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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon May 21, 2001 4:28am

Subject: Talk therapy ad nauseum
Dear Ellie:
Since joining your group, I have tried a method that has been working for me. I have always had a hard time physically showing my anger. But I have had very strong feelings of rage towards my parents. What has been useful for me has been to take a butter knife since it has a dull blade and take it into the bathroom where I keep my laundry basket and get on my hands and knees and stab away into my dirty laundry with knife in hand expressing my angry thoughts outloud that I am feeling towards my parents. Believe me, I have only done it a few times but it is for me a very real outlet for decades of actual rage. Thank you for sharing your suggestion with us about letting the anger out physically and to focus it on our parents. I am an educated person with a professional degree who has been reduced to a vegetable emotionally due to pent up rage. It has effected every aspect of my life, especially my career and relationships. I am going to continue to "stab away" until it no longer works. But frankly, if it stops working I will not give up on your theory. I will look for alternative ways to express the rage. Again, thank you so much for coming forth. I have tried talk therapy ad nauseum and medication and I feel much better when I walk out of my bathroom than I do a session. Praise God! - a new list member
I'm pleased it is working for you. It might be better to use something other than a knife. I know there is no real danger to others since you are doing the redirecting, but why set up patterns in your mind of using something like a knife and you could even hurt yourself. It's probably an unnecessary caution, but perhaps you could pound on the laundry with your fists or with a wooden stick, how about a big wooden spoon with a rounded end?
RE: "I am going to continue to "stab away" until it no longer works. But frankly, if it stops working I will not give up on your theory. I will look for alternative ways to express the rage"
This is wonderful news...remember that in time you will not feel the "highs" after doing this and may even have some increased depression that follows. You may in time feel it no longer works because you have gotten rid of most of the repressed anger. So you won't need to look for alternative ways.

From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Mon May 21, 2001 11:31am

Subject: More on food
Hi Ellie,
Your post stated: fish, like Artic Char (a wild Salmon-avoid farm raised) and tuna and raw eggs, especially the yolks. Most of us are deficient in fat, which is especially needed for healthy neural transmission, and raw animal fat is healthy. >>
I think it's important for it to be clear to people to know that the animal fat that is healthy to eat is that of pasture-fed (not grain-fed), antibiotic and hormone-free animals. More harm than good comes from eating the fat of grain-fed animals. The ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids in grain-fed meats is anywhere from 10:1 to 20:1 (or more) in favor of omega-6's. This balance is corrected in pasture-fed/foraging animals to a range of 4:1 to 1:1 omega-6's to omega-3's.
The same holds true for eggs as well. The egg of a chicken raised on grain has a ratio of 20:1 omega 6's to omega-3's. Chickens that are true foragers produce eggs with ratios in the range of 2:1 to 1:3 6's to 3's. A good compromise is the eggs now being produced with added omega-3's. Golden Circle Farms have a 1:1 ratio of 6's to 3's, Pete and Gerry's have a 2:1 ratio of 6's to 3's.
It is only since animals became grain-fed that we have implicated saturated fat as the basis for many diseases and disorders. C
Thank you. I mentioned in the last post on What to Eat that I eat only animal flesh from pastured grass-fed animals, and this is valuable additional information. I will add it to my book draft too. Here are sources I mentioned in the previous post for food from pastured animals.
In the USA:
In Canada: (British Columbia, phone: 250 653 9122).
In Europe: (Germany, phone: 0 800 999 888 1)

