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it concerneth, to assemble and come together in the chap-

ter-house at Winchester, for confirming of the said lands

before the feast of Michaelmas ; advising the Council the

day of their meeting, as order may be given to the King"'s

learned Council to be there at the same time. Dated in

To the Bp. A licence of preaching to Miles Coverdale, bishop of

of Exeter, j^^g^gj. j^^^^gj i„ September.
528 A licence to the said Bishop, and Elizabeth his wife,

To the during their lives, with five or six at their table, to eat flesh

and white meats in Lent, and other fasting days. Dated in

To Bartho- The deanery within the cathedral church of Chichester,

heron! *^* ^^ Sussex, given to Bartholomew Traheron, for life, void by
the death of Giles Aire, late the King's chaplain, with all
the profits thereto belonging. Dated as before.


A letter to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, in fa- CHAP,

vour of WiUiam Huggon, to grant him a lease for forty '_

years of their lordship of Himbleton in Worcestershire. Anno 1551.

Dated as above. S° ^^^ ,
Dean and
A presentation to the Bishop of Winchester, to admit chapter of

John Rud, B. D. to a prebend in that church, void by the °^"* ^^'

death of Giles Eyre. Dated in September. Bishop of
A letter to the Prebend and Chapter of Chichester, to^'"^°°-
For "Rar-
elect Bartholomew Traheron dean thereof, and to do allthoiomew

other things thereunto requisite. Dated as above. Traheron.

A licence of preaching to Launcelot Thexton, M. A. To Launce-

Dated in October.

A letter to to elect Mr. Lever to be For Mr.
master of [St. John's] college in Cambridge, now void by

reason of the preferment of him that was late master there

[viz. Dr. Bill] to another promotion within the same Uni-

versity. Dated in November.

A grant to Robert Home of the deanery within the ca^ To Robert

thedral church of Durham, with all and singular preemi-

nences, jurisdictions, lands, &c. for term of his life, in as

large and ample manner as Hugh Whithed had it. Dated

as before.
A grant of the mastership of Trinity college to William To William

Bill, D. D. for life, void by the death of John Redman,

clerk, with all manors, mansions, &c. Dated in November.
A presentation to John Bishop of Winchester, to admit For John

John Watson to a prebend in that church, void by the death

of Anthony Barker, late incumbent. Dated in November.
A presentation to the Bishop of London, to admit Tho-ForThomas

mas Rose to the vicarage of West Ham, void by the death

of the said Anthony. Dated in November: but the seal

passed not till January 18 following.

A presentation to admit Nicolas Udal, M. A. to a prebend For Nicolas

of Windsor, void by the death of the said Anthony. Dated

as before.
A presentation to admit Alexander Nowel to a prebend For Alex,

in St. Peter's in Westminster, void by the death of John °^^ '

Redman. Dated as before.


BOOK A presentation to John Bishop of Chester, to admit Ni-

colas Ashton to the vicarage of Kirby in Kendal, void by

Anno i55i.t}jg resignation of James Pilkington, late incumbent. Dated

For Nicolas before

Ashton. '^^ "t;^"!*--

ForThoraas A letter to [the Fellows of^University college, in Oxon,] to

^*y* elect Thomas Kay to the mastership of their college, void by

the resignation of the late master there. Dated as above.

To the Pro- A letter to the Provost [Sir John Cheke] and Fellows of

Fellows' of King's college, in Cambridge, that in choosing ordinary of-

King's col- ficers, they use first the order prescribed in the statutes :

" ' and if, after due form used, they cannot agree, that then
he be taken for officer whom the said Provost shall appoint ;

whom the rest of the fellows shall obey during the time of

his said office, in all things that the statute wills them, until

529 further order be therein taken, either by the King's Ma-

jesty, or the Bishop of Lincoln, [their visitor.] Dated in


To Jewel A licence of preaching to John Jewel. A like licence to

Thomas Sampson. Dated in December.


To the A licence to Nicolas Bishop of London, to give to Tho-
Londmi." ^^^^^ Lord Wentworth, and his heirs, all his chief messuage,

with the appurtenances, in the county of Middlesex, with

divers other lands, tenements, &c. [the yearly value not ex-

pressed,] to be holden in fealty only. Dated in December.

