Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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Surah 30. Ar-Room – The Romans

[Author’s Note] This is the 30th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 60 verses. As stated earlier, a Surah is not restricted by its title. The title is more important for reference purposes, and this Surah as well presents for us beautiful concepts in diversity.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

30:1 A.L.M. Alif-Laam-Meem. (Allah, Lateef the Unfathomable, Majeed the Magnificent, states that),

30:2 The Romans have been defeated,  

30:3 In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat will be victorious,

[Byzantine Romans were defeated at the hands of the Persians in the nearby lands of Syria-Palestine-Egypt in 613-615 CE. The war between the two super powers of the times carried on from 603 to 624 CE. Muhammad (S) had been commissioned as a Prophet in 610 CE]

30:4 Within ten years! God’s is the Command in the past and in the future. On that day the believers too will have cause to rejoice.

[The believers were indeed victorious against the much stronger Makkans bent upon annihilating them at the most crucial battle of all history, the Battle of Badr near Madinah, in 624 CE. This was exactly the time when the Byzantine Romans soundly defeated the Persians]

30:5 By God’s Help. For, He gives victory according to His Laws. And He is Exalted in Might, Most Merciful.

30:6 This is God’s Promise. God never fail to fulfill His Promise. But most people do not know (that His Laws never change).

30:7 They know and care only about the apparent instant gratifications of the life of this world, and remain oblivious to the Eternal life to come.

30:8 Do they not reflect on themselves? God has not created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, but for a specific Purpose and for an appointed term. Yet indeed, a great many people deny that they are destined to meet their Lord.

30:9 (Reflecting on your own existence, the Universe, and on history can show you the Truth.) Have they not, then, traveled in the land and seen what happened in the end to those who lived before them? They were more powerful than these are, and they left a stronger impact on the earth, and built it up better than these are doing. And to them came their messengers with all evidence of the Truth. It was not God Who wronged them, but it was they who used to wrong their own ‘selves’. [35:44, 40:21]

30:10 Then, evil was the end of those who did evil, because they denied the revelations of God and ridiculed them.

30:11 (All this happens to nations according to Divine Laws that are operational in the entire Universe.) He initiates the creation, and then repeats it. Ultimately, all of you will be returned to Him.

30:12 And on the Day when the Hour comes those who have committed crimes against humanity, will be struck with despair.

30:13 Their ‘idols’ will not be able to stand up for them, rather, they will reject one another.

30:14 On the Day the Hour comes, they will part company. And people will be sorted out.

30:15 As for those who attained belief and fulfilled the needs of others, they will be made happy in a Meadow of delight. [42:22, 43:70]

30:16 Whereas those who disbelieve, and reject Our messages, and the meeting of the Hereafter, they will be presented for punishment.

30:17 Therefore, glorify God when you retire at night, and when you rise in the morning. [Seek eminence in the twilight and dawn of your lives. 21:10, 23:71, 29:45, 29:51]

30:18 Seeing that the heavens and the earth bear an open testimony that all Praise is due to Him, whether you observe them in the darkness of the night or in full blast of the daylight.

30:19 He it is Who brings forth the living out of the dead and brings forth the dead out of the living. And He gives life to the earth after it has been lifeless; You are similarly resurrected. And thus shall you be brought forth. [Likewise, His Guidance revives nations]

30:20 And among His signs it is that He created you out of dust. And then, behold, you became human beings ranging far and wide. [6:2, 6:99, 7:11, 15:26, 21:30, 23:12, 31:28]

30:21 And among His signs is this: He created for you mates from yourselves, so that you might find comfort in them. And He ordained between you love and kindness. In this, behold, are signs for people who think. [Azwaaj = Husband + Wife, that are mates to, and complement each other towards fulfillment of each other’s personality]

30:22 And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colors. Herein, behold, are signs for those who make best use of what they learn.

30:23 And among His signs is your sleeping during the night or the day, and your quest of His Bounty. Herein indeed are signs for people who hear and listen.

30:24 And among His signs is this: He displays before you the lightning, for a fear and for hope, and sends down water from the height, giving life to the earth after it had been lifeless. Herein, behold, are signs for people who use their intellect.

