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which the King, for divers considerations, hath forgiven

him. [Sir John York, sub-treasurer, and divers other officers
of the mint, had these kind of pardons in December.]
To the Hi- A licence to John [Scory] bishop of Rochester, and Eli-
shop of Ko- y-abeth his wife, to cat flesh in Lent, and other fasting days,
Chester, , . i- « -r-v i • Tk.T
durino- his life. Dated in November.

To the Lord A letter to the Lord Chancellor, to cause a sufficient com-

chanceiior. jj^jsgion to be made, and sealed with the great seal of Eng-

land, of oyer and terminer, to the Lord Marquis of Win-

chester, that he may thereby be the King's seneschal hac







unica vice tantum, for the hearing and determining of the CHAP,

treasons and felonies of the Duke of Somerset ; giving the ^^^^•

date of the said commission the 28th of this month [of No- Anno issi,

vember]. And also to cause a commission of oyer and ter-^^^

miner to be directed to the two chief justices, and to their

associates: so that the said justices, and any other three of

their sociates, be of the quorum of the said commission : and

the same to be dated the 29th of this month ; for the trying

by the order of the laws, Sir Michael Stanhope, Sir Thomas

Arundel, Sir Rafe Fane, and Sir Miles Partridge, knts. John

Nudigate, and John Seimour, indicted with the said Duke.

Another letter to the said Ijord Chancellor, to cause the To the

commission of oyer and terminer, made to the chief justices*'*'"^'

of both the King's Benches, for the trial of the treasons of

Sir Michael Stanhop, and others, to be made again to the

Earl of Bedford, Viscount Hereford, Lord Cobham, the

Lord Chief Baron, and after appointed in the said commis-

sion. Dated in November.
A warrant to Sir Anthony Darcy [who was now come To Sir An-

into the room of Sir Arthur Markhaml for the diet of the !!!°"^ ^'"¦'

Duke of Norfolk every month sithence the 29th of October

last, 20?. and for the diet of his man, every month 26.S. Sd.

and for wood, coal, and candle, 32,9.
And for the diet of Edward Courtney monthly, 51. Ss.

accounting twenty-eight days to the month : and 20*. for

his servant : and d)S. for wood, coal, and candle. Dated in


A warrant to the Chancellor of the Augmentation, and To the

other officers there, to pay to Thomas Bishop of Ely, to ^f X^AuJ-

whom the King hath committed the custody of the geat seal, mentations.

for his wages, diet, and livery of himself, and his ministers

of the Chancery, in as large manner as the Lord Rich or

any other had, from the 22d of December, an. 5. Edw. VI.

Six letters to being of one import, For the Bi-
signifying to them, that where the King's Majesty hath ap- g^^^o^f Bed-

pointed the Bishop of Ely, the Earl of Bedford, Sir John ford, &c.

Gates, Sir William Petre, Sir Rob. Bowes, and Sir Walter

Mildmay, to be his Highness"'s commissioners, to peruse and

11 4


BOOK consider the state of his Majesty ""s courts, and to understand

perfectly what debts be due unto him within the same ; his

Anno 1551. Majesty's pleasure is, that every one of them shall from

time to time be attendant upon the said commissioners,

giving unto them such instructions, and doing such things,

as the said commissioners shall think good to require of

them. Dated in December.

To the de- ^ letter to the deputy and council of Ireland, that in case

council of they shall think it convenient, they do establish in the same

ireJand. realm an office for the sealing and measuring of linen and

woollen cloths, as like offices be in this realm ; making rea-

sonable taxes for the same : and to grant a lease thereof to

John Colby, during the King's pleasure ; reserving to the

King such reasonable rents as they shall think good. Dated

in January.

To the Bi. A warrant to the Bishop of Ely, to make out a commis-

sion to the Lord Treasurer, to take the said [Bishop of Ely]

Lord Chancellor's oath.

To Sir Tiio. A pardon to Sir Thomas Palmer, of London, of all man-

ner of treasons, &c. Dated in February.

