Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 40. Al-Mu’min – The Believer

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Surah 40. Al-Mu’min – The Believer

[Author’s Note] This is the 40th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 85 verses. This Surah highlights the speech of a believer in the court of Pharaoh. As per style of the Qur’an, it takes us along the pleasant journey to God's signs in the Book of Nature, in the history of nations, and within ourselves.

Some 'authorities' call this Surah as 'Al-Ghafir', but QXP is committed to the original titles of all Surahs.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

40:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

40:2 The Revelation of this Book is from God, the Almighty, the Knower.

40:3 Absolver of actions that cause you to trail behind in humanity, Acceptor of repentance, Stern in grasping, Infinite in Authority - there is no god but He. Unto Him is the destination of all journeying.

40:4 None but those who are determined to deny the Truth will dispute the messages of God. Let not their thump and thud in the towns impress you.

40:5 Before their times, the people of Noah and generations after them too banded together in denying the Message. And every nation endeavored to seize its Messenger, and disputed with him with falsehood in order to refute the Truth. But it was I Who seized them, and, behold, how awesome was My grasping!

40:6 Thus was fulfilled the Word of your Lord concerning the rejecters, and so they are companions of the Fire.

40:7 Those who serve the Throne by striving to fulfill the Divine Plan, and all others who are assigned the mission, strive to manifest the limitless Glory of their Lord. They have full conviction in Him and they support the believers against the detrimental effects of their faults. They say, “Our Lord! You embrace all things in Your Grace and Knowledge. Absolve then, the imperfections of those who turn to You and follow Your Path, and guard them against the suffering of Hellfire.”

[This verse is mostly allegorical. 7:54, 27:8. ‘Arsh = Throne = God’s Throne of Almightiness = Some idea of His Glory = Supreme control. Yahmiloon-al-‘Arsh = They manifest God’s Glory = Keep absolute harmony in the Universe = Show that God is Praiseworthy = Have conviction that the Divinely Prescribed System of Life is a blessing for humanity = Show that the system of life on earth can be run as smoothly as the rest of the Universe = Carry out his Commands = Strive to establish Kingdom of God on earth. Hawlahu = Around it = Being mindful of God’s Will. Ghafarah = Protection = Helmet and armor = Forgiveness = Preservation = Absolving imperfections = Protection against the detriment of faults. Jaheem = Insurmountable Barrier to development = Fire of regret = Blazing Fire]

40:8 “O Our Lord! Admit them into the Gardens of Eden that you have promised to them, and to the righteous among their ancestors, and their descendants. Surely, You, only You, are the Almighty, the Wise.”

40:9 “And preserve them against their faults, for, anyone whom You preserve from their faults on that Day, on them You have bestowed Mercy. And that, that is the Supreme Triumph.” [Sayyeh = Disrupting others’ lives = Causing imbalance in the society = Faults = Transgressions]

40:10 But, behold, as for those who adamantly deny the Truth, they will be so addressed, "Indeed, greater than your disapproval of yourselves this Day was God’s disapproval when you were invited to the Faith but you went on denying and screened yourselves off from the Light.” [Kufr = Denying the Truth = Concealing the Truth = Ingratitude for Guidance = Choosing to live in darkness]

40:11 They will say, "Our Lord, twice You have made us die, just as twice You have made us live. But now we confess that we did trail behind in making progress. Is there any way out of this (second death)?”

[First death: In the worldly life. Second death: Lack of further progress in the Hereafter, which is mere survival in Hell. Most commentators lean toward ascribing the first death to the non-existence of human beings before being born into this world. But it is difficult to conceive of death before a person was even born. 2:28, 14:17, 20:74, 35:36, 44:56, 87:12-13. The Qur’an vividly portrays life as a journey with the propensity of further evolution and progress even in the Hereafter]

40:12 It will be said to them, "This is your plight because when God alone was invoked you denied the Message, but when others (such as your ‘holy’ men) were included besides Him, you believed. But the Command belongs only to God, the Sublime, the Majestic.” [39:45]

40:13 He it is Who shows you His signs in the Universe and sends down sustenance for you from the sky. Yet none learns a lesson except those who turn to seek the Truth.

