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Three others in Chaldee tongue of the same effect. Dated
in May.

Letters Twenty letters to signifying, that the King's

artk'ks for Majesty hath sent unto every one of them certain articles

uniformity for ail Uniform order to be observed within every church

techism. withiii this realm : which articles are gathered with great
study, and by the advice of the greatest learned men of the
bishops, &c. Dated in May.
Fifty-four articles concerning the uniform order to be
observed in every church of this reahn. A Catechism also
to be taught to scholars, as the ground and foundation of
their learning. Dated in May.

To Sir John A warrant to Sir John Gates, to cause a book to be drawn

of the castle and manor of Hertford, the manor of Harting-
ford-bury, the parks of Hertford and Hartingford-bury,
with the appurtenances, in the county of Hertford ; and
the manor and park of Wikes in Essex, to the Lady Mary's
Grace. Dated in May.


A licence to the Earl of Warwick, to retain an hundred CHAP,

men ; and to the Lord Robert Dudley, to retain fifty men. ^^^^-

Dated as before. Anno 1553.

A warrant of discharge to Sir John Williams, for 16,667/. ,^? ^^':^,

7*. life?, paid to Peter Osborn, as the aiTearages upon the ami Lord

determination of the said Sir John Williams"'s account of his i^l^^t

late office of mastership of the jewel-house. Dated as above. To sir John

A warrant to the Lord Chancellor, to make out writs for ^^''"'''™«-

a Parliament to be holden the 18th of September next, chancellor.

Dated in June.
A letter to the Lord Admiral, that it is the King's plea- To the Lord

sure that he shall repair unto the Tower of London, and ^^'''""¦^^•

take the charge thereof, there being committed to him the

order and governance thereof. Dated in July.

A letter to the Lieutenant of the Tower, to assist him in To the Lieu-

all such things as shall by the said Admiral be declared to Ih" xower.

him or his ; and to follow such direction as he shall appoint.

[This is the last warrant set down in this Warrant- Book.]

CHAP. XXXn. 522

Collations, presentations, indulgences, arid permissions to


W E go on now with another rank of things worthy ob-

serving, collected from the aforementioned manuscripts, viz.

V. Collations, presentatiojis, grants, letters, and licences to

men of the Church or University.

A lease to Nicolas Wotton, dean of Canterbury, for '^^o.

twenty-one years, of the manor of Leigh, with the appurte- wotton.

nances, in Sussex, late parcel of the possessions of Sir Tho-

mas Cheny, knight, with divers other lands, &c. paying

therefore yearly 50/. to the bailiff or receiver of the pre-

mises. Dated in October 1550.

A licence to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, to give, grant. To the Bl-

and ahen to Edward Duke of Somerset, in fee-simple, all g "t^ aid

the scite, circuit, and precinct of the chief mansion, called Weiis.


BOOK the palace of the Bishop of Bath and Wells ^ with divers

other lands, &c. to the yearly value of 62Z. \\d. to be holdeu

Anno 1650. by fealty only. Dated in November the same year.

To Nicolas A licence to preach to Nicolas Daniel, M. A. Dated in

Daniel. ^.^ i

Spiiiesby ^ ffrant, that the church of the late college or chantry of

church and ... . . .
vicarage. SpiUesby in Lincolnshire, dissolved by Parliament holden

an. 7-eg\ Edw. VI. l'^. shall be the parish church of Spiiiesby

again, together with the churchyard : and that there shall

be a vicar endowed for ever : and he and his successors shall

have a messuage, and two barns, and one horsemill and

kilnhouse, and one acre of land in Spiiiesby aforesaid,

commonly called in the scite of the said college :
and an annuity of 10/. out of all the King's lands there,

payable quarterly, to be holden in frankalmoigne. Dated as

To John A licence of preachine- to John Bradford, professor in
Bradford. j- • • t-w i • t-. i
divmity. Dated m December.

