Sinteză recomandărilor prezentate de către părţile consultate la proiectul Regulamentului privind furnizarea gazelor naturale

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In cases where the supplier refuses to conclude a natural gas supply contract with the applicant, whether pursuant to point 33 of this Regulation or for any other reasons whatsoever, each such refusal shall be clearly justified based on objective grounds. Respective justification shall be submitted by the supplier to the applicant in written.

ECS: Suggested elaboration regarding situations when the supplier refuses to conclude a natural gas supply contract.n practice, it may be the case that not all independent suppliers be capable to offer supply services, for example, to household customers. Universal obligation to serve all solvent customers might not be very practical and, potentially, may result in restrictions for market newcomers

Ro-ECS: Sunt necesare clarificări privind situațiile cînd furnizorul refuză să încheie un contract de furnizare de gaze naturale

Nu este necesar, deoarece aceste prevederi sunt stabilite la pct. 33.

Please see point. 33


The final consumer has the right to request the termination of the contract for the supply of natural gas. That application will be submitted to the supplier at least 7 calendar days before the date of termination of the contract, except in cases when the contract for the supply of natural gas provides otherwise. In any case, the supplier may not request the final consumer to notify its intention to terminate the natural gas supply contract earlier than 20 calendar days before the date of termination of the contract.

The supplier will terminate the contract after full payment by the final consumer, of payments for the consumed natural gas, the supply being interrupted from the date requested for the termination of the contract for the supply of natural gas.

ECS: Mandatory provision. Otherwise, it would be non-compliant with Art. 3(6)(a) of Directive 2009/73/EC and Art. 88(2) of the Gas Law.

Ro-ECS Prevedere obligatorie. În caz contrar, ar fi neconform cu art. 3 alin. (6) lit. (a) din Directiva 2009/73 / CE și art. 88 alin. (2) din Legea gazelor naturale.

Nu este necesar, deoarece nu este schimbarea furnizorului, dar este situația cînd consumatorul nu mai are nevoie de gaze naturale, a fost vîndut imobilul, a fost sistată activitatea etc. Sunt 2 situații cu totul diferite. Regulamentul nu prevede dreptul furnizorului de a cere consumatorului să depună cereri cănd dorește consumatorul final. Cererile se depun la dorința consumatorului final, dar nu la obligația furnizorului.Furnizorul nu

pct. nou

Each household consumer shall have a right for a unilateral termination of the natural gas supply contract pursuant to point 37 of this Regulation without any financial or other restrictive measures.

ECS: Suggested elaboration pursuant to Par. 1(a), fifth indent, of Annex I to Directive 2009/73/EC as regards the household customer’s right to terminate the natural gas supply contract based on the EU’s best regulatory and contractual practice.

Ro-ECS Propunem de elaborara/desfășura în temeiul par. 1 litera (a) a cincea liniuță din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73/CE, în ceea ce privește dreptul consumatorului casnic de a rezilia contractul de furnizare a gazelor naturale, bazat pe cele mai bune practici de reglementare și contractare ale UE.

Deja este și este scris pentru toți consumatorii finali, dar nu numai pentru consumatorul casnic. A se vedea pct. 57 din versiunea actuală a proiectului.

pct. nou

Each non-household consumer shall have a right for a unilateral termination of the natural gas supply contract pursuant to point 37 of this regulation based on the following conditions:

  1. in case the natural gas supply contract is entered for an indefinite time period, the consumer shall have a right to terminate such contract unilaterally at any time without any financial or other restrictive measures; or

  2. in case the natural gas supply contract is entered for a clearly defined time period, the consumer shall have a right to terminate such contract unilaterally from the established date of its expiry without any financial or other restrictive measures; or

  3. in case the natural gas supply contract is entered for a clearly defined time period and the consumer intends to terminate such contract unilaterally before the established date of its expiry, it shall notify the supplier under the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract and, where so agreed between the parties, shall compensate the supplier for a premature termination of the contract.

ECS: Suggested elaboration as regards the non-household customer’s right to terminate the natural gas supply contract based on the EU’s best regulatory and contractual practice.

Ro ECS A fost sugerată o descriere mai detaliată în ceea ce priveşte dreptul clientilor casnici să rezilieze contractul de furnizare gaze naturale bazate pe UE mai bună reglementare şi contractuale practică.