40:14 Call, then, upon God, sincere in your Faith in Him alone, however hateful this may be to those who deny the Truth (by invoking their ‘holy' men besides Him).

40:15 Exalted He is in His Attributes, and Exalter of ranks He is, the Lord of the Throne of His Almightiness, Master of Supreme Control. By His Command He has sent the Revelation to whomever He chose from among His servants, in order that He may warn mankind of the Day of Mutual Meeting. [The Day when all of them meet together and meet their Lord. Rafiuddarajat and Zul'arsh carry double connotation in my opinion as rendered]

40:16 On that Day when they come forth, not a thing of them will be hidden from God. Whose will be the Kingdom that Day? That of God, the One, the Dominating!

40:17 That Day will every ‘self’ be rewarded for whatever it has earned. No injustice will be done on that Day. Surely, God is Swift in taking account.

40:18 Hence, warn them of the Day which draws near, when the hearts will come right up the throats, choking them. No bosom friend will be there for the violators of human rights, nor any mediator will be granted audience.

40:19 He knows the treachery of the eyes, and all that the hearts would conceal.

[Treachery of the eyes = See but not observe. Reporting hearsay as eyewitness. Failing to lower the gaze. Not using senses to full potential. Failing to learn from daily observation. Not using vision to develop the Vision]

40:20 God alone judges with truth, whereas those whom they call instead of Him, cannot judge at all. For, indeed, God is All Hearing, All Seeing. [God’s omniscience described in the end explains why only He can be the Infallible Judge]

40:21 Have they, then, never traveled in the land and seen the end of those who lived before their times? They were mightier than these, and in the impact they have left on earth (as evident from their ruins). But God took them to task for their trailing behind in humanity. And then they had no defender against God. [30:9]

40:22 This - because their messengers had come to them with all evidence of the Truth, and yet they rejected it. So God seized them. Indeed, certainly, He is Strong, Strict in grasping.

40:23 Thus indeed, We sent Moses with Our messages and a clear Authority.

40:24 To Pharaoh, Hamaan and Qaroon, but they said, “A spellbinding liar he is.”

[28:6, 29:39. Saahir = Magician = Trickster = An eloquent, spellbinding speaker = A deceitful liar = One who stuns the intellect. Pharaoh, Hamaan and Qaroon (Korah) are the archetypes of tyranny, priesthood and wealth respectively. It is important to note from this verse that Moses was sent to all three elements of this 'unholy trinity'. From this infers the mutual dependence of the forces of tyranny, priesthood and hoarding. These three elements have always worked in concert against the forces of justice and equity. Hamaan was the chief priest as well as chief of Pharaoh’s armies. The wealthy Qaroon belonged to the Israelites, the people of Moses. But he was Pharaoh’s slave-driver. He represents Capitalism, pursuit of wealth with its associated inequities]

40:25 When he brought them the Truth from Our Presence, they said, "Kill the sons of those who have come to believe with him and spare their women!" But the scheme of the rejecters came to naught. [2:49, 7:127]

40:26 Pharaoh said, "Leave it up to me to kill Moses and let him call upon his Lord. Indeed, I am afraid He will change your religion and your life-style and cause uprising in the land."

40:27 Moses replied, "Indeed, I have found refuge with my Lord and the Lord of you all from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of Account."