30:25 And among His signs is this: The Sky and the earth stand by His Command. In the end, when He will call you forth with a single call, behold, you will emerge from the earth.

30:26 For, unto Him belongs every being in the heavens and the earth. All are obedient to Him.

30:27 And He it is Who initiates creation in the first instance, and then brings it forth anew, and it is most easy for Him. His is the Sublime Similitude in the heavens and on earth. He is the Light of the heavens and the earth 24:35) He is the Mighty, the Wise. [24:35, 30:11]

30:28 He gives you an example from your own society. Would you agree to make your employees equal partners in the provision We have bestowed upon you? Are you as mindful of them as you are mindful of yourselves? (So do you conceive of a ‘discriminating’ God!) Thus We explain Our messages for people who use their intellect.

30:29 But nay, the transgressors follow their own opinions without knowledge. But who can guide the one God has let go astray? (For violating His Laws of Guidance 4:88). To them there will be no helpers.

 30:30 Therefore, devote yourself to the Upright Religion turning away from all that is false. Such is the natural aim of God’s creation of humans. And God’s Law of creation never changes. This is the perfect Religion but most people do not know. [Deen = Divinely prescribed System of Life. God has initiated the universe with a sublime Plan wherein all things are committed to His Law, and mankind being a part of the Universe, must live by His Laws]

30:31 Turn unto Him alone then, and be mindful of Him, and establish the Divine System and be not of the Mushrikeen who ascribe ‘partners’ to Him. [2:213]

30:32 Those who split up their religion becoming sects, each sect delighting in whatever beliefs they have. [3:104, 6:160, 23:53, 42:13. Sectarianism is invariably based upon taking humans as ‘authorities’]

30:33 When harm touches people they call unto their Lord, turning to Him alone. But as soon as He lets them taste Grace from Him, behold, some of them revert to worshiping their ‘idols’.

30:34 This is how they show ingratitude for the Guidance We have given them. Enjoy yourselves awhile, but soon you will come to know!

30:35 Have We ever sent down to them any Authority that tells them to commit Shirk, associate others with God?

30:36 And thus it is: When We let people taste Grace they are quick to rejoice therein. But when adversity befalls them as a result of their own works, they are in despair! [Constancy in personality is attainable only by living righteously]

30:37 Have they not seen that God enlarges the provision on whatever nation it is, according to His Law, and restricts it likewise? Indeed, herein are signs for nations that believe in the Divine Laws.

30:38 Hence, give the relatives their rightful share, and to the needy, and the one whose business has stalled, and the one who has lost his job, and whose hard-earned income is insufficient to meet the basic needs, and the homeless son of the street, and the needy traveler and the one who has traveled to you for help. This is best for those who seek God's Approval. For, it is they who are truly successful. [Zal qurba, Miskeen, Wabn-is-sabeel, encompass all the meanings rendered. The Divinely ordained Economic Order will ensure equity and prosperity for all]

30:39 And the wealth you give in usury in order that it may increase on other people’s money has no increase with God. But that you give in charity, seeking God’s Approval, these are the ones who will have their return multiplied. [2:275-276, 3:129, 74:6]

30:40 God is He Who has created you and then has provided you with sustenance, then will cause you to die, and then will bring you to life again. Are there any of your ‘partners’ who can do any single one of these things? Glorious He is, and Sublimely Exalted Above the ‘partners’ they associate with Him.

30:41 Rampant disorder has appeared in the land and in the sea because of what the hands of people have earned. He will let them taste the consequences of some of their works that they may turn back (from what they have been doing). [This verse may point toward environmental pollution and greenhouse phenomenon etc]

30:42 Say, “Travel in the land and notice the end of nations before you. Most of them worshiped idols in various forms (and ran manmade systems 30:31-32).”

30:43 Set your purpose resolutely for the Perfect Religion, before the Inevitable Day comes from God. On that Day people will be in two groups.

30:44 Whoever rejects the Truth will suffer from that rejection, whereas all who do constructive deeds, will make goodly provision for themselves.

