Table of contents monday, September 9, 1: 30pm-4: 00pm modular Multi-Level Converters, hvdc, and dc grids I 3

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Drive/Utility Interface

Wednesday, September 21, 8:30AM-10:10AM, Room: 101B, Chair: Wenping Cao, Shih-Chin Yang

8:30AM Synchronous Switching of Non-Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines between Inverter and Grid Drives [#92]
Ronggang Ni, Dianguo Xu, Frede Blaabjerg, Gaolin Wang, Binbin Li and Kaiyuan Lu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Aalborg University, Denmark

Compared with Induction Machines (IMs) or Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (LSPMSMs), Non-Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (NLSPMSMs) have higher efficiency and better dynamic performance. However, NLSPMSMs have no damping windings in the rotor and hence cannot start themselves directly to the grid drive. For applications where a constant speed drive instead of Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is preferred, NLSPMSMs are required to be driven by the grid. Therefore, inverter aided soft startup and soft stop of such kind of motors are necessary. In this paper, a modified method of switching NLSPMSMs from inverter to grid mode drives, which is named as "forward switching" is proposed by introducing an additional V/f control after phase tracking in order to achieve voltage magnitude tracking. Furthermore, the method of switching the NLSPMSMs from grid to inverter drives, which is named as "backward switching" is also proposed. No position sensors are used for the consideration of low cost and high reliability, and the extended ElectroMotive Force (EMF) based position sensorless control algorithm is adopted during inverter drive. With the help of additional V/f control during switching, the current peak can be reduced for smooth switching. Experiments on an 18.5 kW NLSPMSM prototype are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

8:55AM Instability Detection and Protection Scheme for Efficiency Optimized V/f Driven Synchronous Reluctance Motors (SynRM) [#778]
Sara Ahmed, Gholamreza Jalali, Zach Pan and Hongrae Kim, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univers, United States; North Carolina State University, United States; ABB Inc., United States

This paper introduces a new method to stabilize synchronous reluctance motors (SynRMs) driven by efficiency optimized V/f control utilizing optimized flux. Efficiency optimized V/f driven SynRMs are prone to instabilities. Specifically, it becomes unstable for either fast ramp acceleration or large load disturbances. For example, in an efficiency optimized V/f control scheme, flux is reduced under low load to improve efficiency. However, a large load increase would lead to loss of synchronization under this condition. In this paper, a stability analysis of efficiency optimized V/f driven SynRM is performed. Instability threshold indicators using power factor and stator current angle are proposed. A novel instability protection scheme is introduced and verified in experiment.

9:20AM Power-Quality-Oriented Optimization in Multiple Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives [#1500]
Yongheng Yang, Pooya Davari, Frede Blaabjerg and Firuz Zare, Aalborg University, Denmark; The University of Queensland, Australia

As an almost standardized configuration, Diode Rectifiers (DRs) and Silicon- Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) are commonly employed as the front-end topology in three-phase Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) systems. Features of this ASD configuration include: structural and control simplicity, small volume, low cost, and high reliability during operation. Yet, DRs and SCRs bring harmonic distortions in the mains and thus lowering the overall efficiency. Power quality standards/rules are thus released. For multiple ASD systems, certain harmonics of the total grid current can be mitigated by phase-shifting the currents drawn by SCR-fed drives, and thus it is much flexible to reduce the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) level in such applications. However, the effectiveness of this harmonic mitigation scheme for multiple ASD systems depends on: a) the number of parallel drives, b) the power levels, and c) the phase-shifts (i.e., firing angles) for the corresponding SCR-fed drives. This paper thus adopts a particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the power levels and the firing angles for multi-drive systems considering a fixed number of drives when practically implemented. The optimization is done to minimize the THD level of the total current at the point of common coupling. Simulations with the optimized results are carried out and laboratory tests on a two-drive system are provided to demonstrate the phase-shifting harmonic mitigation scheme. Issues concerning the practical implementation of the optimal results in multi-drive systems are also addressed.