40:28 A believing man among Pharaoh's folk who had thus far concealed his Faith, exclaimed, "Would you kill a man because he says, ‘My Lord is God’, and brought you all evidence of the Truth from your Lord? If he is a liar, then his lie will fall back upon him. (He will soon be exposed.) But if he is truthful, then some of the punishment he warns you against, will certainly befall you. Surely, God does not guide any who transgresses and lies. [Musrif = A waster = Who transgresses beyond limits = Prodigal = One who wastes resources or own ‘self’]

40:29 O My people! Yours is the kingdom today, and most eminent are you on earth. But who will help us against God’s strike, once it hits us?" Pharaoh said, "I want you to see what I see. And I would never show you but the right way."

40:30 Thereupon the believer said, "O My people! Indeed, I fear for you the disaster that befell the factions of old,

40:31 The condition of Noah's people, ‘Aad and Thamud, and those who came after them. God never intends injustice for His servants.

40:32 O My people! Indeed, I fear for you a Day when you will cry unto one another in distress.

40:33 A Day when you will turn around to flee, but you will have no defender from God. Whomever God lets go astray (through His Law of Guidance), for him there is no guide. [4:88]

40:34 And it was to you that Joseph had come with all evidence of the Truth. But, you incessantly cast suspicion on what he had brought. And when he died, you said, 'God will never send a Messenger after him (among you, the Israelites). Thus God (His Law) lets go astray any who is a waster of ‘self’, given to suspicion.

40:35 They argue against God’s revelations, without any basis. This attitude is strongly disapproved in the Sight of God and of those who believe. Thus God sets a seal on every arrogant, brutal heart.”

[40:56. According to Divine Law, when someone sticks to false beliefs and persistently refuses to listen to the Truth, one loses the ability to perceive reality. God assigns to Himself all that happens in the Universe. Humans, however, have free will to choose their course. For example, the ‘sealing of heart’ is a natural consequence of one’s own actions. For Taba’ and Khatam, See 2:7]

40:36 (Thus spoke the believer among Pharaoh’s folk.) And Pharaoh remarked, "O Hamaan! Build for me a lofty tower that I may have enough means.

40:37 The means of access to the heavens, and to look at the God of Moses. Indeed, though, I think him a liar." Thus, goodly seemed to Pharaoh the evil of his own deeds, and so he was barred from the Path. In the end all plotting of Pharaoh led him to nothing but ruin.

40:38 Still, the man who had believed, went on, "O My people! Follow me. I will show you the right way.

40:39 My people! The life of this world is but a brief enjoyment. Whereas, behold, the Hereafter, that is the Lasting Home.

40:40 Whoever has destabilized another person’s life, will not be repaid but the like of it. And whoever has helped others, whether male or female, and is a believer, such will enter the Garden wherein they will be blessed with sustenance without measure.

40:41 O My people! What is my personal benefit that I call you to freedom from grief whereas you invite me to the Fire?

40:42 You call me to disbelieve in God and ascribe to Him partners of whom I have no knowledge. On the other hand, I invite you to the Almighty, the Consistent Absolver of faults and imperfections.

40:43 No doubt you invite me to that calling upon which is futile in this world and in the Hereafter. In fact unto God is our return, and they who waste their human potential shall be companions of the Fire.

40:44 Sometime in the future you will remember what I am saying to you now. I commit my affair to God, for, certainly, God is Seer of His servants."

40:45 And God protected him from their evil scheming while suffering was to surround Pharaoh’s people,

40:46 The Fire of which they had been warned day and night. On the Day when the Hour dawns, it will be said, "Cast Pharaoh's folk into the toughest penalty." [7:133, 28:42]

40:47 And behold! They will dispute with each other in the Fire. The commoners will say to the leaders, "Indeed, we were following you. Can you, then, take away some of the Fire from us?" [14:21, 33:67, 34:32, 37:27-29, 38:60]

40:48 The leaders will respond, "Indeed, we are all in it together. Surely, God has judged between His servants."

40:49 And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, "Ask your Lord that He lighten for us one day of this torment."

40:50 But (the keepers) will say, "Is it not that your messengers came to you with all evidence of the Truth?" They will answer, "Yes, indeed." And the keepers will respond, "Pray, then! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but wandering in error.”