Nu este necesar un astfel de punct, deoarece pentru toți consumatorii finali în proiect sunt stabilite modalitățile de reziliere a contractului, inclusiv cerința prin care se interzice furnizorului să solicite careva plăți pentru aceasta.


In the event that the final consumer changes its name and/or other requisites specified in the natural gas supply contract he respective consumer is obliged to submit to the supplier the information of such changes proven, where applicable, by, documents of confirmation as necessary for the operation of the amendments in the contract for the supply of natural gas.

ECS: This obligation shall apply to all customers, both household and non-household. Furthermore, not only the change of name matters, but also any other changes of the customer’s requisites specified in the contract, such as address, contacts, bank account, etc.

Ro-ECS Această obligație se aplică tuturor clienţilor, atât casnici, cât şi non-casnici. În plus, nu numai schimbarea denumirii conteaza, dar, de asemenea, orice alte modificări ale rechizitelor clientului, specificate în contract, cum ar fi adresa, contacte, cont bancar, etc.

Se acceptă.



The non-household consumer has the right to request the amendment of the monthly or quarterly volumes of natural gas contracted under the natural gas supply contract by 25 calendar days before the period for which the modification is being requested, bearing in this respect a request in writing to the supplier. The supplier is obliged to respond to the request, in writing, within 15 calendar days from the moment of registration of the request in question

ECS: Suggested clarification clearly referring to non-household customers as prior contracting of monthly or quarterly natural gas volumes will not be applied to households.

Ro ECS: a fost sugerată clarificarea care se referă în mod clar la clienții necasnici, deoarece contractarea prealabilă a volumelor lunare sau trimestriale de gaze naturale nu va fi aplicată gospodăriilor.

Se acceptă.


For non-household consumers to which the consumption of natural gas essentially depends on the weather conditions, the provider can promptly approve the change of the volume contracted for a determined period of time, at the written request of the final consumer, adequately justified.

ECS: Please see comment #32.Ro-ECS Vă rog să vedetți comentariul nr. 32


The contract for the supply of natural gas, concluded with the final consumer for an indefinite period, shall take effect until the termination of the contract, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and the terms of the contract for the supply of natural gas. In particular, such natural gas supply contract concluded for an indefinite period may be terminated by a household consumer pursuant to point 38 of this Regulation, and by a non-household consumer pursuant to point 39 of this Regulation.

ECS: Suggested clarification referring to provisions regarding the termination of natural gas supply contract by the customer’s initiative as stipulated in the ECS’s proposed new Par. 38 and 39 of this Regulation.

Ro-ECS Propunere de clarificare sugerată face referintă la prevederile privind încheierea contractului de furnizare a gazelor naturale la inițiativa clientului, așa cum se prevede în noile paragrafe 38 și 39din prezentul regulament, propuse de ECS.

Nu este necesară o astfel de clarificare, deoarece Regulamentul urmează a fi aplicat în întregime și nu este oportun de a face trimitere și a scrie în mai multe puncte aceleași prevederi.


The supplier is obliged to notify the final consumer about the proposal to modify the contract for the supply of natural gas with at least 15 working days before, as well as about the fact that the latter is entitled to refuse the modification or to terminate the contract for the supply of natural gas in case of disagreement.

ECS: Redundant provision. Duplicates Par. 18 of this Regulation, as extended with the ECS’s proposed Par. 19 and 20 of this Regulation.

RO-ECS: Prevedere de prisos. Se dublează cu Par. 18 din prezentul regulament, astfel cum s-au completat paragrafele 19 și 20 din prezentul regulament, în baza propunerilor ECS.

Se acceptă. A fost inclus mai sus.



Natural gas supply by the supplier of last resort shall be carried out at regulated, reasonable, transparent, non-discriminatory and easy to compare prices based on regulated tariffs approved by the Agency.

ECS: Suggested clarification pursuant to Art. 7(2)(a) and 90(2) of the Gas Law.

Ro-ECS Clarificare sugerată în contextual art 7(2) (a) și 90(2) al Legii privind Gazele naturale


Se acceptă.

pct nou

The supplier of last resort shall notify without delay the consumer on the conditions which apply to the supply of last resort and prices related thereto. The supplier of last resort shall also inform the consumer about its right to freely choose another supplier in accordance with this Regulation and the Regulation on the procedure for switching the supplier approved by the Agency. Such information shall be provided together with the natural gas supply contract submitted pursuant to point 60 of this Regulation and published on the website of the supplier of last resort. 53.59.

