September 6. [From his father"'s death to this time he had
no provision made for him.]
To John A pardon granted to John Seimour, [perhaps theDuke''s
brother,] of all treasons, &c. with all his goods and lands
To the Mar- A patent granted of exchange by the King's Majesty, to
thamuion. the Lord Marquis of Northampton, to have the lordship
and manor of Southwark, sometimes the Bishop of Win-
chester's, for the chief or capital mese of Lambeth, some-
times the Duke of Norfolk's, attainted of treason.
To Sir John A patent granted to Sir John Cheke, knight, one of the
privy chamber, to be one of the chamberlains of the Ex-
chequer, or of the receipt of the Exchequer : which was
once Sir Anthony Wyngfeld's office, now dead : and also to
appoint the keeper of the door of the said receipt, when the
room shall fall; and the appointing of all other officers be- CHAP,
longing to the same, for term of life. Dated at Sarura, '_
about September. Anno 1552.
A patent granted to John Peter, of Exeter, gent, for the To John
sum of 120/. 13*. 4fZ. to enjoy the mansion-house of the late
college or chantry of Slapton in the county of Devon,
parcel of the possessions and inheritance of Sir Thomas
Arundel, knt. [executed for felony,] and also the inanor of
Norton in the said county, and parcel of the foresaid col-
lege, and of the possessions of the said Arundel. All which
premises are extended to the yearly value of 61. Sd. to
him and his heirs, from the feast of the Annunciation last
past. Signed September 18.
A patent of an annuity of 10/. granted to Dr. Nicols;ToDr.
and licence to take the bodies of prisoners, both men and
women, after their execution. [For dissecting. He was, I
suppose, the King's chirurgeon or physician.]
An annuity of 110/. to James Moris and William Moris, '^'o -^^n^es
tor their lives : to be paid at the Augmentation, irom Mi- Moris.
chaelmas, ann. 38 reg: Hen. VIII. Dated in December.
A patent granted to Sir Henry Nevyl, knt. of the prebend 503
of South Cave in the county of York, with the parsonage ijg^^![ ^^"*
and advowson of the said South Cave, Waddisworth, and
Ottley; which extend to 84Z. 2.5. 8d. Dated in January.
A patent granted to Henry Duke of Suffolk, of the chief To the
messuage and mansion, called the Minory House, within the Suffolk.
precincts of the monastery called the Minories, without
Aldgate, London, and divers houses in London belonging
to the same : which extend to the clear yearly value of
S6l. lis. 5^d. [So it is set down in Chancellor Goodrick's
book, but in the Warrant-Book it is 37/. 11*. S^d.] To hold
in free soccage, and the capital house in capite : from the
feast of St. Michael. At Westminster. Dated Jan. 13.
A patent granted to the Earl of Darby, to have in ex- To the Earl
change of Darby-place, at Paul's- wharf, in the parish of "^ ^^^^y-
St. Benet's, in the city of London, now in the tenure of Sir
Richard Sackvyle, knt. and divers other messuages and he-
Q 3
BOOK reditaments sold by the said Earl to the King''s Majesty,
by his indenture bearing date November 24, anno reg. 6.
Anno 1552. certain lands, called Leonard's Lands, joining to the EarFs
parks, called Knowsley-park, in the county of Lancaster,
and lately belonging to the monastery of Bristow, of the
yearly value of 20*. with other lands, &c. to the value of
4Z. 10*. and a mese and a grange, called Badley Grange,
of the value of 42*. in Cheshire : all which amount to the
value of 7/. 12*. Dated Jan. 24.
For the An allocate for the Duke of Suffolk for 40Z. a year,
Suffolk. given him by the King with the erection of the dukedom
of Suffolk, directed to the Treasurer and Barons of the
Exchequer, for allowance of the same 40/. per annum.
To Barnaby An annuity of 150/. to Barnaby Fitz-Patric, one of the
gentlemen of the privy chamber, during pleasure. A licence
granted to him for this, dated February 6.
To Sir Nic. An annuity of 100/. to Sir Nic. Throgmorton, in consi-
ton."^™"'^' deration as well of the surrender of his office of one of the
treasurers of the coin of the mint in the Tower, as for his
faithful service, during life : granted Jan. 28. The patent
bore date in February.
To Sir An- A gift to Sir Andrew Dudley, of the manor of Mynster
^ rew u - Lovel, and the hundred of Chadlington, in the counties of
Oxon and Glocester, to the yearly value of 54/. 16*. 1^:^.
Dated in the month above.