40:51 Indeed, We do help Our messengers and those who truly attain belief, in this world and on the Day when the witnesses shall stand up. [On the Resurrection Day, humans will have a newly awakened consciousness within themselves]

40:52 The Day their excuses will not avail the oppressors, and theirs will be a removal from Divine Grace, and for them is but the home of misery.

40:53 And indeed such was the history of Moses whom We gave the Guidance and thus made the Children of Israel inherit the Scripture.

40:54 As a guide and a Reminder for people of understanding.

40:55 Hence, (O Prophet) remain patient in adversity – for, certainly, God’s Promise always comes True. And guard yourself against slanders intended to cause dissension. And strive to manifest the Praise of your Lord, night and day. [47:19, 48:2. Wa sabbih bihamd … = Strive to live by His code of conduct that people may realize the Glory of the Supreme Guide. Zanb = Tail = Trailing behind in humanity = Sticking a blame or slander behind one’s back = Character assassination = Often translated as the vague ‘sin’]

40:56 Indeed, those who dispute the messages of God without any basis, have nothing in their chests but the (undeserved) quest for greatness which they will never attain. So take refuge with God (to dispel their treacheries). Surely, He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer. [7:146, 40:35. Bighayiri sultan ataahum = Without any authoritative evidence bestowed on them = Without any basis for them]

40:57 Verily, greater than the creation of the humans, is the creation of the heavens and the earth. But most people never know what it implies. [The entire Universe submits to Divine Laws, and so should the mankind. 29:61]

40:58 But then, the blind of reason and the seer at heart are not equal. And neither are those who attain faith, and help others, equal to those who create imbalance in people’s lives. How seldom do you use your mind!

40:59 Surely, the Hour is coming; of this there is no doubt. Yet most people do not believe. [That the Revolution will come on this earth and finally, in the Cosmos. 9:33]

40:60 Your Lord has said, "Call unto Me and I shall respond to you. Surely, those who are too proud to serve Me, will enter Hell, disgraced." [Whenever you need Guidance, turn to My Book and you will find the answer]

40:61 God it is Who has made the night for you, so that you might rest therein, and the day to make you see. Indeed, God is the Lord of Bounty for mankind, but most people are ungrateful. [They fail to make proper use of His Bounties, keep them exclusively to themselves]

40:62 Such is God, your Lord, the Creator of all things. There is no god but He. How can you, then, deviate? [29:61]

40:63 Thus it is. Wandering indeed are those who contend with the messages of God.

40:64 God it is Who rendered the earth a dwelling place for you and the atmosphere a canopy, and formed you, and formed you so well, and provided you with decent things of life. Such is God, your Lord. Most Exalted, then, is God, the Lord of the Worlds. [Samaa = Sky = Canopy = Atmosphere that protects against extremes of heat and cold and meteorites. 21:32]

40:65 He is the Ever-Living; there is no god but He. Call then, unto Him alone, sincere in Deen (the Divine System of Life). All Praise is due to God, Lord of all the Worlds! [‘No god but He’ = God alone is the Sovereign in the heavens and earth = God alone is Worthy of obedience and service = Only His Laws are operational in the Universe = He is the ultimate Law-Giver to humanity]

40:66 Say, "I am forbidden to obey those unto whom you call upon instead of God, since all evidence of the Truth has come to me from my Lord and I am commanded to submit to the Lord of the Worlds.

40:67 He it is Who created you from dust, then from the gametes, then from an embryo, and then He brings you forth as an infant. And then you attain full strength and afterward you grow old; though some of you die earlier. All this He ordains so that you reach a term appointed, and along the way, develop your insight. [22:5]

40:68 He it is Who grants life and causes death. The moment He Decrees a thing, He says to it only “Be!” and it is.

