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BOOK vey and peruse the state of all the King's courts, erected
or kept for the custody of the King''s lands, and for the an-
Anno i552.swering and payment of any manner of rents and revenues,
489 &c. And instructions given to them in five articles.

Foikeepini? A commission, the same month, to Sir John Gates, au-

the seals of,..,. ni i • i ii>
tlie duchy, thorizmg hmi, as well to keep the privy and great seals ot

the duchy still, as also to do all other things that shall con-

cern the said office, during the King's pleasure, in as ample

manner as the Lord Paget had it, with authority to appoint

a vice-chancellor.

For the Commissions in May for the counties in England, to the

tices^of the uoblcmen, and other great men, to be the King's justices;

counties. ^^^ inquire of all treasons, misprisions of treason, insurrec-

tions, rebellions, imlawful assemblies, and conventicles, unlaw-

ful speaking of words, confederacies, conspiracies, false allega-

tions, contempts, falsehoods, neglects, concealments, riots,

routs, murders, felonies, &c.

For sale of A commission in June for the sale of chantry lands, di-

lands. rected to Sir John Gates, Sir Robert Bows, Sir Richard

Sackvile, Sir Walter Mildmay, knights ; Richard Goodrick

and John Gosnold, esquires.

To survey Divers conmiissions and instructions in June, to certain

&c. beions;- persons within every shire of the realm ; to view and survey

ing to ti^g bells, plate, iewels, vestments, or ornaments, belonging
churches. i / • , • , • i , • i i
to every church within the said shire ; and to take account,

and seize into their hands, to his Majesty's use, such of the

said goods as have been at any time since or before the last

survey embezzled away.

ToCiaren- A Commission to Thomas Hawly, alias Clarentieux, king

survey of ^^ amis, and principal herald from the river of Trent south-


ward ; to visit and oversee within his province, the arms,

devices, and cognisances of all noble and gentlemen : and if

any fault be found in any their coat armours, standards,

banners, &c. contrary to the usage of this realm, to give

knowledge thereof to the King's Majesty and his Council.

For trial of ^ commission in September, to Sir Roger Cholmely,

of Durhaui. Sir Richard Rede, John Gosnold, Richard Goodrick, Ro-

bert Chidley, Stamford, esquires, and Richard Liel,


doctor of law, or to seven, six, or five of them ; to examine ch AP.

and call before them, at such times and places as they shall xxix.

think convenient, Cutbert, bishop of Durham, [and examine Anno 1552.

him,] of all manner of conventicles, conspiracies, contempts,

and concealments, or other offences: and if he be found

guilty, to deprive him of his bishopric, and otherwise to do

the premises according to their wisdoms, &c.
A commission, dated in October, to tlie Archbishop ofrorpunish-

Canterbury, the Bishop of London, and others, for exami- '"'^"* °*^ "'

' , ' ... roneous
nation and punishment of erroneous opinions in religion. opinions.
A commission, in December, to John Duke of Northum- For exami-

berland, John Earl of Bedford, Henry Duke of Suffolk, the ;'^\";;^^"J^^

Marquis of Northampton, the Earl of Shrewsbury, the Earl of the trea-

of Pembroke, the Lord Darcy, Sir Thomas Cheyney, Sir

John Gates, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Walter Mildmay, and

Tliomas Mildmay, esq. or to five of them ; to call before

them, at such time and place as they shall think meet, the

treasurer, under- treasurer, and teller of the Exchequer, the

treasurer of the Court of Augmentations, the treasurer of

the Chamber, the treasurer of the First-fruits, the receiver-

general of the Wards, the receiver-general of the duchy of

Lancaster, the treasurer of the town and marches of Calais, 49O

the treasurer of the town and garrison of Berwick, and all

other treasurers, which now be, or heretofore have been,

since the 24th year of the King's Majesty ""s father"'s reign, or

their heirs or executors ; or all and every paymaster, sur-

veyor, mustermaster, purveyor, victualler, and other per-

sons, which at any time within the time aforesaid have re-

ceived of the King"'s Majesty, or his said late father, any

sum or sums of money, treasure, bullion, victuals, provision,

or other goods and chattels, either to be employed in the

wars, buildings, fortifications, or other affairs ; causing and

compelling them which have not yet accounted for their

several charges and receipts, to make and declare before

them a full and perfect account of all such sums of money,

obligations, specialties, treasures, bullion, victuals, provi-

sions, &c. as they, or any of them, received ; and also of the


BOOK payment, and cUsbursagc, and discharge of the same, and

'^' every part thereof. And if any of them shall be found in-

Aiino i552.debted to the King, to proceed for the due satisfaction and

payment thereof.

