Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

:38 And the sun: it is running to its appointed destination. That is the measure of the Almighty, the Knower

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36:38 And the sun: it is running to its appointed destination. That is the measure of the Almighty, the Knower.

[Until recently, it was thought that the sun was static. But, the celebrated Russian philosopher, astronomer and mystic, P.D. Ouspensky (author of Tertium Organum, 1878–1947), had maintained that any science that contradicted the Qur’an would turn out to be false. Then, during Ouspensky's lifetime, it was discovered that the sun is moving toward a specified destination at 12 miles per second, 43,200 miles per hour! This destination has even been assigned names, the Solar Apex, the Constellation of Hercules. Guess what Ouspensky did! He embraced Islam]

36:39 And the moon: We have measured for it phases until it becomes (a crescent) like an old curved date-stalk.

36:40 It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outrun the day. All of them swim along in their orbits.

[The sun cannot cause the moon to gravitate towards itself and the night and the day cannot lengthen or shorten other than the appointed measure. 21:33, 22:61, 25:62, 31:29, 41:37, 57:6]

36:41 Another sign for them is that We carry the Children of Adam on the loaded ship.

[Zurriatahum = Their generations = Their seed = Children of Adam = May refer to Prophet Noah’s people, and parents letting their children sail in confidence]

36:42 And We have created for them similar things to ride on. [And We will create things of which you have no knowledge yet. 16:8]

36:43 And if We will We could drown them, with none to respond to their cry of help, nor could they be saved. [Nashaa = As We will = According to Our Laws]

36:44 But as a Mercy from Us, We let them enjoy life for a while.

36:45 And yet, when it is said to them, “Be careful about what lies open before you now and what remains hidden to you, so that you may attain mercy.” [Live a life upright learning from every day, so that you may build a future worthy of Grace]

36:46 No Message of the messages of their Lord comes to them without them turning away from it.

36:47 And when it is said to them, “Spend on others of the provision God has given to you”, the rejecters say to the believers, “Shall we feed anyone whom God could have fed if He so willed? You are obviously lost in error.” [6:149, 16:35, 43:20]

36:48 Further, they (change the subject and) ask, “When will this warning (of annihilation) be fulfilled, if you are truthful?”

36:49 Well, nothing awaits them but a single Blast of Requital that will overtake them while they keep disputing.

36:50 And they shall not even have time to utter their last wish, nor will they be able to return to their families and their people. [Ahl = Family = Own people]

36:51 And when the Trumpet is blown, behold, out of their disintegrated states unto their Lord they will run. [Ajdaath = Bodily remains = Physical remains in the graves or scattered anywhere = Disintegrated states]

36:52 They will exclaim, “Oh, woe unto us! Who has awakened us from our beds of sleep? This is what the Beneficent promised, and the messengers spoke the Truth.” [Marqad = Bed of sleep = Resting place. These two verses strongly dismiss the clergy-peddled false concept of punishment in the grave. And how would God punish people after death before the Day of Judgment. Moreover, many kinds of suffering (‘Azaab) are named in the Qur’an, but not once is mentioned ‘Azaabil Qabr]

36:53 Nothing but a single Blast, no more, and behold, before Us all of them will be presented.

36:54 “This Day no person will face the least injustice, nor will you be rewarded for other than what you had been doing."

36:55 "Indeed, those who merit Paradise, this Day are enjoying the new life.”

36:56 They and their spouses in pleasant shades, on thrones of honor reclining.

36:57 Theirs are the fruits of their good deeds, and all that they ask.

36:58 Greetings from a Lord Merciful, “Peace!”

36:59 “But stand aside Today, you violators of human rights who thrived on others’ toil!”

36:60 Did I not warn you O Children of Adam! That you shall not worship Satan since it is an open enemy to you.

36:61 And that you serve Me alone? This is the Straight Path.

36:62 Yet he led astray a great many of you. Did you not, then, have any sense?

36:63 This is the Hell you were warned about again and again.

36:64 Burn in it now for you adamantly rejected the Truth.

36:65 This Day We seal their mouths, but their hands speak unto Us, and their feet bear witness to what they earned.

36:66 If it had been Our Will, We could have veiled their eyes, and thus, when they seek the path, they will not see it (and will stumble on every step as they stumble on the Way of Truth).

36:67 And if it had been Our Will, We could have transformed them in their places, making them powerless to go forward or turn back.