ECS: Suggested elaboration concerning the mandatory provision of information by the supplier of last resort based on the EU’s best regulatory practice in the field.

RO-ECS: A fost sugerată clarificarea privind furnizarea obligatorie de informații de către furnizorul de ultimă instanță pe baza celei mai bune practici de reglementare a UE în domeniu.

Se acceptă.



The refusal of the final consumer to sign the contract for the supply of natural gas, after the maximum period allowed for the supply of natural gas without a contract, entitles the supplier of last resort to disconnect the facility for the use of the final consumer of the natural gas network under the Section 8 of this Regulation.

ECS: Suggested broader reference to Section 8 of this Regulation which extensively deals with the conditions for disconnection of the customer’s facilities from the natural gas network. Please specify if necessary.

Ro-ECS: se recomandă a face o trimitere mai largă la secțiunea 8 din prezentul regulament, care se are de a face în mare măsură cu condițiile de deconectare a instalațiilor clientului de la rețeaua de gaze naturale. Vă rugăm să specificați dacă este necesar.

Se acceptă.



Upon expiration of the time period referred to in point 58 of this Regulation, relevant final consumers are obliged to conclude a natural gas supply contract with a natural gas supplier rendering supply services at non-regulated prices or, where such consumer is eligible, with a supplier rendering supply services within the framework of public service obligation pursuant to the Law on natural gas and this Regulation. In case the consumer fails to conclude such natural gas supply contract, based on 15 calendar days prior written notice, the supplier of last resort ceases its natural gas supply and requests the system operator to disconnect the consumer’s facility from the natural gas network pursuant to Section 8 of this Regulation.

ECS: Suggested elaboration to ensure legal certainty pursuant to Art. 90(8) of the Gas Law.

Ro-ECS: A fost propusă clarificarea pentru a asigura certitudinea juridică în conformitate cu Art. 90(8) din Legea gazelor.

Se acceptă.


The supplier of last resort may also cease the supply of natural gas to a customer before the expiry of the time period referred to in point 58 of this Regulation in cases where the consumer fails to comply with its obligations as regards full and timely payment of the natural gas supplied in accordance with the natural gas supply contract concluded between the supplier of last resort and the consumer.

ECS: Suggested elaboration based on the EU’s best regulatory practice in the field.

Ro-ECS a fost propusă clarificarea în baza celor mai bune practici UE în domeniu.

Nu se acceptă. Aceste prevederi se găsesc în pct. 101 din proiectul Regulamentului.

In addition to the specific rights and obligations related to the supply of last resort specified in this Section 4, the supplier of last resort and the consumer shall comply with the general requirements, including obligations and rights of suppliers and consumers, stipulated in the Law on natural gas and this Regulation.

ECS: Suggested elaboration to ensure legal certainty pursuant to Art. 90(12) of the Gas Law.

Ro-ECS: A fost propusă clarificarea pentru a asigura certitudinea juridică în conformitate cu Art. 90(12) din Legea gazelor


The supplier has the following obligations:

5) to submit monthly to the final consumer an invoice issued on the basis of the indications of the measuring equipment for the payment of natural gas consumed at the prices in force applicable under the natural gas supply contract, whether negotiated between the parties or regulated as approved by the Agency, at least 10 calendar days for non-household customers and at least 20 calendar days for household customers before the expiry of the time limit for payment of the invoice as indicated therein;

ECS: Applicability of both negotiated and regulated natural gas prices shall be expressly envisaged. Otherwise it will be non-compliant with Art. 85(4) et al. of the Gas Law

Ro-ECS: Aplicabilitatea prețurilor la gazele naturale negociate și reglementate trebuie să fie prevăzută în mod expres. În caz contrar, va fi neconform cu art. 85 (4) din Legea gazelor naturale

ECS: Since Art. 83(3) of the Gas Law envisages a minimum term for submission of the invoice before the payment deadline, please consider differentiation of this obligation by granting household customers with more flexible conditions (i.e. longer term) for payment after receipt of an invoice.

Ro-ECS Deoarece articolul 83 alineatul (3) din Legea gazelor naturale prevede un termen minim pentru depunerea facturii înainte de termenul limită de plată, luați în considerare diferențierea acestei obligații, acordând clienților casnici condiții mai flexibile (adică termeni mai lungi) pentru a efectua plata după primirea facturii.