To inquire A Commission, in the same month, to the Duke of Northum-

behuS; berland, the Earl of Bedford, the Earl of Huntingdon, Lord

plate, &c. Darcy, Lord Chnton, Sir Richard Cotton, Sir Ralph Sad-

ler, Sir Phihp Hoby, Sir Walter Mildmay, Richard Good-

rick, Thomas Mildmay, or to four of them ; not only to see

how the King''s Majesty is satisfied of all such lead, bel-

metal, plate, jewels, ornaments, stock and store-goods, as

come and is due unto the King's Majesty by reason of divers

commissions and visitations, and by reason of the dissolution

of divers monasteries, priories, colleges, chantries, &c. and by

attainder of divers persons; but also for divers forfeits of

jewels, silver, bullion, plate, gold, and silver.

Commis- A Commission, in January, to the Bishop of Ely, lord

qui'JyTnio" chancellor, the Bishop of Norwich, Sir Richard Cotton, &c.

monies due to examine, search, and try, as well by the record of the

Chancery, as by all other ways, what sums of money were

at any time heretofore due unto the King or his father, for

the sales of lands, possessions, sithence the 4th of Feb. an.

27 Henry VIII. and how the same was answered.

For coiiec- A commission, in the same month, to Sir Richard Cotton,

*'°" f Sir John Gates, Sir Robert Bowes, Sir John Mason, Sir

church / _ '
stuff. John Baker, Sir Walter Mildmay, John Lucas, Thomas
Mildmay, esquires, or to four of them ; for the collection of
church stuff, plate, jewels, ornaments, &c.
For deter- A commission, in February, to the Dean of St. PauFs,
mSbe- Thomas Gawdy, Griffyn Leyson, William Staunford, Wil-
tweenFran.]iam Cook, and Richard Catlyn, or to three of them ; for
^c_ ' the understanding, hearing, and final determining of a
matter in controversy between Francis Chaloner, and Agnes
his wife, daughter to Sir William Bowyer, late alderman of
London, deceased, and the executors and overseers of his
last will and testament.
A commission, dated in the foresaid month, to Richard


Stephen, for the finding of ores of gold and silver, and other CHAP.

metals, within the counties of Darby and Chester, with li- __i

cence of the owners. ^""o '^52.

A commission, the same month, to the Marquis of North- J'y °^^^

ampton, the Lord Bray, Sir John St. John's, Sir Urian silver ore.

Bruerton, Richard Snow, and Lewis Dy ve ; to make perfect in°„'pj|"rch

survey of all manner of church goods within the county of g<^ods.

Bedford. And that the like commissions be made out and 49 1

directed to the persons in the end of the said commissions,

for the shires, cities, and towns therein declared.
A commission, dated in March, to Thomas Bishop of '^^ ^*^'
. . ' Ti lands to
Norwich, Sir John Gates, Sir Philip Hoby, &c. to sell for raise

Iready money any of the King''s manors, lands, tenements, ™°"^y-

&c. to the yearly value of lOOOL
A commission, in April 1553, to Sir Richard Cotton, Sir 'ss.i.
To take ac-
Ralph Sadler, Sir Walter Mildmay, knights, and JEdmund count of the

Pigeon, clerk of the wardrobes, or to three, or two of them ; *pp^'^' '•*

» ' ... the ward-
to take account of Jane Cecyl, and Sir William Cecyl, knt. robe.

administrators of the testimony of Richard Cecyl, [yeoman

of the wardrobes, deceased,] for certain robes, apparel, and

jewels of the King, in the custody of the said Richard.