30:45 That He may reward out of His Bounty, those who accept the Message, and work to help others. Surely, He does not love those who refuse to acknowledge the Truth.

30:46 And of His signs is this: He sends forth the winds that bear glad tiding, so that He might give you a taste of His Grace. And ships might sail at His Command and so that you might go about seeking His Bounty, and that you might have cause to be grateful.

30:47 And indeed, We did send messengers before you to their respective people – and they brought them clear evidence of the Truth. And then, We (Our Law of Requital) inflicted Our retribution on those who stole the fruit of others' labor and violated human rights. And We have made it incumbent upon Us to help the believers.

30:48 (Divine Guidance is a blessing for humanity just as) it is God Who sends forth the winds so that they raise a cloud, and then He spreads it along the high atmosphere according to His Laws. And causes it to break up, and you see rain pour down from within it. And when He makes it to fall on His servants by His Laws, behold, they rejoice.

30:49 Even though before that, before it was sent down upon them, they were in despair.

30:50 Behold then these signs of God's Grace - how He revives the earth after it had been lifeless. Surely, He is the Reviver of the Dead, and He is the Appointer of due measure of all things. [Similarly, His Guidance can revive individuals and nations]

30:51 But thus it is: if We send a wind and they see it yellow (sand-storm), certainly, they still continue in rejection of the Truth (that all things in the Universe take place according to Divine Laws).

30:52 And certainly, you cannot make the dead to hear, nor can you make the deaf of heart to hear the call when they turn their backs and go away.

30:53 Nor can you bring the blind of heart out of their straying. You can make none to hear except those who believe in Our messages (using their vision) and are willing to live in submission to God.

30:54 It is God Who creates you weak (as infants), then, after the weak state, gives you strength; then substitutes after the strength, weakness and gray hair. All this happens according to His Laws of Creation. And He is the Knower, the Able.

30:55 (Since your life is short, your time is precious.) On the Day when the Hour rises, the guilty will swear that they lived in this world no more than an hour, (and that they didn't have time to reform). In fact, they were wandering aimlessly through life.

30:56 But those who have been endowed with knowledge and conviction will say, "Indeed you did last within God’s Decree, until the Resurrection Day. (Your ‘self’ never died.) Now, this is the Resurrection Day that you never acknowledged."

30:57 And so on that Day no apologies of the wrongdoers will avail them, nor will they be allowed to make amends.

30:58 And certainly, We have given numerous examples in the Qur’an for mankind. But even if you came with a miracle, those who are bent on denying would say, "You are only falsifiers."

30:59 In this way does God seal the hearts of those who wish not to learn.

30:60 Remain then, steadfast and remember that God’s Promise is always True. So let not those who have no conviction disturb your mind.

Surah 31. Luqman – Locomon

[Author’s Note] This is the 31st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 34 verses. The reader is once again reminded that the Qur’an sticks with its style of unity in diversity, and the title does not restrict a whole Surah.

Again, it is to be noted that the timing and the place of the Revelation of a Sur'ah is absolutely of no significance since the Book of God transcends temporal and spatial bonds. Long, contradictory and futile argumentation between the commentators about the Shan-e-Nuzool (the circumstance of a particular Revelation) are sheer waste of time and energy, and more noxiously, this exercise tends to shackle the Glorious Book to certain events of no significance. This point is proven to The Qur’an As It Explains Itself readers by the fact that at no point anywhere in the Mighty Book will they miss what 'caused' a certain Surah or verses to be revealed.

Wisdom and knowledge transcend temporal, geographical and racial boundaries. Historically Luqman lived around 200 BC in an oasis in the Nubian desert of Northern Sudan. He was an emancipated slave of African descent.

"Rahib Luqman Mua'ammar Nubi the Hakeem, Suqrat Thani - (Sage Locomon, the Aged, the Nubean, the Wise, Socrates the second" was his full name along with titles.

Luqman is famous as Aesop, his Greek name. He had been taken captive to Greece from NE Sudan in one of their Viking like raids through the Red Sea. Lugman used to work in NE Sudan as a carpenter building boats.