5 1 6 A bill to be enacted for legitimating as well the marriage

Mar*uL of °^ William Marquis of Northampton, and Elizabeth his

Northamp- wife, [his former wife yet living, from Avhom he was di-

vorced,] as the children born between them. Dated as


To the Lord A Warrant to the Lord Chancellor, to make forth writs of

execution of Sir Rafe Vane, Miles Partridge, Thomas Arun-

del, and Michael Stanhop, knts. that is to say, for heading

of Thomas Arundel and Michael Stanhop, and hanging the

rest. Dated as above.

For the la- A protection to beg, granted to the poor lazars of the

iMiie-end. house of our Saviour Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalen, at

Mile-end, [within the parish] of Stepenhuche, [Stepney,]

in the county of Middlesex : and John Mills appointed their

proctor. Sealed February 18.

Protections A protection, or licence to beg, granted to Richard Pope,

'^^' of the parish of Henly, in the county of Hertford, to beg

within the county of Hertford : and the same to endure for


one whole year. February 16. [These protections, granted CHAP,

both to hospitals and necessitous persons, were frequently ^^^^•

practised, as appears by these following, besides tliose above, Anno issi.

granted in February.]
A protection granted to Thomas Drauffield in Darby, to

beg within the counties of York and Leicester, and the city

of York, and not elsewhere, during one whole year.
A protection granted to the lazars of the hospital of St.

Peter nigh St. Edmund's Bury: and George Hodgson,

guide of the house, appointed their proctor. To dure one

A protection granted to the lazars of the house of Mary

Magdalen and St. Anthony of Becoles in Suffolk : and Ed-

ward Lydgate appointed their proctor.

A protection granted to the hospital of the brethren with-

out Bishopsgate, London : and Thomas Haliday appointed

their proctor.
A protection granted to the hospital of our Lady and St.

Katharine, at Newington in Surrey : William Cleybroke their

proctor. All these dated in February.
A protection granted to the hospital of Bethlem without

Bishopsgate : John Whitehed their proctor : to beg within

the counties of Lincoln and Cambridge, the city of

London, and Isle of Ely: to endure for a whole year..

March 7.
A licence to beg, for Nicolas Sandburne, of Barkeham,

in the county of Berks, in consideration of a fire : to beg

within the county of Southampton, the Isle of Wight, the

town of Southampton: to endure for one year. Dated

March 22. [Such licences I find sometimes for losses by

fire : but the licences extended not but to one county or

A warrant to the Chancellor of the Augmentation, and to For the Bi-

the other officers, to pay to Thomas Bishop of Ely, and * "^ ° ^'

lord chancellor, for his wages, diet, and livery of himself,

and of the masters of the Chancery ; that is to say, after

the rate of 542/. 15*. by the year, from the 19th of January,

an. 5. reg. Edw. VI. so long as he shall exercise the same


BOOK office: and for his attendance in the Star-chamber, after the

rate of 50/. every terra : and after the rate of 300Z. by year

Anno 1531. over and above his said allowances quarterly. Dated in

^ 1 1 March.
1552. A letter of thanks to Albert Marquis of Brandenburgh,
To the Mar- for falcons Sent yearly unto the King; by hiin. Dated in

finis of J J a J

Branden- IMarch 1552.
burgh. j^ licence to Henry Smith of London, merchant, to bring
Smith. "ito the realm such persons as he shall think meet, for mak-

ing of glass, of like fashion and goodness to that which is

called Normandy. Dated in April.

To the Lord A warrant to the Lord Chancellor, to make out several

Chancellor. ^^^-^^^ ^^ Robert Brook, James Dier, John Caril, Thomas

Gawdy, Richard Catlyn, Rafe Rooksby, AVilliam Staun-

ford, and WiUiam Dallison, esquires, that in consideration

that his Majesty hath nominated and appointed them to be

sergeants at the law, to prepare themselves for the execution

of the same, upon pain of forfeiture of lOOOZ. apiece accord-

ingly. Dated in June.

To the Lady A letter to the Lady Anne of Cleves, requiring her to

cieves. S^^'^ order for the going through with the exchange for the
manor of Bisham. Dated in June.

To the A patent of hcence granted to the mayor and burgesses of

Boston! Boston, in the covmty of Lincoln, that Sir William Cecil,

knt. their recorder, may make his deputy in the said office ;

proviso, that the said deputy be learned in the law. Dated

in June.