A commission, in May, to Sir Richard Cotton, Sir John To consider

Gates, Sir Roger Cholmely, &c. to call before them all trea- f^,. |i,g fan

surers, receivers, bailiffs, collectors, &c. or other persons, °^ '"""^y-

that do demand allowance for the falls of any sums of money

alleged to be lost, by reason of two proclamations ; and to

consider the same in their accounts.

To these commissions I add a few proclamations.

II. Proclamations.

A proclamation that none should melt any testour or shil- ,^./^^/'

ling, groat, half-groat, penny, halfpenny, or farthing, or any meitintt

other coin of silver, being current within the realm ; to make j^°""s coin

vessel, plate, or any other thing, upon pain of forfeiture of

four times the value of the money so molten, and to suffer

imprisonment and other pains. Dated in September 1551.

A proclamation declaring, that the King's Majesty hath Deciaring^

ordered and established to be made within his mints these yaUtes of*


BOOK several coins, as well of silver, in fineness of the standard, as

also of gold, as hereafter ensueth: that is to say, one piece

Anno 1551. of silver monies, which shall be current for five shillings of

gold and ^^^ lawful moiiies aforesaid ; another piece, which shall be
silver coin. ^
called the piece of tzoo slnU'ings and shpcnce of the lawful

monies ; the third piece, which shall be called the sterliiig

shilling, current for twelve pence ; the fourth piece, which

shall be half of the said shilling, shall be current for sixpence.

Also the King''s Majesty hath ordered to have four pieces

of small monies made likewise current : that is to say, the

first piece shall be called a peuTiy, with a double rose, and

shall be current for a penny of the lawful monies aforesaid ;

the second shall be called an halfpenny^ with a single rose ;

and the third piece ajarth'ing^ with a portcullis. [A fourth

piece is here wanting, whether it should be the groat or the

twopence, I know not.]

And of the coins of gold as here ensueth : that is to say,

the old sovereign of fine gold, which shall be current for

thirty shillings of lawful money of England ; another piece

of fine gold, called the angel, shall be current for ten shil-

lings ; the third piece of fine gold, which shall be called the

angelet^ half of the angel, current for five shillings. And

further, a whole sovereign of crown gold shall be current for

twenty shillings; the second piece of crown gold, which

shall be called the half sovereign, shall be current for ten

492 shillings; and the third piece of crown gold, which shall be

called a crown, current for five shillings ; the fourth piece of

crown gold, which shall be called the halfcroion-^ shall be cur-

rent for two shillings sixpence of the lawful monies aforesaid.
And the King's Majesty strictly chargeth and command-

eth all manner of persons within his realms and dominions,

to receive and pay the said several pieces of money, as well

of silver as of gold, at the several rates before rehearsed,

upon pain of the King''s high displeasure, and to be further

punished as his Highness shall think convenient.

And his express commandment is, that all such base

monies which his Majesty did lately, by his several procla-


mations, reduce to the value of a lower rate, shall pass and CHAP,

go current in payment in like manner and sort as his High- "

ness's last proclamation did declare, until such time as his Anno is^i.

Majesty's mints may with diligence convert the same into

his said new coins ; which his Majesty mindeth to have done

with all possible expedition.
And his Majesty signifieth to all his loving subjects, that

if they do bring in a quantity of monies now current, into his

Grace"'s mint within the Tower of London, they sliall have

the same received there by tale at the value as they be now

current upon bills : and they shall, in as convenient time as

may, be repaid for the same monies now current by tale in

other the King's Majesty's new money afore declared. This

came forth in October 1551.

A proclamation, set forth in November 1551, declaring, That the

that the King's pleasure is, that the proclamation set forth ^^^.'^j^^f tlie

for the cessing the prices of cattle and other victuals, and prices of

all pains, forfeitures, and prices therein contained, shall from should

henceforth cease, and be put no further in execution. [The *^^^^-

proclamation for assessing the prices of cattle and provision,

and to which this refers, came out anno 1549, and may be

read in the foregoing history.]