40:69 Have you, then, seen those who contend against God’s revelations, and, hence, sway like errant winds? -

40:70 - Those who deny the Scripture and thus the Message with which We sent Our messengers. But, in time they will come to know (what it was that they had denied.)

40:71 When they shall have shackles of their own making around their necks, and are dragged in chains of their restricted thinking,

40:72 Into the hot fluid (since they were floating from desire to desire), and, then, they become sparks of the Fire of their own making.

40:73 And now, they will be asked, "Where are those whom you made partners,

40:74 Besides God?" They will groan, "They have failed us miserably. Nay, rather, we were calling upon what never existed.” This is how God leaves to stray, those who deny the Truth. [Kaafireen = Deniers of the Truth = Those who choose to remain in darkness = Those who are ungrateful for the Divine Guidance = Those who conceal the Truth]

40:75 This is because in your life on the earth you used to take delight in what was not True, and roamed about haughtily with your false doctrines.

40:76 Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein. What a miserable abode for the arrogant!

40:77 Then, (O Prophet) remain patient, for, certainly, God's Promise always comes True. Whether We let you witness some of what We promise them, or whether We cause you to die, still unto Us they will be brought back. [10:46, 23:95, 43:42]

40:78 Yes indeed, We sent messengers before you. Some of them We have mentioned to you, and some of them We have not mentioned to you. And none of the messengers was given the Authority to bring a Message or a sign but by God’s Leave. But when (the period of respite was over and) the Command of God came, the matter was decided in Truth and justice. Thus, right then, perished the upholders of falsehood.

40:79 [Those who ask for miracles, must know that God has placed signs in the Universe, for example] God it is Who has made for you the quadrupeds, that you may ride some of them and from some you derive food.

40:80 And you find yet other benefits from them. That through them you may fulfill your desirable needs (of travel, food, milk, labor and defense). And that you may be carried on them (on the land) as upon the ships (in the sea).

40:81 And thus He shows you His Wonders! Then which of the Wonders of God will you deny?

40:82 Have they not, then, journeyed about the earth and seen what happened in the end to those who lived before them? They were more numerous than these, and greater in power than these are, and stronger in the impact they left upon earth. Yet, all their achievements eventually failed to help them in the least.

40:83 For when their messengers came to them with all evidence of the Truth, they took delight in the knowledge they possessed. And the very thing they used to mock came on to pay a visit to them. [They took pride in their knowledge and skill and ridiculed the warnings of the messengers that wrong systems crash down however smartly they might be run]

40:84 And then, as they saw Our strike, they cried, "We believe in God, the One God only and reject all that we used to associate with Him." [We will dismiss false ‘authorities’ and submit to God alone]

40:85 But their proclamation of Faith could not help them, once they saw Our Blow. This is the Law of God that has always applied to His servants. And so, there and then, lost were the rejecters of the changeless Divine Laws.

Surah 41. Fussilat – A Book Clearly Spelled Out

[Author’s Note] This is the 41st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 54 verses narrating the impact of belief and disbelief in the individual and collective lives of the human beings. The Surah concludes with a powerful announcements that all people on the face of the earth will eventually recognize that this Qur’an is the Final Word of God and it solves all the problems that mankind does and ever will face.

Some historians have called this Surah, ‘Ha-Mim AS-Sajdah’. QXP (The Qur’an As It Explains Itself) once again, would stick to the original unanimity. Additionally, in this particular case, Fussilat is not only a simpler and highly expressive term, but furthermore avoids getting this Surah mixed up with Surah 32, As-Sajdah, in the reader’s mind.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

41:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

41:2 This is a Revelation from the Beneficent, the Merciful.

41:3 A Scripture whose verses are clearly explained in detail, a Lecture in Arabic, for people who would learn. [7:158, 12:3, 13:37, 14:4, 25:1, 39:28, 42:7]

41:4 Good news and a warning. Yet, most of them turn away so that they do not hear.