36:68 Such as, he whom We grant long life, We cause him to revert to weakness. Will they not then use their intellect? [Do good when you are fit to do so. This also alludes to the rise and fall of nations]

36:69 (Know about the Prophet that) We have not taught him poetry, nor does it befit his dignity. This is no less than a Divine Reminder and an Articulate Qur’an clear in itself and clearly showing the Way. [26:224]

36:70 That it may warn everyone who is living of heart and that the Word may prove True concerning the rejecters. [That violation of the Divine Laws brings misery in both lives]

36:71 Have they never envisioned how We must have created for them of Our Handiwork, the domestic animals of which they are now masters?

36:72 And that We have made them submissive to humans so that some of them they use for riding and others they consume.

36:73 And may derive yet other benefits from them and milk to drink. Will they not, then, be grateful?

36:74 But, nay, they have chosen gods other than God hoping that they might be helped.

36:75 It is beyond their power to help them, and in effect such people will end up guarding their false gods like committed hosts.

36:76 So let not their utterances grieve you. Indeed, We know what they conceal and what they declare.

36:77 Does not man realize that We created him from male and female gametes? Yet, behold, he stands forth as an open contender of Truth! [Nutfah = Gamete, male or female, sperm or ovum]

36:78 And he makes comparisons for Us and forgets his own creation, saying, “Who will revive these bones when they have crumbled to dust?” [37:16, 73:3]

36:79 Say, “He Who brought them into being in the first instance, will revive them again. He is the Profound Knower of all kinds of creation.

36:80 (The same Creator) Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, so that, behold, you kindle from it.

[It is God’s Law that keeps moisture and potential heat combined in the green branches of the trees. The flames are ‘hidden’ within the green branches! When the branch is ignited you can see this fire with your own eyes. Can He not preserve life in a similar manner?]

36:81 Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes indeed! For, He is the Creator, Knower of all acts of creation.

36:82 When He intends a thing, His only Command to it is “Be” and it is.

36:83 Glorified is He in Whose Hand rests the Mighty Dominion over all things, and unto Him you will be brought back. [37:16, 73:3]

Surah 37. As-Saffaat – Soldiers in Ranks

[Author’s Note] This is 37th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 182 verses. The diversity of concepts in this Surah is remarkable. It clarifies the relationship between the life of the world and the life to come. It slates the ‘occult sciences’, clairvoyants, Diviners, soothsayers and the fortunetellers. It tells us what the great sacrifice of prophets Abraham and Ishmael truly was, contrary to the mythical stories found outside the Qur’an. It also clarifies for us the legend of ‘Jonah and the Whale’.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

37:1 Those vanguards who set up ranks (in order to defend the Divine System).

37:2 And those officers of the state who keep law and order.

37:3 And those believers who convey the Reminder.

37:4 (Are the living witnesses that) – Most certainly, your God is One.

37:5 He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them (the intergalactic material). And the Lord of the sunrises (and of the Light-giving Revelation).

37:6 Indeed, We have beautified the sky of the earth with ornaments, the stars and planets.

37:7 And made them secure against every satanic force. [This Revelation brings an end to the false claims of the diviners, fortune-tellers and astrologers. 15:16-18]

37:8 Faraway from the Truth, the claimants to ‘occult sciences’ cannot get a hint of the exalted assembly. They are cast away from every side. [15:7-8, 38:69]

37:9 Outcast! And theirs is a lasting torment.

37:10 Even if a thing of their conjecture comes to pass, they are pursued by a Flame of Brightness. [The Divine Revelation exposes the claimants of the 'occult sciences'. 18:22, 26:210-212, 52:38, 67:5, 72: 8-9]

37:11 Just ask their opinion, “Are they the more difficult to create, or the other beings We have created? Them (the humans) We created from wet mud.

37:12 While you marvel (at the Universe), they mock!

37:13 They do not take to heart (the wonders of Nature) when reminded.

37:14 And they turn into mockery every wonder that they see!

37:15 And of the Revelation they say, “This is nothing but magical eloquence.”

37:16 “What! When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then be raised again?

37:17 And even our forefathers?”

37:18 Say, “Yes, indeed. And you will be brought low.”

37:19 There will be a single Rebuke, and then, behold, they will begin to see.

37:20 And they will say, “Oh, woe unto us! This is the Day of Judgment.”

37:21 Yes! This is the Day of decision you used to deny.