For Richard A presentation to admit Richard Turner, B. D. to a pre-

Turner. |jgj^^ within the chapel of St. George the Martyr, in the

castle of Windsor, void by the death of Simon Simons.

Dated in December : the patents scaled Dec. 24.

To shep. A licence of preaching to Adam Shepheard, B. D. Dated
heard. x i >-
January 15.

Tho.Carew. Thomas Carcw made archdeacon of Norwich, void by

the death of Alexander Carew. Dated in February.

To John A grant to John Ellis of a canonship in the church of

^"'*' Rochester, void by the death of William Harrison. Dated
in February.

To Trinity A letter to the Fellows of Trinity hall, in Cambridge, to

***"• receive for their master Dr. Haddon, the King's principal
reader in the civil law. Dated in February.


A licence for preaching to Nicolas Grimwald, M. A. CHAP.

Dated January 2. '_

A licence of preaching to Thomas Wylson. Dated -^nn" Jssi.

February 23. Vm."""

Annuities of 40Z. each, during pleasure, to be made from To ^ihomas

Michaelmas last, to Wilham Bill, D. D. Mr. Grindal, B. D. ^^'^^'^2'

Mr. Perne, D. D. Mr. Harley, B. D. the King's ordinary Kings

chaplains. Signed March 13, with a libei-at dormant. chaplains.

A licence of preaching to Dr. Bill. Dated March 1. To Dr. Bin.
A presentation to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, to Foi William

admit William Britain, doctor of law, to St. Denys Back-

church, void by the resignation of William Ereth. Dated

in March.

A presentation to John Bishop of Lincoln, to admit For Thomas

Thomas Wilson to the parsonage of Washingborough, void

by promoting the said John Bishop of Lincoln. Dated in

The translation of John [Scory] Bishop of Rochester, to J^^^V

the bishopric of Chichester, with all lordships, manors, lands, Rochester.

&c. to the same bishopric belonging, to him during his life.

Dated in April.
Translation of John [Hoper] Bishop of Glocester, to the Bp. Hoper.

bishopric of Worcester, with all lordships, manors, &c. to

the same belonging. Dated in April.
A grant to Roland Tayler, LL. D. for life, of the arch- To Rowland

deaconry of Exon, with all lordships, manors, &c. to the

same belonging. Dated in April. With the pensions granted

him by the Court of Augmentations in recompence of a

prebend and synodals of the late dissolved college, Glasney,

and of the abbeys of Bodmin, Tywardreth, and Luxam,

with the discharge of his first-fruits, and the arrearages of

his predecessors for their tenths and subsidies. Signed

May 3.
A pardon or release to the Bishop of Rochester, of all To the

manner of debts, or arrearages of debts, due to the King for Roche^ster.

tenths for his bishopric and first-fruits. Dated in May.
A warrant to take the bonds of the new elected Bishop of 530

Lincoln, for the payment of his first-fruits and tenths: the Foi" ^''^ ^P-

of Lincoln.


BOOK first payment to begin at Michaelmas 1553, after lOOZ. by

yeai*. Dated in May.

Anno 1552. A licence to Richard Taverner to preach. Dated as

^^^ "^^^ before.
verner. ^^v.
For Bar- A letter to the Chancellor of the First-fruits, for the re-
TraSr. niission of Bartholomew Traherin [Traheron] of 52Z. 12*. 4d
due for the first-fruits of the deanery of Chichester. Dated
as before.

To the A letter to the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, for conti-

Chapter of nuance of the divinity lecture in the cathedral church there,

^^^'^- as the King^^s late visitors appointed it. Dated as before.

For Bishop A Warrant to the officers of the Court of First-fruits, to

^^"' discharge John Hoper, bishop of Worcester, of all his first-

fruits. Dated in May.

To Grindai. A licence to Edmund Grindal, B. D. to preach. Dated

in June.

To Clement file prebend of Horton in the county of Glocester,

parcel of the possessions of the Duke of Somerset, leased
to Clement Paston, esq. for twenty-one years, paying yearly
for the same 651. Is. l\d. Dated in June.