A proclamation, in December 1551, charging and com- Against

manding all the King's true subjects not to credit such vain, j^oy\.s"of

false, and seditious rumours concerning certain pieces of his the King's

Highness's coin now made, which have been well stricken,

that his Majesty's arms do not appear in the same, &c. to be

seditiously declared.

A proclamation, the same month and year, prohibiting the Against

buying and selling of coin at other prices than the same is ''"y'"S '^"^

current by the King's late proclamation. coin.
A proclamation, Feb. 20, 1551, prohibiting frays and Against

fightings in cathedral churches, and bringing in horses and *^J*^.j,"g

moyles into the same.
A proclamation, in August 1552, to avoid all manner of 1552.

persons infected with pestilence, or other outrageous dis-so°[sfi!fect-'

eases, or having any person in their houses therewithal in- ed to avoid

fected, from the Court, and other places, whereunto the



BOOK King's Majesty shall repair in this his Majesty's progress:

and also forbidding any of the inhabitants of Pole or Win-

Anno 1552. burn Minster, by reason of the plague there, to resort to the

Court at AVoodlands, or Canford, during his Majesty's

abode there.

To put in A proclamation, in November 1552, willing and charging

an act for ^^^ justices of peacc diligently to liave respect to the due

tillage. execution of a statute made in the last session of the Parlia-

493 ment, for tillage, to be used as it was in any one year since

the first year of the reign of King Henry VIII.

For keeping A proclamation, in February 1552, that no person after

the publishing hereof, having no licence to eat flesh, do Avil-

hngly eat any manner of flesh in time of Lent, or other fast-

ing days, upon the pain and penalty contained in a statute

in that behalf made.

For the A proclamation, the same month and year, that no persons

(Tascotn ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^ ^y I'etail, sell above eight pence a gallon of

wine. Gascoin wine, four pence a pottle, and two pence a quart,

and a penny a pint, upon pain limited therefore.


Divers acts of the King's grace and favour, shewed to Ms

courtiers and others.

W E now proceed to set down various rewards, liberalities,

honorary and beneficial trusts, &c. conferred by the King

upon divers persons.
III. Gifts, grants, annuities and offices, pardons and


1550. An annuity of lOOZ. to William Cecyl, one of the King's

Annuity to secretaries, in consideration of his said office, during the

Cecyl, se- ' • i i ¦ n
eretary. King's pleasure : to be paid at the Augmentation, from
Michaelmas last, half yearly. Dated October , 1550.

Beii-ciap- ^ grant to Arthur Champion, and Joiin Chichester, of

i)crs crftnt-
ed to Cham- all the clappers of the bells commanded to be taken down

pion and ^yj^jji^ ^^ counties of Devon and Cornwall, witli all the

Cnicnester. •*


iron and other furniture thereunto belonging. Dated in CHAP.

November. "

A grant, dated in November, unto John Lord Sheffield, Anno 1550.

son and heir to Edmund, late Lord Sheffield, deceased ; to ^heffieid*"^**

bestow himself in marriage at his own free election and imJer age,

choice, without any fine or payment to be required in the ^^¦^^ m^r.

Court of Wards and Liveries, or elsewhere, to the King's '"'age.

use, for the value of his marriage, being in minority : in

consideration of the o-reat charoe that his said father sus-

tained in the King's war at Norwich. [Where he was killed

the last year.]

The office of steward of the manor of Rising in the To Sir John

county of Norfolk, and the constableship of the castle there, an°dSirRob.

to [Sir] John Robsert, and Sir Robert Dudley, [a son of Dudley,

the Earl of Warwick, and that married the daughter and

heir of the said Sir John,] for life, and to the longer liver of

them : with a fee of 40^. by the year for the office, of

stewardship, and for the constableship 13Z. 8d. per ann.

and for the office of master of the game 4/. 13*. 3d. per 494

ann. and 5Qs. 4(Z. for the wages of two forests : to be paid

by the receivers of the premises. Dated in December.

The office of master of the rolls to John Beaumont, esq. 'i'" J"'*"

for life ; with all fees and profits thereunto belonging, in as esq.

large and ample manner as Sir Robert Southwel lately had

it. Dated in December.