 41:5 And so they say, "Our hearts are veiled from what you invite us to, and (consider) there is deafness in our ears, and that between us and you is a barrier. So, do as you will (mind your business), and, certainly, we shall do as we have been doing.”

41:6 (O Prophet) say to them, "I am only a human being like you. It has been revealed to me that your God is the One God. So, take the straight path unto Him and seek His forgiveness. For, there is great loss for Mushrikeen” (those who choose gods besides God = Idolaters = Those who worship their own desire. Wayl = Woe = Ultimate loss = Destruction),

41:7 Those who do not contribute toward Zakaat and who even deny the Hereafter.

[Disbelieving the Law of Just Recompense equals denying the Eternal life. Zakaat = The Just Economic Order. Aakhirah = Life to come = Life Hereafter = Future = The Ultimate Abode]

41:8 But, certainly, those who accept the Divine Revelation and contribute toward improvement of the society, shall have a reward unending.

41:9 Say, "What! Do you deny Him Who has created the earth in Two Eras? And would you still ascribe rivals unto Him? He it is, the Sustainer of the Worlds." [36:40, 79:30. Yaumayn = Two days = Two stages = Two Eras = Two Aeons = Indefinitely long periods]

41:10 And He it is Who placed therein firm mountains towering above it, and bestowed enduring Bliss upon it. And He measured therein its sustenance in Four Eras, alike for all who (invariably) need it.

[39:67, 56:63-73. Six Eras or Stages: 41:9 says ‘Two Eras', 41:12 says ‘Two Eras’. Thus, according to the Qur’an, the creation of the heavens and the earth took place in Two Eras. The word Yaum here means a very long period. (A thousand years of your reckoning (32:5) or it may be fifty thousand years (70:4). In scientific terms, the period of creation of the material world is called 'Azoic' or Lifeless. The Qur’an however, divides this period into two and calls it Two Eras. Modern scientific research throws some light on the division of Azoic Era into two: To begin with, the entire space was full of smoke (41:11). Smoke, as we know, is a mixture of gases and solid particles. Areas of condensation appeared later in this gas and the dust cloud, resulting in the formation of Prostars which further developed into stars. The stars further became divided into planets and other smaller heavenly bodies. The division of one complete whole of Smoke to Prostars is a great event. Thus we may call the period before the division of the whole Smoke as Era-I of the creation of the universe; and the period after this division until the appearance of life as Era-II. The Qur’an divides the time of creation after the appearance of life on the earth into Four Eras. Two plus Four makes 'Six Eras' of evolution. 32:4]

41:11 Likewise, He it is Who designed well the Sky when it was Smoke (Nebulae of gas). And He said to it and the earth, "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They said, "We do come, obedient." [Thumm = Afterward, then, so, likewise, similarly, in the like manner. The Cosmic bodies coming into their orbits willingly or unwillingly indicates their being inherently subservient to Divine Laws, unlike humans who have been granted free will. 3:82, 13:15]

41:12 And He it is Who ordained that they become seven heavens in Two Eras and assigned to each heaven its function. And We decorated the sky of the world with shining lamps, and made them secure (that they do not clash in their orbits 41:9). That is the Design of the Almighty, the Knower.

41:13 But if they turn away, then tell them, "I warn you of a thunder like the thunder of ‘Aad and Thamud.”

41:14 Indeed, the messengers came unto them in their former and latter generations, saying, “Serve none but God!” They replied, "If our Lord had willed, He would have sent down angels. So, we disbelieve in the Message you are sent with."

41:15 As for ‘Aad, they behaved in the land arrogantly against all right. And they used to say, "Who is mightier than us in power?" What! Could they not realize that God Who created them, is Mightier than they in power? But they went on denying Our messages, knowingly. [Yajhadoon = They knowingly strived against the Truth. 27:14]

41:16 And so We sent upon them a raging windstorm for days of misfortune, that We let them taste a punishment of humiliation in the life of this world. But the punishment of the Hereafter is far more humiliating and they will have none to help them.