9:45AM A Four-Quadrant Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive with a Tiny DC Link Capacitor [#809]
Mahima Gupta and Giri Venkataramanan, University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States

Three phase ac drives using a dc link typically feature a significant amount of dc energy storage to maintain a stiff dc bus. This paper examines the concept of reducing the size of the dc link capacitor dramatically, to store just enough energy to provide one high frequency switching cycle of output power. The dc bus is no longer stiff and hence the classical sinusoidal pulse width modulation cannot be used. But, the stored energy modulation (SEM) concept that is used here synthesizes high quality sinusoidal waveforms even with such tiny dc link capacitors. In SEM, the switching intervals of the interconnecting switches are carefully determined non-linear functions of various operating parameters such as reactive component sizing, switching frequency, load levels, etc. The detailed operation of the SEM modulated converter for a field-oriented controlled (FOC) four-quadrant permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) electric drive application using space vector modulation (SVM) has been presented in the paper. The paper also includes circuit simulation results and preliminary design considerations of a SEM modulated drive.

PM and IPM Motor Drives II

Wednesday, September 21, 8:30AM-10:10AM, Room: 101CD, Chair: Omer Onar, Rakib Islam

8:30AM Effect of Position Sensor error on the Performance of IPMSM drives [#1272]
Ramakrishnan Raja, Tomy Sebastian, Mengqi Wang, Mohammad Islam and Abraham Gebregergis, Halla Mechatronics, Bay City , Michigan, United States; University of Michigan-Dearborn,Michigan, United States

Accurate knowledge of motor position is required in the motor drive application where smooth torque performance is needed. The error in position causes ripple in the developed current and thereby produce torque ripple. This paper analyzes the various effects of position sensor error in the current developed and in the torque generated in a current controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor drive. This research is focused on analyzing effect of position error on smooth production of torque in an IPMSM drive due to various inaccuracies. The analysis is verified through simulation and test results by measuring torque and torque ripple performances of a IPMSM drive.The results can be easily extended to SPM drive also.

8:55AM Signal-Injection-Aided Position and Speed Estimation for PMSM Drives with Low-Resolution Position Sensors [#1070]
Giulio De Donato, Giacomo Scelba, Mario Pulvirenti, Giuseppe Scarcella and Fabio Giulii Capponi, University of Rome - La Sapienza, Italy; University of Catania, Italy; University of Catania, Italy; university of Rome - La Sapienza, Italy

The aim of this paper is to reduce the low-speed limitation of PMSM drives that use low-resolution position sensors. It is recognized, for the first time, that this may be overcome by merging signal-injection-based self-sensing and low-resolution sensor technologies, if the machine possesses a detectable amount of electromagnetic saliency. The supplementary information coming from the injection of an additional high frequency magnetic field may be used to aid the low-resolution-based position and speed estimation algorithm, significantly improving the low-speed performance of the drive. In this research contribution, the quantization-harmonic decoupling vector-tracking observer is used for speed and position estimation. It is shown how this algorithm can be easily integrated with any high frequency signal injection method. Extensive experimental results are provided demonstrating the significant performance improvements at low speeds for a PMSM drive using 1, 2 and 3 bit-per-pole-pair sensing systems, when signal injection is used to aid position and speed estimation.

9:20AM Integrated Switch Current Sensor for Shortcircuit Protection and Current Control of 1.7-kV SiC MOSFET Modules [#1512]
Jun Wang, Zhiyu Shen, Rolando Burgos and Dushan Boroyevich, Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), United States

This paper presents design and implementations of a switch current sensor based on Rogowski coils. The current sensor is designed to address the issue of using desaturation circuit to protect the SiC MOSFET during shortcircuit. Specifications are given to meet the application requirement for SiC MOSFETs. It is also designed for high accuracy and high bandwidth for converter current control. PCB-based winding and shielding layout is proposed to minimize the noises caused by the high dv/dt at switching. The coil on PCB are modeled by impedance measurement, thus the bandwidth of coil is calculated. At the end, various test results are demonstrated to validate the great performance of the switch current sensor.

