Izoh- Mustaqil sodda gaplarni bir-biri bilan bog'lash uchun moreover bundan tashqari therefore fhuning uchun, so shunday qilib, however har holda, shunday bo'lsa ham. nevertheless Shunga qaramasdan. biroq. otherwise, else, or else aks holda kabi rav.shlandan ham foydalaniladi. ERGASHTIRUVCHI BOG'LOVCHILAR 1. That, if, whether bog'lovchilari ega, kesim va to'ldiruvchi ergash
gaplarni bosh gap bilan bog'laydi:
Whether the documents will arrive Hujjatlarning ertaga yetib kehsh-kelmasligi noma'lum.
tomorrow is not certain (ega ergash gap).
The difficulty is that it is impossible to Qiyinchilik bunday qisqa vaqt davomida
charter a ship in such a short time kema yollash imkoniyati yo'qligida.
(kesim ergash gap).
Ask him whether (if) he can do it Undan bu ishni ertaga qilish-qila olmasligini
tomorrow (to'ldiruvchi ergash gap). so'rang.
2 Hoi ergash gaplarni bosh gap bilan bog'lovchi bog'lovchilar: a) quyidagilar payt ergash gaplarni bog'laydr.
After the steamer had left the port, we sent a telegram to the buyers.
As I was coming here, I met your brother.
As winter approached, the days became shorter. As long as you insist on these terms, we shall not be able to come to an agreement with you.
He will do it as soon as he comes home.
What have you been doing since I last saw
Paroxod portni tark ctgach, biz xaridor-larga telegramma yubordik.
Bu yoqqa kelayotga-nimda men akangizni uchratdim.
Qish yaqinlashar ekan, kunlar qisqara boshladi.
To siz shu shartlarga turib olar ekansiz, biz siz bilan kelisha olmaymiz.
U uyiga kelishi bilan (kclgach) bu ishni qiladi.
Sizni men oxirgi marta ko'rganimdan buyon nima qilayapsiz.