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the half of one knight's fee. Dated in April.
A privilege to Laurence Torrentinus, printer to the Duke To Lau-

of Florence, for seven years, to print the book of Digests J'^|]j|^ ^ "'"

and Pandects of the civil law of the Romans : and that none

shall print the same book during that time, without his li-

cence. Dated in April.
The office of high marshal of England to John Earl of 'J'o the Earl

Warwick, for life, in as ample manner as John Mowbray, °*iJk.'' '

and Thomas late Duke of Norfolk, had and enjoyed the

same. The patent dated in April.

A gift to the Lady Elizabeth, the King's sister, for the To the Lady

term of her life, of all the scite of the late monastery of *^^'^''''''*''-

Missenden, in the county of Bucks, with divers other


BOOK liinds, &c. to the yearly value of 3064Z. 17*. 8d. which lands

'^- before were given to her, and for divers considerations now

Anno 1551. signed, the month above.

To Joiin A privilege to John Gipken, of London, [a Dutchman,
'*' ' '¦ lately made free,] bookseller, for ten years, to print, or cause

to be printed, the Herbal in English, comj)iled by W. Tur-

ner, doctor in physic : and that none other shall print the

same. Dated in April.

To .joiin A gift to John Cheke, esq. in fee-simple, in consideration
ci)eke,esq. q£ j.|-,g surrendering of 100 marks rent granted him by letters

patents, dated at Westminster, Aug. 26. ann. 2 Edward VI.

for twenty-one years, if it should so long please the King,

of all the manor of Stoke juxta Clare, in the counties of

Suffolk and Essex, with divers other lands, tenements, &c.

all to the yearly value of 145/. 19*. 3tZ. to hold all the pre-

mises in capiie, by the fortieth part of a knight's fee : ex-

cept the fuller mill in Stoke, the guildhall house in Stoke,

the Pistern pasture, and other premises in Spalding, and

the rectory of Sandon, and other premises in Sandon ; to be

holden as of the manor of Greenwich, by fealty only. Pay-

ing yearly to the King for the manor of Stoke, 4Z. 17*. IcL

Dated in May.

To Joiin The keeping and governance of Richard and Edward

Fowler. Dautry, idiots, to John Fowler, groom of the privy cham-

ber, during their lives, and of all their lands, &c. with a

grant to the said John of all the revemies of the said lands,

&c. from the death of Sir John Dautry, knt. their father.

Dated in May.

496 A gift to John Earl of Warwick, in fee-simple, of Ot-

ToEari f^^d in Kent, with divers other lands, &c. Value yearly
49/. 3*. 8(/. Dated in May.

To Will. A grant to William Turk, groom of the privy chamber,

^"'^' of all William RastaFs leases, goods, moveables, and im-

moveables, being forfeited to the King by the said Rastal,

for going beyond the seas without licence, contrary to a sta-

tute and proclamation in that behalf. Dated in May.

To John The office of prothonotary, or clerk of the crown, to John
Li'onaid™^ Leonard and Thomas Leonard, for life, and the longest


liver, of the counties of Glamorgan, Monmouth, Breck- CHAP,

nock, and Radnor, in all courts, terms, sessions, &c. with the -^^'^^•

making and entering of all manner of writs, processes, de- Anno 1551.

clarations, &c. with all fees and profits thereunto belonging,

without account making. Which office John Leonard sur-

rendered, to have this joint patency. [Thomas probably

being his son or heir.]

A gift, dated in July, to the mayor and commonalty of the To the

city of London, and their successors, of all the house and "on^,!^'^,n"i.

scite of the late hospital of Thomas Becket in Southwark,tyof Lon-

commonly called St. Thomas's hospital, in Surrey, with ^^ ^|^^_

divers other lands, &c. ornaments, lead, and goods belong- mas's hos-

ing to the said hospital, to the yearly value of 154L 17*. Id. ^"

To be holden all by fealty only in soccage, as of the manor

of East Greenwich. And to take the profit from the An-

nunciation of our Lady last ; with a new erection of the said

hospital, and the appropriation thereof to the said mayor

and commonalty, and their successors. And that all the

profits of the said land shall go to the finding of the poor

yearly, except such as shall go to the finding of two masters,

two sisters, one porter, and the overseer of the said hospital.

