Title: Exciton binding energy and excitonic absorption spectra in a parabolic quantum wire under transverse electric field

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Number of references:10

Main heading:Pumps

Controlled terms:Computational fluid dynamics - Flood control - Numerical analysis - Pumping plants - Reliability analysis - Siphons - Structural frames

Uncontrolled terms:City flood control - Cutoff modes - Internal flow patterns - Performance prediction - Shaft tubular pumping system

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing - 619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines - 618.2 Pumps - 454.1 Environmental Engineering, General - 446 Waterworks - 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20114214431580

Title:Numerical simulation on three dimensional flow in two-way reversible pumping system

Authors:Liu, Chao (1); Jin, Yan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Hydraulic Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.(liuchao@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China

Abstract:In order to prevent and eliminate vortex and the vortex tube occurred in the suction passage of two-way-reversible pumping system for the safe operation of the pump unit, an additional curved guide pier was placed on the bottom of suction passage under pump mouth. By using the CFD software the numeric simulation was made to obtain three-dimensional flow fields inside the pumping system with the additional guide pier and predict the performance of the pumping system. Combined with the model test, this paper focused on the velocity distribution of suction passage outlet, and its influences on the pump system performance. Both the computation and the measurement results showed that the additional guide pier on the bottom inside the suction passage did not effect on the velocity distribution of suction passage. The velocity evenness of suction passage outlet reach 93% with guide pier, which can meet the needs of pump operation. The performance of the pumping system was good and the high efficiency of the system at BEP is 68.89%. Experimental observations showed that the set of the guide pier could effectively prevent the vortex generation under pump inlet, the vortices were not found within the suction passage under different operation conditions. The pump ran smoothly without vibration. Comparing the calculated results with the model test results of the outlet velocity distribution of the suction passage, both of them are similar in overall structure and pump performance prediction at BEP is consistent with the test results.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Pumps

Controlled terms:Computer software - Flow simulation - Piers - Pumping plants - Three dimensional - Three dimensional computer graphics - Velocity - Velocity control - Velocity distribution - Vortex flow

Uncontrolled terms:CFD softwares - Experimental observation - Guide pier - High efficiency - Measurement results - Model tests - Numeric simulation - Operation conditions - Pump operation - Pump performance - Pump system - Pumping systems - Safe operation - Suction passage - Test results - Three dimensional flow - Three dimensional flow field - Two-way reversible pumping system - Vortex generation - Vortex tube

Classification code:931.1 Mechanics - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 446 Waterworks - 407.1 Maritime Structures - 618.2 Pumps


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20114514504365

Title:Thickness dependence of positive exchange bias in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers

Authors:Xu, Xiaoyong (1); Gu, Jiayin (1); Meng, Runan (1); Li, Tian (1); Hu, Jingguo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Physics Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Hu, J.(jghu@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics

Abbreviated source title:Jisuan Wuli



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Computational, P.O.Box 8009, Beijing, 100088, China

Abstract:Cooling field dependence of exchange anisotropy was investigated in ferromagnetic(FM)/antiferromagnetic(AFM) bilayers with antiferromagnetic interface coupling. It shows that the exchange bias HE can change from negative to positive with increasing cooling field HCF and coercivity HC acquires a maximum near crossover of HE. Especially, effect of FM and AFM thickness on exchange anisotropy is discussed in detail. Both negative (or positive) HE and HC always decrease with increasing of FM thickness tFM, which shows good agreement with experimental observation. It demonstrates interfacial nature of the exchange anisotropy. However, AFM thickness tAFM dependence of exchange anisotropy is relatively complex. In the case of positive HE, with increasing of tAFM, HE increases and HC decreases. But, in the case of negative HE, HE decreases and HC increases with increasing tAFM.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Anisotropy

Controlled terms:Antiferromagnetic materials - Antiferromagnetism - Coercive force - Cooling

Uncontrolled terms:AFM - Antiferromagnetics - Bi-layer - Cooling fields - Exchange anisotropy - Exchange bias - Experimental observation - Interface couplings - Thickness dependence

Classification code:641.2 Heat Transfer - 701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 708.4 Magnetic Materials - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20114214432236

Title:A particle filter tracking algorithm based on multi-feature clustering

Authors:Bao, Jiatong (1); Guo, Yan (1); Tang, Hongru (2); Song, Aiguo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China; (2) School of Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China

Corresponding author:Song, A.(a.g.song@seu.edu.cn)

Source title:Jiqiren/Robot

Abbreviated source title:Jiqiren



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 90, Sanhao Jie, Shenyang, 110003, China

Abstract:A particle filter tracking algorithm based on multi-feature clustering is proposed. To address the issues such as the diversity of target features, the difference between methods of feature distribution description, and the arbitrariness of feature spatial structure, the multi-features representation of target model is unified into a clustering computing framework. The mean shift based feature space analysis approach is employed to adaptively calculate the clusters in any arbitrarily structured feature space. Based on the clusters, a target probability density estimation method, which is efficient and accurate, is proposed to represent the target model. The distance between the reference target and the candidate is calculated by the similarity measure of kernel density estimation, and is taken as important information for observation in particle filter system. To efficiently enhance the utilization rate of particles, an improved particle propagation model is presented. The object tracking experiments are performed on many real image sequences by using the LUV color features and the LBP (local binary pattern) texture features. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can obtain high tracking accuracy and strong robustness, meet real-time demand, and provide better tracking performance comparing with other typical algorithms.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Clustering algorithms