From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Tue May 22, 2001 2:37am

Subject: Ways to Release Anger
Ways to Release Anger
Pound on a bed with your fists and yell. Use a bataka bat or tennis racket to spare your fists.
Avoid using knives or dangerous weapons that might set up patterns in your mind or cause you to injure yourself.
Roll up a towel, beat the bed, and scream. Muffle your voice if you have neighbors.
Take a pair of jeans, hold it by the ankles, and whack the hell out of your bed.
Yell, scream, shriek into a pillow in the closet if necessary, or yell in the shower.
Put on heavy gloves and pound on the wall, or hit a punching bag.
Throw things at the wall, not random things, safe things like pillows.
Kick a ball around the room. Kick the air.
Slam doors, cupboard doors, or drawers.
Rip cloth or paper to shreds.
Put work gloves on to avoid paper cuts and tear up a phone book. Yell while you tear.
Take pages out of a magazine, tear them in half, and throw them around the room.
Do a dance of anger.
Scrub the floor.
If you can't sleep or wake up with a scary dream, pound your fists on the bed until you relax.
Stomp your feet when you walk.
Kick a rock down the street.
Run, ride a bike, or do other hard physical exercise.
Weed the garden, the lawn, and anything else in sight.
Bang on a tree, pick up a branch, break it, and throw it on the ground.
Watch a slapstick comedy that makes you laugh.
When you are in public try to find a private place like a restroom stall and pound on the wall. You may need to redirect anger to past abusers quietly in your mind. If you are in an office, throw a crumpled ball hard into a wastebasket. Break a pencil in two. Jab a ballpoint pen through a piece of paper. Tighten your fists.
Mentally talk to past abusers. Say to those parental voices still in your head, "shut up," or, "get out of my head," or "I hate you." If you are comfortable with strong language, use it.
Write letters or compose e-mail messages to parents and other past abusers--then tear up the letters or delete the e-mail.
Play pinball, or if you can find it, there is game at some arcades where these little guys pop up and you are supposed to whomp' em with a mallet as fast as you can.
Go bowling and visualize the pins as past abusers. Find games like this on the Internet--there is one called the Elfbowl game.
Go to a baseball practice range and think of past abusers when you hit the ball.
Go to a cemetery and pound on a grave.
If you are at an airport, stand outside where the planes are revving their engines and getting ready to take off. Yell. No one will hear you--you won't even be able to hear yourself.

From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Tue May 22, 2001 2:39am

Subject: Ways to Release Anger
Text removed - was a duplicate of message above - #1037

From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Tue May 22, 2001 3:08am

Subject: Passing on the RST
Dear Ellie,

I was interested in the letter you posted a few days ago from the women who used Sarno's technique from his book The Mindbody Prescription, (TO CURE HER BACK PAIN) I wanted to say that that was how I finally got rid of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I think it took a combination of the RST and the Sarno book to cure me. Even though your theories are different perhaps it's possible that they are both correct. I am still very excited about the changes that have occurred with me over the last six months, physical and mental. I hope you will post this as an encouragement to others. I have tried to post this information on a couple of IBS sites but hardly anyone responded and some that did got mad and said that it was dangerous to suggest that it could be an emotional problem. I wonder if more people would listen to me if I had some kind of credentials? I have thought about a counseling degree, but I'm afraid I would have to learn a lot of information I would never use. Do you think that if you were not retired that you would go into counseling? I am trying to think about the best way to pass along this information. Even though Sarno is an M. D. with plenty of credentials, he says that very few doctors are interested in his theories. It would be such a shame if your research and others like yours does not get into the mainstream and soon. C.


The toxic mind theory is true and supports many other theories, which have some, although not all, of the truth. That theory mentioned for back pain is accurate in part, but doesn't explain the whole situation, which the toxic mind theory does.

I doubt if a counseling degree would teach you anything. The tmt is so new that it is not yet taught in academic places, although I'm pleased to see a couple of colleges have put my sci. paper on their biology course reading lists. Have you read the sci paper? It would be a better background for you than any formal counseling courses, if you are interested in passing on the RST.
I have all the credentials needed, but people still don't listen because they are in denial about their need for help. My former colleagues in psychiatry and medicine have acknowledged the truth of my theory but are in personal denial, so they ignore me, even tried to get my sci paper kept off the NYU university web sites.
I have no reason to go into counseling, this is self-therapy and the best way for me to work is as I am, ie to offer it to others and share my own and others experiences. It's kind of like 12-step work. In fact ACA is making a pamphlet, which will reach millions someday.
It will take a long time for this to be accepted mainstream. Each professional would have to recover himself. There are a few who have, but not many. There are three stages for new and true sci discoveries, 1. ridicule, 2. discussion, 3 acceptance...The tmt is still in 1.
Best way for me and you too, to pass it on is just to offer the pamphlet or my websites to others, then let go. It plants a seed even in those still in denial. Have you looked at the Endorsements on:
Exciting news from the Czech Republic. I think God has plans for this to reach prisoners first, then outside so that nations can heal.

From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Tue May 22, 2001 3:19am

Subject: No more "highs"
I understand all people are different but when I now release anger, I am finding that I no longer feel the highs, just mild headaches and very mild depression.
When someone is getting closer to post flood, should they be feeling more highs or what I am saying or is it impossible to say?
Thankyou P
Hooray for you, yes as you become post flood you will definitely feel fewer highs. Here is something about the "highs" from my book draft.
"Some of you may think you are cured during these "highs." Others may be concerned about getting addicted to anger, or more accurately to the "high" that follows a detoxification crisis. This is not possible because there is a slow withdrawal of the nordrenaline. As you continue the redirecting therapy, the amount of noradrenaline released from the reservoirs will be less and less, and you will feel less of a "high" after each detoxification crisis."


