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425. Manca A, Asseburg C, Bravo Vergel Y, Seymour MT, Meade A, Stephens R, et al. The cost-effectiveness of different chemotherapy strategies for patients with poor prognosis advanced colorectal cancer (MRC FOCUS). Value Health. 2012 Jan;15(1):22-31. PubMed PMID: 22264968.
426. Hertel N, Kotchie RW, Samyshkin Y, Radford M, Humphreys S, Jameson K, et al. Cost-effectiveness of available treatment options for patients suffering from severe COPD in the UK: a fully incremental analysis. SO - International Journal of Copd 7:183-99, 2012. 2012.
427. Bachir BG, Dragomir A, Aprikian AG, Tanguay S, Fairey A, Kulkarni GS, et al. Contemporary cost-effectiveness analysis comparing sequential bacillus Calmette-Guerin and electromotive mitomycin versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin alone for patients with high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Cancer. 2014 2014-Aug-15;120(16):2424-31.
428. Tran-Duy A, Boonen A, van de Laar MA, Franke AC, Severens JL, Tran-Duy A, et al. A discrete event modelling framework for simulation of long-term outcomes of sequential treatment strategies for ankylosing spondylitis. SO - Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(12):2111-8, 2011 Dec. 2011.
429. Chi C, Street W. The optimal diagnostic decision sequence. AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium AMIA Symposium. 2008;902.
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431. Dias da Costa JF, SC. Olinto, MT. Gigante, DP. Menezes, AM. Macedo, S. Gehrke, S. Cost-effectiveness of hypertension treatment: a population-based study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2002;120(4):100-4.
Appendix 1. Exploratory literature review on previous studies, which evaluated the cost-effectiveness of sequential treatment policies for long-term medical conditions
A1.1. Search strategies
Is there an economic evaluation, which tried to address the global optimality of an SDDP?
How has drug switching been considered and/or modelled in economic evaluation in healthcare?
Search date: Initial literature search was conducted on 11/11/2011 and updated on 28/08/2014.
Ovid (Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present)
Search keywords: All literature published between 1990 and 2014 and written in English were included if they have the following search keywords in title, topic or abstract:
1) Drug switching-related keywords
(drug* or pharmac* or treat* or therap* or health* or disease* or medic* or hospit* or clinic* or care* or intervention* or polic*) near/5
(multi* or pathway* or change* or add* or switch* or sequen* or substitut* or subsequent* or step* or tailor* or replac*)
2) Economic evaluation-related keywords
cost* or econom* or pharmacoeconomic or “cost effectiveness” or CEA* or “cost utility” or CUA* or “cost minimization” or CMA* or (decision and (tree or analys?s)) or Markov or “discrete event simulation” or DES or “computer simulation”
Drug switching-related keywords and economic evaluation-related keywords were combined using the “AND” Boolean operator.
Inclusion/ exclusion criteria
A study was regarded as a potentially relevant study if it evaluates ‘a cost-effectiveness of sequential treatment strategies for a long-term medical condition using a CEA modelling technique’. Sequential treatment strategy was defined as a pharmacological treatment regimen, which undergoes a series of changes during the follow-up period.
A study was excluded if the sequential policy evaluated includes non-pharmacological interventions, such as cancer screening, healthcare policies and lifestyle modifications; if it is a CEA alongside clinical trials without modelling of sequential treatment regimen; or if it only addresses the efficacy, but not the cost-effectiveness.
Research areas, which are not associated with long-term medical conditions, such as acute or infectious diseases and microbiology, were excluded.
Biography, data set, editorial, meeting, book, case report, letter, news, reference material, bibliography and unspecified document types were excluded.
Research areas such as plant sciences, zoology, forestry, engineering, government law, transportation, energy fuels, water resources, history were further excluded in Web of Science.
