Sinteză recomandărilor prezentate de către părţile consultate la proiectul Regulamentului privind furnizarea gazelor naturale

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Avizul Secretariatului Comunității Energetice

Pct 4

notice of disconnection – written communication, sent to the final consumer by the supplier or by the system operator, by which he is warned about the possible disconnection of the facilities of natural gas from the natural gas network under the terms and conditions stipulated in the Law on natural gas no. 108 of 27 May 2016, this Regulation and the Regulation on connection to natural gas networks and rendering of natural gas transmission and distribution services (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on connection) as approved by the Agency;

ECS: Suggested reference for the purpose of legal certainty regarding applicable legal acts in cases of disconnections/reconnections. Pursuant to Art. 70(7) and 83(9) of the Law on Natural Gas. Other notions and terms used in this Regulation shall be applied within the meaning prescribed in the Law on energy no. 174 of 21 September 2017 and the Law on natural gas

Se acceptă parțial. Pct. a fost modificat în următoarea redacție: “În sensul prezentului Regulament se aplică noțiunile definite în Legea cu privire la gazele naturale nr. 108 din 27.05.2016 precum și noțiunile definite după cum urmează:”

Partially accepted. The point was ammended as fallows: “notions and terms used in this Regulation shall be applied within the meaning prescribed in the Law on Natural Gas Law no. 108 of 27.05.2016”


The final consumer has the right to conclude a contract for the supply of natural gas with any supplier of their choice. The duration of the supply contract and the price of natural gas supplied shall be negotiated by the supplier and the final consumer, except for the cases where regulated natural gas prices are envisaged in the Law on natural gas and approved by the Agency for the supply of natural gas within the framework of public service obligations.

ECS: Suggested elaboration regarding the applicability of regulated natural gas prices in case of PSO supplies of natural gas. In this case, negotiations on natural gas prices are not possible and the prices are applied as approved by ANRE.

Accepted.'>Se acceptă.



To ensure the supply of natural gas to the final consumer, the supplier shall conclude a contract for the provision of the transport service, a contract for the provision of the distribution service of natural gas with the system operator. The legal relations between the system operator and the final consumer, including those related to the connection of the consumer’s facilities to natural gas networks and the provision of natural gas transmission and distribution services.

ECS: Suggested elaboration for the purpose of legal certainty regarding relations between system operators and final customers.are regulated in accordance with the Law on natural gas no. 108 of 27 May 2016, this Regulation and other normative acts, as appropriate.


Se acceptă.


ECS: Editorial correction. This reference is already provided in the proposed elaboration of Par. 4 of this Regulation (see definition of the “notice of disconnection”).

Nu se acceptă. A se vedea pct.4.

Not accepted. See point. 4.


To conclude the contract for the supply of natural gas, the applicant, as a potential final consumer, is obliged to submit to the provider the following documents: - the application, (the form is made available by the supplier through publishing it on its website with unrestricted public access and, where so requested by the applicant, submitting it directly to the applicant by electronic or other agreed means);

ECS: Suggested elaboration regarding the supplier’s obligation to publish/submit standard documents to be applied by its customers.

Ro-ECS Secretariatul propune de a descrie mai detailat obligațiile furnizorului de a publica / prezenta documentele standard, care urmează fie aplicate de consumatorii săi.

Se acceptă.



Conditions of preventive payment shall be fair and adequately reflect likely consumption of natural gas by the consumer based on historical data of its consumption during the period of at least 3 consecutive months prior to the conclusion of the natural gas supply contract or, in cases where such data is not available, based on indicative calculations pursuant to Section 7 of this Regulation. Amounts requested by the supplier for preventive payment shall be subsequently recalculated according to the actual indications of the measuring equipment on monthly basis.

ECS: Necessary elaboration pursuant to Par. 1(d) of Annex I to Directive 2009/73/EC and Art. 86(5) of the Gas Law. The latter expressly requires to provide in this Regulation “justified criteria” for the supplier’s right to apply preventive payments. The suggested inclusion may be also positioned as a separate new paragraph.

RO-ECS Este necesară descrierea amanunțită în temeiul par. 1 litera (d) din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73 / CE și art. 86 (5) din Legea gazelor. Acesta din urmă necesită să fie prevăzut în mod expres, în prezentul regulament, "criteriile justificate" pentru dreptul furnizorului de a aplica plăți preventive. Includerea sugerată poate fi de asemenea poziționată/introdusă ca un paragraf nou separat.