To the Mar- A warrant to the Lord Marquis of Winchester, master of

Winciies- ^^^^ wards and liveries, signifying, that whereas it is found,

ter, for that the late Duke of Somerset alienated certain lands which

mour. " came unto him by Katharin Fylol, his first wife, to the yearly

value of 67/. 16s. 8d. which should have descended to John

Seimour, his eldest son, that he, according to the late act of

Parliament for the limitation of the said late Duke of So-

merset's lands to the heirs begotten of the body of the Lady

Anne, his second wife, appoint unto him so much thereof as

shall amount to the same sum ; and to award that he may

have the same quietly. Dated in July.


A licence to John Day, printer, of London, to print a CHAP.

Oatechism, both in Latin and Enghsh, which the King's . ' ' ' '

Majesty hath caused to be set forth. Dated in September. Anno 1552.

A passport for two of the late Scotch King's bastard sons, ^^y*^"^"

to transport out of the realm four dozen of bow s, twenty For the

dozen of arrows, and four gross of strings, and two geldings. basJard'"^'*

Dated in October. s«'is-

A warrant to the treasury of the chapter, [of the knights For the

of the Garter,] to allow, from the 5th of July last unto the ams^and

7th of October, unto Garter king of arms, 10.9. by the day ; heralds,

unto Norroy, 6^. Sd. by the day ; to Clarentieux, 6s. 8d. by

the day ; to Somerset, 4*. by the day ; to Rouge Dragon,

25. by the day ; to Blue Mantle, ^s. by the day ; and to al-

low to Ulster king of arms, for his diet, only 6s. 8d. by the

day. This for their diet in their attendance on his Majesty

in this time of his progress. Dated in October.
A letter to Sir Andi'ew Dudley, for his revocation from To Sir An-
^ • nr • • ^ drew Dud-
the captainship of Guisnes, to serve about his Majesty m theiey.

place of one of the four principal gentlemen of his Highnesses 518

privy chamber. Dated in the month above.
A licence to Thomas Galtier, of London, to print in French To Thomas
^ , P . Galtier.
all such books of the Church as shall be set torth. [As

Common Prayer Books, Homilies, Injunctions, &c. for the

use of the churches in Calais, Guisnes, the isles of Jersey,

Guernsey, &c.] Dated in December,

A licence to Edward Prime, Thomas Hicks, and Robert To Edward
„ -P, . I I Prime, &c.
Butler, merchants-adventurers of the city of Bristol, to choose of Bristow.

a master of the said mystery, and two wardens thereof. And

that it shall be a corporation in itself for ever. Dated in


A warrant to the keeper of Mortymer park, and the little JJ'Jj^^'''^^'^'

park in the county of Berks, to deliver to Sir Philip Hoby

thirty timber oaks growing there. A hke warrant to the

keeper of East Hemsted, in the said county, for the like

number. [To build him, it may be, an house at Bisham ;

the monastery there being granted to him.] Dated in



BOOK A warrant to the Lord Chancellor, to cause to be made

and dh-ected forth process for the calling and summoning of

Anno 1552. the Parliament at Westminster, against the 1st of March.

ChaJcenon ^^^^^^ ^" January.
To Sir An- A Warrant to Sir Andrew Dudley, to deliver to John
drew Dud- Bri[]ges ten yards of crimson velvet, to make his Majesty a
kirtle and a whode for his Parliament robes. Dated in


A lette;

.absent frc

cient proxy to some discreet personage of the State.

To the Bi- ^ letter to the Bishop of Peterburgh, licensing him to be

Peterburgh. absent from the next Parliament, so as he make out his suffi-

To John j^ licence granted to John Harwel, and other nine in the

Harwel &c. ^
county of Suffolk, clothiers, to make five hundred coarse
cloths, so the same be made by Michaelmas next coming :

and to sell the same to one Richard Crag, of London, dra-

per, his executors or assigns ; and to carry the same out of

the realm during the space of one year after the date hereof,

into the parts of Danske, or East Land, upon condition that

he shall bring in, to the King's Majesty's use, cables, cord-

age, and oars, for the furniture and munition of the King's

ships. Commanding the customers, comptrollers, searchers,

to take of him sufficient surety at the time of the shipping,

for the bringing in of the cordage, and other marine muni-

tion, to the value of the same cloths : provided, that the fore-

said parties, after this number of cloths so made, shall not

make or continue their trade. Dated February 10.