To William A grant to William Dawson, to be vicar preacher in the

Dawson. n /> i i • • • • i
college of Southwel in Nottinghamshire, with the fee of 20Z.
per annum during pleasure : to be paid by the receiver of
the same shire. Dated as before.
ForNic. A nonresidence for Nic. Wotton, clerk, to take all the
Wotton. . . ...
profits of his prebend in Salisbury, during his life, although
he be not resident. Dated as before.
To the Bi- A presentation to John Bishop of Chester, to admit James
Che^ster. Pilkington to the vicarage of Kendal in Westmerland.
Dated as before.
523 A warrant to Sir John Baker, knight, [chancellor of the
. '"'"•^"^" Court of Augmentations,] to exonerate and discharge James
Pilkington, clerk, and his executors, of his first-fruits of the
vicarage of Kendal, whereunto he is presented ; whereof the
King hath pardoned him. Dated in December.
To the Bi- A presentation to the Bishop of Chester, to admit Henry
Chester. Hkins, clerk, to the parish church of Bedal, void by the
death of Thomas Magnus, last incumbent. Dated as before.
To the Dean ^ jg^^gj. ^^ ^|^g Dg^jj ^nd Chapter of Worcester ; where
and Chap- ... . • i ti
ter of Wi- the King did write to them in favour of Sir Robert 1 yr-

To Si

whit, knight, for a lease in reversion for sixty years, of the CHAP,

rectory of Wimbleton, that they will make the like grant to ^^^^l-

Mr. Cecyl, secretary, and rather better; who hath the in- Anno 1550.

terest of the said Sir Robert in the said rectory by the old

lease. Dated in January.

A nonresidence to Giles Eire, [the King's chaplain,] pro- To Giles

fessor of divinity, during life, to take the profits of his two "^'

prebends in Winton and Westminster, whether he be pre-

sent or absent. Dated as above.

The advowson of the next canonship or prebend that For Peter

falleth void in the cathedral church of Canterbury, to Peter

Alexander, [a learned stranger, residing with the Archbi-

shop of Canterbury.] Dated in February.

A letter to the Bishop, Dean, and Chapter of Salisbury, To the Bi-

in favour of William Honning, esquire, [who was one oil^^/li^^^!!'

the clerks of the Council,] where Guido Cavalcant, incum- 1^'" of Sa-
' . . . rum.
bent of the prebend of Chepmg Farmgdon m the county of

Berks, is contented, upon request made unto him, to give

and surrender all his interest and estate of the possession of

the said prebend, to agree to his said request, in such sort

as the same may take effect towards him in fee-simple.

Dated in February.

A licence to the same Bishop, to grant the premises in To the Bj-

fee-simple unto William Honning. Dated as above. rum. "

A warrant to Sir John Baker and Sir William Petre, For the bu

where the reverend father in God, Thomas Bishop of Nor- ^'°|S'^^°^,^

wich, by five writings obligatory, every of them bearing-

date the 10th of April, anno 4 Edw. VI. standeth bound to

the King's Majesty in the sum of lOOOZ. for the sure pay-

ment of 583/. 13.?. lOd. to be paid for his first-fruits: to de-

falk, deduct, and allow to the said reverend Father out of

the said sum 400Z. and to deliver so many obligations for

payment as amounts to the said sum : which the King hath

forgiven him. Dated as above.

An annuity of 9/. 6s. 8d. to Richard Squire, vicar of the To Richard

parish of Dovercourt in Essex, to be paid of the tenths of 'i""^*^'

the parsonage of Dovercourt, from Christmas anno 4 Edw.
s 2


BOOK VI. half yearly, in recompence of a promise made to him
thereof by the King'^s Majesty\s father. Dated as above.
Anno 1650. A presentation to the Bishop of Chester, to admit John
To the Bi- Standish, D. D. to the parsonage of Wiggon in his diocese,
Chester. void by the death of Mr. Herbert, late incumbent. Dated
in March.

For Dr. A warrant to John Rither, cofferer, to pay William Bill,

D. D. an annuity of 20Z. from Michaelmas, an. 3. reg. dur-

ing the King''s pleasure.

524 A letter to the Bishop of Exeter, [Voysey,] to suffer the

TotheBi- Earl of Bedford, and others of the Council, to procure the

Exon. best assurance for certain lands bought of him, appertaining
to his bishopric. Dated in March.