Această prevedere se regăzsește în Secțiunea 7.

This provision already exists in Section 7 paragraph. 91 (101). 91.“The supplier is entitled to request preventive payment for the consumption of natural gas from final consumers in the fallowing cases.

- the natural gas facilities have been disconnected from the network of natural gas for non-payment of the invoice.

- the contract was concluded based non –owners of the proprety;

- in case a insolvency procedure was initiated.

92.The amount of the preventive payment is determined by the supplier and must not exceed the equivalent value of the average monthly natural gas consumption. In the case of contracts for natural gas supply concluded with final consumers – non-owners of property, the amount of the preventive payment or the method for its determination must not exceed the equivalent average consumption of natural gas over the course of two months. It is mandatory for the amount of the preventive payment to be indicated in the contract for the supply of natural gas.

The supplier will release from the preventive payment the household consumer who has honored his duties during one year.


Gas suppliers are obliged to develop and publish on their website the standard contract terms of the contract for the supply of natural gas, proposed for negotiations to final consumers, to be drafted in compliance with mandatory requirements for natural gas supply contracts established in the Law on natural gas and this Regulation . The standard contractual clauses must be fair, transparent and be presented to the potential final consumer before the conclusion of the contract for the supply of natural gas.

ECS: Suggested elaboration for the purpose of legal certainty regarding applicable requirements for natural gas supply contracts. Pursuant to Art. 87(4) of the Gas Law.

Ro-ECS: A fost propusă completarea pentru a asigura certitudinea legală privind cerinţelor aplicabile pentru contractele de furnizare. Precum pevede Art. 87(4) a legii privind gazele naturale


Se acceptă.


Provisions of the natural gas supply contract shall be given in clear, comprehensible and non-ambiguous language. The supplier may not apply non-contractual barriers to the exercise of the consumer’s rights, such as demand for submission of excessive documentation for conclusion of the natural gas supply contract or application of redundant administrative procedures, and may not use unfair or misleading selling methods.

ECS: Mandatory requirement pursuant to Par. 1(d) of Annex I to Directive 2009/73/EC and Art. 87(5) of the Gas Law.

Ro-ECS: Cerință obligatorie în temeiul par. 1 litera (d) din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73/CE și art. 87 alin. (5) din Legea gazelor naturale.

The Regulation on supply must not coppy whole article 87 (5) from the Law.

The mandatory requirement pursuant to Par. 1(d) of Annex I to Directive 2009/73/EC were transposed into art. 87(5) of the Gas Law.


The contract for the supply of natural gas drawn up by the natural gas supplier must contain the following:

5)the hourly quantities of natural gas contracted, in case the natural gas supply contract is concluded with a non-household consumer;

ECS: Suggested clarification. Hourly planning of the natural gas consumption shall not be applied for household customers. Please note that we understood this Par. 16 as generally applicable for contracts to be concluded both with household and non-household customers. If that is not the case, please clarify respectively.

Ro ECS-Sugestii pentru clarificare. Planificarea pe oră a consumului de gaze naturale nu se va aplica clienților casnici. Vă rugăm să țineți cont că noi am înțeles că acest paragraf. 16, este unul care se aplică în general pentru contractele care urmează a fi încheiate atât cu consumatorii casnici, cât și cu clienții ne-casnici. Dacă nu este cazul, vă rugăm să clarificați.

  1. rights and obligations of the supplier and the final consumer, and information relating to consumer rights required by law, including handling of consumers’ complaints;

14) contact data of authorised persons and/or a call centre of the supplier, including their working hours, where the consumer would be able to receive all necessary information about the implementation of the natural gas supply contract;

15) liability for non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of the obligations undertaken by the parties to the natural gas supply contract.

ECS: Suggested elaboration for the purpose of legal certainty. It is not enough to envisage in the contract only the liability of the customer, as it was initially provided in Par. 16(7) of this Regulation.

Ro ECS- Secretariatul consider că este necesar de a face o descriere mai clară, în scopul de a asigura o certitudine din punct de vedere legal. Propunere de elaborare în scopul asigurării securității juridice. Nu este suficient să fie prevăzută în contract doar răspunderea clientului, așa cum a fost prevăzută inițial în Par. 16 alin. (7) din prezentul regulament.

Se acceptă.