9:45AM Current Reconstruction Method for PMSM Drive System with a DC Link Shunt Resistor [#337]
Han-Beom Yeom, Hyun-Keun Ku and Jang-Mok Kim, LG Electronics, Korea (South); Pusan National University, Korea (South)

For the cost reduction of the inverter system, a DC link shunt resistor can be used to obtain the phase current of the AC motor. However, the phase current cannot be obtained from the shunt resistor when the duration of the active vector is shorter than the minimum time to sample the DC link current accurately. Conventional methods to reconstruct the phase current have some problems such as the high THD (Total Harmonic Distortion), the acoustic noise and the inaccurate reconstruction of the phase current in the low modulation region. In this paper, the cause of the noise in the conventional method is analyzed. To solve the acoustic noise problem, current reconstruction method based on current estimation is proposed. Intermittent PWM shift method is also proposed to enhance the accuracy of the reconstructed current in the low modulation region. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is verified through the simulations and the experiments. The usefulness of the proposed method is also proven by measuring the sound in the anechoic room.

Modeling of WBG Devices and Modules

Wednesday, September 21, 8:30AM-10:10AM, Room: 202C, Chair: Enrico Santi, Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

8:30AM PSpice Modeling Platform for SiC Power MOSFET Modules with Extensive Experimental Validation [#83]
Lorenzo Ceccarelli, Muhammad Nawaz and Francesco Iannuzzo, Aalborg University, Denmark; ABB Corporate Research Center, Sweden

The aim of this work is to present a PSpice implementation for a well- established and compact physics-based SiC MOSFET model, including a fast, experimental-based parameter extraction procedure in a MATLAB GUI environment. The model, originally meant for single-die devices, has been used to simulate the performance of high current rating (above 100 A), multi-chip SiC MOSFET modules both for static and switching behavior. Therefore, the simulation results have been validated experimentally in a wide range of operating conditions, including high temperatures, gate resistance and stray elements. The whole process has been repeated for three different modules with voltage rating of 1.2 kV and 1.7 kV, manufactured by three different companies. Lastly, a parallel connection of two modules of the same type has been performed in order to observe the unbalancing and mismatches experimentally, and to verify the model effectiveness in such challenging topologies.

8:55AM Development of Simulink-Based SiC MOSFET Modeling Platform for Series Connected Devices [#96]
Georgios Tsolaridis, Kalle Ilves, Paula Diaz Reigoza, Muhammad Nawaz and Francesco Iannuzzo, ABB Corporate Research Center, Sweden; Aalborg University, Denmark

A new MATLAB/Simulink-based modeling platform has been developed for SiC MOSFET power modules. The modeling platform describes the electrical behavior of a single 1.2 kV 350 A SiC MOSFET power module, as well as the series connection of two of them. A fast parameter initialization is followed by an optimization process to facilitate the extraction of the model parameters in a more automated way relying on a small number of experimental waveforms. Through extensive experimental work, it is shown that the model accurately predicts both static and dynamic performances.

9:20AM An Accurate Subcircuit Model of SiC Half Bridge Module for Switching Loss Optimization [#299]
Pengfei Tu, Shan Yin, Peng Wang, King Jet Tseng, Chen Qi, Xiaolei Hu, Michael Adam Zagrodnik and Rejeki Simanjorang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore

The increasing demand for high power density requires power converter to operate in high switching frequency. SiC power module is regarded as one of the most promising candidates for high-frequency applications due to the superior switching speed and low switching loss. The conventional strategy to optimize switching loss is normally achieved by repetitive double pulse tests, which is time-consuming to find an optimum gate resistance to achieve the trade-off between switching loss and EMI issues. In this work, an accurate SiC module subcircuit model is proposed. It considers the physical behavior of the device and can be directly extracted from the datasheet information. Good agreements are achieved between the PSpice simulation and experimental results in both switching waveform and switching loss. It also provides a guidance for gate driver design with a reasonable accuracy.

