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" sometimes it happeneth, that wliile they are most ho-

*' nestly busied, men of scornful and beggarly ignorance,

" separate from imitable qualities or endeavours, will be

" nimble to nip from them such small matters as they have.

" I confess I have been bitten by some such vipers," [a just

punishment ; as he had in his censures bitten others,] " who

" think nothing sufficient that they have, nothing dishonest

" that they do. But I envy not the gravel in any man"'s

" throat. It sufficeth for me, that I have attained a quiet

" contented life, free either from anguish in myself, or envy

" at others, free either from wishing great matters, or

" wantino^ some small."" And so we leave this historian.


Commissions and pi-odamations issued from the King

iqwn divers occasions, in the years 1550, 1551, 1552,

and 1553.
jlSe SIDES various notices and instructions which I have

been furnished with from the Lord Chancellor Goodrick"'s

leger-book, and King Edward''s Book of Warrants, oc-

casionally made- use of by me in the foregoing history,

there be many considerable matters besides, remaining in

those manuscripts, which will serve notably to illustrate this

reign. And therefore I shall here insert them luider divers


heads, for better method, as precious remains, viz. com- CHAP.
A.X1 A.

missions and proclamations, gifts, grants, annuities, par-,

dons, purchases, and offices ; letters, warrants, licences, and

passports; collations, presentations, and other grants to

churchmen and universities; schools founded; and lastly,

particular matters relating to the King's household ; com-

mencing from the fourth year of the King's reign, and the

year of our Lord 1550.

I. COMMISSIOXS. Anno 1550.
A commission to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, A commis-
• 1 ^ T-«l TT *'"" '°'' ^"^
Nicolas Bishop of London, Thomas Bishop ot Lly, Henry trial of Gar-

Bishop of Lincoln ; Sir William Petre, Sir James Hales, '^[^^'^''J''

knights ; Griffyn Leyson, John Olyver, doctors of law ; Ri- winton.

chard Goodrick and John Gosnal, esquires; or to nine,

eight, seven, six, five, or four of them, whereof the Arch-

bishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, the Bishop of

Ely, the Bishop of Lincoln, and Sir William Petre, [and

Sir James Hales, for he is added in the commission itself,]

to be one : to call before them, at such days, times, and

places as they shall think convenient, Stephen Bishop of

Winchester, and all others whom they shall think good

and necessary to be called, for the examination, trial, proof,

and full determination of such matters as appertaineth unto

him : and to require every such process, writing, and escript,

as have passed in that matter : and he being called eftsoons,

[if he shall] refuse to conform himself according to the

King's Majesty's commandment, to proceed against him to

deprivation of his bishopric, and removing of him from the

same. December 1550. This full commission, at length, is

preserved by Mr. Fox, in his Acts and Monuments, first

edition, p. 776.
A commission to Edward Duke of Somerset, to Thomas A commis-

Archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Rich, knight, Loi'J rogue°the°'

Rich, &c. William Earl of Wiltshire, John Earl of War- Parliament.

wick, John Earl of Bedford, William Marquis of Nor-

thampton, Edward Lord Clinton, Thomas Lord Went-

worth, Cutbert Bishop of Durham, William Lord Wind-

sor, and William Lord Paget, or to two of them, to pro-
o 4


BOOK rogue the Parliament that was adjourned to the 20th of

' January next, unto the second day of Marcli followhig.

Anno 1550. j^ Commission to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury,

"184 the Bishops of Ely, London, Lincoln, Norwich, Rochester,
baptists^' Nicolas Wotton, dean of Canterbury, William Petre, Wil-
and irregu- \[am Cecyl, Richard Cocks, Anthony Coke, James Hales,
tersofthe 1 homas Smith, John Cheke, William May, John Taylor,
sacraments, gj,^^,^ Haynes, Griffith Leyson, John Redman, Hugh" La-
tymer, Giles Eire, Matthew Parker, Miles Coverdale,
John Olyver, Richard Liel, Roland Taylor, Christopher
Nevinson, Richard Goodrick, John Gosnold, Richard
Wilks, Henry Sidal, and Nicolas Bulhngham, or to any
thirty-one, thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven,
twenty -six, five, four, or three of them ; whereof the
Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Norwich, the Bi-

shop of Rochester, Nicolas Wotton, "William Petre, Wil-

liam Cecyl, Richard Cox, James Hales, and William [May,

I suppose,] to be one : to correct and punish all Anabap-

tists, and such as do not duly minister the sacraments ac-

cording to the Book of Common Prayer, set forth by the

King's Majesty. This was dated in January 1550.