And that the King shall appoint commissioners from time to

time, to visit the said hospital, and to see the same lands to

be spent and employed, [accorcUng to the intent of the royal

donor.] And that the officers thereof shall pay no first-fruits

and tenths.
A gift to Sir John Gates, for life, in consideration of sur- To Sir John

rendering the foresaid hospital of St. into the King's ^'^*^'"

hands, granted unto him by his Majesty's fathers letters

patents, for life, with all the profits, and without account

rendering, of all the manors of Bradwel, Munden, Law-

ford, in the county of Essex, and other lands, &c. to the

yearly value of 208Z. 9*. 9\d. Dated in July.
The office of keeping the capital messuage or mansion. To the

late of Charles Duke of Suffolk, in South wark, and of the *'*'"^'

garden, orchard, and park there, to Sir John Gates, for

life, with the office of high steward and bailiff there, of


BOOK all the lands, tenements, and liberties of the same : and also

• II. ...

' of the office of steward and bailiff of Paris Garden, and the
Anno 1551. liijpj-tjpg thereof, with a fee of 30Z. 6s. 8d. per annum. Dated
in July.

To Peter The office of Clerk of the Faculties to Peter Osborn, for

life, with fees accustomed. Dated in July.
These parcels were given in July by the King, from the
bishopric of Winton :

497 'To Sir John Gates, the manors of Sutton, Ropley, &c.

ToSn Joiin jj^ the counties of Southampton and Surrey, to the yearly
value of 145/. 19^. 9^cl

To Sir Phi- To Sir Philip Hoby, the manor of Marden, &c. in the

county of Southampton, to the value of 811. 18s. Id. per

To Sir All- To Sir Andrew Dudley, the manor of Witney, &c. to the

iJy^ "" ' value of 180/. l^d.

To Sir Hen- To Sir Henry Seimour, lands to the yearly value of 186/.

ry Seimour. . ¦,
To William To William Fitzwilliams, the manor of High Clere, &c.

,^'*'""" to the yearly value of 84/. 17*. M.

To Henry To Henry Nevyl, the manor of Margrave, &c. to the

^'*^^'y'- yearly value of 114/. 18.*. 10(/.

To several Annuities, dated in September, to several Frenchmen,

c imen. j^,y,jj,jgtgj.s^ probably, and others, fled from their own coun-

try for the persecution ;] viz.

£. s. d.

Francis de Bignon 37 10

Abraham Parady 27 7 6

John de Len 27 7 6
to be paid from the first of January last.

ToSirWii- The office of steward of the lordship of Sheriff Hutton^

ing. *^ ^ ' and constableship of the castle of Sheriff Hutton in York-

shire, to Sir William Pickering, knight, for life, with all fees

and profits thereunto accustomed, together with the her-

bage and pannage of the park thereof; paying so much

yearly as Charles Brandon, [late brother to the Duke of

Suffolk,] deceased, did. Dated in August.

£. s. d.

Nic. Du INIenir

27 7 6

Galliot Tassat

27 7 6

Collin le Cout

18 5


The office of the King"'s apothecary to John Heming- CHAP,

way, for hfe ; and a fee of 40 marks per annum. Dated in ^ " "

To William

September. Anno 1551,

A gift to William Thomas [clerk of the Council] in fee-Heming-
simple, of all the manor of Garway, with the appurtenances, way.
in the county of Hereford ; and divers other lands, to the 7^^,
•^ ' I nomas.
yearly value of 351. per annum, to be held in capite by the

fortieth part of a knight's fee. Dated in September.

The creation of Sir William Herbert, knight, and hisToSirWii-

heirs male, to the barony of Cardiff in Glamorganshire ; bert."^*^'

and to be lords of the Parliament, with the name, title, and

state thereof. Dated in October.

His creation to the earldom of Pembroke, with the name, To the

title, and state thereof Dated as above, with 40Z. by year, ^^^^'

to be paid of the customs of Bristol.
The creation of John Earl of Warwick, and of his heirs To John

male, to the dukedom of Northumberland, with 50 marks ^^anvi^ck.

by year, to be paid of the customs of Newcastle. Dated as

The creation of Henry Marquis of Dorset, and his heirs To Henry

male, to the dukedom of Suffolk, with 50 marks by year, to ^^;^^:2.';'' "^

be paid of the customs of Hippeswich, Dated as above.