Controlled terms:Binary sequences - Estimation - Experiments - Nonlinear filtering - Probability density function - Target tracking

Uncontrolled terms:Clustering analysis - Color features - Computing frameworks - Feature distribution - Feature space - Feature space analysis - Kernel Density Estimation - Local binary patterns - Mean shift - Multi-feature clustering - Object Tracking - Particle filter - Particle propagation - Probability density estimation - Real image sequences - Reference target - Similarity measure - Spatial structure - Target feature - Target model - Texture features - Tracking accuracy - Tracking performance - Utilization rates

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 921 Mathematics - 901.3 Engineering Research - 731.1 Control Systems - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20113314232229

Title:The suppression of superconductivity by the localization of oxygen holes in the double-doped La1.85-1.5xSr0.15+1.5 xCu1-xMnxO4 system

Authors:Wang, Caixia (1); Huang, Qibing (1); Chen, Xiaobing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Physics Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Wang, C.(cxwang@issp.ac.cn)

Source title:Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

Abbreviated source title:Phys C Supercond Appl



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:A series of double-doped La1.85-1.5xSr 0.15+1.5xCu1-xMnxO 4 (0≤x≤0.2) samples were synthesized by the solid-state reaction method. The structural, transport and magnetic properties were studied. The superconductivity can even survive till Mn doping level to x = 0.15. It is noteworthy that the sample with x = 0.06 undergoes two superconducting transitions in the M-T curves. It is suggested that the Cu-O-Cu pdσ hybridization interaction is weakened by the superexchange interaction between the doped Mn ions and the O ions in the Cu-O-Cu paths neighboring Mn, which leads to the suppression of superconductivity. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Superconductivity

Controlled terms:Magnetic properties - Manganese

Uncontrolled terms:Double-doped - High-T - Mn ions - Mn-doping - Solid state reaction method - Superconducting transitions - Superexchange interaction - Transport and magnetic properties

Classification code:543.2 Manganese and Alloys - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20114214431587

Title:Numerical simulation and experiment on resistance loss of flap gate

Authors:Yang, Fan (1); Zhou, Jiren (1); Liu, Chao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.(liuchao@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China

Abstract:In order to investigate the resistance characteristics of flap gate, the experimental and numerical simulation studies of resistance loss of flap gate were performed. Outlet circulation of the pump has great influence on resistance loss of flap gate, so the resistance loss and the square value of flow do not show the proportional relationship. In the conditions of the same flow, efficiency decreased value of pump system was negative correlated with the open angle of flap gate. On the basis of numerical simulation, flow patterns of the outlet were analyzed with and without flap gate under designed operating condition. The resistance loss of flap gate was predicted. A good agreement was achieved between the predicted data and the experimental data under designed operating condition.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Computer simulation

Controlled terms:Experiments - Pumps

Uncontrolled terms:Experimental data - Flap gate - Flap gates - Numerical simulation studies - On-resistance - Operating condition - Pump system - Resistance characteristics - Resistance loss

Classification code:618.2 Pumps - 723.5 Computer Applications - 901.3 Engineering Research


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20114614514934

Title:Experiment research on inlet flow field for axial-flow pump at unsteady operating condition

Authors:Yang, Hua (1); Sun, Dandan (1); Tang, Fangping (1); Zhang, Xuefeng (2)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225009, China; (2) Administration Bureau of Hanzhuang Water Conservancy, Jining, Shandong 277600, China

Corresponding author:Yang, H.(yanghua@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Paiguan Jixie Xuebao.



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Department of Drainage and, 30 Mengxiyuan Lane, Zhenjiang, 212003, China

Abstract:The operating region of axial-flow pumps is greatly reduced due to the existence of unstable operating range at low flow-rate condition. The energy performance of an axial-flow pump was measured in detail, and head-flow curve with bi-saddle was obtained. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) technology was used to measure the two-dimensional flow fields at the inlet axial plane under the flow rate of 0.73Qd, 0.55Qd, 0.43Qd and 0.33Qd. The experiment results show that backflow exists at the impeller inlet close to the wall, and the backflow zone increases with the decreasing of flow rate. With the decreasing of the flow rate, the turbulence intensity obviously increases, the turbulence intensity of axial velocity is higher than one of radius velocity and the turbulence intensity near the case wall is much higher close to the hub. The flow at the inlet wall evolutes from axial direction to circumferential direction can be seen clearly by the silk lines. The experimental results indicate that the lower performance of axial flow pump at the low flow rate condition is due to the unstable flow at the inlet impeller. This provides a reference for further improvement of axial-flow pumps performance at low flow rate condition.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Inlet flow