For Mat- A presentation for Matthew Parker, for the prebend of

'Corringham, in the church of Lincoln. Dated in June.
Passed the seal June 21.

For the A letter also to the President and Chapter of the church

same. ^£ Lincoln, to admit and choose the said Matthew Parker,
D. D. to the deanery of Lincoln. Dated as before.
To the A licence to the Bishop of Lincoln to preach, with au-
Bishop of ^]^Qj.ity Jo him to forbid any to preach within his diocese,

Lincoln. -^ . •' ^ -rv i

being unable, and not having the King s licence. Dated as

To the A licence to the Bishop of Chichester, both to preach

Chichester, himself, and also at his discretion to license or forbid any
other within his diocese. Dated in June.

To Dr. A licence to Dr. Standish, one of the King's chaplains,

*^" '^ * to enjoy his prebend in the church of Worcester, as though
he were resident. Dated as before.

ForThomas A letter in favour of Thomas Harding, [chaplain to the

Harding. ]\|j^i.q^iis „£ Dorset,] that they will, at the contemplation of


his Majesty's letter, accept and choose him to be master of CHAP,

their colleee, whensoever the same shall next become void.

Dated as above. '^""o i^s^.

A letter requiring them, at the contemplation thereof, to For Dr.

nominate and elect Dr. [Walter] Haddon, at Michaelmas"'*'^''""'

next, to the room that Dr. Oglethorp hath in their college,

[which was the presidentship of Magdalen college in Oxon,]

who is then willing to resimi the same. Dated as before.
A patent granted for exchange of lands to the right To the

reverend William Bishop of Bath and Wells, viz. for the j^l^f j^^P^"/

chief mansion of the deanery of Wells, with all the lands Weils,

within the precincts of the sam.e: and also the manor of

Wcstoker, with the right of patronage of the parsonage of

Westoker, and the borough of Wellington and Stogursey,

in the county of Somerset, to the yearly value of 60^. 2s. ll^d.

And also of the park of Wedmore : and for one annuity of

16/. coming yearly of the manor of Glastenbury, in the said

county : [which were made over to the King :] and the Bi-

shop to have the chief mansion belonging to the Bishop's

see, commonly called the Bishop of Bath and Wells'' palace, 531

with all the appurtenances within the precincts of the said

palace, and the house in Wells appointed for the safe cus-

tody of the clerks convict, and all the manors in Wells and

Westbury : and all the borough of Wells, and the hundred

of Wells, with all their appurtenances ; late parcel of the

possession and inheritance of Edward Duke of Somerset,

attainted of felony, and sometime parcel of the possessions

of the Bishop of Bath and Wells. And also the park called

Westbury Park, parcel of the possessions of the foresaid

Duke : etiam natives, nativas et villanos cum eorum se~

quells : habend. eidem episcopo et successoribus suis in

perpetuum tenend. de Domino Rege in perpetuam eleemo-

synam : with a pardon for his first-fruits. The indenture

dated in July : the patents dated at Westminster, Aug. 1,

ann. reg. 6.
A licence of preaching to Edward Pilkington, M. A. and To Piiking-

another to Griffith Jones. Dated in July. Jones.




Anno 1552

To Grindal

To Magda-

len college,


For John


To Rafe


To James


To Dr.


To Edwin


For John


To the

Bishop of


A grant to Edmund Grindal, of a prebend in the church

of Westminster, for Hfe, void by the death of Breton. Dated

. in July.
A letter to the Fellows of [Magdalen college, Oxon,] to

choose next Michaelmas Dr. Haddon president thereof:

and that the King is not pleased for the denying of his

former letters, nor for the division that is between them.

Dated as before.
A presentation to the Bishop of London, to admit John

Pullen, B. D. to the parsonage of St. Peter"'s in Cornwall,

void by the advancing of John [Tayler] Bishop of Lincoln,

to that bishopric. Dated in July.

A grant to Rafe Cavelare, [Cavalerius,] stranger, to be

free denizen ; and therein the advowson of a prebend [or,

of the next prebend or deanery^ as Chancellor Goodrick's

leger-book sets it down,] in the church of Canterbury :

in consideration of his reading the Hebrew lecture freely in

Cambridge. Dated in August.