From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Tue May 22, 2001 11:09am

Subject: Redirecting in dreams
I have a question -- I'm curious to know if things like this have happened to others with depression who are doing the redirecting. I'm not able to do the physical redirecting very often -- I haven't felt the impetus/motivation to. I'm on a very low dosage of an antidepressant and am receiving biofeedback for my major depression, which has now lasted over 9 months (my fifth major depression in as many years, unfortunately; they seem to happen roughly annually, and evidence does not point to it being SAD or light deprivation in the seasonal sense).
I had a dream recently in which I was raging at my father, who was pressuring me to just "snap out of" my depression. His obstinacy drove me up the wall (as he was the proverbial "brick wall" and could not be reasoned with), and I yelled and screamed at him. In the dream, I could feel the physical reactions in my body to the anger (shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, adrenaline up). I have no idea whether these physical reactions were ACTUALLY happening in my body while I was having the dream, but I would imagine that my body must have been manifesting these reactions during such an emotionally intense, charged dream.
This is especially interesting since both my father and my mother have been just terrific and supportive during my depressions; the first time I got depressed they weren't so supportive, but that was just because they didn't know what depression truly was or how to deal with it. They have made the effort to learn what it really is and are 100% supportive.
In fact, my relationship with my parents has been wonderful in the past 4 years, and, ironically enough, I owe this improvement all to the depressions I went through (which of course, were caused by my parents' physical and emotional abuse of myself). They have truly matured and grown as people, emotionally and spiritually, and I can honestly say that for the past 4 years, my parents and I have considerable, real love and intimacy, which I never shared with them in my first 25 years of life.
Anyway, it is clear that my father is no longer agitating me in the present or telling me to just "snap out of it." But clearly, the dream is telling me that I am still furious with my father's sickness and hurtful anger in the past. Which made me think of the whole concept of redirecting. My parents are no longer hurting me in the present, but clearly I still have to "settle accounts" with them (or the sickness in them, more accurately) for past behavior -- to clear out the clearly considerable emotional toxicity in my body (repressed anger and rage).
The next morning, when I remembered the dream, it occurred to me that I've had many such dreams before, even when my parents were being loving and supportive in the present.
Have you heard of this happening before? And do you think toxins were being released, even though it was only a dream? Can the body have the physical reaction of redirecting even though your physical body is not yelling and thrashing about in reality? I tell you, that dream was so powerful, I feel like my body MUST have been experiencing the redirecting on a very primal level, even though I wasn't pounding the bed, jumping around, etc. (I was asleep in bed!). But I know that the body does manifest physical changes in reaction to dreams (i.e. heart rate going up during a scary dream).
Just wondering what you've heard about this, if anything. Thanks for your support and the messages. TW

Yes indeed, you were having an intense and effective healing detoxification crisis, a detox of neurochemicals that store repressed anger in your brain. When you wake up from such a dream do some pounding on the bed. All of those reactions were real and a part of increased nervous activity during the dream. You were redirecting anger during the dream. Even though your parents are loving and supportive, I'm sure they caused you to suppress justifiable anger as a child. Remember, you are only getting angry at the memories of their early behavior stored in you brain, not at their present day behavior. Suggest you reread the articles and try to increase using the RST. You need to use it even more intensely when on an antidepressant, which will fool you into thinking you don't need it. Ellie


From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Tue May 22, 2001 3:31pm

Subject: Food & other therapies
I have to say, it's kind of amazing the way my tastes and diet have changed over the past 5 months or so. I used to eat lots of diary foods and really liked drinking LOTS of whole milk, all my life. (Most people I know were very grossed out by how much whole milk I drank.) :)
Somewhere along the line, I found that I no longer craved such large doses of diary foods, and now I can barely stomach large doses of whole milk. (I still drink whole milk, but about one glass 4 or 5 days, and use it for cereal.)
I now naturally want more vegetables and less carbohydrates. Also, I never ate much red meat, but I find I eat it even less than I used to. However, I still can't get into the whole "raw foods/raw vegetables" thing...I really like my foods cooked or at least somewhat cooked.
I never ate much junk food, but I find that it's lost even more of what little appeal it had for me.
But I think it is significant that I genuinely crave healthier foods, as opposed to someone who doesn't crave the healthier foods but tries to force themselves to eat better because they know they should. It's interesting how natural and not forced the inclination is.
I take this as a sign that the toxicity is slowly leaving my body, and clearing out my system.
Questions on other possible adjacent and/or supplemental treatments: Reiiki and biofeedback. Have you had any experience of either? What do you know about these? They would seem to complement the redirecting, in terms of clearing the emotional/neural pathways and clearing the body's energy. TW

Yes, you are less likely to crave foods like these, and can make a conscious decision to eat healthier food. Even if you have some of these foods from time to time, your nervous system is better able to detoxify those substances in them that are non-nutritious.