As a child Luqman used to herd sheep, then as a young adult he had become a noted craftsman in carpentry. And that was the main reason for his abduction by the Greek pirates. Given the name Aesop, he lived in Greece under captivity for fifteen years serving his masters while writing his fabulous and world famous Aesop's Tales. An affluent businessman bought from him his collection in return for his emancipation. Luqman lived to be 110 years old and died in his village in Nubia.

He was a very wise man, and copies of his notebook known as Saheefah Luqman (The Scrolls of Luqman, produced in Greece) existed in the times of the exalted Messenger. Legend has it that a man read a few passages from that notebook to the exalted Messenger. He liked them and said, "Shall I now narrate to you a higher wisdom?" Upon hearing a few verses of Surah Luqman that fan of Luqman instantly embraced Islam; and is now remembered as Hazrat Suwaid bin Saamit.

Historians have speculated whether Luqman was a Prophet of God. But his famous quote implies that he was an intellectually and morally gifted man. When asked how and wherefrom he attained his outstanding wisdom, he responded, “From the ignorant!” [Yes, we can learn from any person, even from a child. And we can learn from our mistakes as well as from the mistakes of others]

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and the Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

31:1 A.L.M. Alif-Laam-Meem. (Allah, Lateef the Unfathomable, Majeed the Magnificent, states that),

31:2 These are the verses of the Book, full of wisdom.

31:3 Providing Guidance and Mercy to those who wish to live a balanced life and do good to humanity.

31:4 Such people strive to establish the Divine System and set up the Just Economic Order of Zakaat. For, it is they who have conviction in the Eternity of the human ‘self’ and hence, in the life to come.

31:5 They are the ones who are on the Guided Path of their Lord and they are the ones who will be ultimately successful.

31:6 But among people, there are those who invest their time in Hadith which is unfounded, so as to lead those without knowledge away from the Path of God, making mockery of it (the Qur’an). For such there is shameful punishment in store.

[In order to defend the ‘Imams’ of Hadith, some commentators try to explain away Lahwal Hadith as music. This obviously makes no linguistic or contextual sense]

31:7 Whenever Our verses are conveyed to such a purchaser of Hadith, he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them - as if there were deafness in his ears. So give him the tidings of a painful doom.

31:8 Whereas those who believe in the Word of God and fulfill the needs of others, for them are the Gardens of delight.

31:9 To abide therein according to God’s true promise. For, He is the Mighty, the Wise.

31:10 He has created the skies without any pillars and supports that you can see, and has placed firm mountains upon the earth, lest it sway with you, and He has dispersed therein all kinds of creatures. And We send down water from the sky, and thus We cause plants of every goodly kind to grow therein. [Mountains came into being millions of years ago as the earth was cooling off and the earth crust was shrinking 16:15, 78:7]

31:11 Such is the creation of God. Now show Me what others besides Him have created. Nay, but those who relegate the Truth are obviously lost in error. [Zaalim = Wrongdoer = Oppressor = One who displaces something from its rightful place = One who relegates the Truth = Violator of human rights]

31:12 And indeed, We granted this wisdom to Luqman, “Be grateful to God, for whoever is grateful is but grateful for the good of his own ‘self’. And whoever chooses to be ungrateful, must know that God is Self-Sufficient, Owner of all Praise.” [He is in no need of your Praises on rosary-beads and chanting. Gratefulness is not limited to verbal acknowledgement of gratitude. Divine bounties must be shared with fellow humans for true gratitude]

31:13 And, behold, Luqman, enlightening his son, said this to him, "O My dear son! Never associate anyone with God, for, certainly, SHIRK (believing in Law-givers besides Him) is a tremendous wrong.”

31:14 “(And O My dear son! God says) - We have ordained upon man goodness to his parents. His mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his utter dependence on her lasted no less than two years. Hence, be grateful to Me and to your parents, and remember that your ultimate destination is with Me.” [2:233, 46:15]

31:15 “Yet, if they strive to make you ascribe partners to Me, then obey them not. However, bear them company in this world with kindness. And follow the path of those who turn toward Me. In the end, unto Me you all must return. And thereupon I shall make you understand all that you were doing.”

