Initial small scale survey to determine detail of MTT courses in 7 countries: England, Greece, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Initial small scale survey to determine detail of MTT courses in 7 countries: England, Greece, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Great range of conditions: e.g. freedom and constraint; academic ‘location’; relationship to schools; balance (and integration) of artistic and pedagogic.
We have combined skills and knowledge, since we consider that knowledge is not a solitary factor. We aim to express what knowledge means in the context of music teaching.
We have combined skills and knowledge, since we consider that knowledge is not a solitary factor. We aim to express what knowledge means in the context of music teaching.
We have combined musical and didactic knowledge and skills as the musical expertise is contextualised by teaching music.
Contribution to a more intensive round of deliberation and discussion on issues relating to the training of music teachers
Contribution to a more intensive round of deliberation and discussion on issues relating to the training of music teachers
Tool for the modification of curricula
A highly representative document in terms of a European synopsis
The document emphasises the importance of Europe as a unity AND encourages diversity, i.e. to find ways suitable for individuals, institutions, regions etc.