41:17 And as for Thamud, We showed them the Way, but they preferred blindness over the light of Guidance. So, the thunder of a degrading punishment seized them for what they used to earn.

41:18 And We preserved those who believed and took precaution. [The believers heeded the forewarning of their Messenger and followed him to safety. See Taqwa 2:41]

41:19 The Day when the enemies of God are gathered together to the Fire, and are driven forward.

41:20 Till, when they reach it, their hearing and their sight and their skins will bear witness against them, about all they had been doing.

41:21 And they will ask their skins, "Why did you testify against us?" They will say, "God has given us the power to speak as He has given speech to all things. For, He created you for the first time and unto Him you are brought back. [17:13, 75:14]

41:22 And you did not hide yourselves that your hearing, your sight or your skins would bear witness against you. Nay, but you thought that God never knew much of what you were doing!

41:23 And that very assumption that you thought about your Lord has brought you to ruin, and so now you find yourselves among the losers.”

41:24 And even if they bear with patience, the Fire will be their home. And if they ask to be allowed to make amends, their request will not be granted. [16:84]

41:25 (In the life of the world) We assigned them comrades who made pleasing to them their present and past actions. And so, the Word has come to pass for them as it did concerning the communities that lived before them, among the rural and the urban. And certainly, they all are losers. [The Divine Law so applied to them 43:36. Birds of the same feather flock together]

41:26 Those who adamantly deny the Truth, say, "Do not listen to this Qur’an, but drown it in uproar so that you might dominate."

41:27 But We shall certainly make these deniers taste an awful suffering, and certainly, We shall requite them for the worst of their deeds.

41:28 That is the reward of God's enemies – the Fire. Therein will be their eternal home. A befitting reward, for they knowingly opposed Our messages.

41:29 And the deniers will say, "Our Lord! Show us those, among the nomads and the urban, who misled us. We will trample them under our feet so that they become utterly disgraced."

41:30 But, truly, as for those who say, "Our Lord is God", and then remain steadfastly upright; upon them descend angels, saying, "Fear not, and grieve not, but hear good news of the Paradise that you are promised. [‘Angels descending and saying’ = Divine Laws supporting the steadfastly upright who submit to God alone. 3:124-125, 8:10-12, 33:43, 46:13]

41:31 We are close to you in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. In it (Paradise), you shall have all that you may desire and in it you shall have all that you ever prayed for.

41:32 A gift of welcome from Him Who is All Protecting, Nourishing." [Ghafoor = Forgiving = Protecting = Preserving. Raheem = Merciful = Beneficent = He Who nourishes the entire Universe without any returns]

41:33 And who is better in speech than one who invites people to God, tries to grow himself in goodness, fulfills the needs of others and declares, "Surely, I am one of those who surrender unto Him?"

41:34 Since good and evil cannot be alike, repel evil words and deeds in a decent manner. And, behold, he, between whom and you was enmity, may become a true friend!

41:35 Yet, none is granted this quality but those who exercise patience and restraint. And none is granted it except those who become worthy of great happiness and good fortune. This quality can make you outstandingly successful, winning. [Zu-hazzin ‘azeem = Extremely fortunate, includes the two meanings given here]

41:36 (This quality is difficult to attain because Satan, the impulsive emotions and rogue people, will try to instigate.) Hence, if a prompting from Satan stirs you up into anger, seek refuge with God (recalling this admonition immediately). Indeed, He is All Hearing, All Knowing.

41:37 (Divine Guidance helps people live a balanced life as seen in the Universe.) Among His Signs are the night and the day as well as the sun and the moon. Adore neither the sun nor the moon, but adore God Who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.