You may find you like red meat after a while, rare, if not raw.....Try some Sushi if you're game. Raw fatty fish is especially good for the brain.
As for other therapies, the toxic mind theory supports most of these if they help people release emotions. There are so many other therapies that are useful along with the RST, that I have not studied them and so can't comment on them.
Stay well,



From: Elnora Van Winkle

Date: Wed May 23, 2001 8:16am

Subject: Instinctive Eating
Hello Ellie,
I am curious about the questions I asked concerning the taste and chewability of some raw foods. R

You would really need to read some of the books I mention, especially Schaeffer's Instinctive Nutrition

Foods eaten instinctively taste delicious, that's the whole idea, that our taste determines what is needed. When you eat things cooked or in combination, your body cannot tell you what in those foods it wants. Eaten raw and as found in Nature you will get a taste change when your body doesn't need it anymore. As for chewy, I find some raw meats pretty chewy, and I chew on them until the taste changes and then spit out. This is not an easy way of eating in our polite society, but it's the way our early ancestors ate, also wild animals, and they seldom get our chronic diseases.
The problem with cooked food is that the more you cook something the more you convert the natural nutrients into toxins, which are addicting. So many people in my country are overweight, yet they are actually in a state of starvation on the standard American diet. If you are interested in eating all raw food, be sure to make this transition slowly. There are real hazards, like parasites, especially in the beginning until your immune system is in good shape. I read Fit for Life, by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, which explains that physical symptoms are detoxification crises, and I followed their diet for a while. I had a lung tumor and did not want to go the medical route. I did a 15 day water fast, but don't try this. I realize now I could have changed my diet without fasting. You might transition into instinctive eating from the Fit for Life diet or a high raw animal fat diet recommended by Aajonus Vonderplanitz in We Want to Live, ( Cooking animal fat increases carcinogenic substances in the meat.
I eat all raw instinctively according to Severen L. Schaeffer's book, Instinctive Nutrition. Eating instinctively means eating all foods in their raw natural state unmixed with other food, sort of garden of Eden style. As Schaeffer says, "what we want (that occurs in nature) is what we need." What smells and tastes good the body needs. Schaeffer's book is based on Anopsology, by Guy-Claude Burger, who first developed instinctive eating ( You might also read: Maximize Immunity, Bruno Comby ( and: Instinctive Eating, Zephyr (


After you eat something for a while you may get a stop signal when the body no longer needs it. What does not taste good the body does not need at this time. Natural foods selected by smell and taste alone have been used to treat many conditions, including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. And eating this way will speed the detoxification process in the brain. There are a number of raw food lists you could join if you search the Internet.

Whether you cook meat and fish, eat it rare, or start eating it raw, try to get meat from pastured animals, that is, grass fed rather than grain fed animals and get wild fish rather than farm raised. Grain fed animals and farm raised fish have flesh that is more toxic and more prone bacteria. As evidence for this you can easily age grass-fed meat or wild fish, without it going bad from bacteria. Our early ancestors were very likely adapted to this aged meat since they were scavengers.
There is now evidence based on fat content that it is healthier to eat meat from grass-fed (not grain-fed), antibiotic and hormone-free animals. The ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids in grain-fed meats is anywhere from 10:1 to 20:1 (or more) in favor of omega-6's. This balance is corrected in pasture-fed/foraging animals to a range of 4:1 to 1:1 omega-6's to omega-3's. The same holds true for eggs as well. The egg of a chicken raised on grain has a ratio of 20:1 omega 6's to omega-3's. Chickens that are true foragers produce eggs with ratios in the range of 2:1 to 1:3 6's to 3's. It is only since animals became grain-fed that we have implicated saturated fat as the basis for many diseases and disorders.
There are some sources of pastured animal food on the Internet.
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In Canada: (British Columbia, phone: 250 653 9122).

In Europe: (Germany, phone: 0 800 999 888 1)

Recovered persons are likely to continue to get physically sick unless they switch to mostly natural foods. I'm happy to say all my physical ailments--and I had many--have cleared up. I no longer get colds or any other acute disorders, only minor detox crises from time to time. But don't forget to make any transition to raw food slowly. I've been eating this way so long now, I don't worry about bacteria. Germs don't survive in healthy bodies. People who eat raw food, even if they get an HIV virus, don't get AIDS. And my weight has been stable for almost two years, no matter what I eat. There is a nice passage in the Koran, "Gardens of Eden into which they shall enter; rivers shall flow beneath their shades; all they wish for shall they find therein!"
Stay Well,


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