of the ‘self’ toward self-actualization.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

39:1 The Revelation of this Book issues from God, the Almighty, the Wise.

39:2 Indeed, it is We Who have revealed this Book to you (O Prophet) setting forth the Truth. Therefore, serve God sincere in your Faith in Him alone.

39:3 Is it not to God alone that all sincere Faith is due? And yet, they who take patrons besides Him say, “We worship them for no other reason than that they bring us nearer to God.” God will judge between them (the clergy and the masses) concerning that wherein they differ (from the Truth). Certainly, God does not grace with guidance anyone who is bent on lying to himself, stubbornly ingrate. [4:88, 5:35, 10:18, 17:57]

39:4 And if God had willed to take unto Himself a son, He could have chosen what He would out of what He has created. Infinite is He in His Glory! He is God, the One, the Supreme.

39:5 He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth with a definite Purpose. He rolls the night over the day, and rolls the day over the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running along its course for a term appointed. Is not He the Almighty, the Absolver of Imperfections?

39:6 He has created you all out of one living entity (from a single life cell) - and fashioned similarly its mate, male and female (6:99). And He has bestowed upon you livestock of eight kinds in pairs. (Sheep, goat, camel, cow - male and female, the common permissible livestock 6:144-146). He creates you in the bellies of your mothers, creation after creation, in threefold depths of darkness (the abdominal wall, the uterine wall and the embryonic sac). Such is God, your Lord! Unto Him belongs the Kingdom. There is no god but He. How, then, can you sway like errant winds!

[Nafs = Self, Mind, Psyche, Soul, Human being, Living entity, Person, Humankind, Essence of life, Personality, Mental faculty, Ego, I, Me, I-am-ness, Personal identity, Animate object. Nafsinwwaahidah = A single life-cell. Minha zawjaha = Mate out of its own kind = Mate, male and female = Companions very much alike = Similar in essence. 49:13]

39:7 If you are ungrateful, behold, God is in no need of you. He does not approve of ingratitude in His servants. And if you are grateful, He approves it for you. And no laden one will bear the burden of another. Ultimately, unto your Lord is your return. And, then He will make you understand everything you were doing in life. Surely, He is Knower of what is in the hearts.

39:8 When some trouble touches the humans, they call upon their Lord turning unto Him in humility. But as soon as He bestows a blessing upon them from Himself, they forget what they called for before, and they choose ‘rivals’ unto God, thus misleading others from His Path. Say, “Enjoy your disbelief for a little while. Indeed, you are among the companions of the Fire.”

[Choosing rivals: So and so was saved by a saint, clergy, diviner, magic, amulet etc. Insaan = Human being, is usually translated here as man and then the verse is rendered in third person singular. But Insaan includes men and women, hence, my rendition in third person plural]

39:9 Is it not better to be one of those who are humble, adoring Him, even in the hours of the night, and sitting, standing, keeping in mind the life to come, and hoping for his Lord’s Grace? Say, “Are those who know (that that the ‘self’ can evolve) equal to those who do not know?” But, only those who develop their insight will take this to heart.

39:10 Convey to them, “O You servants of Mine who have attained belief! Be mindful of your Lord. Good is the reward for those who do good in this world, and spacious is God’s earth. Surely, the steadfast will be given their reward in full, beyond account.”

39:11 Say, “Indeed, I am commanded to serve God sincerely for the establishment of His System.

39:12 And I have been commanded to be the foremost among those who surrender to Him.”

39:13 Say, “Indeed, if I disobey my Lord, I fear the doom of a Tremendous Day.”

39:14 Say, “I serve God sincerely to establish His System.

39:15 You may worship whatever you wish besides Him.” Say, “The real losers are those who lose their ‘selves’ and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Ah, that is without doubt the obvious loss.” [Mubeen = Open = Obvious = Clear = Without any doubt]

39:16 They will have fire and ashes above them, and beneath them a dais of hot ashes. In this way does God alert His servants: O My servants! Be mindful of My Laws.

