Empirical:observation, questioning, experiment.
Hypothesis of the study: students of primary school have a critical thinking will be successfully developed by means of the subject "Foreign language" if:
technology will be used in teaching a foreign language development of critical thinking;
training will use such techniques and exercises that not only increase the level of language proficiency, but also make students perform mental operations such as analysis, comparison, comparison and others.
The theoretical significance of this work isto identify features of the development of critical thinking in adolescents and in theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical conditions for the formation critical thinking.
The practical significance of the study lies in the development of techniques development of critical thinking in the primary school during the formation English-speaking communicative competence and in the development of the Legohistory course.
The methodological ground of the research work consists of
Materials and results of the work have theoretical and practical value, as research in this sphere widens the investigation in the field of correction pedagogy.
The structure of work:Theworkconsistsofintroduction,threechapters,conclusiononeverychapter,conclusionandbibliography.
The introduction defines the choice of the topic, the actuality of the work, aims and objectives of the investigation, and reveals the novelty and theoretical value of the work.
InChapterI we analyze main phenomena of critical thinking and define its main functions, study the structure of the creativity. It examines the concept of "critical thinking", its components, in addition, the concept of "English-speaking communicative competence", as well as the need to develop thinking in English lessons.