41:38 But if they are too proud, those who are with your Lord, extol His Glory night and day, and tire not. [All things in the Universe are working to manifest His Glory]

41:39 And among His signs is this: You see the earth humble (to Command) And behold! When We send down water thereon, it thrills and vibrates with life! Indeed, He Who revives it, certainly is the Reviver of the dead. For, behold, He has Power over all things. [His Laws can revive the dead of heart and the nations in misery]

41:40 Indeed, those who distort Our messages are not hidden from Us. Hence, is he who is cast into the Fire better, or he who comes secure on the Resurrection Day? Do what you will; He is ever Seer of all you do.

41:41 Think of those who fail to see the power in this Reminder when it comes to them! For, certainly, it is a Tremendous Scripture.

41:42 No falsehood can ever approach it openly or in stealth, in the past, present or future, a Revelation from all Wise, Owner of Praise.

41:43 Nothing is being said to you (O Messenger) but what was said to all messengers before you. Indeed, your Lord is Owner of the protecting forgiveness, and Owner of awesome grasp. [Ghafarah = Helmet of armor = Protecting from hurt = Absolving imperfections = Preserving]

41:44 If We had made it a Qur’an in a non-Arabic tongue they would surely have said, "Why is it that its verses have not been made clear? Why - a foreign tongue and an Arab?" Say, "For those who accept it, this is a Guidance and healing for a wholesome life. But as for those who will not believe (Arabs or non-Arabs), in their ears is deafness, and so it remains obscure to them. They are like people who are called to from afar. [26:200]

41:45 Yes, indeed, We had given Moses the Scripture too (in their language), and it was also disputed. But, for a Word from your Lord that had gone forth, all disputes between them would have been judged. And, behold, they keep lingering in doubt amounting to suspicion concerning this Revelation as well! [The Word gone forth = The Law of free will. 2:256, 11:118-119]

41:46 (This Revelation shows mankind how to grow their ‘selves’.) Whoever does good to others, does good to his own ‘self’, and whoever causes imbalance in the lives of others, hurts his own ‘self’. And your Lord is never unjust to His servants.

41:47 In Him alone is vested the knowledge of the Hour. And no fruit emerges from its sheath, and no female ever conceives, nor gives birth, but according to His Laws. And so, on the Day He will call them, "Where are now those ‘partners’ of Mine?" They will say, "We confess to You; none of us sees them around here." [Actions reach their logical consequence in stages. 'Ilm = Knowledge = Skill = Science]

41:48 And thus, those whom they used to call upon before, will utterly fail them. And they will realize that there is no way of escape.

41:49 The human does not tire of looking for wealth and happiness, and if harm touches him, he gets quickly disheartened, despondent. [100:8, 102:1-2]

41:50 And when We let him taste Grace from Us after some hurt that has touched him, he says, "This is from, and for, me. I do not think that time will ever rise (to go against me). And if I am indeed brought back before my Lord, then, behold, with Him is even better return for me.” (I shall be favored there as I am favored here.) But We certainly will tell the ungrateful all that they did. And certainly We will make them taste heavy punishment. [Ma li = For me, from me. As-Sa’ah = The Hour = Resurrection = Revolution = Turn of fortunes = Time. 18:36]

41:51 Also, when We bestow Bliss on man, he turns away, and withdraws aside, but when a hurt touches him, then he is full of prayers. [17:83]

41:52 Say, “Think! If this (Revelation) is from God, and then you reject it. Who is farther astray than one who is at open feud (with God)?” [This Book is all about you! 21:10]

41:53 In time We will show them Our signs in the utmost Horizons and within themselves, so that it will become clear to them that this Qur’an is indeed the Truth. Is it not enough for them to know that your Lord is Witness to all things (including this proclamation)? [9:31-33, 13:31, 14:48, 18:48, 41:53, 48:28, 51:20-21, 61:9]

41:54 Oh, certainly, they are still in doubt about the meeting with their Lord! How! Ah, indeed! He it is Who encompasses everything (in His Domain).

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