A1.2. Search results
Table A1.1. Search result of Web of Science
Search history
# 1
TITLE: ((cost* or econom* or pharmacoeconomic* or "cost effectiveness" or CEA* or "cost utility" or CUA* or "cost minimization" or CMA* or (decision near/2 (tree or analys?s)) or Markov or "discrete event simulation" or DES or "computer simulation")) OR TOPIC: ((cost* or econom* or pharmacoeconomic* or "cost effectiveness" or CEA* or "cost utility" or CUA* or "cost minimization" or CMA* or (decision near/2 (tree or analys?s)) or Markov or "discrete event simulation" or DES or "computer simulation"))
Search language=English
# 2
TITLE: ((drug* or treat* or therap* or disease* or medic* or hospit* or clinic* or care*) near/5 (multi* or pathway* or change* or add* or switch* or sequen* or substitut* or subsequent* or step* or tailor*)) OR TOPIC: ((drug* or treat* or therap* or disease* or medic* or hospit* or clinic* or care*) near/5 (multi* or pathway* or change* or add* or switch* or sequen* or substitut* or subsequent* or step* or tailor*))
Search language=English
# 3
#2 AND #1
# 4
Refined by: document types and research areas.
Table A1.2. Search result of Ovid MEDLINE
Search history
((drug*or treat* or therap* or disease* or medic* or hospit* or clinic* or care*) adj5 (multi* or pathway* or change* or add* or switch* or sequen* or substitut* or subsequent* or step* or tailor*)).ab,kf,ti.
exp Economics, Medical/ or exp "costs and cost analysis"/ or exp "cost-benefit analysis"/ or (econom* or pharmacoeconom* or cost* or CEA* or CUA* or CMA* or QALY* or "quality-adjusted life year*").ab,kf,ti.
1 and 2
limit 3 to (english language and humans and yr="1990 - 2014")
Figure A1.1. Flow-chart of study selection
Table A1.3. The type of studies excluded
Number of studies excluded
Not CEA study
- Review or comments
- Other research areas
- Natural disease pathway models/Clinical efficacy
CEA study
- Non-pharmacological interventions
- Acute or infectious diseases
- CEA alongside clinical trials (no CEA model was included)
- CEA of clinical guideline
- CEA of a limited number of pre-defined drug sequences
A1.3. Summary of the key studies
Type of study
Modelling method
Time to switch
Time horizon
Key treatment efficacy used to populate the model
Switching point
Switching policy
The rationale for the selection of the strategies
McEwan [33]
Type 2 DM
Annual incidence and mortality rate.
HbA1c threshold.
• Metformin (MF) -> MF + sulphonylureas (SU) -> MF+SU+D
• MF -> MF+D -> MF + D + SU
• MF -> MF+DPP-4 -> MF + dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP-4) + SU
Clinical guideline.
Furiak [29]
Adherence levels, relapse rates, the risk of AEs, medication discontinuation rates and medication switching patterns.
Relapse, AEs (weight gain, extrapyramidal symptoms, DM and hyperlipidemia).
Any sequences among olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, clozapine.
A set of assumptions regarding the switching patterns that takes into account the reason for the switch.
Bobes [28]
The incidence of AEs, the probabilities of non-compliance and rehospitalization due to non-compliance, the action taken by the clinician for AE.
Sequences up to four different types of antipsychotics: ziprasidone, olanzapine, risperidone and haloperidol.
EIRE study.
Beard [413]
Decision Tree + Markov
Clinical response data using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) score.
Poor clinical response.
Treatment strategies having either first-line olanzapine or risperidone with switching to the alternative drug as second-line treatment such as clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, amisulpride and ariprazole.
Not cited.
Maetzel [11]
Treatment termination rates, treatment withdrawal rates, ACR American College of Rheumatology (ACR20) response criteria.
Lack of efficacy and toxicity.
• Methotrxate-based regimes switching to leflunomide, gold, and then cyclosporine
• Methotrxate-based regimes switching to gold, and then cyclosporine
Based on the responses of US and Canadian rheumatologists in a mailed survey.
Barton [414]
Time to joint replacement, the reduction in HAQ score, toxicity for methotrexate and ciclosporin only.
HAQ increase and quitting the DMARD.
DMARD sequences (any desired sequences of DMARD use can be tested).
Survey of consultant rheumatologists working in the UK.
Welsing [12]
Insufficient response and toxicity.
Non response (based on the DAS).
• Usual care (sulfasalazine and methotrexate)
• Leflunomide to usual care
• TNFb to usual care
• Leflunomide to TNFb to usual care
• TNFb to leflunomide to usual care
Based on the current practice.
Brennan [13]
Patient-level simulation
HAQ score improvement and the relationship between the HAQ score and radiological progression.
Non-response (based on ACR), loss of efficacy and AEs.