39:17 For those who shun false ‘authorities’ (Taaghoot) and refrain from idol-worship in all forms, and turn to God alone, there is good news. So, announce the good news to My servants. [Taaghoot, 2:256]

39:18 Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best of its application (in a given situation), such are the ones whom God has guided, and they are the ones endowed with insight.

39:19 On the other hand, there is he who has inevitably deserved suffering (for his persistence in following false ‘authorities’). Can you save the one already committed to Fire?

39:20 But those who are mindful of their Lord, for them are lofty and honorable mansions built for them with rivers flowing beneath. This is God’s Promise. Never does God fail His Promise.

39:21 Have you not realized that it is God Who sends down water from the Height, and then leads it through the earth to form wells and springs? And then He brings forth a variety of colorful vegetation. Then you see the crops ripen turning golden yellow, and in the end He makes them crumble away (with grain aside). Surely, therein is a Reminder to those who wish to develop their insight.

39:22 If God renders one’s chest open to Islam He will be following a Light from his Sustainer. But those whose hearts are hardened against God’s Reminder only harm themselves. They are most obviously lost in error.

39:23 God has now revealed the best Hadith, a Book fully consistent within itself. It marks out both ways (to success and failure) repeating its messages in diverse forms. Herewith shiver the skins of those who have some idea of the Glory of their Lord, and then, their skins and their hearts soften at God's Reminder. This is the Guidance of God, and with it He guides one who seeks Guidance. Whereas one who follows a path that God has declared to be wrong, goes astray and he cannot find a guide. [4:88, 15:87. Hadith = Narration]

39:24 Oh, think of him who defends himself against the suffering on the Resurrection Day, only with his face! And it will be said to the violators of permanent Values, “Taste now what you had sown!”

39:25 Those who lived before their times, also denied the Truth. So the punishment befell them from directions they could not have imagined.

39:26 Thus God gave them a taste of humiliation in the world. Yet, much greater will be the suffering in the life to come. They could understand if they made good use of what they knew.

39:27 And, indeed, We have explained this Qur’an to mankind with all kinds of requisite examples so that they might reflect and understand.

39:28 This Qur’an in Arabic is a Monograph in plain language free of all deviousness so that they might learn and live by the Values ordained in it. [7:158, 12:3, 13:37, 14:4, 25:1, 39:28, 41:3, 42:7]

39:29 God gives you another example: There is a man who deals with several disputing supervisors, compared to a man who deals with only one consistent supervisor. Are these two equal as regards their condition? All Praise is due to God. But most of them do not know. [The majority of people fails to grasp a simple rule: Belief in Monotheism confers unity among mankind as one single community since their Creator is One. 12:39]

39:30 Behold (O Prophet) you will die, and certainly, they will die. [What counts is how people live their lives]

39:31 And, then, behold, on the Resurrection Day all of you shall present your disputes before your Lord for settlement.

39:32 (Here is a forewarning.) Who does a greater wrong than the one who tells a lie against God and the one who denies the Truth when it reaches him? Is not Hell the proper home of those who adamantly deny the Truth and choose to live in darkness? [Kufr = Denying the Truth, choosing to live in the darkness of ignorance, living without Divine Guidance, being ungrateful, concealing the Truth]

39:33 But the one who brings the truth and the one who accepts it as true – it is they who are righteous. [Note that the statements in this verse and the preceding one allude to the Messenger and the recipients of the Message]

39:34 With their Lord, they have all that they could ever desire. Such is the reward of the doers of good to others.

39:35 God will blot out the imprints of their faults and will give them a reward par excellence, more than befitting for the best of their deeds.

39:36 Is not God Sufficient for His servant? And yet, they try to intimidate you with others besides Him. He whom violation of God’s Law of Guidance sends astray, for him there is no guide. [He who follows what God has declared to be wrong, goes astray. 39:23]

39:37 And he whom God guides, for him there can be none to mislead. Is not God Exalted in power, Lord of Requital?