To Gest, A licence of preaching to Edmund Gest, B. D. The

Bernard'.*" ^^^^ ^° Henry Ayland, B. D. and Thomas Bernard, M. A.

Dated as above.

To Bishop A translation of John Ponet, bishop of Rochester, to the

Ponet. ... . . 7 .

bishopric of Winchester, during his life, with all lordships,
manors, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and other posses-

sions, as well spiritual as temporal, with all other commo-

dities and jurisdictions. Dated in March.
To the The translation of the said John Bishop of Rochester,
to the bishopric of Winchester, during his life, with all the

lordships and manors, &c. New signed, because liis spi-

ritual jurisdictions and probate of testaments was not in the

other. Dated in the same month.

To William A licence to William Thynn, prebendary in the cathe-

dral church of Wells, to grant and alienate to Edward

Duke of Somerset, in fee-simple, all the manor of Dulting-

cote and Chilcote in the county of Somerset, with the ap-

purtenances, belonging to his prebend there, bv fine or re-

covery : and also to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, and to

the Dean and Chapter, to ratify and confirm the said grant :

and to the said Duke, to grant and exchange therefore to

the said William Thynn, and his successors, the manor of

Tyngerst, alias Fingurst, in the county of Bucks. Dated as



A licence for preaching to James Haddon, M. A. of c H A P.

Cambridge ; and to John Wilcock, M. A. of Cambridge. ^^^"-

Dated in March. Anno isso.

A presentation to William Bishop of Bath and Wells, to J°/^"*'^"

admit William Turner, doctor of physic, [and who lived in Wiicock.

the Duke of Somerset's family,] to the deanery of the church ^°^°''- 'T"'"

of Wells, with all the lands and tenements thereunto be-

longing : which the King hath given him, with the prebend

of Currey. Dated in March.

A nonresidence to William Turner, to be absent from i55i.

his deanery within the church of Wells, and to take the pro- J^J^^

fits notwithstanding, during his life. Dated in March.
A presentation to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, to To the

admit William Marsh to the parsonage of St. Peter's within o/canterT

the marches of Calais, of Turwyn diocese, void by the re- bury.

signation of John Butler, the late incumbent. Dated in

A collation to John Scory to the bishopric of Rochester, To Scory.

with all lordships, manors, lands, tenements, &c. during

his life, from the translation of John, now Bishop of Win-

chester. Dated in April.

A letter to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester; where To the Dean
, , f,and Chapter
they have granted to Sir Philip Hoby the parsonage otofWorces-

Lenchwich and Norton in the county of Worcester ; and to *^'^-

John Barnsley, the farm and parsonage of Linrich, for

twenty-one years ; the King's Majesty's pleasure is, although

the statutes of their house do not permit them to extend

their grants any further than for twenty-one years, to

dispense with their statutes in that behalf; and desireth

them to grant the same leases to them for sixty years apiece.

Dated in April.
A presentation to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, to To the

admit Wilham Britten to the parish church of St. Dionys in o/^antgr-'^

Lime-street in London: which Thomas Pannel hath re- bury,

signed to the same William, by his writing dated 13th Feb. ^^^

anno 5 Ed. VI. Dated as before.
A presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to ad- To the
s 3


BOOK mit Christopher Ashburn, B. A. to the parsonage of St.

Michael's in Crooked-lane, London. Dated in April.

Anno 1551. A letter to Trinity college in Cambridge, declaring the

Mi^""'*^^ King is pleased to dispense with Thomas Dovel, B. D. and

vice-master of that college, for enjoying of his fellowship

and vice-mastership, notwithstanding he be married. Dated

in May.

To the Bi- A letter to the Bishop of Carlisle, that at the contempla-

Cariisie. ^^^^ thereof he would gi-ant to the Lord Clinton, lord ad-

miral, a lease for sixty years of the manor of Horncastle in

Lincolnshire, after the accustomed yearly rent. Dated in


To the Bi- A licence of preaching to the Bishop of Winchester

Winchester ^"^^^^"^ this realm: and to appoint whom he shall judge

meet to preach within his diocese; and to inhibit them

whom he shall not think meet within the same. Dated as


For Bishop A warrant " to take bond of John Scory, bishop
of Rochester, for the payment of his first-fruits, to begin

at the Annunciation of our Lady, anno 1554. At which

day he shall pay 100 marks : and so yearly at the same

feast 100 marks, till the same be satisfied and paid. Dated

as before.

