Companies that offer services or products can survive as long as they are happy with their customers. It is important to establish long-term relationships with customers in an increasingly competitive environment. These long-term relationships should result in loyal customers. There are several factors that affect customer dependence, such as customer satisfaction and quality of service, as well as the value that is accepted by customers.
Customer satisfaction occurs when customer expectations are met at a high level. As soon as customers benefit from the service product, customer satisfaction occurs. A satisfied customer will become a long-term loyal customer.
The quality of the service indicates the benefits’ agreement obtained from the product or service. The higher the quality of the service, the more value the customer perceives.
The main purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between customer satisfaction, quality of service, ie perceived value and customer dependence. For this purpose, a questionnaire was conducted with bank customers to determine the relationship between customer satisfaction, perceived value, and customer dependence. As a result of this study, it was determined that there was a positive and significant relationship between customer satisfaction, perceived value, and customer dependence.