• Etanercept, followed by intramuscular gold and leflunomide
• Intramuscular gold, followed by leflunomide and cyclosporin+methotrexate
* If failure occurs on all DMARDs in the sequence, best care was be provided.
Discussion with clinical experts.
Schadlich [415]
The international computerised model
ACR criteria.
Loss of effectiveness or adverse drug reaction.
DMARD sequences including leflunomide were compared with those excluding leflunomide.
The conceptual framework of the international computerised model .
Chen [416]
Time on treatments, HAQ changes on treatment and toxicity.
Toxicity or loss of effectiveness.
Combining inhibit tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) agents, such as adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab, in a sequence of DMARDs.
NICE guideline.
Brennan [417]
Patient-level simulation
EULAR response.
AEs or lack of response (assessed using the EULAR).
TNF- antagonist therapies (infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab) as a group versus traditional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, intramuscular gold, sulphasalazine and leflunomide).
The British Society
for Rheumatology Biologics Registry.
Saraux [17]
Decision Tree
Activity Score (DAS28).
Insufficient response.
• Etanercept -> abatacept -> adalimumab
• Etanercept -> rituximab -> adalimumab
• Etanercept -> adalimumab -> abatacept
• Etanercept -> adalimumab -> infliximab
Based on the current practice.
Merkesdal [18]
ACR response.
No response.
• Standard treatment arm: adalimumab + methotrexate, infliximab + methotrexate, gold preparations, cyclosporin A, supportive therapy (including only monotherapy with methotrexate).
• Rituximab arm: rituximab+ methotrexate, adalimumab+methotrexate, infliximab+ methotrexate, gold preparations, cyclosporin A, supportive therapy (permitting methotrexate monotherapy only).
Expert opinion.
Hallinen [418]
ACR response.
No response.
Initially patients received either best supportive care (BSC) or one of the following treatments, each combined with methotrexate, before BSC: adalimumab, abatacept, etanercept, infliximab, or rituximab.
Based on the current practice.
Wu [20]
ACR response.
Poor remission
or AEs.
• DMARDs only
• Etanercept followed by DMARD
• Infliximab followed by DMARD
• Adalimumab followed by DMARD
• Etanercept therapy followed by rituximab and DMARD
• Infliximab therapy followed by rituximab and DMARD
• Adalimumab therapy followed by rituximab and DMARD
According to the opinion of
Chinese rheumatologists.
Puolakka [19]
Decision Tree
Insufficient response.
Six sequential biologic strategies composed of three biologic agents and included a first anti-TNF agent, etanercept, adalimumab or infliximab, followed by either abatacept or rituximab as a second therapeutic option in case of an insufficient response, followed by another anti-TNF agent in case of further insufficient response.
Clinical experts opinion.
Diamantopoulos [419]
Individual patient simulation
ACR response rate.
No response.
• Using adalimumab ahead of etanercept
• Using infliximab ahead of etanercept
• Using tocilizumab + methotrexate, followed by adalimumab and etanercept
The most commonly used treatments used in Italy.
Diamantopoulos [420]
Individual patient simulation
HAQ score and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) pain score.
No response.
• The standard of care (SoC) strategy: a sequence of bDMARDs (Certolizumab pegol, Etanercept, Adalimumab, Palliative care).
• Adding tocilizumab to SoC at first line and second line.
Based on the current practice.
Bansback [421]
Psoriatic arthritis
Patient-level simulation
The Health
Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI) and data on patients that continued onto open label extension of the clinical trial.
Lack of clinical response, presence of progressive severe and deforming arthritis, withdrawal after initial clinical response due to AEs, or lack of continued efficacy.
• Start with etanercept, followed by ciclosporin/leflunomide and then best standard care if patients do not respond.
• Start with ciclosporin/leflunomide, followed by best standard care if patients do not respond.
Current practice guidelines in the study setting.
Havrilesky [422]
Ovarian cancer
Not stated.
Progression-free survival and the rates of AEs.
Neurotoxicity and disease progression/recurrence.
Sequential use of docetaxel and carboplatin versus combination docetaxel and carboplatin.
Based on clinical trial.
Marchetti [423]
Luminal Crohn's disease
Markov model
The rate of patients requiring additional drug, the relapse-free survival curve and the probability of undergoing surgery.