To the Lord A patent granted to the Lord Robert Dudley, of the office
ley " capitalis tranchiatoris, i. e. of chief carver, upon the sur-
render of the said letters patents of the Duke of Northum-
berland his father, granted to him by King Henry VIII.
anno regni S7ii 34. for term of life ; which the King''s
Majesty hath had long in his Grace'^s hand : to have to the
said Lord Robert for term of life, with the fee of 50/. to be
received by the hands of the treasurer and chamberlain of
the Exchequer. And because the said Lord hath exercised
the said office from the feast of St. Michael hitherto, without
fee, the King hath granted to the same as many pence as
that allowance came to, of his free gift. Dated Feb. 27.
A grant to the Duke of Northumberland, of the manor CHAP,
. • - XXX
and borough of Stratford, and Old Stratford, in Warwick-
shire, with other lands, to the yearly value of 1000 marks. Anno 1552.
And another gift of the lordship, manor, and castle of Ke-p^"*
nelworth in the same county, and other lands, to the yearly Duke of
value of 40Z. 13*. l^d. And likewise the manor and town of J^'^^'^""^*
... berland.
Wellington in Somersetshire, with divers other lands, of the
yearly value of 104/. 15*. 5^d. But for these he surrendered
to the King the castle and manor of Tunbridge, and two
parks, called the Postern, and the Cage ; and certain lands
and chases of North Frith, &c. in Kent, Otford in the same
county, and Chelworth in Wilts. Dated in February.
The King, in the month beforesaid, lent a ship called the To George
Primrose, and a pinnace called the Moon, with all the tackle (j^rret
and apparel to them belonging, to George Barns, mayor of John York,
London, William Garret, one of the sheriffs, John York, windhaiii.
and Thomas Windham ; they engaging themselves, and be-
ing bound to deliver to his Majesty"'s use by Midsummer
1554, another ship and pinnace of hke goodness and burden.
[These ships were set forth for the great adventure into the
east by the north seas, by the encouragement of Sebastian
Gabato, a great seaman. They set forth a month or two
after, being commanded by Sir Hugh Willoughby, who pe-
rished in the adventure in the northern parts. But it had
this advantage, that hereby the trade into Russia was dis-
A privilege granted to William Seres, stationer and book- To William
seller, to print all books of private prayers, called Primers, ^*^'^^^'
as shall be agreeable to the Book of Common Prayer esta-
blished in the Court of Parliament : and that none else do
print the same, upon pain of forfeiture of the same. Pro-
vided, that before the said Seres and his assigns do begin to
print the same, he shall present a copy thereof to be allowed
by the Lords of the Privy Council, or by the King's Chan-
cellor for the time being, or by the King's four ordinary chap-
lains, or two of them. And when the same is or shall be from
time to time printed, that by the said Lords and others of
the said Privy Council, or by the Lord Chancellor, or with
0. 4
BOOK the advice of the wardens of the occupation, the reasonable
price thereof to be set, as well in the leaves, as being bound
Anno 1552. in paste or board, in like manner as is expressed in the end
of our Book of Common Prayer. March 4, an. 7.
To Griffith A patent to Griffith Leyson, LL. D. of a manor called
eyson. Trcsberket, in New Carmarthen, lately belonging to the
priory of Carmarthen, with the appurtenances, and other
lands, &c. Dated March 9. Paying yearly 39/. 16*. lOd.
To Sir A patent granted to Sir Philip Hoby, of the monastery
of Bisham in Berks, with all the grange within the said
monastery, and the advowson and right of patronage to the
vicarage, &c. extending to the value of 61/. Ids. 8d. And
that he may convert the foresaid rectory, with its appurte-
nances, glebe, and profits, to his own use. Dated March 6. /
To Will. A purchase to William Crowch, esq. and Susan his wife,/
rowci. ^^^ ^^^ g^^^^ ^£ 568Z. 4s. 5d. of all the lordship and manoi/
of Hampton, and all the hundred of Hampton in tin;
county of Somerset, with all the rights and appurtenances
505 whatsoever, late parcel of the lands, revenues, and posse j-
sions of the Bishop and bishopric of Bath and Wells: ard
also all the lands, meadows, pastures, &c. called by t ,le
name of Cleves ; and all the land, &c. called Archers Mea Is,
&c. lately belonging to the monastery of Henton. Daicd
March 15.
ToSirRog. A purchase to Sir Roger Cholmely, lord chief justic? of
Choimeiy. England, and Lady Christine his wife, for the sum of 246/.
of the lordships and manors of East [Ham], West Ham, and
Placy, in the county of Essex ; late parcel of the possessions
belonging to the late monastery of Stratford Langton :
which are extended to the sum of 12/. 6s. INIarch 24.