A gift to James Haddon, B. A. of the prebend of West-

minster, void by the death of Anthony Bellows, LL. D. and

master of chancery. Dated in August.
A licence of nonresidence granted to Dr. Standish, a pre-

bendary in the church of Worcester, being one of the King's

ordinary chaplains, to have the said prebend, being in any

other his promotions ; any constitution or act of Parliament

that is or shall be to the contrary notwithstanding. Dated

at Christ's Church, [where the King was in his progress,]

August 20.
A grant to Edwin Sands, D. D. of a prebend within the

church of Carlisle, void by the death of Ballace, [Bellows.]

Dated in September.
A presentation to the Bishop of Worcester, to admit John

Dee to the parsonage of Upton, void by the promotion of

John Harley to the bishopric of Hereford. Dated in Sept.
A letter to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, signifying his

Majesty's contentation, that the Bishop having many fit

places within the precinct of the house of Wells, to make an


hall of, and for his hospitality, may (edifying one thereon) CHAP.

take down the great hall now standing, and grant the same ^^'^^^'

away: commending unto him for that purpose Sir Henry Anno 1 652.

Gates, upon knowledge had of the Bishop's good inclination

towards him. Dated in September.

A letter to the Master and Fellows of St. John's college, 532

Oxon, to place one Alexander Smutches, stranger, in that

place which Johannes ab Ulmis, lately departed hence, had.

Dated as above.

A presentation to John Bishop of Winchester, to admit For Nicolas

Nicolas Uvedale, M. A. to the parsonage of Calborne, in the

Isle of Wight, void by the promoting of John Goodacre to

the archbishopric of Cashel in Ireland. Dated in September.

A grant to John Old, D. D. for life, of the canonship or To John

prebend in the cathedral church of Hereford, void by the

death of Anthony Bellasis, [or Bellows,] and in the King's

gift by vacation of the said bishopric. Dated in September:

signed and scaled October 4.
The King's letters to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, To the

to confirm under the chapter seal such assurance as shall J^,*i'^'\^"^f

be devised for his Highness, for certain lands and heredita- Worcester.

ments reserved of the old possessions of the bishopric of

Worcester. Dated in September.
A letter to the Bishop, Dean, and Chapter of Worcester, To the

for the surrender of the bishopric of Worcester, to the in- ^'^™^'

tent there may be a new collation of the same, by the name

of the bishopric of Worcester and Glocester. Dated in

A letter in favour of Nicolas Udal to the Dean and Chap- F'"" Nicolas

ter of Windsor, to have his dividend, and other commodi-

ties growing to him by the prebend there, during the time

of his absence thence ; in consideration that he hath been

occupied in preaching. Dated in September.
A letter to the Bishop of Hereford, for granting of Here- To the

ford place in London, to the Lord Admiral, in fee- simple. Hereford.

A grant of a prebend in Westminster, void by the death To Andrew

of Simon Heins, to Andrew Perne, the King's chaplain.

Dated in October.
VOL. 11. PAKT 11= T


BOOK A grant of the deanery of the cathedral church of Exeter,

which Simon Heins, lately deceased, had, to James Haddon,

Anno 1552.13, D. to have during hfe. Dated in October: but the pa-

Haddon*^* tent not signed till January 8, at Westminster.
ForTrinity Statutes signed by the King's Majesty for Trinity college
college. -j^ Cambridge. Dated in October.
To George A prebend granted to George Burden, B. D. in the ca-

thedral church of Rochester, now void by the death of Wil-

bore : and that he shall have the daily distributions, divi-

dends, &c. arising thence, whether he be absent or present ;

provided that he make yearly sermons of the gospels in the

aforesaid church, either by himself, or some sufficient

minister. Dated in September : but the patent bore date

November 28.