39:38 If you ask them, "Who is it that has created the heavens and the earth?” They will definitely answer, “God”. Say, "Have you, then, ever reflected on whom you call upon besides God? If God wills some affliction for me, can they relieve His affliction? Or if He wills some Grace for me, can they withhold His Grace?" Say, "God is Sufficient for me! In Him alone place their trust all those who trust (in His Almightiness).” [29:61]

39:39 Say, "O My people! Do all you can in your positions, whereas, behold, I am working. But soon you will find out -

39:40 As to who faces the torment of humiliation and deserves the lasting doom.” [6:136, 11: 93-121, 20:135, 39:39]

39:41 Indeed, (O Prophet) We have revealed unto you this Book expounding the Truth for all mankind. Then whoever chooses guidance benefits his own ‘self’. And whoever chooses to be lost, he strays only to his own detriment. You are not a custodian over them, nor can you determine their fate. [Wakeel = Advocate, guardian, warder, warden, defender, custodian, responsible for the outcome]

39:42 (Only the living of the mind and heart can make choices in this world.) It is God Who takes their consciousness upon death, and of the living during their sleep. He withholds it for those upon whom He has passed the Decree of death, and restores the others until an appointed time (according to His Laws). Herein, behold, are signs for people who think. [39:6]

39:43 What! Do they contrive mediators side by side with God? Say, “Why! Even though they have power over nothing and have no intelligence?"

39:44 Say, "All intercession belongs to God! Unto Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Then to Him you will be returned.” [Through His Laws He shall blot out the imprints of human faults. 3:195, 29:7, 39:35]

39:45 And yet, when God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the life to come, shrink with aversion. But, when others (such as their ‘holy men’) are mentioned besides Him, behold, they rejoice.

(Belief in the Hereafter essentially involves belief in the unwavering Law of Recompense where all actions have their repercussions)

39:46 Say, "O God! Originator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the Invisible and the Visible! It is You Who will judge between Your servants wherein they differ."

39:47 If the violators of human rights owned everything on the earth, and twice as much, they would readily offer it as ransom for the awful retribution of the Resurrection Day. But there will appear unto them from God that they never expected. [They will realize that Paradise and Hellfire are but natural consequences of their own deeds]

39:48 The very deeds they committed to disrupt the lives of others, will confront them. And they will be surrounded by what they used to ridicule. [79:36]

39:49 When adversity touches the human, he calls upon Us. But as soon as We grant him a blessing from Us, he says, "I have been given this because of a certain knowledge." Nay, this affords them a test (of character), but most of them do not know.

39:50 The same was said by those who passed before them, but their earnings failed to make them truly rich! [28:78]

39:51 They destabilized the lives of others, and their very deeds fell back upon themselves. And the same will happen to the oppressors always - their deeds falling back upon themselves, and they will never be able to evade the Law of Requital.

[Sayyeh = Causing imbalance in the lives of others. Unfortunately, terms such as ‘Sayyeh’, ‘Zanb’, ‘Ithm’ all are frequently translated as the vague term ‘Sin’. Zanb = Tail = Trailing behind like the tail of an animal trails behind its body =Trailing behind in humanity. Ithm = Any action that depletes individual or communal energy. Likewise, Zulm is almost always rendered as wrongdoing or transgression, while it denotes displacing something from its rightful place. Hence, Zulm will carry a specific meaning according to the context. And, the terms such as Saalehaat, Birr, Khair, Hasanah, Taqwa are made to lose their powerful specific impact through vague term ‘Righteousness’. Saalehaat = Actions that increase the capabilities of a person or the society = Setting things right = Helping others. Birr = Works that lead to exponential growth of the ‘self’ = Creating room for advancement of all. Khair = A deed or act that endows a person and others with true inner happiness. Taqwa = Journeying through life in security]

39:52 Do they not know that God increases and decreases provision according to His Laws? Herein are lessons for nations that believe in the Divine Laws. [Ayaat = Lessons per context = messages = verses = Signs]

39:53 Convey to them, "O You servants of Mine who have so far wasted yourselves! Do not despair of the Mercy of God. Indeed, God absolves your imperfections and protects you from the detriment of all that caused you to trail behind in humanity – For, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

39:54 Hence, turn to your Lord and surrender to Him before the period of respite is over and the doom befalls you. Then you will not be helped.