The creation of William Earl of Wiltshire to the mar-ToWiiiiam

quisy of Winton, and his heirs male, with 50 marks by year, ^ius"^

out of the fee-farms of Winton. Dated as above.
To Sir John Mason, and the Lady Elizabeth his wife. To Sir John

and their heirs, of the manor of Apulford in Berks, with ^^^^°"-

divers other lands, of the yearly value of 104/. 5s. 6^d. 498

Dated in October.

A gift to William Earl of Pembroke, and his heirs, of To William

162?. Ss. 5d. being several rents reserved of the house and peujbroke.

scite of the late monastery of Wilton in Wilts, and divers

other lands : as also of the manor of Bishopston, alias

Eblesborn, in the same county, of yearly value 43Z. 2*. ^d.

Dated as above.

The office of general warden or keeper of the marches To the

of England, towards the parties of Scotland ; that is to say, ^"^t^u^



BOOK to the east march, the west marcli, and middle march, nigh

• the King's dominions of Scotland, to John Duke of Nor-

Anno i55i.thumberland ; with authority to do and exercise all things

appertaining to the same office, in as large and ample man-

ner, as by authority of Richard II. Henry IV. Henry V.

Henry VL Edward IV. Richard III. Henry VII. Henry

VIII. it hath been used; and to see the same well fortified

with weapons of war, for the safeguard of the King's liege

people, and the sure defence of the town and castle of Ber-

wick : and to appoint, ordain, and constitute under him a

sub-warden ; and to have the preeminences, liberties, and

commodities belonging to the same office, to him and his

deputies, in as large and ample manner as any heretofore

had the same. Dated in October.

To Sir Wii- A gift to Sir William Cecyl, and Lady Mildred his ^v^fe,

and to the heirs of the said William, of the manor of Bere-

hamstow and Deping, with the appurtenances, in the county

of Lincoln ; and of the manor of Thetford-hall in the same

county ; and also of the reversion of the manor of Barow-

down, alias Wrangdike, with the appurtenances, in the

county of Rutland, granted to the Lady Elizabeth for life,

by the King's letters patent, dated at Westminster, an. 4

reg. Also of the reversion of the manor of Liddington in

the county of Rutland, granted to George [Gregory] Lord

Crumwel, and Lady Elizabeth his wife, during their lives.

Also the moiety of the rectory of Godstow, alias Waltham-

sted, with divers other lands, to the value of 152/. 3*. Sfrf.

To be holdcn in capite by the half part of a knight's fee.

Dated in October.
To Sir Ro- The office of master of the hospital of the Savoy, in the

parish of St. Clement of Dacars, without the bars of the

New Temple, in the county of Middlesex, to Sir Robert

Bows, knight, for life, with all manors, lands, tenements,

and hereditaments to the same belonging. Dated in No-

To Sir John The office of clerk of the Parliament granted to Sir John

Fr^^s'ii-"' Mason, knight, and Francis Spilman, for their lives, with


the fee of 40/. by year, to be paid by the keeper of the CHAP,

hamper of the Chancery, quarterly: and the old letters ^^^'

patents cancelled to this joint patency. Anno 1351,
Annuities of 100/. to Richard Goodric and John Lucas. To Goodric

[These were the King^s lawyers, employed by him in many ""''^ ^"'^'•

commissions.] Dated in December.
The office of deputy warden of the west marches towards To the Lord

Scotland, to the Lord Conyers, with the fee of 600 marks ^""y"""'-

per annum, and for two deputies, 10/. per annum. Dated

in December.

The office of deputy warden of the east marches towards To SirNic.

Scotland, to Sir Nic. Strelly, with the fee of 700 marks per^^*''"^'

annum: with like allowance for deputies and sergeants.

Dated as before.

The office of deputy warden of the middle marches, to the 499

Lord Ogle, with the fee of 500 marks per annum ; with Hke '^'« ^o'd

commission and authority as the others have. Dated as before. ^^^^'
A grant to Sir John Mason, knight, of the lease and'foS"Jol>n

farm of Yelingbery and Wormold in the county of Middle- ^^''°"-

sex, in the parishes of Yelding and Fulham, demised by

the Bishop of London to the Duke of Somerset, being pre-

sently in the King^s disposition, as a chattel of the said

Duke's. Dated as before.