To the Bi- A letter to the Bishop of Oxdn, that he will grant for

Oxon°^ reasonable years and rent to William Higham and William

Holms, the parsonage of Oughton, alias Overton on the

Hill, in the county of Leicester ; which is presently in his

disposition. Dated in May.

For Dr. A letter to that it is the King'^s pleasure, that
TayicTr! ^^' I^owland Taylor shall succeed in the preacher's room

of Canterbury, now void by promoting Dr. Scory to the bi-

shopric of Rochester, \^o last had the same. Dated as be-


For John A letter to in favour of John Calvely, that they
will grant a lease in reversion, under their chapter seal,

for fifty years, of the whole lordship of Stoughton, alias

Sawton, a piece of land called Church, in Hethe in Che-



shire, with all profits and commodities thereunto belonffinff. CHAP.
. o o YYVTT
[They had granted this before to Calvely, for as many

years as their statutes would allow: but this letter served Anno 1551.

to dispense with them for letting it for fifty years.] Dated

as before.

A licence to John Clark, to have, hold, and enjoy his To John

prebend in Wells during his life ; and a licence to him to

marry. [As though he thought his marriage without the

King's licence might have shaken his right and title to his

prebend; but he did not seem well to consider the act

made in the second year of this King, which took off all

old canons and constitutions against priests'* marriage, and

that all forfeitures, pains, and penalties for the breach of

them should be of none effect.] Dated in May.
A nonresidence to George Carew, during his life, to have To George

all rents, benefits, fruits, &c. of his prebends in the churches

of Oxon and Wells, notwithstanding his absence. Dated in

A presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to ad- To the

mit Richard Kiffin to the parsonage of Bonings in the j,/^^j^^g^_

marches of Calais, void by the resignation of Anthony bury.

Lisle, last incumbent: which was delivered without preach- 526

ing before the King, notwithstanding the order taken.

Dated as before.
A warrant to the Chancellor, Treasurer, and Council, For the bl-

and to all other officers of the Court of First-fruits and^°^[Q^°

Tenths; where the King^s Majesty hath given to John

late Bishop of Rochester, the bishopric of Winchester : and

where it is agreed, that the said Bishop should assure unto

the King divers manors, lands, &c. of the said bishopric,

and the King granted to assure to the said Bishop divers

of his lands, tenements, and possessions, by reason whereof

the said bishopric shall be greatly diminished : the King is

contented therefore, that the said bishopric of Winchester,

and the revenues thereof, shall be rated, taxed, and charged

to the King's Majesty at 2000 marks for the first-fruits,

and not above, [whereas before it was valued in the King''s

book at 3885^. 3^. 3fd] as often as the first-fruits thereof

s 4


BOOK shall be due and payable: and the same bishopric of Win-

chester, and the possessions and revenues thereof, from

Auno 1551. henceforth shall be rated, taxed, and charged at 200 marks

yearly, and not above, for the yearly tenths of the said bi-

shopric : and that he shall be discharged of all sums of

money heretofore due, or used to be paid for the first-fruits

and tenths of the said bishopric. And further, the King

hath licensed the said Bishop to enter into the same bi-

shopric before the payment of the said first-fruits ; to take

only the bonds of the said Bishop, without surety or sure-

ties to be bound with him, by ten several obligations, for

the sure payment of the said 2000 marks, for the satisfac-

tion of his first-fruits, and of all other sums of money, in

ten years. And further, to deliver all bonds and writings

touching the first-fruits of the bishopric of Rochester, to

the said Bishop of Winchester ; which the King hath for-

given him. Dated in May.

To the Bi- A gift to the said Bishop, in consideration of the manors
Wintoti. of Marden, Twiford, Marwel, Waltham, &c. in the county

of Southampton, and of divers other lands, tenements,

rents, &c. of all the rectory of Bremmer, and of the chapel

of Charford and Hale, and of the rectory of Rogborn in

the county of Southampton, with divers other lands, to the

yearly value of 2000 marks : to be holden in liberam elee~

mosynam ; and to take the profits from Michaelmas last-

Dated in May.