8)to submit at the request of the final consumerinformation on the history of natural gas consumption at the place of consumption of the final consumer, payments and the penalties calculated and paid by the final consumer at their place of consumption, in a written form or by giving an electronic access free of any charge, the following information:

ECS: Necessary elaboration specifying the supplier’s obligation to provide information pursuant to Art. 3(6)(b) of Directive 2009/73/EC and Par. 1(c), (h) and (i) of Annex I to the Directive 2009/73/EC, and corresponding provisions of Art. 86 of the Gas Law. Please specify and elaborate further on, if deemed necessary.

Ro-ECS: Este necesară clarificare care specific obligația furnizorului de a oferi informații în conformitate cu art. 3 alin. (6) lit. (b) din Directiva 2009/73 / CE și alin. 1 (c), (h) și (i) din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73 / CE și dispozițiile corespunzătoare din art. 86 din Legea gazelor naturale. Vă rugăm să specificați și să elaborați în continuare, dacă este necesar.

  1. data of the actual consumption of the natural gas at the place of consumption of the final consumer, including comparative data of the general and/or individual consumption of natural gas;

  2. applicable natural gas prices, whether negotiated or regulated by the Agency, as well as other costs incurred due to the consumption of natural gas on monthly basis;

  3. standard terms and conditions for provision of natural gas transportation (transmission and distribution) and supply services; ( receive transparent information on applicable prices and tariffs and on standard terms and conditions, in respect of access to and use of gas services;)

  4. comparative data of the actual consumption of natural gas, payments and penalties calculated and paid by the final consumer on monthly basis in a defined period of the present and previous calendar year; and

  5. where possible, comparative data of the consumption of natural gas by the average consumer of the same group (category) of consumers;

  6. other information required by the Law on natural gas and/or this Regulation;

  1. to submit to the final consumer information relating to consumer rights, including on the compliant handling, and relating to the consumer’s right to be supplied with natural gas, including supplies by public service suppliers, under the terms and conditions stipulated in the Law on natural gas, this Regulation and/or other applicable legal acts;

ECS: Necessary elaboration pursuant to Par. 1(a), eighth indent, and (g) of Annex I to Directive 2009/73/EC.

Ro-ECS Sunt necesare clarificări în conformitate cu Par. 1 litera (a) a opta liniuță și litera (g) din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73 / CE.

  1. to maintain the service centre for offering information, receipt and handling of complaints, support to and counselling of consumers as required by the Law on natural gas and in accordance to Section 9 of this Regulation;

ECS: As the supplier’s obligation to maintain the service centre is already envisaged in Section 9 of this Regulation, pursuant to Art. 86(2) of the Gas Law, we recommend indicating respective obligation also in this Par. 67.

Ro-ECS: Întrucât obligația furnizorului de a întreține centrul de servicii este deja prevăzută în secțiunea 9 din prezentul regulament, în conformitate cu art. 86 alin. (2) din Legea gazelor naturale, recomandăm indicarea respectivei obligații și în prezentul paragraf. 67.

ECS: Suggested clarification to ensure legal certainty.

Ro-ECS: Au sugerate clarificări pentru a asigura certitudinea juridică.

  1. to notify consumers on the intended changes of the natural gas supply contract as required under the Law on natural gas and this Regulation;

ECS: Suggested new provision reflecting Par. 18-20 of this Regulation. Please specify and elaborate further on, if deemed necessary.

Ro-ECS: Noua clauză sugerată pentru a reflecta par. 18-20 din prezentul regulament. Vă rugăm să specificați și să furnizați detalii specifice în continuare, dacă este necesar.

  1. to store and update the data related to calculation and payment of invoices and any other necessary data required for due fulfilment of the supplier’s obligations, including keeping of regular records on suspensions and terminations of the supply of natural gas which may be used as a basis for determination of reasons and duration of such suspensions and terminations, as required by the Law on natural gas and/or other applicable legal acts;

ECS: Necessary elaboration pursuant to Art. 44 of Directive 2009/73/EC and Art. 91 of the Gas Law, and based on the EU’s best regulatory practice. Please specify and elaborate further on, if deemed necessary.

Ro-ECS: Elaborarea necesară în conformitate cu art. 44 din Directiva 2009/73/CE și art. 91 din Legea gazelor și în baza celor mai bune practici de reglementare ale UE. Vă rugăm să specificați și să elaborați în continuare, dacă este necesar.

  1. to ensure confidentiality of the information about its consumers. All information about consumers shall be deemed as confidential and may be disclosed only in cases required by the applicable laws;

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