A comniis- A commission to Edward Duke of Somerset, Thomas

proroguing Arclibisliop of Canterbury, Richard Lord Rich, lord chan-

the Pariia- ^.^jj^^^. . William Earl of Wiltshire, John Earl of Warwick,

nicnt. ' ^ '
John Eai-1 of Bedford, William Marquis of Northampton,

Henry Marquis of Dorset, Henry Earl of Arundel, Ed-

ward Lord Clinton, Thomas Lord Wentworth, and divers

more, or any two of them, to prorogue the Parliament to

the 30th of October next. This bore date in February


1551. A commission to Thomas Bishop of Norwich, Sir Ro-
IZ^Scol ^^^'^ Bowes, Sir Leonard Beckwith, and Sir Thomas Chalo-

land. ner, or to three of them, to determine with the Queen of

Scots, or her commissioners, certain controversies risen be-

tween the King and her, since the late treaty of peace con-

cluded betwixt the King's Majesty and the French King ;

as well of limits and confines, as of taking and delivering

captains and pledges, and all manner of spoils, piracies, and


other attempts done by either of their subjects. Dated CHAP.

April 15, 1551. XXIX.

A commission to Helier de Carteret, John Clerk, Cle- Anno 1551.

ment Lemprier, esquires; Ninian Saunders, gent. Lewis ^'^'' •^^''^^y-

Hampton, clerk; Charles Mabion, clerk; Richard Dinnarick,

Nicolas Lemprier, Edward Denmarick, Laurence Hampton,

jurats; Hugh Perrin and Nicolas Solomont, gentlemen;
and to twelve, eleven, ten, nine, or six of them, whereof
Helier de Carteret, and John Clerk, or one of them at the

least, to be one: giving them power and authority to call

before them the inhabitants of Jersey, by the advice of Sir

Henry Powlet, knt. captain there : and to assess every of

them to be contributories, according to their goods and

lands, towards the building of two fortresses to be edified,

the one in the islet of St. Helier, and the other in the islet of

St. Obyn there : and also a perpetual pension to be ga-

thered of their lands, for the charges of the safe keeping of

them : and to put their said order and cessment in writing,

that it may remain for ever ; with an authority given them

to appoint officers to make all manner of provision for the

edification of the said fortresses. This was dated in May.
A commission to Edward Duke of Somerset, to be the To the

King's justice, to inquire of all treasons, misprisions of^gj^^^^^'^^"'

treason, insurrections, rebellions, unlawful assemblies and be the

conventicles, unlawful speaking of words, confederacies, tkeln ''"^'

conspiracies, false allegations, contempts, falsehoods, negli- '^"'^'^^ ^"'^

gences, concealments, oppressions, riots, routs, murders, 435

felonies, and other ill deeds, whatsoever they be ; and also

all accessories of the same, in the counties of Bucks and

Berks : and to appoint certain days and places for the in-

quiry thereof: and to be the King's lieutenant within the

said counties, for levying of men, and to fight against the

King's enemies and rebels, and to execute upon them the

martial law ; and to subdue all invasions, insurrections, he.

as shall chance to be moved in any place, as he shall re-

pair to the limits of the said shires ; with a commandment

to all officers to assist him. And that the said commission


BOOK be not prejucllcial to tlie former commissions of oyer and

terminer within the said counties.

Anno 1561. A like Commission to the Earl of Rutland and the Lord

The like dinton, for Lincoln and Nottinoham.
for Lincoln ' ^
and Not- The like to the Earl of Sussex, Sir Roger ToAvnscnd,

ingiam. gj^ William Fermor, and Sir John Robertson, [Robsert

For Nor- ¦-
folk. perhaps,] for Norfolk.
For Staf- The like commission to the Earl of Warwick, the Vis-
count Hereford, and the Lord Paget, for Staffordsliire.
For Sussex. The like to the Earl of Arundel and the Lord La Ware,

for Sussex.