ToL.Paget. A grant to William Lord Paget, of Beaudesert, and to
his posterity for ever, to give in his arms, sables, a cross
engrailed between four eaglets, argent ; upon the cross five
lioncels passant sable, armed and languid, gules. And to his
crest, upon the helm, a demy tiger, sable, rampant, fashed,
toothed, with a crown about the neck, argent, upon a
wreath, argent and sables, mantled of the same. Which
arms was given him before by a king of arms that could
not give it; and now confirmed by the King's Majesty. CHAP.
Dated March 21. ' ^ ^ '
A wardship or custody granted to the Earl of Warwick, Anno 1552,
of Edward Seimour, knt. with an annuity of 510/. 9^. 6c/.
growing and coming out of certain manors in Dorsetshire,
Somerset, and Wilts, for the education of the said Edward :
which lands were appointed and assigned out by the master
and council of the wards, by virtue of the King's warrant.
Dated March 30.
A purchase granted to the Lady Johan Denny, widow 1553.
[of Sir Anthony Denny, of King Henry's privy chamber], Denny,
for the sum of 3202/. 7*. O'^d. [so in Chancellor Goodrick's
leger, but in the Warrant-Book 4102Z. 7*.] of the lordships
and manors of Waltham and Nasing, with the appurte-
nances, with a fullingmill and two watermills, late parcel
of the dissolved abbey of Waltham-cross in Essex, with the
parsonage and church of Mettingham, and advowson of the
same ; and the parsonage and church of Sibton, and advow-
son of the same ; late parcel of the possessions of the Duke of
Norfolk, &c. extending unto the yearly value of 103/. 4y. 8rf.
To have to her and her heirs the manors in capite, the rec-
tories in soccage. Dated April 16. an. reg. 7.
A pardon granted to the Earl of Westmerland, of all To the Earl
treasons, as well greater as less, and concealments of trea- meriand.
sons, misprisions, insurrections, rebelFions, confederacies,
conspiracies, imaginations, and abettings, procurations, com-
fortations, unlawful uttering of words, before the 20di day
of March: and all other murders, homicides, accessaries,
and flights for the same. And all heresies, and heretical
opinions, and undue uttering of words against the King and
his counsellors. Dated April 17.
A gift to Sir Thomas Wroth in fee-simple, of all thero SiiTho.
scite of the monastery of Abendon, and St. Johns chapel,
lying in St. Michael's church in Abendon, in Berks, with
divers other lands, &c. to the yearly value of 5/. 14s. Dated
in March.
An exchange made between the King's Majesty and the To the Lord
Lord Darcy, lord chamberlain. The King granting to the ^^'^'^'
BOOK same Lord the manor of Clarkton, with the appurtenances,
^^- in the county of Essex, sometime parcel of the bishopric of
Anno 1553. London; with the lands called Westwick, and the parks of
^06 Alton and Clarkton, with the manor of Weylech, with the
- free warren of deer in Weyleche-park : and all the manor
of Canonshall, with the parishes of Much Clackton, Little
Clackton, and Little Holland : and all those the manors,
lordships, and tenements of Wiglarrow in Chiche, with the
advowson of Kenne in the county of Devon, and Churchton
in the county of Stafford. And the King's Majesty hath
of the said Lord Darcy all his manors, or late prebends of
Wollesgrove, and Towford, Henstue, Polecros, with divers
other lands in the county of Devon, with the manor of
Crediton, with all the lordship or manor, hundred and bo-
rough, late part of the bishopric of Exeter ; and the manor
of Weachton, Underwold, in the county of York, with the
advowson and parsonage of Morchard Bishop, called Bi-
shop's ]\Iorchard, in the county of Devon, &c.
To William A pardon granted to William Worthington, being in-
Worthing- (jgjijtcd to the Kino; for and concerning the office of bailifi'
ton. ^ p 11 1
and collector of the rents and revenues ot all the manors,
messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments within the
city of London and the county of Middlesex, which did
belong to colleges, guilds, fraternities, or free chapels, in
the sum of 392Z. 10,9. 3^. as upon the foot of his account,
made by the said William before Thomas Mildmay, auditor
of the said revenues, manifestly in it doth appear : in con-
sideration of his service both in France and Scotland, and
also his daily service and attendance, being one of the or-
dinary gentlemen and pensioners ; and for that debt grew
by the unfaithfulness of his servant, who ran away with the
same. Granted in March, but the patent signed in April.