A gift to Sir Thomas Wroth, as well in consideration of To SirTho.

his service, as of surrendering into the King's hand an an-^''°^^"

nuity of 100 marks, of the manor of Lydiard in the county

of Somerset, and divers other lands, to the yearly value of

84/. 8*. U^d. to hold partly by fealty only in soccage, and

partly in capite : paying yearly for the manor of Thoyden

Boys QQs. for the scite and demean lands of Berden, [a

late priory,] 47*. for the scite and demean of Abendon,

11*. and for the lands and tenements in Chulden, IQd.

and for the manor of Lydiard, 10/. and for the manor

of Thoyden Bois, [mistaken by the scribe for some other

place,] 51. 18*. 2>^d. Dated as before.

A gift, dated in the said month of December, to the Duke To the Duke

of Northumberiand, being the scite of the late monastery of"^^'^'"-

Tinmouth in the county of Northumberland, and a great land!*""'"


BOOK number of lordships and manors more. And another gift to

him of the towns of Alnwick, S:c. in the same county.

Anno 1551. Dated as before.
To Rose A patent to Rose Fisher, being a widow, of a sistership
within St. Bartholomew"'s hospital in Smithfield. Dated 27th

September. [December it should be.]

Tothei\iar- A gift of the King to the Marquis of Northampton, of
tiiainptou. ^11 t^i^ possessions and goods belonging to the late fraterni-

ties of our Lady, of St. Peter and St. Paul, of the Trinity,

and of St. George, wathin the tow^n of Boston in Lincoln-

shire : with a licence to him to erect an hospital within the

said town of Boston ; and to give for the maintenance of the

same, 50^. of yearly revenue for ever : which hospital shall

be called, The hospital of the foundation of William Mar-

quis of Northamjjton. Dated January 13.

1552. A pardon granted to Henry Nevyl, Lord Burgavenny,
To the Lord ^^^ striking; a nobleman \viz. the Earl of Oxford] in the
Burgaveny. _ ci l j
King's chamber of presence. Dated April 6.

ToHanip- Clcrks of the Council had these fees granted them in

mas', and' April ; VIZ. to Bernard Hampton, esq. 50 marks ; to Wil-

Wade. liam Thomas, esq. 40Z. to Armagil Wade, esq. 50Z. payable

out of the Exchequer. Their patents for these fees bore

date May 12 following.

To the Duke A patent granted to the Duke of Northumberland, of

b'eriand ^^'^ officcs of the chief Stewardship, as well of the East Rid-

ing in the county of York, as also of all the King's lord-

ships and manors of Holderncs and Cottingham, with the

appurtenances, in the said East Riding ; with the grant of

several fees belonging to the said several high stewardships:

and also the authority to name and appoint, by writing un-

der his hand, all offices of under-stewards, bailiffs, eschea-

tors, feudaries, clerks of the crown courts, and other offi-

cers, whatsoever they be, within the East Riding, and Hol-

dernes, and Nottingham, when they shall chance to be void.

500 And also, that no particular officer shall grant, by copy of

court-roll, or let to farm, any lands within the East Riding

aforesaid, without the consent of the Duke. And moreover,

to have the keeping of the manor and park of Scroby in


Nottinghamshire, with the fee of 5/. 5s. 5^d. and to have CHAP,

the barlage and pannage of the said park for term of life,

for the rent of 61. to be paid at the Court of Augmentations. Anno 15.52.

Dated April 23.
A patent granted to Sir William Sidney, of the honour To sir Wii-

of Penshurst in Kent, and of the manors of Ensfeld in '*"* * "^^'

Cepham and Hawden in the same county, lately parcel of the

inheritance of Sir Rauf Fane, knight, attainted of felony ;

and also free warren in the park, with all the deer and co-

nies in the said park, to him and his heirs : and also to have

all the lands, goods, chattels, lead, utensils, vessels, mares,

geldings, mules, and other things, in and upon the said

chief mansion of Penshurst, or within the foresaid manor of

Ensfeld and park, which were the said Fane's, October 2

last past, and came to the King''s hands by his attaint : and

to have the issues and profits of all the premises from the

day of the attainder of the said Rauf. Dated April 25.
A patent granted to Sir Henry Gates, knight, and of the To Sir Hen-