37:22 It will be said, “Bring them up together, the transgressors, their companions and the leaders whom they obeyed,

37:23 Besides God, and lead them onto the path to the Blazing Fire. [Azwaaj in 37:22 = Companions]

37:24 Halt them! For, they must be questioned.

37:25 What is the matter with you that you do not help each other?

37:26 Nay, but this Day they make full submission.

37:27 And they will turn to one another asking, demanding.

37:28 Some will say, "You used to approach us in power."

37:29 The leaders will reply, "Nay, it were you yourselves who had no Faith.

37:30 And we had no power at all over you. Nay, you were a people of unrestrained conduct.”

37:31 But now the Word of our Lord has come to pass about all of us. Surely, we are bound to taste the fruit of our deeds.

37:32 So then, if we misled you, behold, we ourselves were astray.”

37:33 And on that Day, certainly, they will be partners in a common doom. [14:21, 33:67, 34:32, 40:47]

37:34 Indeed, this is how We deal with the guilty.

37:35 For when it was said to them, “There is no god but God”, they showed arrogance.

37:36 And used to say, “Shall we give up our gods for a mad poet?”

37:37 Nay, but he brought the Truth, and he confirmed the previous messengers.

37:38 You will certainly taste the grievous suffering.

37:39 And you are requited only for what you have done.

37:40 But the sincere servants of God.

37:41 Theirs shall be a sustenance known to them. [2:25]

37:42 As the fruits of their labor, and they shall be honored.

37:43 In the Gardens of Delight.

37:44 Facing one another upon thrones of happiness.

37:45 A cup from a gushing spring of Bliss brought around for them.

37:46 Crystal clear, delicious to those who drink.

37:47 No headache or hangover in it, nor will they get drunk. [56:19]

37:48 And in their company will be mates of modest gaze, endowed with vision.

37:49 Faultless like the hidden ostrich eggs (of unblemished character).

37:50 And they will all turn to one another asking (socializing).

37:51 One of them speaks thus, “Indeed, I had a close companion.”

37:52 He used to ask me, “What! Are you of those who affirm?

37:53 That after we have died and become mere dust and bones, we will be called to account!”

37:54 A voice will be heard, “Will you people like to look at him?”

37:55 And then he looks and finds his companion in the midst of the blazing fire.

37:56 He says to the companion in the fire, “By God! You had almost ruined me.

37:57 Had I not earned the blessing of my Lord, I would surely have been of those given over to punishment.

37:58 Are we then never to die?

37:59 After our former death, we will never be among those who are suffering.

37:60 Surely, this, this indeed, is the Supreme Triumph.”

37:61 For such an end should work all workers.

37:62 Is this better as a welcome, or the inedible cactus (the bitterness they gave to others)? [17:60, 44: 43-44, 56:52]

37:63 Surely, We have appointed it a torment for the oppressors.

37:64 For, behold, it is a tree that springs in the heart of the blazing Fire. [Hurting others, oppression and violation of human rights build one’s own Hellfire. Likewise, humans earn Paradise with their own hands. 7:42, 16:32, 17:9, 29:55, 40:40, 47:2]

37:65 Its growth are like cobra heads. [Shaiytaan Jaann = Serpent Cobra. 38:41-44. Hurting others hurts one’s own ‘self’. 25:43]

37:66 Surely, from it they must eat, and fill their bellies with it. [37:68]

37:67 And, behold, above all this they have a drink of burning despair.

37:68 And once again, certainly, the blazing Fire is their destination.

37:69 For, certainly, they had found their fathers on the wrong path.

37:70 But they made haste to follow their footprints.

37:71 This is how, indeed, most of the people of the old had gone astray before them.

37:72 And certainly, We had sent warners among them.

37:73 Indeed, then, what happened to those who had been warned.

37:74 Except for the sincere servants of God.

37:75 And it was so when Noah cried to Us. Indeed, how excellent are We as Responder.

37:76 For, We saved him, his family and his followers from the great distress. [Ahl, in the sense of the family of a Prophet, includes his followers]

37:77 And made his progeny and followers survive.

37:78 And We left his remembrance for later generations.

37:79 Peace and salutation to Noah in the Worlds!

37:80 Surely, this is how We reward the benefactors of humanity.

37:81 Indeed, he was one of Our truly believing servants.

37:82 And We caused the others to drown.

37:83 And certainly, to his group (of believers, later) belonged Abraham.

37:84 When he came to his Lord with a noble heart.

37:85 And thus spoke to his father and his people, “What is that you worship?”