To the A patent and grant made by the King to the Bishop of
Giocester. Glocester, viz. uniting the bislioprics of Glocester and Wor-

cester in one, and to be one from henceforth, of one diocese,

and so reputed and taken. The patent dated December 8.
To Richard Richard Alvey, B. L. a donation to him of a prebend in

^^^' the church of Westminster. Dated in September : but the

patent bore date December IL
To Bar- A grant of a prebend of Windsor to Bartholomew Tra-
tholomew , -nv ^ j • o ^ u
Traheron. hcrou. Dated m September.
For John A letter to the Deputy of Ireland, to place and receive
'' ^' John Bale, professor of divinity, as a man commended by
liis Majesty, to the bishopric of Ossory there. Dated in
533 A letter to the Lord Chancellor, to cause the great seal
For Trinity ^^ England to be put to a commission given to certain com-
collcge. " ^ . .
missioners, for the devising and making divers and sundry

statutes and ordinances to be observed in Trinity college

in Cambridge. Dated in October.

For Bernard A presentation to the Bishop of Chester, to admit Ber-

^''^'"' nard Gilpin to the parsonage of Thornton. Dated in No-


For Will. William Denison, B. D. presented to St. Edmund's,

Deuison. Lunibard-street, void by the attainder of John Percy, late

incumbent. Dated in November.


A grant to Robert Horn, professor of divinity, of the bi- CHAP,

shopric of Durham, with all lordships, manors, lands, &c. to 1

the same belonging, during his life. Dated in November. -^""^^ ^^^2.

A grant to John Hooper of the bishopric of Worcester Hom" ^^

and Glocester : and a gift to him and his successors for To Hooper,

ever, of all the lordships and manors of Alchurch, &c.

Dated in November.

A presentation to the Bishop of Worcester, to admit To the

Alexander Creek, clerk, to the vicarage of Kidderminster, Worcester,

void by the preferment of John Harley. Dated in De-

An annuity of 40/. to John Knox, until he be promoted For John

to some benefice ; to be paid at the augmentation quarterly.

Dated in December.

A lease to Edward Lord Clinton for two hundred years. The Bp. of

of the Bishop of Hereford's house in London : paying yearly ^^u'^'e^*"^'^ ^

126?. Now signed in December, [as one was signed in the

month before,] for that there wanted in the other the re-

hearsal of certain former leases.
A grant of a prebend in the cathedral church of Worces- To Arthur

ter to Arthur Dudley. Dated in December. ^"''^^^y-

A patent granted to the Dean of the free chapel of St. To the

George of Windsor, and to his successors, to be a body cor- J?f.^" "^

" ' > Windsor.
porate, and to purchase lands to the value of 40/. And to

have the parsonage and church of Dunstable Houghton,

with the advowson of the vicarage, in the county of Bed-

ford ; lately parcel of the possessions of St. Alban's, in the

county of Hertford ; viz. the said parsonage is granted to

William Franklyn, now dean there, and his successors ;

and to convert the same to their own use, rendering to the

King 8/. Which rectory and the premises extend to the clear

yearly value of 41/. Dated December 10.
A letter to the Bishop of Ely, lord chancellor, to take For the

order, that no person do demand a fee of the Bishop of ^^'^^'J^p^ °/^

Worcester and Glocester. Dated in December.
A letter to the Bishop of Exeter, that the King's plea- To the Bp.

sure is, to dispense with Dr. Haddon for taking of any other °^ ^*^*"-

T 2


BOOK orders than he hath already. Dated in December. [Per-

' haps he took orders among the Protestants beyond sea.]

Anno 1552. A prebend of Bristol granted to Thomas Baily, B. D.

To Thomas jq j -^^ December.
To Trahe- A grant of a prebend of Windsor to Bartholomew Tra-
ron. heron. Dated in January.
For An- A presentation to the Bishop of Bath, to admit Anthony
vyn.^ ^' Salvyn to the parish church of Higham. Dated in Ja-

For the ^ letter to Sir John Baker, to discharge Anthony Salvyn

of such bonds as were made for the payment of the first-

fruits of the mastership of the hospital of Sherborn, in the

534 diocese of Durham: and to take bond of Sir Robert Rede

for payment thereof; in respect of the grant thereof unto

him made. Dated as above.
To Sir Ro- The office of mastership of the hospital of St. Mary Mag-
bert Rede. ... " .
dalen of Sherborn, in the bishopric of Durham, to Sir

Robert Rede, knt. for life. Dated in February.

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