To Sir Hen- The office of keeping the chief mansion at Otford to Sir
ry Sydney, jjenry Sydney for life, with the fee of two pence a day : the
office of steward of the honour of Otford, with the fee of
61. 13*. 3d. per ann. and the keeping of the woods there,
with the fee of two pence a day : the office of bailiff of the
manor : the office of bailiff of the manors of Gravcscnd and
Milton: the keeping of the great park there: the office of CHAP,
under-steward there : the office of steward of the manor of
Swanscomb: the keeping of the manor of Knol, with the Anno 1553.
garden and orchard : the keeping of the park at Knol : the
keeping of the woods there : the office of under-steward of
the manor of Knol, with the respective fees : and a lease to
him of the little park of Otford. Dated in April.
A grant to Sir Henry Seimour, for life, of the manors of'i'oSirHea.
Somerford and Hurn, with the appurtenances, m the county
of Southampton, and divers other lands, to the yearly value
of 202/. 6s. 9^d. Avithout account rendering, or paying any
thing therefore. Dated as before.
The office of chancellor of the order of the Garter to Sir To Sir Will.
Wilham Cecyl, knt. with the fee of 100 marks per ann. '^*'^ '
during his life, to be paid at the Exchequer half yearly.
Dated as above.
A grant for the establishing of the corporation of St. To St. ai-
Alban's in the county of Hereford, [Hertford,] with cer-
tain liberties therein mentioned ; and for the erection of a
free grammar-school there ; with a grant of the late abbey 50/
church to be their parish church. Dated as above.
A purchase to the Lady Denny in April, for 1102/. 7^. Of J. To the Lady
of certain manors, lands, &c. in the counties of Essex and
Suffolk, of the yearly value of 153/. 4*. l^d.
A patent dated in April, for augmentation of a bordureTo theLord
„ ,. , , 1 -.- 1 -.xri ? • Wharton.
of lions legs to the Lord Wharton s ancient arms.
A purchase to Sir William Petre, knt. of the manor ofToSirWiU.
Pet re
Shapwich, Murlinch, and Ashcote, and the hundred of
AVhittelegh, in the county of Somerset, and divers other
lands in Devon ; for the sum of 554/. 12*. Id. of the yearly
value of 77/. 6s. d^. to him and his heirs for ever. Bearing
date April 3.
A passport to the Archbishop of Athens, to pass through To the
^ ^ ^ • 1 • Archbishop
the realm into Scotland, with twelve persons in his company, of Athens.
Dated in April.
The erection of the county palatine of Durham, to con- Durham
made a
tioned in the letters patents : wherein shall be appointed latine.
tinue from henceforth in such manner and degree as is men- [^^^^^^ ^^^
Anno 1553.
To the
Duke of
To the
To Sir John
To Sir John
To Sir John
To New-
such numbers of judges, officers, and ministers, as be requi-
site to sujDply the same ; and a great seal and privy seal.
And the same county palatine shall be united to the impe-
rial crown of England. Dated as before.
A gift to the Duke of Northumberland, and to his heirs
male, of the castle called Bernard's Castle, within the bi-
shopric of Durham, [or] in the county of Northumberland,
with divers lands, to the yearly value of 229/- 6*. 3|(:/.
Dated as before.
The office of steward of all the honours, castles, manors,
lordships, lands, &c. in the counties of Cumberland, North-
umberland, Westmerland, and York, or any otherwhere
within the bishopric of Durham, to the said Duke of North-
umberland for life, with the several fees of 50/. 13*. 4:d.
to the same offices belonging. Dated in the said month of
A grant to Sir John IVIason, knt. and to the inhabitants
of the town of Abendon in Berks, that there shall be an
hospital in Abendon, called Christ's Hospital, to continue
for ever, with twelve governors : with a gift to the same
governors, and to their successors, of the messuage and te-
nement called the Antelope, in Abendon, with divers other
lands, &EC. to the yearly value of 651. lis. lOd. Dated in May.
A gift to Sir John Gates, of the manor of Hursbourn,
in the county of Southampton, with divers other lands, to
the yearly value of 203Z. 10*. O^d. with a further grant
that there shall be for ever one market and two fairs at
Ringwood. Dated in May.
A ffift the same month to Sir John Cheke, and his heirs
male, of Clare in Suffolk, with divers other lands, to the
yearly value of 1001.
A grant to the mayor and burgesses of Newcastle upon
Tine, of the fee-farm of the lordship, manor, town, and bo-
rough of Gateshed, lately parcel of the possessions of the bi-
shopric of Durliam, with divers other lands, to the yearly va-
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