37:86 It is a falsehood. Do you desire gods besides God?

37:87 What do you think of the Lord of the Worlds?”

37:88 And he glanced at the stars. [6:76-78]

37:89 And said, “Indeed, I am sick (of you worshiping false deities).” [60:4]

37:90 At that they turned their backs and went away from him.

37:91 Then Abraham gently turned to their idols and said, “What! You do not eat?

37:92 What ails you that you do not speak?”

37:93 Then he turned upon them, striking them with the right hand (struck them hard).

37:94 The people came running to him.

37:95 He said, “Do you worship what you carve with your own hands?

37:96 “But God has created you and your handicraft!”

37:97 They said, “Build a structure for him and fling him into the blazing fire.”

37:98 But as they schemed against him, We brought them low.

37:99 And he said, “Indeed, I am going to my Lord Who will guide me (to refuge. [29:26]

37:100 (Abraham emigrated to Syria and prayed), “My Lord! Grant me the company of the righteous, and children who will be righteous.”

37:101 So We gave him the good news of a clement son (Ishmael).

37:102 And when he was old enough to strive along with him, Abraham said, “O My dear son! I have a vision that I must give you to a life of test and tribulation for a Noble cause (37:107). So look, what do you think?” He said, “O My father! Do what you are commanded. God willing, you will find me of the steadfast.”

[Zibh and Zabh = Sacrifice = Disregard comfort for a Noble cause. Just as Qatl = To subdue, kill, fight, humiliate, bring low]

37:103 As both of them had surrendered themselves (to God), he made Ishmael prostrate on his forehead in gratitude. [Contrary to popular tradition, Abraham never envisioned or intended to slaughter his son. God does not play games with His servants]

37:104 We called unto him, “O Abraham!

37:105 You have already affirmed the vision. We – This is so - We must reward the doers of good.

37:106 This was indeed a Trial, clear in itself. [Leaving the prestigious office of Chief Priesthood in Babylon and now the comfort of Syria for the wilderness of Makkah]

37:107 We exchanged his life for a Momentous Sacrifice. [Please notice here the absence of the Biblical and the traditional myth of a 'ram' sent from the heavens. Also, note that slaughtering of a sheep or goat, by no means, can be considered a Momentous Sacrifice. [14:37, 37:102]

37:108 And We left for him remembrance among the later generations.

37:109 Peace and salutation to Abraham!

37:110 Thus do We reward the benefactors of humanity.

37:111 He was one of Our truly believing servants.

37:112 Then We gave him the good news of Isaac - a Prophet, among men of quality.

37:113 And We gave lasting felicity to him and Isaac. But among their progeny are the doers of good as well as those who, (by doing wrong to others obviously wrong their own ‘selves’.

37:114 Yes indeed, We bestowed excellence upon Moses and Aaron.

37:115 And We saved them and their people from the awesome distress (of bondage).

37:116 And We helped them, so they became the victors.

37:117 And We gave both of them the Scripture that helped to distinguish the right from wrong.

[Kitabal Mustabeen = the Book that helped to distinguish = The Torah. Kitabil Mubeen = The Book that distinguishes = The Qur’an]

37:118 And showed both of them the Straight Path.

37:119 And We left for them remembrance among the later generations.

37:120 Peace and salutation to Moses and Aaron!

37:121 Verily! This is how We reward the benefactors of humanity.

37:122 Indeed, both of them were Our believing servants.

37:123 And, behold, Elias (Elijah) was one of Our messengers. [6:85]

37:124 When he said to his people, “Will you not seek to live upright?

37:125 You call upon Ba’l, and disregard the Best of creators,

37:126 God! Your Lord, and Lord of your forefathers.”

[Ba’l is the term used in the Qur’an for husband. During the times of Prophet Elijah the Tishbite (9th century BC), the Israelites had come to worship a god of masculinity, which was hand crafted to resemble the Lingum, the male organ, of the Hindu Mythology. King Ahab and his wife Jezebel had huge temples built for the worship of and sacrifices to Ba’l, and a dominant faction among the Israelites had disregarded the strict Monotheism of the Torah in favor of Ba’l]

37:127 But they denied him. And they will certainly be arraigned to give account.

37:128 But the sincere servants of God (shall be saved).

37:129 And we left for him remembrance among the later generations.

37:130 Peace and salutation to Elias!

37:131 Surely, this is how we reward the benefactors of humanity.

37:132 Indeed, he was among our truly believing servants.