9:45AM Spatial Electro-Thermal Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Modules [#1068]
Christoph van der Broeck, Lukas Ruppert and Rik De Doncker, ISEA, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

In this work the spatial electro-thermal modeling of power electronic modules is discussed. It is shown how physical and mathematical modeling techniques can be combined to obtain a compact time efficient electro-thermal simulation framework for power electronic modules. The framework can be used to evaluate the transient temperature distribution of a power module in an electric vehicle over driving cycles. Based on the simulated temperature distribution the lifetime of the power module can be estimated using various aging laws. The simulation and lifetime estimation is demonstrated as an example for a Hybridpack2 inverter module. Finally, a design parameter study is carried out, which evaluates different module design options with respect to their impact on reliability.

Gate Drive Techniques II

Wednesday, September 21, 8:30AM-10:10AM, Room: 102A, Chair: Daniel Costinett, Pradeep S. Shenoy

8:30AM Automatic Optimization of IGBT Gate Driving Waveform Using Simulated Annealing for Programmable Gate Driver IC [#838]
Koutarou Miyazaki, Makoto Takamiya and Takayasu Sakurai, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Optimizing the gate driving waveform of power devices for energy loss and noise per switching has been attracting attention. This paper proposes a systematic method to automatically optimize the gate waveform by dynamically combining real measurements and software optimization loop based on simulated annealing algorithm. The method is applied to the turn-on and turn-off process of an IGBT double pulse test setup. A gate driving waveform with four time segments is employed for the optimization, which is realized by a help of a programmable gate driver IC. The machine-based optimization finishes within one and half hours and with the resultant optimized waveform, 59% energy loss decrease and 57% voltage overshoot reduction are achieved for the case of the IGBT turnoff compared with a simple single-step gate driving waveform.

8:55AM Active dv/dt Control of 600V GaN Transistors [#1250]
Bingyao Sun, Rolando Burgos, Xuning Zhang and Dushan Boroyevich, CPES-Virginia Tech, United States

With the fast-switching devices like GaN HEMT applying in power converters, the converters achieve higher switching frequency, higher efficiency and higher power density. As a result of the fast switching edge and high commutation speed, the issues like electromagnetic interference (EMI), overvoltage, gate protection become daunting tasks. The active gate control technique has been verified on the Si device to be an effective tool to relieve the challenges above, especially to reduce EMI noise by slowing down dv/dt with less penalty of switching loss. The paper proposes a new active dv/dt control circuit with fast response to change the 600 V GaN HEMT turn- off and turn-on dv/dt slew rate freely and independently, while the converter is running. To achieve this, simulations are first performed to verify the circuit function, considering all the possible parasitics distributed on the experimental setup, and a detailed circuit design is followed. Experimental results obtained on the 300V dc 15 A load current double pulse tester, composed by a GaN HEMT phase leg, validates the proposed method by varying turn-on dv/dt slew rate from 27.1 V/ns to 8.8 V/ns, turn-off dv/dt from 34.6 V/ns to 7.6 V/ns. Finally comparison with different gate resistors is provided, showing the proposed method has a smaller switching loss under the same dv/dt condition than using a large gate resistor.

9:20AM Commutation Strategies for Single-Chip Dual-Gate Bidirectional IGBTs in Matrix Converters [#1091]
Daming Wang, Sai Tang, Jun Wang, Zhengbin Xiong, Shanglin Mo, Xin Yin, Zhikang Shuai and Z. John Shen, Hunan University, China

This paper compares four different commutation strategies for a new monolithic dual-gate bidirectional IGBT (BD-IGBT) in matrix converters. A new variable-timing four-step commutation and an one-step commutation control strategies are proposed and compared with the conventional and the two-level four-step commutation methods reported previously. Operation modes and power losses of the BD-IGBT using these commutation strategies are analyzed with mixed-mode device/circuit simulation. The power loss and efficiency of a 13 kW three-phase to three-phase matrix converter are compared between the conventional combo switch and the new single-chip BD-IGBT implementations. It is found that the BD-IGBT, when using an optimal commutation strategy, offers significant advantages over the conventional IGBT/diode cell in terms of efficiency and cost.