Controlled terms:Experiments - Flow fields - Flow rate - Flow visualization - Impellers - Pumps - Turbulence - Velocimeters - Velocity measurement

Uncontrolled terms:Axial direction - Axial flow pump - Axial planes - Axial velocity - Backflow - Circumferential direction - Energy performance - Experiment research - Impeller inlets - Inlet walls - Low flow - Operating condition - Operating ranges - Operating regions - Particle image velocimetries - Particle image velocimetry measurements - Turbulence intensity - Two-dimensional flow - Unstable flows

Classification code:601.2 Machine Components - 618.2 Pumps - 631 Fluid Flow - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 901.3 Engineering Research - 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20114214431051

Title:Effects of main chemical compounds in Cooking Oil Fume Condensates (COFCs) on growth of Salvinia natans (L) All.: II. Hexadecane

Authors:Zhu, Shengnan (1); Wu, Yawen (1); Wen, Guangjun (1); Bai, Weirong (1); Hao, Zhongshi (1); Huai, Huyin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou-225009, China

Corresponding author:Huai, H.(hyhuai@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

Abbreviated source title:Nat. Environ. Pollut. Technol.



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Technoscience Publications, 2, Shila Apartment, Shila Nagar, Near T.V.Tower, Karad- 415110, Maharastra, India

Abstract:Hexadecane is one of the main chemical compounds in Cooking Oil Fume Condensates (COFCs), which has been proved to influence the vegetative growth of Salvinia natans (L.) All. significantly. Its effects on the growth of S. natans were studied by using static toxicity testing method in this paper. The results showed that relative growth rate (RGR), leaves, buds and stems of S. natans were inhibited significantly when exposed to higher concentrations. Hexadecane could accelerate the leaves of S. natans becoming yellow or decomposed. Biomass went down with the increase of hexadecane concentrations. The LC50 on day 4 and day 12 after treatment were 275 mg/L and 244 mg/L, respectively. Hexadecane had no effect on the pH value and conductivity of the cultivation medium. It can be concluded that hexadecane would significantly affect the vegetative growth of S. natans., and S. natans is sensitive to hexadecane that might be useful as an indicator of hexadecane pollution in freshwater.

Number of references:32

Main heading:Paraffins

Controlled terms:Air pollution - Chemical compounds - Chemicals - pH effects - Ventilation exhausts

Uncontrolled terms:After-treatment - COFCs - Cooking oil fume - Hexadecane - pH value - Relative growth rate - Salvinia natans - Toxicity testing - Vegetative growth

Classification code:451 Air Pollution - 451.1 Air Pollution Sources - 801.1 Chemistry, General - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 804 Chemical Products Generally


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20113314236973

Title:Hydrothermal decomposition of brominated epoxy resin in waste printed circuit boards

Authors:Yin, Jin (1); Li, Guangming (1); He, Wenzhi (1); Huang, Juwen (1); Xu, Min (3)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Si Ping Road 1239, Shanghai 200092, China; (2) College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China; (3) School of City Construction and Environmental Engineering, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China

Corresponding author:Li, G.(ligm@tongji.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

Abbreviated source title:J Anal Appl Pyrolysis



Issue date:September 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Brominated flame retardant (BFR), which containing in printed circuit boards (WPCBs), brings a series of environmental and health problems. Hydrothermal technology was applied to decompose brominated epoxy resin in WPCBs at subcritical or supercritical water conditions. The brominated epoxy resin was decomposed into oil and the environmental influence of BFR was eliminated. The experiment was carried out in a 5.7 ml tube reactor and heated by a salt-bath. The variation of degradation rate of brominated epoxy resin with reaction temperature, time and additives were studied. The compositions of liquid products were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). When reaction temperature exceeded 300 °C, retention time stayed over 30 min and alkaline additive existed, more than 80% brominated epoxy resin could be mainly decomposed into phenol, which can be used as chemical material. Two different hydrothermal decomposition pathways were discussed according to the characterization of products. The results indicated that brominated epoxy resin in WPCBs could be handled effectively by hydrothermal decomposition. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Printed circuit boards

Controlled terms:Additives - Alkalinity - Degradation - Epoxy resins - Flame retardants - Gas chromatography - Liquid chromatography - Mass spectrometry - Phenols - Synthetic resins

Uncontrolled terms:Alkaline additives - Brominated epoxy resins - Brominated flame retardants - Chemical materials - Degradation rate - Environmental influences - Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - Hydrothermal decomposition - Hydrothermal technology - Liquid products - Reaction temperature - Retention time - Supercritical water conditions - Tube reactors - Waste printed circuit board - Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs)

Classification code:804.1 Organic Compounds - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 815.1.1 Organic Polymers - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 801 Chemistry - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 801.1 Chemistry, General



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20113814336532

Title:Multi-spe of caffeine and catechin compounds from green tea by caffeine and (+) catechin MIPS

Authors:Jin, Yinzhe (1); Xuan, Yong-Hao (2); Jin, Ying-Shan (3); Row, Kyung Ho (4)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China; (2) Guangling College, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China; (3) College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China; (4) Department of Chemical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea, Republic of

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