37:133 And, behold, Lot was indeed among the messengers.

37:134 When We saved him and his household, everyone,

37:135 Except an old woman who was among those who stayed behind in belief.

37:136 And then We destroyed the rest.

37:137 And certainly, you pass by their sites by day.

37:138 And by night. Will you not, then, use your sense to draw lessons?

37:139 And, behold, Jonah was indeed among the messengers.

37:140 When he fled like a runaway slave onto a laden ship. [Abaqa = Fled like a runaway slave. He migrated before God’s Command had come. 21:87]

37:141 He had cast an arrow and missed the mark. [This indicates untimely action]

[Here, most translations are influenced by Biblical and other accounts. It is stated that the boat was overloaded and in order to save it, one man had to be cast into the sea. When the lots were thrown, it was Jonah who lost. But neither the verse means that, nor do prophets throw lots, a form of gambling]

37:142 Then the Fish grabbed him while he was blaming himself.

[Again, usually a blue whale is mentioned here. But the whale is a mammal and not a fish, and the Qur’an which is never inaccurate, speaks of Al-Hut = The Fish. Fa-altaqamahu = Grabbed him in its teeth, not ‘swallowed’. Another interesting fact is that the blue whale only feeds on the tiniest plant particles, the planktons. Hence, her throat has been designed so narrow that it can't swallow even a little cat. The fiction of Jonah staying 40 days in the belly of a whale is demolished right thus]

37:143 And had he not been a valiant swimmer,

37:144 (The fish would have eaten him up and) he would have remained in her belly disintegrated there and further until the Day of Rising.

37:145 (He freed himself and swam to safety). Then We cast him on the shore, while he was exhausted. [68:49]

37:146 We made him rest under a well-grown fruity tree.

37:147 And We sent him back to his people, a hundred thousand, even more.

37:148 And this time they believed in him and so We let them enjoy this life.

37:149 (O Prophet) ask them if your Lord has daughters whereas they have sons!

[Do they wish to live with superstitions, such as that Jonah lived in the belly of a fish for forty days and then he got free only by reciting a verse, or that your Lord has offspring?]

37:150 Or is it that We have created angels female and they witnessed it?

37:151 Attention! It is out of their own invention that they say,

37:152 “That God has begotten.” And, certainly, they tell a lie too,

37:153 When they say, “He has chosen daughters over sons.”

37:154 What is amiss with you? How do you judge?

37:155 Will you not then reflect?

37:156 Or do you have a clear authoritative evidence?

37:157 Then bring your Divine Authority if you are truthful.

37:158 And they imagine relationship between the unseen forces and their Lord. But the unseen forces know their assignments and constantly remain in His servitude.

37:159 Glorified is God from what they attribute to Him.

37:160 But the sincere servants of God (refrain from S’hirk). [‘Shirk’ = Associating others with God = Ascribing partners to Him = Accepting authorities parallel to Divine Revelation = Idol worship in any form = Obeying clergy instead of the Qur’an]

37:161 Surely, neither you nor what you worship,

37:162 Can tempt the sincere servants against Him.

37:163 Only the one who rushes to the Blazing Fire.

37:164 The sincere servants say, “Each one of us has an assignment.

37:165 And, behold, we are soldiers in ranks.

37:166 And, certainly, we, yes we are the ones who strive to establish His Glory on earth. [Sabh = Swim with long trides. It is not the rolling of rosary-beads or uttering some ‘sacred’ words]

37:167 And indeed the disbelievers used to say,

37:168 “If we only had before us a Message from the old generations,

37:169 We would certainly have been sincere servants of God.”

37:170 But now (that the Qur’an has come) they are rejecting it. Soon they will come to know (what they denied).

37:171 Our Word has already gone forth to Our servant messengers,

37:172 That certainly, they would be helped.

37:173 And that Our army, they will be surely be the victors.

37:174 So (O Prophet) turn away from the disbelievers for a while.

37:175 And see them for what they do, and soon they will see what they now do not.

37:176 Do they really wish to hasten Our retribution?

37:177 But when it comes upon their front-yards, it will be a dreadful awakening for those who have been sufficiently warned.

37:178 Hence, turn aside from them for a while.

37:179 And see them for what they do, and soon they will see what they now do not.

37:180 Glory to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, He is free from what they they ascribe to Him.

37:181 And salutations to all the Message-bearers!

37:182 And all Praise is due to God, the Lord of the Worlds!

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