De completat cu 2 puncte

The supplier is obliged to notify the final consumer about the proposal to modify the contract for the supply of natural gas at least 15 working days in advance, as well as about the fact that the latter is entitled to refuse the modification or to terminate the contract for the supply of natural gas in case of disagreement. ECS: Moved to a newly proposed Par. 20 of this Regulation

The supplier is obliged to notify the final consumer, directly and in a transparent and comprehensible manner, regarding any increase of the price for natural gas and/or other services under the natural gas supply contract no later than one billing period (i.e. one calendar month) after such increase comes into effect
ECS: Mandatory requirement pursuant to Par. 1(b) of Annex I of Directive 2009/73/EC and Art. 87(10) of the Gas Law.

Ro ECS Cerință obligatorie în temeiul Par. 1 litera (b) din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73/CE și art. 87 (10) din Legea gazelor naturale.

Together with the notification regarding proposed modifications to the natural gas supply contract and/or increase of the price, as envisaged in points 18 and 19 of this Regulation, the supplier shall expressly inform the final consumer that the latter is free to withdraw from the natural gas supply contract by its termination under the terms and conditions stipulated in this Regulation if it does not accept the new conditions notified by the supplier. Such withdrawal from the natural gas supply contract shall be free of charge or any other restrictions.

ECS: Mandatory requirement pursuant to Par. 1(b) of Annex I of Directive 2009/73/EC and Art. 87(10) of the Gas Law. Must be applied both in cases described in Par. 18 and 19 of this Regulation.

Ro ECS Cerință obligatorie în temeiul Par. 1 litera (b) din anexa I la Directiva 2009/73/CE și art. 87 (10) din Legea gazelor naturale. Trebuie aplicată în ambele cazuri descrise în par.18 și 19 din prezentul regulament.

Se acceptă.


pct nou

Public service suppliers shall not have a right to refuse conclusion of a natural gas supply contract with any final consumer which is eligible for respective public service under the Law on natural gas and fulfils the requirements under point 11 of this Regulation, except for the cases stipulated in point 33 of this Regulation.

ECS: Suggested clarification as regards express obligation of PSO suppliers to serve eligible customers.

RO- ECS: Au fost oferite clarificări în ceea ce privește obligația expresă a furnizorilor de servicii publice de a deservi clienții eligibili.

Se acceptă.



A final consumer who has the right to public service, who has exercised his right of eligibility, may return to the public service supplier and benefit from the supply of natural gas under public service regime in accordance with the time limits and under the terms and conditions set out in the Regulation on the procedure for changing the supplier approved by the Agency.

ECS: Suggested elaboration for the purpose of clarity.

Ro- ECS: sugerăm de a descrie mai pe larg în scopul asigurării unei clarității

Se acceptă.



In order to benefit from the public service, the non-household consumer requesting the conclusion of the gas supply contract with the public service supplier shall prove its qualification as of a small commercial entity, as defined by the Law on natural gas, and shall, și submit on his own responsibility a document that confirms:

ECS: Suggested clarification pursuant to Art. 2 (see definition of a “small commercial entity”) and 89(1) of the Gas Law.

Ro- ECS: Sugerăm de a oferi clarificări în temeiul Art.2 (a se vedea definiția de ”entitate comercială mica”) și art 89 (1) din legea privind gazele natural.

Nu se acceptă. Pentru a beneficia de serviciul public, consumatorul noncasnic, care solicită încheierea contractului de furnizare a gazelor naturale cu furnizorul de serviciu public trebuie să demonstreze că corespunde cerințelor Legii cu privire la gazele naturale referitoare la societate comercială mică și, prezintă acestuia, anual, pe propria răspundere documentul care confirmă:

  1. numărul de angajați;

  2. cifră anuală de afaceri sau bilanțul.


It is imperative that the contract for the supply of natural gas, concluded by the household consumers with suppliers of public service contains mandatory clauses specified in point 16 and, Annex no. 1 to this Regulation.

ECS: Suggested clarification regarding mandatory application of Par. 16 of this Regulation for drafting and conclusion of all natural gas supply contracts.

Ro-ECS: sunt necesare clarificări privind aplicarea obligatorie a par.16 din prezentul regulament pentru elaborarea și încheierea tuturor contractelor de furnizare a gazelor naturale.

The Anexx must corspond to point 16,17 that set the mandatory provisions for a contract concluded by a supplier with final customers.

According to Art. 7 (1) letter o) from the natural gas Law, the Agency drafts and approves mandatory clauses to be included in the agreements for the natural gas supply concluded with final consumers.