To the Mar- j^ warrant to William Marquis of Winchester, master of

Chester. the wards and liveries, and to the council of the same

court, to make such books and writings for the assurance of

the wardship and marriage of Sir Edward Seimour, with the

keeping, use, order, and receipt of certain manors, lands,

tenements, he. to the yearly value of 5001. and above, to the

Earl of Warwick. Dated in February. The patent was

signed March 30 following.

To the Mar- A letter of gratulation to the Marquis of Brandenburgh :

Br'anden- U^^ Sending the King falcons, as he did yearly.] Dated

burgh. in February.


A letter to Margaret Tayler, widow, to join in marriage chap.

with John Canslare, gentleman of the King's chapel. Dated ^^^^'

as before. Anno 1552.

A licence to William Seres, for years, to print the cansiare,
books of private prayers, [viz. such as were called Primers.] 519

Dated as before. T" ^'"'^"^

A warrant to Sir Edmund Peckham, todehver to Andrew -p^ Sir Ed-

Wise 4000/. to be employed by him towards the payment, "'"iJ Peck-

as well of the charges of the mines in Ireland, as otherwise,

by order of the Privy Council, for the King's service. Dated

ill March.
A warrant to Sir Edmund Peckham, to dehver to Benjamin To the

Gonson, treasurer of the admiralty, the sum of 6000Z. to

be by him defrayed towards the discharge of such debts as

are due within that office, for the marine affairs. Dated

in March.
A warrant to to deliver to Benjamin Gon-For Benja-
son, treasurer of the admiralty, the sum of 460/. about "^j" '^'""

victualling and furniture of such ships as are presently sent

forth for the apprehension of Strangwich the pirate. Dated

in March.

A warrant to deliver to Sir Maurice Denys, by way of For Sir

prest, 6000/. to be by himself defrayed about the King's ije„ys^

affairs in his office and charge. Dated as above.
Another warrant to deliver to Andrew Wise 6000/. to be For An-

delivered by him to the executors of Martin Pirry, late trea-

surer of the mines in Ireland. Dated as above.
A letter to the commissioners of the sales of lands, to pass For the

to the Earl of Pembroke certain lands after the rate of twenty Pembroke,

years' purchase : and to pass to Sir William Petre certain '^|'j,''^pg^|.g

lands after the same rate ; he paying two parts in hand, and

a third at Michaelmas. Dated as above.
A licence of privilege granted to John Day, printer, for issa.

printing of a Catechism in English, with the brief of an^^ ° "

A. B. C. thereunto annexed : and also the printing and re-

printing of all such works and books, devised and compiled

by the right reverend father in God, John, now Bishop of


BOOK Winton, or by Thomas Beacon, professor of divinity: so
"• that no such book, nor any part of them, be in any wise
Anno 1553. repugnant to the holy Scriptures, or proceedings in reU-
e-ion, and the laws of our realm. Dated at Westminster,
March 25.
For the A warrant to the Exchequer, to allow unto the Lord
Lord Whar-^y^j^j.^Qj^ the sum of 6127/. 12*. l^d. Who being charged
ton. _ ^ • 1 m c
with the said sum upon his account, for his late office oi

warden of the west marches against Scotland, and for the

office of general receiver of certain manors in the county of

Cumberland, by the space of eleven years, can pi'oduce war-

rant and sufficient authority for the allowance of the said

sum before the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exche-

quer. Which remission is granted to the same Lord Whar-

ton, as well for the consideration mentioned in the book, as

for his long and faithful service. And in the said remission

the Lord Dacre and the Lord Conyers must be also allowed

and discharged of their petition and demand touching the

exercising of the said offices for their time ; to be allowed by

the said treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer. Dated

in March.