31:16 "O My dear son! Indeed, something even as tiny as a mustard seed, deep inside a rock, or in the Highs or in the Lows, God will bring it forth. For, certainly, God is Sublime, Aware.”

31:17 “O My dear son! Strive to establish the Divine System wherever you are, and advocate the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is contrary to the Permanent Values. And remain steadfast in the face of whatever may befall you by way of opposition and persecution. All this, behold, will require unwavering determination.”

31:18 “And never be arrogant with people, and walk not haughtily on the earth. Indeed, God does not love any bragging boaster. [17:37, 57:23]

31:19 “Walk humbly and subdue your voice. For, the harshest of voices is the voice of the donkey."

31:20 (This was a glimpse of the wisdom Luqman was endowed with.) Do you not realize that God has made of service to you all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth? And He has granted you His blessings in abundance, tangible and intangible. And yet, among people there are those who dispute about God without exploring the realm of knowledge, without any guidance and without a light-giving Scripture.

31:21 And when such people are told to follow what God has revealed, they say, "Nay, we follow what we have found our fathers doing." What! Even though Satan had invited them to the doom of Flames?"

31:22 Whoever submits his whole being to God and is a doer of good to others, has indeed grasped the Strongest Bond. And God’s Laws determine the end of all things and actions. [2:256. Wajh = Face = Countenance = Whole being]

31:23 And let not the disbelief of the rejecters grieve you. To Us is their return, and then We shall explain to them all they truly accomplished. Surely, God is Knower of all that is in the hearts.

31:24 We will let them enjoy themselves for a little while – but ultimately We shall drive them to a heavy doom.

31:25 And thus it is: If you ask them, “Who is it that has created the heavens and the earth?" They will answer, “God". Say, “All Praise is due to God – for, most of them do not know (that His Laws are worth implementing in your lives 29:61)

31:26 Unto God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. (His Law is operative in the entire Universe.) Surely, God! He is Independent, Owner of all Praise (and the Universe is a living witness to that).

31:27 And if all the trees on earth were pens, and the sea were ink, with seven more seas yet added, the Words of God would not be exhausted. Surely, God is Almighty, Wise. [18:109]

31:28 Your creation or your resurrection is only as that of a single life cell. Surely, God is the Hearer, the Knower.

31:29 Do you not see that it is God Who makes the night grow longer by shortening the day, and makes the day longer by shortening the night? And that He has subjected the sun and the moon to His Laws, each running along its course for an appointed term? Is not He Aware of all you do? [13:2]

31:30 This is because God, He is the Truth, and whatever they call upon instead of Him is Falsehood. And because God, He is the Exalted, the Great.

31:31 Have you not seen how the ships speed through the sea carrying God’s blessed provisions – so that He might show you some of His signs? Herein, behold, are messages for everyone who would patiently observe the Nature and be grateful for learning.

31:32 And so, when violent waves surround them like shadows of gloom, they call unto God, sincere in their faith in Him (and work according to Divine Laws). But as soon as We save them ashore, some of them compromise (with falsehood). Yet none could knowingly reject Our messages unless he is a betrayer to his own ‘self’, ungrateful for such blessing.

31:33 O Mankind! Be mindful of your Lord, and fear a Day when a father cannot help his son, nor a son can help his father. Certainly, the promise of God is true. Therefore, do not be distracted by the life of this world. And let not any deceiver distract you from God. [Gharoor = Deceiver = Satan = Satanic people = Evil companions = Deceptive thoughts = Illusion]

31:34 Surely, with God alone rests the knowledge of the Hour. He it is Who sends down rain, and He alone knows what is in the wombs. No one knows what he or she will reap tomorrow, and no one knows in what land (circumstance) he or she will die. Surely, God alone is Knower, Aware.

[Hour = The Great Revolution = Resurrection = Day of Judgment. Rain = Also alludes to resurgence of humanity. What is in the wombs = In the wombs of any female creatures = Fate of the embryo. Reap tomorrow = What one does or happens to him in the future]

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