Paragraph 30 referes to the „mandatory clauses” of the contract between PSO supplier and household/ nonhousehold customer.

According to Art. 85(1) from the Natural gas Law, the terms and conditions to be observed at execution of the agreement on the natural gas supply, as part of public service obligation, together with mandatory clauses to be included in these agreements, are provided by the Regulation on the Natural Gas Supply.


It is imperative that the contract for the supply of natural gas, concluded by the non-household consumers with suppliers of public service contains mandatory clauses specified in point 16 and Annex no. 2 to this Regulation.

ECS: Please see comment #21.

RO-ECS: Vă rog să vedeți comentariul nr.21


The public service provider will conclude the contract for the supply of natural gas with an applicant, the potential final consumer, no later than 2 working days from the date of receipt of the request of the applicant on the conclusion of the contract for the supply of natural gas, except for the cases of concluding a natural gas supply contract for the supply of last resort pursuant to points 59 and 60 of this Regulation, in compliance with the requirements of this Regulation. The supplier shall inform the system operator about the conclusion of the contract for the supply of natural gas with the respective final consumer, at the time of signing the contract.

ECS: Please note that Par. 59 and 60 of this Regulation provide different terms for concluding the contract with the supplier of last resort. This has to be reflected in this provision or further elaborated as a new paragraph.

Ro-ECS Vă rog să notați că Par. 59 și 60 din prezentul regulament prevăd condiții diferite pentru încheierea contractului cu furnizorul din ultimă instanță. Acest aspect trebuie să se reflecte în această dispoziție sau să fie elaborat în continuare ca un nou paragraf.

The deadline for concluding the natural gas supply contract with a final consumer whose natural gas installations are connected to the natural gas network, other than a final consumer concluding the contract with the public service supplier as specified hereinabove, is no more than 7 calendar days from the date of submission of the application.

ECS: We understood that this provision shall be applied for conclusion of natural gas supply contracts other than those concluded with PSO suppliers. Please consider the proposed wording and, if seen necessary, provide additional clarifications.

Ro ECS - Noi am înțeles că această prevedere va fi aplicată pentru încheierea unor contracte de aprovizionare cu gaze naturale, altele decât cele încheiate cu furnizori de servicii publice de furnizare (PSO). Vă rugăm să luați în considerare formularea propusă și, dacă este necesar, prezentați clarificări suplimentare.

In case of non-compliance with the indicated deadline, the applicant is entitled to request compensation from the supplier for the damage caused by the failure to conclude the gas supply contract.

ECS: This seems to be a general provision applicable in both cases described by subparagraphs above. Please consider its introduction as of a separate subparagraph.

Ro-ECS: Aceasta pare a fi o dispoziție generală aplicabilă în ambele cazuri descrise în sub-paragrafele de mai sus. Vă rugăm să luați în calcul propunerea de a introduce acesta ca un paragraf separat.

Pentru a exclude echivocul, pct se editează în următoarea redacție:

Furnizorul de serviciu public va încheia contractul de furnizare a gazelor naturale în următoarele termene:

  1. 2 zile lucrătoare- dacă instalațiile de gaze naturale ale solicitantului, potențial consumator nu sunt racordate la rețeaua de gaze naturale;

  2. 7 zile calendaristice – dacă instalațiile de gaze naturale ale solicitantului sunt racordate la rețeaua de gaze naturale;

Termenul de încheiere a contractului începe a curge din data primirii cererii solicitantului privind încheierea contractului de furnizare a gazelor naturale, cu excepția cazurilor de încheiere a unui contract de furnizare a gazelor naturale pentru furnizarea de ultimă opțiune în conformitate cu punctele 59 și 60 din prezentul Regulament.

Partially accepted. The paragraph was edited.

Nu este necesar, deoarece contractul se încheie cu un consumator care consumă gaze naturale și nu are nici un prejudiciu din cauza încheierii contractului luni sau vineri.

The supplier has the right to refuse to conclude the contract for natural gas supply with the applicant/the final consumer, if the applicant/the final consumer has debts for natural gas consumed at other consumption places, the refusal being argued in writing. The supplier is obliged to conclude the contract for the supply of natural gas, within the time limits provided for in this Regulation, if the applicant/the final consumer has removed the causes that constituted the reason for refusal by the supplier.

ECS: This rule shall be applied to any supplier, and not only to PSO suppliers.

Ro-ECS: Această regulă se aplică la orice furnizor, şi nu numai la furnizori de servicii publice (PSO).


Se acceptă.

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