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Evaluatıon of Fatıh (Movement Of Enhancıng Opportunıtıes

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Evaluatıon of Fatıh (Movement Of Enhancıng Opportunıtıes

and Improvıng Technology ) Project By Teachers

In this research, the movement of increasing opportunities and improving the technology Project that is called FATIH Project by the Ministry of Education and the evaluation of the Project components by the teachers are aimed. The first two parts of the research has been prepared with a descriptive approach pattern which is one of the general scanning models in accordance with the quantitative research methods. In the last part of the research, a qualitative method has been used by being asked two open- ended questions.

The study group of the research consists of 103 teachers working in pilot schools in the Anatolia side of Istanbul. The survey was sent to all the teachers by the researcher.

In collecting data, the evaluation survey of the FATIH Project by the teachers which was prepared. In the analysis of the data obtained from the first two parts of the collecting data tool, t-test, Mann- Whitney U test, and the statistical techniques of Pearson correlation analysis have been used for the independent groups besides percent, frequency, and arithmetic average. In the analysis of the data obtained from the open-ended questions, the themes have been reached by coding and their comments have been done descriptively. In this research, when we look at the results of the quantitative data, It has been reached the result that the teachers are using the interactive board most among the technologies provided by the FATIH Project, and they feel sufficient themselves in the management of the class in which interactive board is used while they feel insufficient in the management of the class in which tablet computers are used and they evaluate the components of the project positively. It has been found that there isn’t a remarkable difference according to the teachers’ gender, age, education, serving years and branches.

When we look at the results of the qualitative data of the research, FATIH Project has been evaluated positively as it increases learning, saves time, increases the motivation and attention, makes education interesting, provides a rich learning environment by solving the problem of carrying lesson materials, provides easiness in teaching and there is an internet connection. On the other hand, tablet computers in FATIH Project have been evaluated negatively. These are the negative evaluations determined in using tablet computers: There is no interaction between the interactive board and the tablets, insufficient e-content, some features of tablet computers are limited, there isn’t an internet connection in them, they are mostly used for games by students, they make classroom management more difficult, there isn’t any data sending to them.


Tez Adı : Mezun Takip Sistemlerinin Gerekliliği ve İstanbul Üniversitesi İçin Mezun Takip Sistemi Uygulaması: EYOKA

Danışman : Yrd. Doç. Dr. Zerrin AYVAZ REİS

Anabilim Dalı : Enformatik

Programı : -

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013

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