For Essex. The like to the Lord Chancellor [Lord Rich] the Earl of

Oxon, the Lord Darcy, and Sir John Gate, for Essex.

For Wilts. The Uke to Sir William Herbert, for Wiltshire.
For Ely. The like to the Bishop of Ely, for the isle of Ely.
For War- The like to the Earl of Warwick, for Warwick and Oxford.
Oxon. The like to the Lord Marquis of Northampton, for Sur-
For Surrey, rey.
For Kent. The like to the Lord Cobham, and Lord Warden of the

Cinque Ports, [Sir Thomas Cheny,] for Kent and Can-

ForLeices- The like to the Earl of Huntingdon, for Leicester and
Huiai^d. Huntingdon.
For Lan- Thc like to the Earl of Darby, for Lancashire.
cashiro. rpj^g j-j^g ^.^ ^j^g j,^^j.| ^f Shrewsbury, for Darby.
For Wales. ^^^0 like to Sir William Herbert, for the principality and
marches of Wales.

For Suffolk. The like to the Lord Darcy, Lord Wentworlh, and Sir

Anthony Wyngfield, for Suffolk.

For Hun- The like to Sir Robert Trewhit, and ]\Ir. Thomas Aud-

ingion. j^^^ ^^^ Huntingdon.
For Nor- The like to the Lord Marquis of Northampton, for

liertt. ami Northampton, Bedford, Hertford, and Cambridgeshire.

Canibrid. The like to the Earl of Bedford, for Dorset, Somerset,

solim-^et!*' Devon, and Cornwal.

Devon, and The like to the Lord Treasurer, [\lar\ of Wiltshire,] for
For South- Southampton.


The like to the Lord Paget and Sir Roger Chohnely, CHAP.

for Middlesex. All these commissions were dated in May. ^^^^-

A commission to Sir William Godolphin, knt. John Killi-Anno 1551.

grew, and John Godolphin, esquires, personally to repair to ^"'' M«idie-

the isle of Sulley, [Scilley,] and to make a perfect diligent ^ commis-

survey of all the same isle, and to set out the number of*'"" *"¦¦

acres of land within the same ; and to divide the same into

so many parts as may serve for tenants, and householders of

husbandry, allowing them sufficient land for tilling, and suf-

ficient pasture : and to grant the same for twenty-one years,

reserving to the King reasonable rents. And for their better

instruction, the King hath sent there enclosed certain in-

structions. And that they signify in the Chancery, in dis- 486

tinct writing in parchment, under their hands, within three

months after they shall accomplish the same commission,

their doing therein. Dated in May.

A commission to Robert Record, esq. appointed surveyor For mines

of all the mines of metal and minerals in the realm of Ire- '"

land ; that he, during pleasure, shall as well rule and order

the affairs and works concerning the said mines, and provi-

sions of the same, as to appoint and take all manner of pro-

vision, labours, and carriages, both by land and water, as

well in the realm of England as Ireland. And that the

treasurer, comptroller, and seymaster of the late erected

mints, and other officers, in all their alleys, [alloyes,] assays,

mixtures, meltings, blanchings, sheerings, and other their

works, use the counsel of the said surveyor. Dated in May.
A commission to John Killigrew, to take up and provide For fortify-

all manner of workmen, and labourers of all sorts, and all '"^' ^' *^^'

such stuff, of what kind soever it be, as shall be thought re-

quisite and needful for furtherance and finishing of the new

fortification within the isle of Scilley. Dated in June.
A commission to the Bishop of Chester, William Cliff, For a tii-

Richard Liel, Jeffrey Glyn, and Henry Harvey, doctors of

the law, and George Wimesly, bachelor of law, or any two

of them ; that upon the proof of the manifold adultery of

Elizabeth Atherton, they separate and divorce lier from

John Atherton her husband. Dated in June.


BOOK A commission to Sir William Petre, secretary, Sir Richard

Read, &c. upon due proof of the manifest adultery of the

Anno 1551. Lady Mary Luttrel, to separate and divorce her from Sir

For a di- John Luttrel her husband. Dated in June.