Symptom exacerbation and relapse.
• Top-down (TD) strategy: starting with combined immunosuppressive therapy, followed by additional infliximab infusions, and then corticosteroids, if necessary.
• The traditional step-up (SU) strategy: starting with corticosteroids, followed by corticosteroids plus azathioprine, and then infliximab, if necessary.
Guideline and literature.
Martikainen [424]
High risk patients with elevated LDL
Decision Tree
LDL goal attainment.
The LDL goal achievement.
• Rosuvastatin (R) 10mg
• R10mg -> R20mg -> R40mg
• Simvastatin (S) 10mg -> S20mg -> S40mg
• Atorvastatin (A) 10mg -> A20mg -> A40mg -> A80mg
• S20mg -> R10mg -> R20mg -> R40mg
• S20mg -> A20mg -> A40mg -> A80mg
• S20mg -> S40mg -> R10mg -> R20mg
• S20mg -> S40mg -> A20mg -> A40mg
Not stated.
Brennan [72]
End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Serum phosphorus and CaxP product levels.
No response.
• Continued calcium carbonate (CC)
• Lanthanum carbonate (LC) to CC if unsuccessful
Discussion with clinicians.
Manca [425]
Colorectal cancer
Decision Tree
The occurrence of the events being modelled (i.e., start and end treatment dates, death).
Loss of effectiveness or AEs.
• Using fluorouracil (FU), followed by irinotecan
• The two weekly de Gramont regimen (dG) or a modification of it (MdG), followed by doublet therapy with MdG and irinotecan (IrMdG)
• First-line MdG regimen until treatment failure, followed by doublet therapy with MdG and oxaliplatin (OxMdG)
• First-line doublet therapy with the IrMdG regimen
• First-line doublet therapy with the OxMdG regimen.
Considered in a recent RCT, the standard care in the UK.
Miyazaki [25]
Colorectal cancer
Median progression-free survival.
No response.
• Folinic acid/5-fluorouracil/irinotecan (FOLFIRI) to folinic acid/5-fluorouracil/oxaliplatin (FOLFOX6)
Clinical guideline.
Hertel [426]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
The relative rate ratios
(RRRs) of exacerbation.
Continued to exacerbate or remained breathless.
Various combinations of a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), a long-acting beta agonist (LABA), an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), and roflumilast.
Based on clinical guideline.
Thompson [22]
Breast Cancer
Time to events, the HR for exemestane and survival after disease-related events.
through the 5-year tamoxifen regimen.
Switching to exemestane versus continuing tamoxifen therapy.
Not stated.
Risebrough [23]
Breast Cancer
Discontinuation due to AEs, cancer recurrence, intercurrent death
and death related to breast cancer.
After 2.5 years of tamoxifen.
Switching to exemestane after 2 to 3 years of tamoxifen versus continued tamoxifen.
Based on an expert panel of 4 Canadian oncologists.
Cameron [24]
Breast cancer
Treatment-specific median time to progression (TTP).
Progressed or relapsed on or after previous antioestrogen
• Non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) -> Exemestane -> docetaxel -> capecitabine -> best supportive care (BSC)
• NSAI -> fluvestrant -> exemestane -> docetaxel -> capecitabine -> BSC
• NSAI -> exemestane -> fluvestrant -> docetaxel -> capecitabine -> BSC
Based on the interview with seven UK oncologists.
Lux [26]
Breast cancer
Progressive event.
• NSAI to fulvestrant to exemestane to docetaxel to capecitabine BSC
• NSAI to exemestane to docetaxel to capecitabine to BSC
• NSAI to exemestane to fulvestrant to docetaxel to capecitabine to BSC
Based on the interview with seven UK oncologists.
Bachir [427]
Bladder Cancer
Annual rates of disease progression and death.
Disease recurrence.
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) and electromotive MMC (EMDA) versus BCG alone.
Data availability.
Tran-Duy [428]
Ankylosing spondylitis
No cycle.
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI).
BASDAI change and loss of response.
• Five NSAIDs (randomly chosen from 10 possible drugs) available in a random order for each patient, including two cyclo-oxygenase-2 and three cyclo-oxygenase-1 inhibitors.
•The same five NSAIDs as in strategy 1 and two anti-TNF agents available also in a random order for each patient.
Expert opinion.
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