King's privy chamber, of the chief messuage in Kew in the

parish of Mortlack in the county of Surrey, with the appur-

tenances, which came to the King's Majesty by the attain-

der of Sir Miles Partridge, to him and his heirs : as also of

the manor of East Greenwich, by fealty in soccage, and not

in cap'ite. And to have the reversion of the advowson of

Bernstow, after the Earl of Pembroke, if he shall fortune

to decease without heirs male of his body begotten. And to

have all the issue and profits of the premises from the time

of the attainder of the said Partridge. Dated April 26.
Another patent to him of all the goods and chattels ofxo the

Sir Miles Partridge, being at his house at Kew at the time**^"'^'

of his attainder. Dated April 20.
The King appointed for his mint Thomas Egerton, To Eger-

esquire, treasurer of the mint of the Tower; Thomas Stan-j^'^'g^^j**"'

ley, comptroller ; William Billingsley, assay-master ; John Hngsiey,

Munds, provost. Dated in April.

A patent granted to the Earl of Warwick, [Ambrose, To the Earl

eldest son to the Duke of Northumberland,] to be master ''^^^'*'""''''''-

of the King's horses, upon surrender of the King's letters


BOOK patents of the same office by the Earl of Pembroke, being

of the date of December 2, S° reg. for his life: and for the

Anno 1552. occupation of the said office to have 100 marks at the re-

ceipt of the Exchequer. Dated April 29-

To Sir John ^ patent granted to Sir John Mason, knight, one of the

Council, and Elizabeth his wife, of the fee-farm of all the

manor of Wrotham in Kent, with the appurtenances, late

parcel of the possessions of the Archbishop of Canterbury ;

which be extended to the yearly value of 40/. 10*. Q>\d.

Dated May 3.

To Sir John An annuity granted to Sir John Godsalve of 60Z. by the

TO saxe, yg^j.^ upon the surrender of the office of comptrolment of

the mint in the Tower of London, durante vita. Dated as

ToSirEdw. A patent granted to Sir Edward Bray, of the constable-

'^'^^' ship of the Tower, in reversion after the death of Sir John
Gage, by the fee of 501. per annum. Dated May 28.

501 A patent granted to John Earl of Bedford, and lord

^"*^'l^^''' privy seal, of the gift of Covent-garden, lying in the pa-

rish of St. Martin's in the Fields next Charing-cross, witli

seven acres called Long Acre, of the yearly value of 61. 6s.

8d. parcel of the possessions of the late Duke of Somerset.

To have to him and his heirs, to be held in soccage, and

not hi capife. Dated in May.

To Christ's A patent granted to Christ's college in Cambridge, of the
college, />T» •/-^I'l 11 -11
Cambridge, manor oi Burne m Cambridge, and the parsonage with the

advowson of the same, in the said Burne, late belonging to

the priory of Barnwel in the said county : upon the surren-

der of one annuity of 20/. granted to the said college by

King Henry VIII. to be levied yearly of the manor of Wet-

ing in the county of Norfolk, in pitram et perpetuam elee-


To Sir ^ grant to Sir Roger Cholmely, of the office of chief

Choinieiy, justicc. To Henry Bradshaw, of chief baron of the Ex-

Griffittlnd chequer. To Edmund Griffith, of the office of attorney-

Gosnoid. general of all the courts of record within England. And to
John Gosnold, of solicitor-general. Dated in June.

L. Robert A grant of master of the buckhounds to the Lord Robert



Dudley, for life, with the yearly fee of 33/. 6s. 8d. upon CHAP,

surrender of the same by the Earl of Warwick, [his bro- ^^^*

ther.] Dated as before. Anno 1552.

Remission of a debt owing; to the King bv the Duke of To the Duke
AT -.1- 1 1 1 • 1-1 • ofNorth-
INortnumberland, ni sundry particular sums, amountmg to umber.

2094/. 17*. 3d Dated as above. '^°'^-

A grant to divers persons, aliens, being born out of the To divers

King's dominions, to detain every sum of money taxed on * '^"**

their heads for their relief, as of the King's gift. Dated as

A pardon granted to Sir John York, knight, under-trea-ToSir John

surer of the coin, money, and mints within the Tower of 'phrogmor-

London and Southwark ; to Nic. Throsrmorton, esquire, ^o". Sir

r.i J /. 1 • T • r.- \ ^ John God-
one 01 the under-treasurers 01 the said mints ; to Sir John salve, &c.
Godsalve, knight, comptroller of the mint within the Tower; offi^rsof

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