For proro- A commission, dated in August, to the Duke of Somer-

guing the ggf Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, &c. or any two of

Parliament. ^ J ^ j
them, to prorogue the Parliament to the 4th of November


For visiting A Commission to Sir Roger Cholmely, Sir Richard Rede,
the Savoy. Richard Goodric, esq. Broke, [Dr. Oliver,] and Dr.
Liel, or to six, four, or tliree of them, to visit the house or

hospital, commonly called the Savoy : and to inquire and

search, by all ways and means, not only how and in what

sort the foundation, statutes, and ordinances thereof have

been and be observed, and wherein the same doth agree

with the common order and proceeding of the realm in

causes of religion ; and how the ministers, both men and

women, give attendance, and do their duties in their several

offices ; but also of the life, behaviour, and conversation of

all the ministers aforesaid ; and the state of their house, and

order of their lands : and to call before them such men as

they shall think expedient, for the attaining of more know-

ledge touching the premises : and to advertise the King"'s

Majesty, or his Privy Council, of their proceedings. This

was dated in September.

For trial of A commission to Sir Roger Cholmely, knt. Sir Richard

of\vorees- ^^cde, knt. Rich. Goodrick, esq. John Gosnold, esq. John

ter and Oliver, and Richard Liel, doctors of the law, or to six, five,

or four of them ; authorizing them, at such several days,

times, and places, and as often as they shall think good, to

call before them the Bishops of Worcester and Chichester,

and every of them, several and apart, and all other whom

they shall think good and necessary, for the examination,

487 t^'i^lj proof, and full determination of such matters as be

laid against them ; and to require all process, writings, and

escripts, either remaining with the Council, or otherwise :

and finding that the said Bishops, and either of them, have

not conformed themselves according to the King's pleasure,


commandment, or monitions given by the Council, by tlie CHAP.

King's commandment, to proceed against them, and every of ^^^^¦

them, to deprivation of their several bishoprics. This bore Anno 1551.

date in September.
A commission, dated in October, to Edward Duke of So- for proro-

merset, Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Lord paHilment.

Rich, lord chancellor, William Marquis of Winchester, &c.

and to two of them, to prorogue the Parliament from llie

2d of March until the 4th of November next.
A commission, dated October 22, to Thomas Archbishop For fiamins^

of Canterbury, Nicolas Bishop of London, and Richard S^wsf '"

Cocks, almoner, Peter Martyr, Rowland Tayler of Hadley,

Bartholomew Traheron, John Lucas, John Gosnold: to con-

sider all the King''s ecclesiastical laws, according to a statute

of Parliament made 3°. reg. Edw. VI. wherein thirty-two

persons were appointed for the same use; and to gather

and put in order in writing all such of them as they shall

think convenient, and other laws ecclesiastical, as they shall

think meet to be used within the realm : and to deliver the

same unto the King's Majesty, that they may be further

considered, according to his statutes.

A commission, dated October 26, to John Beaumont, esq. For des-

Sir William Portman, Sir James Hales, Sir Richard Rede, chancefy

John Oly ver, and William Cook, and to five, four, or three u^itters.

of them, to hear and determine any manner of matters be-

fore the King in his Chancery, between his subjects, now

hanging, or hereafter to be exhibited ; with authority to

award out all manner of process that hath been accustomed

therefore : and to punish all manner of contempts, and do

all other circumstances necessary for the same ; with a com-

mandment to all the officers to attend upon five, four, or

three of them. And all things done by them to stand in

like force as if they were done by the Lord Chancellor.

[The Lord Chancellor Rich was now sick.]
A commission, in November, to Thomas Archbishop of To pro-

Canterbury, Richard Lord Rich, lord chancellor, &c. to pJ^^"i^^Jg^^^

prorogue the Parliament from the 4th of November to the

23d of January following.


BOOK A commission, in November, to Edward Lord Clinton, to

christen the French King"'s child.