39:55 And follow the best teaching (the Qur’an) that has been revealed unto you by your Lord before the Doom comes upon you suddenly without your perceiving of the why, how and whence of it. [39:18]

39:56 Lest any person should say, "Ah! My grief that I was unmindful of God, and indeed I was among the mockers."

39:57 Or lest he should say, "Had God guided me, I too would have been of those who lived upright!"

39:58 Or lest he should say, when he sees the Requital, "I wish I had a second chance so that I could be among those who do good to others!"

39:59 Nay! My messages did come to you, but you denied them in false pride and so you became rejecters of the Truth.

39:60 Saddened in gloom you will see, on the Resurrection Day, the faces of those who lied concerning God. Is not Hell the proper home for those given to false pride?

39:61 But God will deliver the righteous for successfully journeying through life. No harm will touch them, nor will they grieve.

39:62 God is the Creator of all things, and He alone determines the destiny of all things. [God carries through evolution all things to what they are meant to be]

39:63 To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. Those who deny the Signs of God (in the Universe) – it is they who are the losers. [God has made His Forces in Nature subservient to mankind, thus enabling them to explore the Universe through science. 2:30]

39:64 Say, “Is it other than God that: you bid me to serve, O you ignorant ones?”

39:65 It has already been revealed for you as well as for those before you, “If you fall for idolatry in any form, all your works will be nullified, and indeed you will be among the losers.”

39:66 Nay, but you shall serve God alone and be among those who show gratitude for His Guidance and Bounties by sharing them with others. [SHUKR = Gratitude = Keeping God’s bounties open for the benefit of others thus obtaining best possible and collective results. It does not end with verbal thanks alone]

39:67 And they (mankind) do not esteem God as He should be esteemed. When mankind stand at their feet, His Law will be held Supreme in the human society as it is in the Universe. (As an allegory) on the Resurrection Day the entire earth will be as a mere handful to Him, and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorious is He, Sublimely Exalted Above all that they associate with Him.

[6:92, 21:20-23, 22:75, 43:84. Belief in the Day of Judgment is one of the five Articles of Faith (2:177). However, many verses of the Qur’an refer to recompense in both worlds: For example, individual success and failure, rise and fall of nations, hell and paradise. verses 39:67-75 may apply to both lives especially when we consider 39:69 and 39:74 describing the earth shining with the Light of it’s Lord, and the inheritance of the earth by those who believe in Him]

39:68 When the Trumpet is sounded, all who are in the heavens and all who are on earth will fall senseless except those whom God wills. And then it will sound again, and behold, they will be standing and looking on. [27:87, 83:6]

39:69 And the earth will shine bright with the Light of its Lord. And all matters will be seen in the Light of the Book that clearly expounds all things. And the roadmap that the messengers had come to point out, and the believers kept witnessing to their Truth, will help Justice prevail. And no one shall be wronged.

39:70 For, every human being will be repaid in full for whatever he has been doing. And He knows best whatever they do.

39:71 The rejecters of the Truth will be led to Hell as communities till they reach it and its gates are opened. The keepers of Hell will ask them, “Did not come to you messengers from among yourselves conveying to you the messages of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this your Day?” They will say, “Yes, indeed!” But at that time the sentence of punishment would have already been announced against the deniers of the Truth.

39:72 It will be said to them, “Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein." How miserable is the destination of the arrogant!

39:73 And those who are mindful of their Lord will be escorted into the Garden as communities till they reach it and its gates are opened. The keepers of the Garden will say to them, “Peace be upon you! You have done well! Enter, then, herein to abide.”

39:74 And they will say, “All Praise is due to God Who has fulfilled His Promise unto us, and made us inherit the land. We can live in beautiful dwellings of our choice in this Garden.” So Bounteous is the reward of the sincere workers! [24:55, 33:27]

39:75 And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne of Almighty’s Supreme Control extolling their Lord’s Glory and Praise. The Decision between them will be in absolute justice. And they will say together, “All Praise is due to God, the Lord of the Worlds.” [God’s Forces of Nature will help mankind establish the Divine Rule on earth, as it is in the Cosmos. And the Divine System will make people realize that all Praise indeed belongs to the Giver of Supreme Guidance. This verse also applies to the life Hereafter]

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