9:45AM Two Comparison-Alternative High Temperature PCB-Embedded Transformer Designs for a 2 W Gate Driver Power Supply [#1248]
Bingyao Sun, Remi Perrin, Cyril Buttay, Bruno Allard, Nicolas Quentin, Rolando Burgos, Dushan Boroyevich and Marwan Ali, CPES-Virginia Tech, United States; Ampere lab - INSA Lyon, Univ. Lyon, France; Labinal Power Systems-SAFRAN, France

With fast power semiconductor devices based on GaN and SiC becoming more common, there is a need for improved driving circuits. Transformers with smaller inter-winding capacitance in the isolated gate drive power supply helps in reducing the conducted EMI emission from the power converter to auxiliary sources. This paper presents a transformer with a small volume, a low power loss and a small inter-capacitance in a gate drive power supply to fast switching devices, such as GaN HEMT and SiC MOSFET. The transformer core is embedded into PCB to increase the integration density. Two different transformer designs, the coplanar-winding PCB embedded transformer and the toroidal PCB embedded transformer, are presented and compared. The former has a 0.8 pF inter-capacitance and the latter has 85% efficiency with 73 W/in3 power density. Both designs are dedicated to a 2 W gate drive power supply for wide-band-gap device, which can operate at 200 degree Celsius ambient temperature.

Wireless Power Transfer III

Wednesday, September 21, 8:30AM-10:10AM, Room: 202B, Chair: Tsorng-Juu Liang, Khurram Afridi

8:30AM Performance Analysis of Magnetic Power Pads for Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Ferrite Structure Variation [#305]
Minkook Kim, Jongeun Byeon, Jae-Woo Lee and Byoung Kuk Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South); LG Electronics, Korea (South)

In this paper, performance of rectangular shaped magnetic power pads for inductive power transfer (IPT) system according to the ferrite structure is analyzed. In order to evaluate the influences of ferrite structure, six cases of magnetic power pads are configured. Self-inductance, coupling coefficient, quality factor, and coil to coil efficiency are compared as the displacement increases in the direction of x or y axis. For accurate estimation, finite element method (FEM) simulation is used and loss components of the power pads are numerically calculated and considered. Through the simulation results, effectiveness of protrusive and enveloping ferrite structure is identified.

8:55AM Analysis of Mutually Decoupled Primary Coils for IPT Systems for EV Charging [#1362]
Seho Kim, Abiezer Tejeda, Grant Anthony Covic and John Talbot Boys, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) systems have been proposed for various applications and have been increasingly gaining interest for electric vehicle (EV) charging. Numerous magnetic structures have been proposed for IPT systems for EV charging including structures involving mutually decoupled coils. This paper presents an analytical model of an IPT system composed of a two coil primary pad and a single coil secondary pad to show the importance of mutually decoupled coils in IPT systems using multi-coil primary pads. A controller is also proposed to find the optimal primary currents needed to achieve the "best" effective coupling factors at any secondary displacement for mutually decoupled primary coils. A 1.5 kW prototype system is implemented in the laboratory to validate the findings for ideally aligned and misaligned cases.

9:20AM Dynamic Matching System for Radio-Frequency Plasma Generation [#1261]
Anas Al Bastami, Alexander Jurkov, Parker Gould, Mitchell Hsing, Martin Schmidt and David Perreault, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

Plasma generation systems represent a particularly challenging load for radio-frequency power amplifiers owing to the combination of high operating frequency (e.g., 13.56 MHz) and highly variable load parameters. We introduce a dynamic matching system for Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) generation that losslessly maintains near-constant driving point impedance (minimal reflected power) across the entire plasma operating range. This new system utilizes a Resistance Compression Network (RCN), an impedance transformation stage, and a specially-configured set of plasma drive coils to achieve rapid adjustment to plasma load variations. As compared to conventional matching techniques for plasma systems, the proposed approach has the benefit of relatively low cost and fast response, and does not require any moving components. We describe suitable coil geometries for the proposed system, and treat the design of the RCN and matching stages, including design options and tradeoffs. A prototype system is implemented and its operation is demonstrated with low pressure ICP discharges with O2, C4F8, and SF6 gases at 13.56 MHz and over the entire plasma operating range of up to 250 W.

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