Anno 1551. A commission to the said Lord Clinton, and Sir William

t^ ^tl"^' Pickering, jointly and severally, to hear all manner matters

French with the French King : concerning the marriage between

di'ikC ^'^^ King's Majesty and the Lady Elizabeth, the French

To treat of King's daughter, and the confirmation thereof according to

wi'tir*^ ' their instructions, which they must receive by virtue of the
France. same.
For the ec- A Commission, in November, to Thomas Archbishop of

laws. Canterbury, Thomas Bishop of Ely, Richard Cocks, almo-

ner, Peter Martyr, William May, Rowland Tayler, John Lu-

cas, and Richard Goodrick, to confer together touching the

ecclesiastical laws. [This commission superseded that made in

October, in which three persons were nominated commis-

sioners, which it was thought convenient afterward to change,

viz. the Bishop of London, Barth. Traheron, and John

Gosnold, for the Bishop of Ely, William May, and Rich.


488 A commission, dated in December, to John Lord Mor-

For inquiry daunt, Sir Joliu Saint John, Sir Urian Bruerton, knights,

into tlie T 1 -n • ¦»-» IT- T-w-
dtartii. Nic. Luke, Irancis I'ygot, and Linquire by all Avays and means, how the enhancing of

prices of corn, victuals, and other things, contained in a

proclamation annexed to the said commission, liave grown,

and daily grow, by the insatiable greediness of divers co-

vetous persons in the county of Bedford ; and to punish all

such as shall disobey any thing contained in the same.

And a clause therein writ, to make out thirty-two com-

missions for like effect to others there named.

For Ca- A commission, dated in December, to Sir Richard Cot-

Guisnes. toll and Sir Richard Bray, knts. to repair with certain

instructions to the town of Calais, and castle and county of

Guisncs, and to the other pieces on that side the seas : and

there shewing their commission, do hear the opinions and

advice, as well of the counsellors in each of the said pieces,

as of other officers there, concerning the works, buildings,

and fortifications of the said pieces.


A commission, in January, for assistance in hearing and chaP.

determining of tlie causes of the Chancery, to the Master of ^xix.

the Rolls, Sir William Portman, Sir James Hales, Sir Ri- Anno 1551.

chard Rede, William May, GrifFyn Leyson, John Oly- ^''^»ss•st-

ver, Anthony Bellasis, and William Cook. [The Bishop of chalTcery!

Ely having- the great seal lately delivered to him.]

A commission, in January, to the Lord Chancellor, John For inquiry

Earl of Bedford, Sir John Gates, Sir William Petre, &c. 1".^° ?^

to call before them the heads and inferior ministers of the courts

Court of Exchequer, the Court of the Duchy of Lancas- ^e^^nues!

ter, the Court of Wards and Liveries, the Court of Auff-

mentations, the Court of First-fruits and Tenths : charging

and commanding them to make before them perfect and

full declaration in writing under their hands, of all the

King's revenues, profits, and casualties, within their several

charges and offices, answerable in the said courts before

the date of the said commission, and of all rents, resolutes,

fees, annuities, pensions, and other deductions.

A commission, in March 1552, to Henry Earl of West- 1552.

merland, the Lord Wharton, Sir Thomas Chaloner, Sir J'atab'ie ''^"

Thomas Palmer, or to four, three, or two of them ; to con- 1^'^'^-

elude with the Scots Queen's ambassadors or commissioners,

for and concerning a certain parcel of land, called the de-

batable kind, and of other lands in the marches of Scotland ;

and to make division thereof.
A commission, in the same month, to John Earl of Bed- To put

ford, William Earl of Pembroke, the Lord Darcy, Sir Wil- 1"^'''.^'

' _ ' J ^ ' "-^ laws in exe-
liam Petre, Sir John Baker, Sir Philip Hoby, Sir Robert cution.

Bows, Sir Thomas Wroth, Edward Griffyth, John Gos-

nold, or to ten, nine, eight, seven, or six of them, to put in

execution all such martial laws as shall be thought by their

discretions most necessary to be executed. Instructions

given to them in nine articles.

A commission, the same month, to the Lord Chamber- For survey

lain, the Bishop of Norwich, Sir John Gates, Sir Wil-°^.*''f

. Kings
ham Petre, Sn- Robert Bows, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Ri- courts,

chard Cotton, Sir Walter Mildmay, and John Gosnold, or

to nine, eight, seven, six, five, or four of them ; to sur-


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