To the A. licence to the said Bishop of Winchester, to enter into
the said bishopric, and to take and i-eceive the profits

thereof, without paying any thing thereof, notwithstanding

a statute made in that behalf in the 26th of the reign of

Henry VIII. [anno Dom. 1534,] with a pardon to him of

all pains, penalties, and sums of money that might be for-

feited and due to the King, for entering into the bishopric

of Rochester contrary to the said statute. Dated in May.

[The said statute was, that every bishop, or other spiritual

person, before any actual or real possession, or meddling

with the profits of the bishopric, or other spiritual promo-

tion, should batisfy, content, and pay, or compound and


agree to pay to the King''s use, at reasonable days, upon CHAP,

good sureties, the first-fruits.] . '_

A letter to [the Dean and Chapter of Win ton] to confirm Anno 1551.

the grant of the said Bishop, by their full consent and seal ^^^^^^ ^^^j

of the chapter, as in that case by the order of the laws is ciiapter of

requisite and accustomed. Dated as before.
A presentation to the Bishop of Winton, to admit Leo- 527

nard Bilson, M. A. to the prebend in the cathedral church of^""^ ^'^'^'

' ^ son.
Winton, void by the death of Thomas White. Dated in

A presentation of John Ashdown to Ashtisford, [in Kent,] For John

which Ponet, when bishop of Rochester, held with his bi- ' '

shopric. Dated in June.

A licence to John Bishop of Glocester, and Anne his To the

wife, during his life, with five or six guests, to eat flesh Glocester

and white meats in Lent, and on other fasting days. Dated a°d his wife.

as before.

A presentation to the Bishop of Norwich, to admit Laun-To the

celot Thexton to the parish church of Great Bircham, in his Norwich,

diocese. Dated in June.
The deanery of Bristow to John Whithear, clerk, for life. To John

after John Snow's death, or when it shall be void. Dated

as before.
A presentation to Nicolas Bishop of Worcester, to pre- For John

sent John Harley, M. A. to the prebend of Worcester, call- ^*'''®y*

ed the nineteenth prebend, void by Webley''s death. Dated

as before.

A licence of preaching to Miles Wilson, M. A. student in For Miles

divinity in the University of Cambridge. Dated May 7.

A letter to the Archbishop of York, in favour of Mr. To the

Rider, cofferer, for the prebend of Uskel, which Wilham ^/yj^k^^^

Laighton late had. Dated in July.
The collocation of the bishopric of Exeter to Miles Co- To Miles

verdale, with a licence of entry into the said bishopric, be- ^''^^'^•^^i^*

ing of the yearly value of 500/. now, and no more ; where

afore it was of 1565/. 13,s. Q^d. And that the yearly tenths

shall be but 50/. hereafter : and to be discharged of this


BOOK year"*s tenths, and all arrearages in the old Bishop''s time.

' Dated in July.

Anno 1651. A grant to John Veysey, late bishop of Exeter, upon
late bisho ' ^^^^ resignation of his said bishopric, to enjoy all annuities
of Exeter, granted unto him out of the lands of the bishopric, whereof

he hath made a state in fee-simple to others : and also to

enjoy certain rents granted out of the bishopric to certain

persons, that be come to his hands : and that the said late

bishop may plead in any court by the name of John Veysey.

Dated in July.

For Bishop A Warrant to the Court of First-fruits and Tenths, to

discharge Miles Coverdale, a late made bishop of Exeter,

of his first-fruits. Dated in August.
To Sir John A letter to Sir John Mason, knt. where the Bishop of

Winchester hath departed to the King's Majesty certain

lands lately belonging to the see of Winchester; which lands

behoveth to be confirmed to his Highness, under the chapter

seal of the cathedral church there, before Michaelmas next ;

that he with convenient speed repairing thither, and agree-

ing with the Bishop to meet with them there at a day cer-

tain, do cause all the canons, prebendaries, and others whom

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