The office of keeping the chief messuage of the manor of To the Earl

Essher in Surrey, and the keeping of the gardens and or-°jp]j^^^j

chard there, with the office of lieutenant of the chase of Lord Lisle.

Hampton Court, to John Earl of Warwick, and John

Lord Lisle, during their lives, and the longest liver. Dated

in December.

An annuity of 51. to Nic. Bacon, esq. Avith the wardship To Nic.

and marriage of Edward Fox, without disparagement, dur-

ing his minority. And so from heirs male to heirs male.

Dated in January.

An annuity of 200 marks to Sir John Zouch, knt. for To Sir John

life, after Elizabeth Zouch's death, late abbess of Shafts-

p 4


BOOK bury: to be paid at the Augmentation quarterly. Dated

' in January.

Anno 1550. Sir Martin Bowes, sub-treasurer of the money and coin in

ToSirMar-jj^g mint of the Tower of London: which place he sur-
tin Howes. _ _ ^
rendered, and had an annuity granted him therefore, dated

the month above ; besides the annuity of 661. 13*. 4

him by the King his Majesty"'s father, for his good service

done in the said office.

To the A grant to the said Sir Martin, of the same date, wherein
*^"'"^' he was found indebted to the King in the sum of 10,000/.
upon his account taken by John Earl of Warwick, Sir

William Herbert, and Sir Walter Mildmay, commissioners

appointed to hear and determine all accounts and reckon-

ings of the King"'s mints within this realm, that he shall pay

and discharge the same as followeth ; that is to say, in hand

3000/. and so at divers payments the rest, allowing him

To the A pardon to Sir Martin Bowes, of all treasons, trespasses,
contempts, &c. done and committed by the said Martin,

concerning the money and coin of the King''s Majesty and

his father'^s, before the date of these presents; and of all

unjust and false making of money, and payments of the

same ; and of all other offences done contrary to the effect

of the common law, or contrary to any statute, act, provi-

sion, proclamation, &c. or contrary to any prescription, cus-

tom. Sec. Dated as above.

To Thomas The office of Clerk of the Coimcil to Thomas Marsh, for

life, after the death of Richard Eden and Thomas Eden,

with a fee of 40 marks per ann. to be paid at the Exchequer

quarterly. Dated in March.

To the Earl ^ ffift to John Earl of Warwick, in consideration of the
of War-
wick. manor of Assher and park, granted by the King, of all the
manor of Chelsey, and the chief mansion house. To the

yearly value of 301. Ss. Iff/. Dated in IVIarch.

To John The keeping of John Layland [Leyland] the younger,
being mad, to John Layland the elder, Avith all his lands,

tenements, rents, &c. in as large and ample manner as the


said John the younger, being in his right mind, had the cHAP.

same. Dated in March. XXX.

Guillim Stretes, the King''s painter, had paid him 50 Anno 1551.

marks, for reeompence of three great tables made by the^^o^"'"""

said Guilhm. Whereof two were the pictures of his High-

ness, sent to Sir Thomas Hoby and Sir John Mason, [am-

bassadors abroad,] the third a picture of the late Earl of 405

Surrey, attainted : and, by the Councirs commandment,

fetched from the said Guillim's house. Dated in March

To Sebastian Cabote [the great seaman] 200/. by way ofToSei»as-

the King's Majesty's reward. Dated in March 1551. tiaaCabote.
The creation of Sir Thomas Darcy, and his heirs male of To Sir The.

his body, to the title of Baron of Chich in Essex, by the ^'^^^'

voice of the Parliament. Dated in April.
A gift to the said Sir Thomas Darcy, and to his heirs To the

male, of the reversion of the house and seat of the late mo- **™^'

nastery of Chich St. Osyth, with the appurtenances, in the

county of Essex, with the house and scite the Lady Mary

hath during her life, with divers other lands, tenements, &c.

together with a further gift unto him in fee-simple, of the

manor of Lucton, alias Loughton ; with divers other lands

in the county of Devon. All extending to the yearly value

of 467/. 13^. Iff/. To hold the entailed lands in capite by

one knight's fee ; and the land in fee-simple in capite, by

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