To Peter A warrant to Peter Osborn, to disburse to Sir John

Gates, by way of loan, the sum of 400/. taking his obliga-

tion for payment thereof at Whitsuntide 1554. Dated as


520 -^ passport for Sir Hugh Willoughby, knt. to go beyond

the seas with four servants, monies, and his chain, &c. Dated

as before.

For the Bi- A warrant to deliver to the Bishop of Norwich the sum of

shop of oQQi by way of reward for his attendance all the last year

hitherto about London in his Majesty's service, being there-

unto commanded. Dated as above.

For the A warrant to deliver to the four principal gentlemen of

^'"K'^F'"- the privy chamber the sum of 1000/. to be by them de-

tiemen. frayed as out of his Majesty's purse. Dated in March.

For the A letter to the Chancellor of the Augmentations, to assign
Lady So- q^j. ^f ^j^g profits arising of the lands of the late Duke of
nierset. ^ °


Somerset 100?. to be delivered to the Lieutenant of the CHAP.

Tower of London, for the use of the Lady Somerset. ^^^^-

Dated in March. Anno 1553.

A letter to the Bishop of Worcester, licensing him to re- To the Bi-

pair to the Tower, to the Lady Duchess of Somerset, in this '^yor^ester

time of Easter. Dated in April.
A licence to Richard Tothel, printer, to print all manner To Richard

of books of the common law of this realm, for seven years. "^ '^ *

So as the first copies thereof be allowed by one of the jus-

tices of the law, or two sergeants, or three apprentices of the

law, whereof one to be a reader in the court, &c.
The custody of Thomas Philpot, lunatic, [or idiot, ac-ToLord

cording to another manuscript,] to the Lord Robert Dud-^^'^j^"*

ley, with all his lands, goods, &c. and the fee of 100 marks.

Dated April 17.

A warrant to the Lord Chancellor, authorizing him to To the Lord

name and appoint, from time to time, commissioners for '^"'^^ *^'^'

church goods, in lieu of such as shall happen to die, to be

sick, or otherwise occupied about the King's affairs. Dated

in April.
A warrant to the Lord Treasurer, to deliver to Sir An- To the Lord

drew Dudley out of his charge, certain pieces of coin of

gold of sundry coins, to the value of 1435Z. Qs. 6d. to be by

him kept to the King's Majesty's use; and for a device of

gold like a standing cup, with divers conclusions of arith-

metic, with certain boxes, and in one of them 24 counters

of gold, all weighing 108 ounces : two flagons of gold, with

chains of the same, weighing 165 ounces, being sent by the

Lord Admiral to the French Queen at the christening of

her son : one ring of gold, set with a long diamond, sent to

the Lady Elizabeth, daughter of France : one other ring,

set with a fair table diamond, given by his Majesty to the

Scots Queen, at her being here : a pearl pendent to a chain

enamelled, being set with diamonds, rubies, and pearls,

which was lost by his Majesty wearing the same : and for a

George of gold set with eight small diamonds, which was

the Earl of Southampton's, delivered to the said Lord Ad-

miral. Dated in April. [This was a discharge for these


BOOK jewels to Sir Andrew Dudley, who was keeper of the


Anno 1553. A Warrant to Sir Andrew Dudley, to deliver for the fur-

drew Dud"- i^iture of the wedding apparel, to the Lord Guilford, son

ley- to the Duke of Northumberland, and to the Lady Jane,

daughter to the Duke of Suffolk, certain parcels of tissues,

and cloths of gold and silver, of the late Duke's and Du-

chess's of Somerset, as appears by the same. Dated in


521 A like warrant to him, to take to himself, as of the King's
To the „\ft g^jjj ^ warrant to deliver to the Lord Chamberlain,

same. i r. i • • t

each of them eighteen yards of crimson velvet, for the livery
of the order of the Garter. Dated as above.

To the Two like warrants unto him, for ten yards apiece of

white sarcenet or taffety, to line the same liveries. Dated as

Passports Three several letters of commendation, or safe conduct

for three ^^ passport, for the three ships now going to the Newfound
Land, written in Latin, to all kings, princes, and other
states. Three other of the same effect written in Hebrew.

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